What happens when you make people work for food stamps!


Shouldn't the working poor be made to work extra hours too?
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -

I think it's fair to require some sort of community service. I think it's a good thing.

Why not community service for the mortgage interest deduction? That's a pure handout that no one works for.

When government takes less from you, that's not a handout. Only lying liberals would have you believe that. It's your money, not the governments. That's much different than government giving you something you never had.

Yes it is. When the government reduces your tax bill, someone else has to pay the difference. The mortgage deduction is a handout.

Your tax bill is not your money. It's the government's money. If you don't believe me,

don't pay it and see what happens.

Sadly, you'll never get the concept. You truly believe others are entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. You're also one of those confused 'You didn't build that' Obamabots.

These requirements are not unreasonable. Entitlement recipients should actually be proud to give back to their communities. Those who aren't, are probably lazy moochers. But there is a solution to your problem. Simply refuse the Taxpayer help. Period, end of story.
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -

I think it's fair to require some sort of community service. I think it's a good thing.

Why not community service for the mortgage interest deduction? That's a pure handout that no one works for.

When government takes less from you, that's not a handout. Only lying liberals would have you believe that. It's your money, not the governments. That's much different than government giving you something you never had.

Yes it is. When the government reduces your tax bill, someone else has to pay the difference. The mortgage deduction is a handout.

Your tax bill is not your money. It's the government's money. If you don't believe me,

don't pay it and see what happens.

Sadly, you'll never get the concept. You truly believe others are entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. You're also one of those confused 'You didn't build that' Obamabots.

These requirements are not unreasonable. Entitlement recipients should actually be proud to give back to their communities. Those who aren't, are probably lazy moochers. But there is a solution to your problem. Simply refuse the Taxpayer help. Period, end of story.

If you reject democratic government as stealing,

what's your alternative form of government?
they are in front of their big screen with cable or satellite services petting one of their three large dogs and are 50 pounds or more overweight

it hard to give it a rating when you mix in such good humor amongst the rest of your post. Big Dogs LoL! gotta love that on food stamps.
It's more proper to use the colloquial of dog, which is dawg...
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?

And how many times do I have to post the FactCheck link showing you that Republicans did not give tax breaks to anybody moving jobs overseas? I know how liberals love to lie, but repeating the same lie over and over again won't make it truth.

That's besides the fact you didn't address the topic. People would rather give up their food stamps than actually have to work for them.

what factcheck link are you referring to?

i think you're probably not on the same page vis a vis the term "tax breaks". the reality is that corporatists have set out to destroy union labor and collective bargaining. they've moved jobs overseas because they can pay a pittance. then they're allowed to move their assets and income to places like the cayman islands where they can evade taxes

i pay taxes. i'll assume you pay taxes. don't you think that exxon/mobil should pay taxes?

and if a corporation, any corporation, doesn't use american labor, shouldn't there be a penalty for that?

What libs don't seem to get is that the consumer pays those taxes! When you buy gas at Exxon/Mobil you pay their taxes!

In general Admiral........I have nothing to add. Just like to post "in general Admiral" no pun.....
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -

I think it's fair to require some sort of community service. I think it's a good thing.

Why not community service for the mortgage interest deduction? That's a pure handout that no one works for.

When government takes less from you, that's not a handout. Only lying liberals would have you believe that. It's your money, not the governments. That's much different than government giving you something you never had.

Yes it is. When the government reduces your tax bill, someone else has to pay the difference. The mortgage deduction is a handout.

Your tax bill is not your money. It's the government's money. If you don't believe me,

don't pay it and see what happens.

Sadly, you'll never get the concept. You truly believe others are entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. You're also one of those confused 'You didn't build that' Obamabots.

These requirements are not unreasonable. Entitlement recipients should actually be proud to give back to their communities. Those who aren't, are probably lazy moochers. But there is a solution to your problem. Simply refuse the Taxpayer help. Period, end of story.
You don't have a problem with rich/wealthy corporations stealing your money either, Why?
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?
I thought Obama created record numbers of jobs this past year?
And those people don't need food stamps do they?

How many unfilled jobs are there in Maine?

maine jobs - craigslist

Sometimes it hard to get from ghetto to any job. If no car, no insurance.....hard to get up at 430A in 40below and walk twelve miles to the bus stop leaving 6 kids at home to fight over Rice Krisipies.
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?
I thought Obama created record numbers of jobs this past year?
And those people don't need food stamps do they?

