What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%


What's your argument against it?
Yeah, about our health care compared to yours in Canada. Aside from your incredibly long waiting lists for healthcare.

Claim: Assisted Suicide Becomes 3rd Leading Cause of Death in Quebec — 7% of All Deaths

SIMON KENT 8 Jun 2023 3:54

Canada looks set to face another record-shattering year of euthanasia deaths in 2023 after a reported 35 percent rise to some 13,500 state-sponsored suicides in 2022, an analysis of official data shows.

If you had any idea how difficult it was to get assisted suicide in this country, you would realize how laughable your entire post is.

Do you have a real source for this garbage or just Breitbart?

Here are the real causes of death.

If you had any idea how difficult it was to get assisted suicide in this country, you would realize how laughable your entire post is.

Do you have a real source for this garbage or just Breitbart?

Here are the real causes of death.

Just drive into DET or CHI. Get out of your running car yelling the N-Word. They will kill you after the car is taken. PBLM solved.

Hey both are close to Canada too.
More, I was responding to a comment about how supposedly incompetent and inefficient the government is.


That's an old canard, used by confused Right-Wingers, who think private companies are more "efficient" and effective than the government.

Inefficient and ineffective private companies go out of business.
What happens to inefficient and ineffective governments?

As I mentioned earlier, that's an absurd position.

Right, because you live in the Soviet Union.

The "Starship" just blew up a few weeks ago.

So, answer the question.

Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?
Last year? Last 5 years?

You're handing over all of our infrastructure in space, even Mars, to Elon Musk and his "SpaceX company".

What's "our infrastructure in space"?

You're missing my point, as always.

I'm mocking your point, as always.

Yes, like Walmart, a multibillion-dollar company, that makes tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits and yet refuses to pay many of its employees a living wage, forcing them to receive food stamps (government public assistance). The government has to pick up the bill, for Walmart's greed.

That makes Walmart a big-wig monopolist?
Would the government have a bigger bill to pick up if no poor people worked at Walmart?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Walmart Saves Taxpayers Billions In Public Assistance

Inefficient and ineffective private companies go out of business. What happens to inefficient and ineffective governments?

Not in America. they get bailed out. They get plenty of help, including huge yearly paid subsidies. If a democratic government is ineffective, it gets replaced with new politicians and officials, who will do the job, or else they get voted out of office.

Right, because you live in the Soviet Union.

I live in the USA. You obviously live in Lalaland.

So, answer the question. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?
Last year? Last 5 years?

You answer the question. What's the answer? And then tell me and everybody else here your conclusion. Go ahead genius.

What's "our infrastructure in space"?

The WIFI satellite network, and whatever else we develop in LEO and beyond, rely on SpaceX. Why should the American people rely on Musk, to get into space and develop space infrastructure? Future satellite networks, space factories, shipwrights, lunar mining operations, and space colonies. Why should Americans give that to a billionaire, when they could own it collectively, making all of those assets publicly owned? They belong to everyone, to us, not one billionaire or a few rich guys. We don't need them to do this for us, we have NASA and the most powerful government in the world. We don't need private dictatorships a.k.a. for-profit business enterprises, doing this for us. Why should we hand all of these resources to them? Right-wingers have lost their minds.

I'm mocking your point, as always.

And what makes it even more pathetic is that your mockery doesn't refute anything I've said.

That makes Walmart a big-wig monopolist?

Would the government have a bigger bill to pick up if no poor people worked at Walmart?

There wouldn't be any poor people like them if our government was allowed to invest in people's education, and vocational training, offer employment guarantees in the public sector, and protect the rights of workers to unionize. Walmart generates tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits, so there's no excuse for these workers to get paid so little that they need to be on food stamps and government cash assistance. It would actually cost Walmart less to pay everyone a living wage, just raising salaries a few dollars hourly, than what society is paying now through food stamps and cash assistance.

You essentially don't care what Walmart or any company does with respect to its worker's wages, because your allegiance is 100% committed to the financial interests of the rich and powerful. Well, this type of capitalism isn't going to survive much longer. People like you are the best propagators of socialism. Rather than having a capitalist system, with a little bit of socialism, where workers can at least, have enough money to eat, and pay their rents, but NO. You don't even have that as a standard, as low as that is. You don't even care about that. It's all about protecting the interests of the wealthy elites, and to hell with the workers.
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Gobbledygook. So all of the above fuzzy logic, justifies my brother paying $280 for a carton of insulin, for his diabetic son, when a few miles away in Niagra Falls, Canada, he can get the exact same carton of insulin for $23.00? The capitalists that you worship, made sure that our government makes it illegal for my brother to cross the border into Canada and purchase that cheap carton of insulin for 10x less than what he is paying in the USA. How does all of that gibberish you wrote, help my brother or anyone else? It doesn't.

