What happens to you when you die?

What Happens To You After You Die?

  • Nothing (Buried/Cremated/Done)

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • You go to Heaven or Hell

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • You go to Heaven (there is no Hell)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reincarnation (as a Human)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Reincarnation (as any living thing)

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • You go to Purgatory

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • You become one with a universal life force

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 28.6%

  • Total voters
I think death is akin to the billions of years that came and went prior to our being alive. No sensation of time's passage, it's instantaneous. Thus when we die, the time between that event and the end of the universe will 'seem' instantaneous to us. Sorta comforting. :)
You simply cease to be. Your conscious state dissolves and your self awareness ends.

To you find that to be reassuring, scary or does it not matter much to you?
It is quite disturbing to think about your self dissolving in a moment. However, I see no other option. I see no evidence of supernatural intervention I any other aspect of human existence. Thus, why should death be any different? We are spawned out of nothingness and we shall return to the same.

It is what it is. I have made peace with it and try to enjoy my time in life.
I think death is akin to the billions of years that came and went prior to our being alive. No sensation of time's passage, it's instantaneous. Thus when we die, the time between that event and the end of the universe will 'seem' instantaneous to us. Sorta comforting. :)
Jesus fucking Christ, Delta. It today one of you "baking" days?!? You sound higher than fuck!
You simply cease to be. Your conscious state dissolves and your self awareness ends.

To you find that to be reassuring, scary or does it not matter much to you?
It is quite disturbing to think about your self dissolving in a moment. However, I see no other option. I see no evidence of supernatural intervention I any other aspect of human existence. Thus, why should death be any different? We are spawned out of nothingness and we shall return to the same.

It is what it is. I have made peace with it and try to enjoy my time in life.

When I was an atheist, during the day, I was ok with it... but if I got tired at night and thought about my ceasing to exist, it would scare me a bit. I would think that just ceasing to exist would be a better thought than burning in hell for eternity, however.
I'm pretty sure the afterlife has analog communication technology. That's why they have stopped talking to us.

They used to talk to us all the time, but now our digital gear is incompatible.

They need an upgrade.

And now, for your Friday amusement, ectoplasm from the ear:

You simply cease to be. Your conscious state dissolves and your self awareness ends.

To you find that to be reassuring, scary or does it not matter much to you?
It is quite disturbing to think about your self dissolving in a moment. However, I see no other option. I see no evidence of supernatural intervention I any other aspect of human existence. Thus, why should death be any different? We are spawned out of nothingness and we shall return to the same.

It is what it is. I have made peace with it and try to enjoy my time in life.
Then be nice once in awhile.
... or after you die?

What do you think or believe will if you don't know for sure?

Depends on your faith.

Believers in Christ and those who have been saved go to heaven.

Non believers of the bible and Christ - those who have not been saved ; go to hell.

I was baptized about the year 1979 or 1980. I still have the bible that was given to me by my preacher ; when I graduated from High School.

Weeks before I reported to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. Which seems like only weeks ago :)

Shadow 355
... or after you die?

What do you think or believe will if you don't know for sure?

Depends on your faith.

Believers in Christ and those who have been saved go to heaven.

Non believers of the bible and Christ - those who have not been saved ; go to hell.

I was baptized about the year 1979 or 1980. I still have the bible that was given to me by my preacher ; when I graduated from High School.

Weeks before I reported to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. Which seems like only weeks ago :)

Shadow 355
You think God will send me to the same Hell as he sent Ghandi and Hitler simply because I didn't believe in a book of fairytales? That would be an unjust God.
... or after you die?

What do you think or believe will if you don't know for sure?

Depends on your faith.

Believers in Christ and those who have been saved go to heaven.

Non believers of the bible and Christ - those who have not been saved ; go to hell.

I was baptized about the year 1979 or 1980. I still have the bible that was given to me by my preacher ; when I graduated from High School.

Weeks before I reported to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. Which seems like only weeks ago :)

Shadow 355
You think God will send me to the same Hell as he sent Ghandi and Hitler simply because I didn't believe in a book of fairytales? That would be an unjust God.

Because you don't understand. You don't earn your way to heaven by good works.
You go to heaven because you acknowledge Jesus died for your sins and acknowledge him as Lord.
... or after you die?

What do you think or believe will if you don't know for sure?

Depends on your faith.

Believers in Christ and those who have been saved go to heaven.

Non believers of the bible and Christ - those who have not been saved ; go to hell.

I was baptized about the year 1979 or 1980. I still have the bible that was given to me by my preacher ; when I graduated from High School.

Weeks before I reported to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. Which seems like only weeks ago :)

Shadow 355
You think God will send me to the same Hell as he sent Ghandi and Hitler simply because I didn't believe in a book of fairytales? That would be an unjust God.

Because you don't understand. You don't earn your way to heaven by good works.
You go to heaven because you acknowledge Jesus died for your sins and acknowledge him as Lord.
How do you know that to be true. Because a book told you so? A book.
... or after you die?

What do you think or believe will if you don't know for sure?

Depends on your faith.

Believers in Christ and those who have been saved go to heaven.

Non believers of the bible and Christ - those who have not been saved ; go to hell.

I was baptized about the year 1979 or 1980. I still have the bible that was given to me by my preacher ; when I graduated from High School.

Weeks before I reported to Ft. Leonard Wood Missouri. Which seems like only weeks ago :)

Shadow 355
You think God will send me to the same Hell as he sent Ghandi and Hitler simply because I didn't believe in a book of fairytales? That would be an unjust God.
It's not a book of fairy tales. It is the word of God. You reject it through ignorance, or the simple fact that your pride will not allow you to admit that there is a God, because that means you are not in control of your own life. In other words, you want to be your own god. Let me know how that works out for you.

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