What happens when you make people work for food stamps!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
I've been working with a lot of those people who lost benefits here in Maine. Quite a few were self-employed seasonal workers who do VERY well for part of the year and managed to collect food stamps in the off season by cleverly reporting their income. Not anymore, and that's good. They can save and budget like everyone else. The biggest obstacle where I live is (1) lack of agencies 'approved' for volunteering and (2) the fact that many, many poor people don't have a car. There is no public transportation here in our county which is twice the size of Rhode Island, not even a taxi. So what's happened is that our food banks are overwhelmed and our local schools ran lunch programs over the summer so kids would have at least one meal a day.
The governor's changes sounded good; the thing that should have happened along with those changes is to address the obstacles keeping people from working in the first place. If other states want to try it, they should give some thought to what happens in more rural areas (if their state has large rural areas).
"Work requirements" are a disastrous policy. First of all, the "programs" meant to help people get jobs who aren't currently employed aren't doing well, at all. In fact, it's absolutely horrific the state these are in right now. You want to force people to get jobs? Great, support state run employment programs, but telling people they have to seek out private employment which may or may not be available or they lose their food stamps.. that's just cruel.

And making me go out to work everyday to help pay for these people to eat isn't cruel?

If you think work requirements are disastrous, then Google Welfare Reform by Newt Gingrich and see what the results were back then. It was very successful.
You pay a tiny percent of your taxes to the food stamps program, and every program has abuse, but we don't need to punish everybody else for it.
I know all about the welfare reform, you want to know what that really did?
Will Hillary Clinton admit that welfare reform was a failure?
The new policy had a number of enormous problems. First, TANF was not indexed to inflation, so its size is nibbled away every year. Second, TANF block-granted money to the states. This was supposedly to allow for lots of experimentation so that best practices could flourish, but as was obvious at the time, conservative states would "experiment" by cannibalizing the program. Third, it has no anti-cyclical mechanism — meaning it does not compensate for economic downturns, when there are more people out of work and needing help.

The problems were masked for awhile during the red-hot economy of the mid to late 1990s, but after that, welfare reform failed utterly. Even after the worst economic crisis in 80 years, TANF has basically ceased to exist in much of the country. Eligibility requirements have gotten so onerous, and benefit levels so miserly, that many poor people haven't even heard of the program, or think it was abolished.

AFDC did have some flaws, no doubt. But it was a modest program that put money into the hands of people who needed it: the very poor, most of them children. In the 15 years after TANF passed, the fraction of Americans living in extreme poverty increased 150 percent. (We should also note that it was argued for on explicitly racist grounds.)

Welfare reform is not just something for browbeating Hillary Clinton. It's a directly relevant issue for millions of the most hard-up Americans. Furthermore, the political context Clinton will face if she is elected president is likely to be almost identical to that of her husband in 1996: a Republican Congress, eager to slash government spending to make budget headroom for tax cuts for the rich. Only this one will be far more conservative than 20 years ago.

And as David Brooks writes, GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio wants to block-grant basically the entire welfare state. The grotesque failure of TANF might as well be proof of concept for the right — kicking the very poor is basically what they got in the game for.

The point remains that 9000 former gov't teat suckers chose to give up their "free" food rather than do 6 hours a week of volunteer community service

The lesson is clear to all but hardcore loony leftists.
Irrelevant. The mortgage deduction is a handout. Your ability to go into debt does not deserve a handout from the government.

It encourages personal financial growth, you know improving your life, by yourself?

Homeownership is essential to our success...

Wrong. It is nothing more than a handout because home owners and future homeowners are a powerful lobby.

It rewards indebtedness as opposed to savings and paying as you go.
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?
They can't find a charity where they can help 24 hours IN A MONTH? Pay for your own damn food or go hungry!
Local food pantry will work. And every city has one.

Why don't food pantries make people work for the food?
I agree they're not qualified, after all, they probably can't/couldn't afford higher education..

They are perfectly qualified for all those shovel ready jobs Barry promised.
Since those appear to be a no show,picking up trash is a perfect fit for these mental midgets.
When did our President ever promise shovel ready jobs?

Shovel ready was a condition for a proposed project to receive stimulus funding

Liar. That's not what Hussein said:

YouTube is funny how it can take things out of context isn't it?

Our President provided stimulus money for those projects that were ready to start immediately ......known as shovel ready
Those projects were proposed by the states. Our president was commenting on projects that met the criteria of.....shovel ready

Which were ALL of the construction jobs he sited in the Pork Bill.

Never existed. And that is from a statement from Mr Stimulus Himself
Unfortunately, too many Americans these days have a 'Taker' mentality. They don't wanna give anything back. They only wanna take. I think Maine's being perfectly reasonable.
What happens when you make people work for food stamps!