How many unfilled jobs are there in Maine?

maine jobs - craigslist

Sometimes it hard to get from ghetto to any job. If no car, no insurance.....hard to get up at 430A in 40below and walk twelve miles to the bus stop leaving 6 kids at home to fight over Rice Krisipies.
There are ghettos in Maine?
And you assume that jobs are infinite/these "work requirements" actually do something useful.

Well let me tell you, I'm a truck driver and this year alone, we need over 60,000 new drivers that industry can't find. When I go to industrial areas, I see countless sign after sign on companies that are looking for help. Go back three weeks later, the signs are still posted.

So the question is are these programs there for the truly indigent, or are people using them as an option to working?
Problem is also these people aren't qualified to do anything.

NM has jobs fairs year round for doctors, nurses, technicians, A/P,A/R,auditors,analysts,welders etc...

Yet... can't find qualified applicants with required training or work experience.
I agree they're not qualified, after all, they probably can't/couldn't afford higher education..

They are perfectly qualified for all those shovel ready jobs Barry promised.
Since those appear to be a no show,picking up trash is a perfect fit for these mental midgets.
When did our President ever promise shovel ready jobs?

Shovel ready was a condition for a proposed project to receive stimulus funding

God liberals lie a lot....
I think it's fair to require some sort of community service. I think it's a good thing.

Why not community service for the mortgage interest deduction? That's a pure handout that no one works for.

When government takes less from you, that's not a handout. Only lying liberals would have you believe that. It's your money, not the governments. That's much different than government giving you something you never had.

Yes it is. When the government reduces your tax bill, someone else has to pay the difference. The mortgage deduction is a handout.

Your tax bill is not your money. It's the government's money. If you don't believe me,

don't pay it and see what happens.

Sadly, you'll never get the concept. You truly believe others are entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. You're also one of those confused 'You didn't build that' Obamabots.

These requirements are not unreasonable. Entitlement recipients should actually be proud to give back to their communities. Those who aren't, are probably lazy moochers. But there is a solution to your problem. Simply refuse the Taxpayer help. Period, end of story.
You don't have a problem with rich/wealthy corporations stealing your money either, Why?

Spin it any way you like, but these requirements are not unreasonable. These folks should be proud to give something back to their communities. They should embrace it enthusiastically. Those who don't, are likely just run-of-the-mill lazy moochers. But like i said, there is a solution to their problem.
Why not community service for the mortgage interest deduction? That's a pure handout that no one works for.

If you got a mortgage you already "worked" for down payment and first few years of doing without to "get in". You most likely to continue to work to pay BOA $2500/mo + $7Ktax/year. Of course you work for any tax benefit. sheez.....unless you got Fanny/Freddie Freebie and ran out in 09? no down?
Why not community service for the mortgage interest deduction? That's a pure handout that no one works for.

When government takes less from you, that's not a handout. Only lying liberals would have you believe that. It's your money, not the governments. That's much different than government giving you something you never had.

Yes it is. When the government reduces your tax bill, someone else has to pay the difference. The mortgage deduction is a handout.

Your tax bill is not your money. It's the government's money. If you don't believe me,

don't pay it and see what happens.

Sadly, you'll never get the concept. You truly believe others are entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. You're also one of those confused 'You didn't build that' Obamabots.

These requirements are not unreasonable. Entitlement recipients should actually be proud to give back to their communities. Those who aren't, are probably lazy moochers. But there is a solution to your problem. Simply refuse the Taxpayer help. Period, end of story.
You don't have a problem with rich/wealthy corporations stealing your money either, Why?

Spin it any way you like, but these requirements are not unreasonable. These folks should be proud to give something back to their communities. They should embrace it enthusiastically. Those who don't, are likely just run-of-the-mill lazy moochers. But like i said, there is a solution to their problem.
The reason why Maine could pass this law on welfare, is because Oblama gave them back that ability after the recession ended..........Since the feds give the largest portion of the money for the program, they get to make the rules..
There should be no option for able body people to work, even if the work is govt. related..But then you run into complications with private company bid competition violations..
Why not community service for the mortgage interest deduction? That's a pure handout that no one works for.

If you got a mortgage you already "worked" for down payment and first few years of doing without to "get in". You most likely to continue to work to pay BOA $2500/mo + $7Ktax/year. Of course you work for any tax benefit. sheez.....unless you got Fanny/Freddie Freebie and ran out in 09? no down?
You left out VA loans..
When government takes less from you, that's not a handout. Only lying liberals would have you believe that. It's your money, not the governments. That's much different than government giving you something you never had.

