What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%

And does the OP realize the liquidity issue it would create for many of these people?
Certainly not. The OP realizes...very little.
The problem is that the money geared for roads does not go there. So many port authorities and road authorities and authorities all over the place. Getting their cut. Toll roads looking like shit even if they are collecting fees. Many of them supposedly to stop tolls after their paid off. Crossing bridges are expensive due to the corruption of these authorities. Especially when they get into the urban renewal game that does nothing. This is one reason we get a small percentage of real infrastructure done compared to other parts of the world today.
PA raised their gas tax a lot-I think it doubled-to "repair infrastructure."

The money went to bike trails that nobody uses.
medicare has lower overhead than private insurance, just as an example off the top of my head.

Medicare also pays peanuts, to the point that many doctors either don't take it or limit it greatly, because they LOSE money.
Certainly not. The OP realizes...very little.

PA raised their gas tax a lot-I think it doubled-to "repair infrastructure."

The money went to bike trails that nobody uses.

Medicare also pays peanuts, to the point that many doctors either don't take it or limit it greatly, because they LOSE money.

When I was admitted to the hospital, they charged my private insurance $28,000 daily. So perhaps our medical system is way too expensive. Medical outcomes aren't better than in other countries where healthcare is much less.
What is Proportional Representation? Sounds interesting.

Everyone votes. In the whole country. They count up the votes, then they dish out the seats.
The best example is Germany. They vote PR and FPTP (US system) on the same day.

So, with FPTP...

The CDU/CSU (Merkel's party, equivalent of the Republicans) gained about 37% of the vote
The SPD (left wing, equivalent of the Democrats) gained about 24% of the vote

The CDU/CSU gained about 77% of the seats.
The SPD gained about 22.9% of the seats.

As you can see, there's a HUGE discrepancy between what the people wanted, and what would have happened with just FPTP.

The FDP gained 7% of the vote and no seats. For example.

With PR the CDU/CSU gained about 33% of the vote, losing 4% of the vote (on the same day by the same people). They gained 34.7% of the seats. (this is because there's a 5% cut off, any party with less than 5% doesn't get any seats with PR in Germany, in Denmark it's 2% which I think is better)
The SPD gained 20.51% losing about 1.4% of the vote.

FPTP will always benefit the largest two parties (in the US this is blatantly obvious) because of negative voting (ie, voting against one of the main two parties).

The FDP gained 10.75% of the vote, gaining 3.75% and getting 80 seats instead of zero under FPTP.

Again, it's clear it's a better system. 10.75% of the people wanted the FDP. Even knowing that the PR vote will decide the outcome of the Bundestag, 3.75% of people felt they had to vote for a larger party (probably the CDU/CSU) with FPTP but felt able to vote for them with PR. It also meant that 10.75% of the people got 11.28% of the seats. Which is much fairer than them getting 0% of the seats because the FPTP system said so.
Look, Daniel Liberto is not a lefty journalist. And the facts he stated are precisely that, facts.

Tax Cuts Don’t Create More Jobs​

Supply-Side Policies Weakened Investment​

Supply-Side Economics Is Not Synonymous With Productivity Growth​

Tax Cuts Don’t Spur Stronger Economic Growth​

Tax Cuts Don’t Pay for Themselves​

You can complain about the sources if you like. The Stern School of Business is a top five in the country school for the study of finance. Actually, ranked number 3. But until you counter the hard data each of those articles analyze, you got nothing.
Had to stop with the “americanprogress” link. :laughing0301: :itsok:
Of course the Hiltons created thousands of jobs. The people that work at the hotels owe their jobs to Hilton. Paris Hilton's dad still works.

The one divisive identifier between the very rich and the poor is that the rich never stop working. They take few days off. The poor look forward to off time and retirement. The wealthy never retire.
Utter horseshit...

If you enjoy your work you will work longer at it... I know guys who work behind a bar and love it and I also know guys who work stock market analysis retired early...

Also look at the hours and conditions some of the wealthy work in comparison to the poor...

The people you described are also the top of the company, they aren't answering to anyone and everyone answering to them.
You want it to be that way, but the reality is that the US federal government doesn't fund itself from taxes, only local and state governments do, along with receiving funds from the federal government. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the federal government is the exclusive issuer of the currency hence it doesn't need anyone to supply it with dollars.

The budgetary constraints of the US federal government are determined by our nation's GDP.
Like I said earlier, you're an idiot. Either go back to school or wait till you finish middle school.

Yep, you're a real winner alright.
Hallelujah, yes I am. Praise the Lord. You can also be a winner if you give your life to Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He's my older brother and His heavenly Father, is also my Father. He can save you in the blink of an eye and to the uttermost.
Any excuse to avoid educating yourself, eh FuckBoi????!

There were other links. Some of them were conservatives sources. Friedman’s policies destroyed South America, and seriously damaged the emerging FSU economies of the 1990’s.
Indirect taxes. I support a national sales tax. Direct taxes give too much power to politicians to use taxes for votes. I like the Fair Tax, other than the pre-bate. A pre-bate is better than what we have now, but it would mean we don't eliminate the IRS
Jarlaxle has some learning to do.

All taxes now other than the death tax come out of the same place, business sales. We package it as corporate income, personal income, capital gains, interest and scores of other taxes taxing the same thing.

Or we could just remove all other taxes (we have sales taxes now) and tax corporate sales once with a simple flat tax and remove those other many redundant methods of taxing the same thing.

I know you're a good guy, Jarlaxle, but you don't understand this or there is no way you would support government screwing us over and over with redundant taxes.

Imagine if all businesses (I've owned five) were focused on business instead of all the resources we sink into building big government power over our lives through our tax system.

Again, the founding fathers got this and made direct taxes Unconstitutional. They knew what it would lead to, and did lead to. This is important, you need to understand it

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