You have a lot of hungry Republicans scrambling to find something to do. Since they aren't educated and are armed and that doesn't work, I guess we'll find out plan "B".

They hunt retard.
LOL Poachers
Yeah, cause hunting is only permitted a few months out of the year...
A lot use bow and arrow, because it's silent.
Irrelevant. The mortgage deduction is a handout. Your ability to go into debt does not deserve a handout from the government.

It encourages personal financial growth, you know improving your life, by yourself?

Homeownership is essential to our success...

Wrong. It is nothing more than a handout because home owners and future homeowners are a powerful lobby.

It rewards indebtedness as opposed to savings and paying as you go.

It's right and if you're too stupid to understand it, no surprise...

So let's assume you have or had a mortgage, are you telling me you didn't deduct the interest? Did you deduct your property taxes?
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?

And how many times do I have to post the FactCheck link showing you that Republicans did not give tax breaks to anybody moving jobs overseas? I know how liberals love to lie, but repeating the same lie over and over again won't make it truth.

That's besides the fact you didn't address the topic. People would rather give up their food stamps than actually have to work for them.
Once the narrative is established, the facts no longer matter.
The MSM, on board with the Regime, willingly and lovingly regurgitates the WH stance on jobs and the economy..
The narrative is "Obama has created 12 million new jobs"....The fallback narrative is, "wages are stagnant".."the income/wealth gap is growing"....
"tax breaks for the wealthy have suppressed wages"...."low income workers cannot support their families"..
So what we see is the Regime covering its ass with both hands.
They reserve the right to say they have created millions of jobs. They also reserve the right to say wages are held down and then quickly blame, the GOP and of course the "past administration".....
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?
They can't find a charity where they can help 24 hours IN A MONTH? Pay for your own damn food or go hungry!
Local food pantry will work. And every city has one.

Why don't food pantries make people work for the food?

Because food pantries are charity--your government is not. Liberals need to learn the difference.
Funny how conservatives pretend to adore the idea of private charity, especially religious charities...

...but how many churches make you work for a box of food or a meal at a soup kitchen?

are you the keeper of disconnected thoughts

And the Rust Belt started under LBJ and Carter owns Stagflation. Neither party is blameless in jobs being lost.

LBJ intentionally destroyed our work force like the GOP did?

that's news.
Yeah...He created the "war on poverty" and in turn enacted the largest package of social benefits that dwarfed Roosevelt's New Deal"...
Except where as FDR's program actually put people to work on so called 'make work' projects, Johnson's program required nothing in return from the recipients which created not only a drain on the economy, but a gigantic sector of the population that became the new "entitlement class".
So, as people found it easier to sit on their asses and collect, factories that depended upon workers right out of high school, struggled to hire.
Irrelevant. The mortgage deduction is a handout. Your ability to go into debt does not deserve a handout from the government.

It encourages personal financial growth, you know improving your life, by yourself?

Homeownership is essential to our success...

Wrong. It is nothing more than a handout because home owners and future homeowners are a powerful lobby.

It rewards indebtedness as opposed to savings and paying as you go.
Yer full of shit.....Not only is a home the largest purchase a person will make over the course of their lives, it also one of the few purchases that is also an appreciating asset.
The mortgage interest deduction was enacted as an incentive for people to buy homes using banks as lenders. The more money banks lend, the more the economy grows.
Its ECO 101......
Handout?.....Shut the fuck up
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?

And how many times do I have to post the FactCheck link showing you that Republicans did not give tax breaks to anybody moving jobs overseas? I know how liberals love to lie, but repeating the same lie over and over again won't make it truth.

That's besides the fact you didn't address the topic. People would rather give up their food stamps than actually have to work for them.
Once the narrative is established, the facts no longer matter.
The MSM, on board with the Regime, willingly and lovingly regurgitates the WH stance on jobs and the economy..
The narrative is "Obama has created 12 million new jobs"....The fallback narrative is, "wages are stagnant".."the income/wealth gap is growing"....
"tax breaks for the wealthy have suppressed wages"...."low income workers cannot support their families"..
So what we see is the Regime covering its ass with both hands.
They reserve the right to say they have created millions of jobs. They also reserve the right to say wages are held down and then quickly blame, the GOP and of course the "past administration".....

Obama will go down as the "Stagnant POTUS" his regime failed the middle class miserably, failed to recover economic growth and only succeeded in promoting racism. The "Wealth Gap" growth is owned by him and no one else. He has supplanted Carter as the least effective POTUS of my lifetime. Obama Care is a disaster that needs a quick and permanent death before no one can afford quality private healthcare. Single payer is not the answer for a successful America.
It would be so much easier to recruit truck drivers if Obama's DOT would just drop those silly drug testing rules. Does He not owe that to his adherents?

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