The price of healthcare in America has to come down, significantly, or it's better to just have universal Medicare, or a healthcare system, similar to the VA, but for everybody. If someone is a millionaire like you, they can use a private clinic or hospital and for those who don't have that much money, they'll go to the government hospital. It's that simple. At least they have something, rather than nothing. Before I had my heart surgery at the VA, I used my private insurance to get CT scans and other tests in a private hospital and I had to be admitted for a few days, and they charged my private insurance company approximately, $28,000 daily for my stay at the hospital for a couple of days. My private insurance refused to pay for one of my echocardiograms (recommended by my doctor). I had to get it at the VA and yes I waited an extra two weeks for it, but at least I got my echo. I prefer to get my echocardiogram in two weeks, than not get it all. That's why I love my VA.
YOU were one of the 3.5 percent of all people in the United States with Military health care... BUT were you counted when Obama said..
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children"???? Obviously NOT.
And that is NOT gobbledygook!
This dumb Obamacare is costing you and I and others nearly...900 BILLION MORE than anticipated!
The CBO originally estimated that Obamacare would cost $940 billion over ten years.
That cost has now been increased to $1.683 trillion.

Nearly double in less than 7 years!
NOW that is "Gobbledygook. "

And remember 63% of the new Obamacare were already eligible for MEDICAID before Obamacare!!
YOU were one of the 3.5 percent of all people in the United States with Military health care... BUT were you counted when Obama said..
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children"???? Obviously NOT.
And that is NOT gobbledygook!
This dumb Obamacare is costing you and I and others nearly...900 BILLION MORE than anticipated!
The CBO originally estimated that Obamacare would cost $940 billion over ten years.
That cost has now been increased to $1.683 trillion.

Nearly double in less than 7 years!
NOW that is "Gobbledygook. "

And remember 63% of the new Obamacare were already eligible for MEDICAID before Obamacare!!

I wouldn't have private insurance if not for Obamacare, due to having a condition that would disqualify me. I'm uninsurable, without Obamacare. I would only have VA. Thanks to the VA, I will never go without healthcare. I have that peace of mind. Is the VA perfect? No. But it's more than good enough, and it goes without saying, that it's better than nothing. There are tens of millions of Americans that are uninsured and were that way even before Obamacare. Medicaid isn't an option for most people. Do you know how much money you have to make here in the state of NY to qualify for Medicaid? Less than $1000. Who the heck can live anywhere in America, with an income of just $1,000 or $12,000 yearly? That's dirt poor. Starvation income. So those who appeal to Medicaid, aren't thinking this through.
Inefficient and ineffective private companies go out of business. What happens to inefficient and ineffective governments?

Not in America. they get bailed out. They get plenty of help, including huge yearly paid subsidies. If a democratic government is ineffective, it gets replaced with new politicians and officials, who will do the job, or else they get voted out of office.

Right, because you live in the Soviet Union.

I live in the USA. You obviously live in Lalaland.

So, answer the question. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?
Last year? Last 5 years?

You answer the question. What's the answer? And then tell me and everybody else here your conclusion. Go ahead genius.

What's "our infrastructure in space"?

The WIFI satellite network, and whatever else we develop in LEO and beyond, rely on SpaceX. Why should the American people rely on Musk, to get into space and develop space infrastructure? Future satellite networks, space factories, shipwrights, lunar mining operations, and space colonies. Why should Americans give that to a billionaire, when they could own it collectively, making all of those assets publicly owned? They belong to everyone, to us, not one billionaire or a few rich guys. We don't need them to do this for us, we have NASA and the most powerful government in the world. We don't need private dictatorships a.k.a. for-profit business enterprises, doing this for us. Why should we hand all of these resources to them? Right-wingers have lost their minds.

I'm mocking your point, as always.

And what makes it even more pathetic is that your mockery doesn't refute anything I've said.

That makes Walmart a big-wig monopolist?

Would the government have a bigger bill to pick up if no poor people worked at Walmart?