Yes it is. When the government reduces your tax bill, someone else has to pay the difference. The mortgage deduction is a handout.

Your tax bill is not your money. It's the government's money. If you don't believe me,

don't pay it and see what happens.

Sadly, you'll never get the concept. You truly believe others are entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. You're also one of those confused 'You didn't build that' Obamabots.

These requirements are not unreasonable. Entitlement recipients should actually be proud to give back to their communities. Those who aren't, are probably lazy moochers. But there is a solution to your problem. Simply refuse the Taxpayer help. Period, end of story.
You don't have a problem with rich/wealthy corporations stealing your money either, Why?

Spin it any way you like, but these requirements are not unreasonable. These folks should be proud to give something back to their communities. They should embrace it enthusiastically. Those who don't, are likely just run-of-the-mill lazy moochers. But like i said, there is a solution to their problem.
The reason why Maine could pass this law on welfare, is because Oblama gave them back that ability after the recession ended..........Since the feds give the largest portion of the money for the program, they get to make the rules..

Ah, you're just desperately spinning. You sound like a run-of-the-mill lazy moocher. You don't wanna give back. You only wanna take.
Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement

Republican Gov. Paul LePage recently began enforcing Maine’s volunteer and work requirements for food stamp SNAP recipients to keep their benefits. The end result was more than 9,000 non-disabled adults getting dropped from the program.

The rules prevent adults who are not disabled and do not have dependents from receiving food stamps for more than three months, unless they work at least 20 hours a week, participate in a work-training program, or meet volunteer guidelines for 24 hours out of the month. Any one of those three getting met will not result in the loss of their SNAP food benefits.

Liberals have sold government dependence so deliberately well, that even doing 24 hours of approved volunteer work a month for a capable adult became too much for more than 9,000 people. If it seems like I’m parroting these numbers again and again, you must realize the implications are staggering. Who in their right mind would turn down such a deal? Actually wanting a member of society to be productive in some reasonable way shouldn’t be too hard to meet!

Maine Drops 9000 From Food Stamps After They Refuse To Comply With Work Requirement -
Work doing what?
Republicans helped move millions of jobs to China and close over 40,000 factories under Bush. And Maine is 95% white so you can't blame it on blacks. Republicans gave tax breaks to companies moving to China. How many times have we posted the links.

So what jobs are they supposed to do after Republicans wrecked their jobs?
Doing what?>>What anyone else is expected to do.Earn their own way.....
I know, difficult concept for you libs to grasp....
Working to sustain one's self.....Jesus Christ...Imagine that....Someone being asked to go out and find a job so they can live and become a productive member of society.
Hey genius, here's an idea. How about you extend an invitation for one of these welfare leeches to come live with you. YOU take care fo their wants and needs.
Its only fitting.
Look sunshine, if you are willing to readily spend other people's money, then you'd better be willing to spend yours FIRST
Let's be real, if you don't wanna meet these few basic community service requirements, you are likely a lazyass moocher. But here's the deal... You want the freebies, meet the few basic requirements. Period, end of story.
Yes it is. When the government reduces your tax bill, someone else has to pay the difference. The mortgage deduction is a handout.

Your tax bill is not your money. It's the government's money. If you don't believe me,

don't pay it and see what happens.

Sadly, you'll never get the concept. You truly believe others are entitled to steal from fellow Citizens. You're also one of those confused 'You didn't build that' Obamabots.

These requirements are not unreasonable. Entitlement recipients should actually be proud to give back to their communities. Those who aren't, are probably lazy moochers. But there is a solution to your problem. Simply refuse the Taxpayer help. Period, end of story.
You don't have a problem with rich/wealthy corporations stealing your money either, Why?

Spin it any way you like, but these requirements are not unreasonable. These folks should be proud to give something back to their communities. They should embrace it enthusiastically. Those who don't, are likely just run-of-the-mill lazy moochers. But like i said, there is a solution to their problem.
The reason why Maine could pass this law on welfare, is because Oblama gave them back that ability after the recession ended..........Since the feds give the largest portion of the money for the program, they get to make the rules..

Ah, you're just desperately spinning. You sound like a run-of-the-mill lazy moocher. You don't wanna give back. You only wanna take.
I've been working since 14 to help support the family, and I still work...Sorry to burst your bubble...

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