What happens to you when you die?

What Happens To You After You Die?

  • Nothing (Buried/Cremated/Done)

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • You go to Heaven or Hell

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • You go to Heaven (there is no Hell)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reincarnation (as a Human)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Reincarnation (as any living thing)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • You go to Purgatory

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You become one with a universal life force

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters

Where does the soul of man go?
When we reach the end of the road
Will there be light or darkness and fright
Nobody really knows
I think humans are different from other primates in numerous objective ways. If someone wanna call that a soul I'm ok with it.

I've always thought one of the biggest differences between humans and every other animal is we can overcome our instincts with reason. Will use birds as the example: watching whatever the little greyish brown sorta birds here are when I feed them, they'll literally 'steal' food from another's mouth. They have no respect for 'this is my food, go get your own.' Humans steal to be sure, but we know it's wrong, make laws against it, and try not to do it. Afaik we're the only species on this planet that overcomes a basic survival imperative as with eating. Something's responsible for that. Maybe we do have a soul and it's what informs us as to right and wrong.

Doesn't mean the soul is as religion describes it though. But something definiately differentiates us from other animals including other primates.
All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine.
- Socrates

Encouraging :)
Do you believe souls exist in the natural world?

Not to be difficult, but how are defining 'soul?'
We? Dante does not define what a soul is. He makes no claim that souls exist. Dante is asking because YOU stated something about the existence of souls. You can use whatever definition you want

Do you believe souls as mentioned in religious texts exist in the natural world?
All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine.
- Socrates

Encouraging :)
Do you believe souls exist in the natural world?

Not to be difficult, but how are defining 'soul?'
We? Dante does not define what a soul is. He makes no claim that souls exist. Dante is asking because YOU stated something about the existence of souls. You can use whatever definition you want

Do you believe souls as mentioned in religious texts exist in the natural world?

Not familar with every religion ever, but ones I am, no.

I like the idea. Can't imagine anyone relishes the likelyhood that when they die that's it, end of experiences. But I'm convinced that's exactly what happens.
Random chaotic unpleasant things happen to us every day. People who shouldn't die, do. Things that shouldn't happen do too. It's our ego that enables us to think we're special and loved by a higher power. But the reality is we're on our own. If you don't look both ways before walking into the street, the oncoming bus isn't going to stop because you're a good religious person.
I think humans are different from other primates in numerous objective ways. If someone wanna call that a soul I'm ok with it.

I've always thought one of the biggest differences between humans and every other animal is we can overcome our instincts with reason. Will use birds as the example: watching whatever the little greyish brown sorta birds here are when I feed them, they'll literally 'steal' food from another's mouth. They have no respect for 'this is my food, go get your own.' Humans steal to be sure, but we know it's wrong, make laws against it, and try not to do it. Afaik we're the only species on this planet that overcomes a basic survival imperative as with eating. Something's responsible for that. Maybe we do have a soul and it's what informs us as to right and wrong.

Doesn't mean the soul is as religion describes it though. But something definiately differentiates us from other animals including other primates.
Instinct and Intuition: the distinctions

You believe humans instinctively that stealing is wrong? If so, Dante does too .. but I believe it is instinctive only in the way that it is passed down through genetic markers that respond well to societal pressures and molding. If stealing is wrong were an intuitive thing we would see evidence for this, and unfortunately we do not (as far as I know).

What differentiates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom is slowly being revealed in the latest brain science studies and more. And it is in the brain, not in the minds of the superstitious that we will find the true answers.
Dante said:
We? Dante does not define what a soul is. He makes no claim that souls exist. Dante is asking because YOU stated something about the existence of souls. You can use whatever definition you want

Do you believe souls as mentioned in religious texts exist in the natural world?

Not familar with every religion ever, but ones I am, no.

I like the idea. Can't imagine anyone relishes the likelyhood that when they die that's it, end of experiences. But I'm convinced that's exactly what happens.