There wouldn't be any poor people like them if our government was allowed to invest in people's education, and vocational training, offer employment guarantees in the public sector, and protect the rights of workers to unionize. Walmart generates tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits, so there's no excuse for these workers to get paid so little that they need to be on food stamps and government cash assistance. It would actually cost Walmart less to pay everyone a living wage, just raising salaries a few dollars hourly, than what society is paying now through food stamps and cash assistance.

You essentially don't care what Walmart or any company does with respect to its worker's wages, because your allegiance is 100% committed to the financial interests of the rich and powerful. Well, this type of capitalism isn't going to survive much longer. People like you are the best propagators of socialism. Rather than having a capitalist system, with a little bit of socialism, where workers can at least, have enough money to eat, and pay their rents, but NO. You don't even have that as a standard, as low as that is. You don't even care about that. It's all about protecting the interests of the wealthy elites, and to hell with the workers.

Not in America. they get bailed out. They get plenty of help, including huge yearly paid subsidies.

Which ones? Post a list of companies and their subsidies.

If a democratic government is ineffective, it gets replaced with new politicians and officials, who will do the job,

After idiot Lori Lightfoot got voted out and even bigger idiot Brandon Johnson got voted
in, what happens to the ineffective government of the City of Chicago?

I live in the USA.
Which means you're free to leave your job at any time. You're welcome.

You answer the question. What's the answer?
NASA couldn't even get an astronaut to the ISS.

The WIFI satellite network, and whatever else we develop in LEO and beyond, rely on SpaceX.
You said we're handing it over to Elon. Were you lying?
They rely on SpaceX? Is that because NASA can't do it? LOL!

Why should the American people rely on Musk, to get into space and develop space infrastructure?
The private company does it better and cheaper than the incompetent government bureaucracy?
And what makes it even more pathetic is that your mockery doesn't refute anything I've said.


There wouldn't be any poor people like them if our government was allowed to invest in people's education,

Our incompetent government education bureaucracy isn't allowed to invest in people's education? LOL! Does that mean we can eliminate the Department of Education?

Walmart generates tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits
While also providing thousands of jobs to low-skilled welfare recipients.

so there's no excuse for these workers to get paid so little that they need to be on food stamps and government cash assistance.

If Walmart fired all those workers tomorrow, would the government spend less on food stamps and government cash assistance?

You essentially don't care what Walmart or any company does with respect to its worker's wages,

Why would I? That's between Walmart and their workers. Not me and not a whiney commie either.
I wouldn't have private insurance if not for Obamacare, due to having a condition that would disqualify me. I'm uninsurable, without Obamacare. I would only have VA. Thanks to the VA, I will never go without healthcare. I have that peace of mind. Is the VA perfect? No. But it's more than good enough, and it goes without saying, that it's better than nothing. There are tens of millions of Americans that are uninsured and were that way even before Obamacare. Medicaid isn't an option for most people. Do you know how much money you have to make here in the state of NY to qualify for Medicaid? Less than $1000. Who the heck can live anywhere in America, with an income of just $1,000 or $12,000 yearly? That's dirt poor. Starvation income. So those who appeal to Medicaid, aren't thinking this through.

I wouldn't have private insurance if not for Obamacare, due to having a condition that would disqualify me. I'm uninsurable, without Obamacare.

You said you depend on your employer for your healthcare.
I wouldn't have private insurance if not for Obamacare, due to having a condition that would disqualify me. I'm uninsurable, without Obamacare. I would only have VA. Thanks to the VA, I will never go without healthcare. I have that peace of mind. Is the VA perfect? No. But it's more than good enough, and it goes without saying, that it's better than nothing. There are tens of millions of Americans that are uninsured and were that way even before Obamacare. Medicaid isn't an option for most people. Do you know how much money you have to make here in the state of NY to qualify for Medicaid? Less than $1000. Who the heck can live anywhere in America, with an income of just $1,000 or $12,000 yearly? That's dirt poor. Starvation income. So those who appeal to Medicaid, aren't thinking this through.
You are scamming the system! Are YOU on Obamacare AND the VA? That is double stroking the system!
How do you know you have a condition that would disqualify you before Obamacare from a private health insurance plan?
Which ones? Post a list of companies and their subsidies.

