What happens when belief in CRT infiltrates “real life”

Even when Trump's budget requests more money? Or when Trump wants Congress to raise the debt ceiling? Why are you changing the subject to embassies and immigration policies? You said your political ideology revolves around small government and you just so happened are enamored by a guy who had absolutely no interest in it.
Yep, still Congress. You should read about the legiislative body of government in the US
It does but sometimes you have to change lanes and the above were important to
Me in 2016. I am allowed to change lanes. Neither candidate was a small govt candidate.

More important than small government? Hmm, then why bring it up?

Anyway, tough guy I've got to go drive up into the mountains and do some living so you have fun.
Let’s go Brandon
Why would I be the one to google it? IF you can't figure it out, ask someone sitting next to you waiting for your plane. Maybe they know.

It is sad when people throw words around and they have NO IDEA what they mean. Might as well have the Far Right have their next outrage over "XIMAQ".
The use of centralized planning in an attempt to manage social change and regulate the future development and behavior of a society.
So you too have no idea what is in CRT. Color me surprised.
I no the acronym, I don’t need anything more, again, either you believe it or not! It seems to be you who is in a thread you shouldn’t be in if you have no desire to speak into the topic. That’s trolling
I no the acronym, I don’t need anything more, again, either you believe it or not! It seems to be you who is in a thread you shouldn’t be in if you have no desire to speak into the topic. That’s trolling
"no desire to speak "into"???? the topic" The topic is CRT....tell us how we talk about a topic you apparently don't even know what it is?
"no desire to speak "into"???? the topic" The topic is CRT....tell us how we talk about a topic you apparently don't even know what it is?
No I don’t any desire, it’s bullshit! You can just say you agree with the subject or not. I now see you can’t cause it exposes you and proves me right! Hahaha

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