I don't believe people relish the thought of their being more, so much as they fear there being nothing. The fear drives the hope. We all know for a fact that this life, the life we are now living ceases to exist when we stop breathing our last breaths here on Earth. Dante accepts that. It is almost beautiful in it's cruelty and simplicity. One thing it is, is awesome contemplate and ultimately to to behold.
I think humans are different from other primates in numerous objective ways. If someone wanna call that a soul I'm ok with it.

I've always thought one of the biggest differences between humans and every other animal is we can overcome our instincts with reason. Will use birds as the example: watching whatever the little greyish brown sorta birds here are when I feed them, they'll literally 'steal' food from another's mouth. They have no respect for 'this is my food, go get your own.' Humans steal to be sure, but we know it's wrong, make laws against it, and try not to do it. Afaik we're the only species on this planet that overcomes a basic survival imperative as with eating. Something's responsible for that. Maybe we do have a soul and it's what informs us as to right and wrong.

Doesn't mean the soul is as religion describes it though. But something definiately differentiates us from other animals including other primates.
Instinct and Intuition: the distinctions

You believe humans instinctively that stealing is wrong? If so, Dante does too .. but I believe it is instinctive only in the way that it is passed down through genetic markers that respond well to societal pressures and molding. If stealing is wrong were an intuitive thing we would see evidence for this, and unfortunately we do not (as far as I know).

What differentiates humans from the rest of the animal kingdom is slowly being revealed in the latest brain science studies and more. And it is in the brain, not in the minds of the superstitious that we will find the true answers.

Lot of recent neuroscientific discoveries are actually confirming what religions have been saying all along. To say nothing of we're the only animals who exhibit religious tendencies.

"A neuroscientist might say that lower neural networks process external and internal stimuli and modulate simple, instinctive behavior, while the higher ones, such as the frontal lobes, provide self-awareness and the great range of thought that separates man from other animals.
Plenty of scientific speculation argues that genetic information guiding religious behavior exists and that when these genes are expressed one tends to exhibit religious behaviors10. Some have even claimed the search for a “God gene” based on the apparent conservation of a parent’s religious commitments in his children. A child, for example, whose father serves as a pastor, will likely grow up in a religious setting. Now, this child may voluntarily, or perhaps involuntarily, share the same beliefs as his father, and the question of “nature versus nurture,” arises10."
The Neuroscience of Religion » The Nerve » Boston University

Worth mentioning many children of clergy parents went on to become pornstars. :)
Lot of recent neuroscientific discoveries are actually confirming what religions have been saying all along. To say nothing of we're the only animals who exhibit religious tendencies.

"A neuroscientist might say that lower neural networks process external and internal stimuli and modulate simple, instinctive behavior, while the higher ones, such as the frontal lobes, provide self-awareness and the great range of thought that separates man from other animals.
Plenty of scientific speculation argues that genetic information guiding religious behavior exists and that when these genes are expressed one tends to exhibit religious behaviors10. Some have even claimed the search for a “God gene” based on the apparent conservation of a parent’s religious commitments in his children. A child, for example, whose father serves as a pastor, will likely grow up in a religious setting. Now, this child may voluntarily, or perhaps involuntarily, share the same beliefs as his father, and the question of “nature versus nurture,” arises10."
The Neuroscience of Religion » The Nerve » Boston University

Worth mentioning many children of clergy parents went on to become pornstars. :)
You appear to have misunderstood. Dante mentioned genetic markers.

The latest science leads us to believing things we are taught over a few generations get into the genes. So being taught religion for so many millennium, it WAS no surprise to most people following that religion would show up.

Temporal lobe seizures and religious experiences. Do you know anything about it without looking it up? I'd bet not.
Lot of recent neuroscientific discoveries are actually confirming what religions have been saying all along. To say nothing of we're the only animals who exhibit religious tendencies.

"A neuroscientist might say that lower neural networks process external and internal stimuli and modulate simple, instinctive behavior, while the higher ones, such as the frontal lobes, provide self-awareness and the great range of thought that separates man from other animals.
Plenty of scientific speculation argues that genetic information guiding religious behavior exists and that when these genes are expressed one tends to exhibit religious behaviors10. Some have even claimed the search for a “God gene” based on the apparent conservation of a parent’s religious commitments in his children. A child, for example, whose father serves as a pastor, will likely grow up in a religious setting. Now, this child may voluntarily, or perhaps involuntarily, share the same beliefs as his father, and the question of “nature versus nurture,” arises10."
The Neuroscience of Religion » The Nerve » Boston University

Worth mentioning many children of clergy parents went on to become pornstars. :)
You appear to have misunderstood. Dante mentioned genetic markers.

The latest science leads us to believing things we are taught over a few generations get into the genes. So being taught religion for so many millennium, it WAS no surprise to most people following that religion would show up.

Temporal lobe seizures and religious experiences. Do you know anything about it without looking it up? I'd bet not.

Right, being a movie buff I never saw "Altered States" so of course have no earthly idea baout the link between religious experiences, schitzophrenia, and neurological pathology. And of course wasn't a psych major or anything.
"However, to prove that he did have an open mind, the magician made a pact with his friends that when he died, he would make contact, if at all possible, from the other side. He devised a secret code with his wife Bess so that only she could divine the legitimacy of the message.

Bess continued to hold séances to contact her husband, but the last official séance was held on October 31, 1936. This final séance was covered by radio and broadcast all over the world. The medium called out to Harry to make himself known. However, after over an hour, nothing had occurred and Mrs. Houdini decided to "turn out the light" on her attempts to contact Harry."
Harry Houdini - The Occult and Spirit Mediums
"However, to prove that he did have an open mind, the magician made a pact with his friends that when he died, he would make contact, if at all possible, from the other side. He devised a secret code with his wife Bess so that only she could divine the legitimacy of the message.

Bess continued to hold séances to contact her husband, but the last official séance was held on October 31, 1936. This final séance was covered by radio and broadcast all over the world. The medium called out to Harry to make himself known. However, after over an hour, nothing had occurred and Mrs. Houdini decided to "turn out the light" on her attempts to contact Harry."
Harry Houdini - The Occult and Spirit Mediums
Philip Larkin

This Be The Verse
They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 ESV / 180 helpful votes
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. ...

Daniel 12:2 ESV / 120 helpful votes
And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

2 Corinthians 5:10 ESV / 105 helpful votes
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.
I don't know, I've never died before. And neither has anyone else. If you die, you don't come back. People confuse medical death with things like vegetative states, comas, heart stops beating for some length of time, etc. But when you're well and truly dead your brain isn't doing anything any more. And no one's ever come back from that state.

"The term "brain dead" can be misleading, said Cynda Hylton Rushton, professor of clinical ethics at Johns Hopkins University, because it sounds like a person really isn't dead. If someone dies of a heart attack, doctors don't say they're "cardiovascular dead," for example.

Doctors should be more transparent about the finality of brain death, said Arthur Caplan, director of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU Langone Medical Center.

Terms such as "mechanical support" or "artificial machine support" should be used to refer to sustaining the functioning of a brain dead person, he said. "No one wants to take away 'life support.'"

"Dead is dead," agreed neurologist Dr. Richard Senelick in The Atlantic. "Brain death isn't a different type of death, and patients who meet the criteria of brain death are legally dead."

The American Academy of Neurology updated its brain death guidelines for adults in 2010, asking doctors to follow a step-by-step checklist of some 25 tests.

All criteria in the guidelines must be met before a person can be considered brain dead; however, the legal definition of brain death can vary from state to state.

The American Academy of Pediatrics added to those guidelines for children. These childrens' guidelines advise there should be two attending physicians involved in the care of the child, and they should make separate examinations separated by an observation period.

Both must determine the child is brain dead. In making that ruling, the doctors use the currently established criteria; there must not be a conflict of interest.

"No one who has met the criteria for brain death has ever survived," Senelick said. "No one.""
Why brain dead is really dead - CNN.com

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