3Ford Motor$7,761,916,195815
4General Motors$7,594,509,872990
5Micron Technology$6,785,681,91518
7X-Energy LLC$5,661,511,20217
8General Atomics$5,465,529,295438
9Cheniere Energy$5,431,565,87041
11Foxconn Technology Group (Hon Hai Precision Industry Company)$4,827,036,48376
12Sempra Energy$3,835,098,00153
13Southern Company$3,783,360,569130
14NRG Energy$3,586,516,301268
15Venture Global LNG$3,285,883,5666
16NextEra Energy$3,003,823,754117
17Tesla Inc.$2,836,366,619116
21General Electric$2,529,193,5611,668
23Walt Disney$2,421,304,588248
24Brookfield Asset Management$2,339,430,278304
26Summit Power$2,240,568,2368
27Shell PLC$2,184,517,527141
29Mubadala Investment Company$2,124,035,09762
31Hyundai Motor$2,072,957,84827
32SCS Energy$1,927,236,68310
33Archer Daniels Midland$1,920,305,7871,099
34Exxon Mobil$1,891,153,489207
35NuScale Power$1,880,780,58934
37Berkshire Hathaway$1,859,775,4711,158
39Alphabet Inc.$1,832,565,977116
40Paramount Global$1,751,801,882317
41Apple Inc.$1,750,043,42036
43JPMorgan Chase$1,663,890,8731,129
45Energy Transfer$1,634,074,422106
47PG&E Corp.$1,568,027,90127
48IBM Corp.$1,562,738,626387
50Rivian Automotive Inc.$1,532,854,0123
51OGE Energy$1,427,570,18215
53Raytheon Technologies$1,322,899,721952
54Duke Energy$1,318,084,16469
55Lockheed Martin$1,302,847,415337
56Corning Inc.$1,272,628,059395
57Northrop Grumman$1,266,804,354266
59Continental AG$1,244,875,478111
60Vornado Realty Trust$1,243,857,33632
62Jefferies Financial Group$1,120,662,49718
63Meta Platforms Inc.$1,105,098,84453
64Dow Inc.$1,091,152,544686
67Valero Energy$1,054,520,860199
69AES Corp.$1,010,194,632132
70CF Industries$982,271,715129
71Pyramid Companies$966,050,09791
72EDF-Electricite de France$940,247,98365
73Texas Instruments$940,071,43660
74Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.$900,000,0001
75Air Products & Chemicals$897,651,105248
76Delta Air Lines$876,412,62314
80Enterprise Products Partners$826,988,37183
81Shin-Etsu Chemical$826,062,285104
83Apollo Global Management$804,565,970471
84Goldman Sachs$801,573,386255
86Wolfspeed Inc.$773,681,73288
87Triple Five Worldwide$748,000,0004
88EDP-Energias de Portugal$733,674,86814
89Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.$725,632,525206
91American Electric Power$699,673,82192
92Bank of America$698,760,073919
93Johnson Controls$691,180,720144
94Related Companies$687,200,0001
95Caithness Energy$670,379,73828
96Hyannis Air Service Inc.$667,928,778296
97Koch Industries$662,557,530486
98Sagamore Development$660,000,0001
99Dominion Energy

Anyone can google it, and find plenty of information on companies that get plenty of help from Uncle Sam.

After idiot Lori Lightfoot got voted out and even bigger idiot Brandon Johnson got voted
in, what happens to the ineffective government of the City of Chicago?

In the 1930s, during the great depression, there was enough pressure from below, to scare the people at the top, who you worship and defend. Those wealthy elites saw "visions" of pitchforks coming out and saw images of themselves hanging from trees and being pushed off roofs. That's how workers got many of their rights and improved their state in life, with respect to their wages and their ability to effectively unionize. That's when we got Social Security and many other benefits and rights through FDR's "New Deal".

The people who you always defend (because maybe you're one of them), are the ones who destroy democracy, along with a distracted, overworked populace. When the people are vigilant and responsive, the wealthy elites can't stop democracy and the people rule. The rule of the majority is always better than the rule of a small, cynical, self-absorbed, and narcissistic minority.

Which means you're free to leave your job at any time. You're welcome.

No, I'm not free to leave my job anytime soon, I have bills to pay, mouths to feed. I have healthcare connected to my employer, among other services and benefits. This cold, flippant attitude that you have towards me and other workers, is going to come back and bite you. Like I said, people like you are the most effective missionaries for socialism.

NASA couldn't even get an astronaut to the ISS.

Thanks to people like you, who are destroying our country. We landed astronauts on the moon over 54 years ago, before we had even 1/10th of the technology we have today. You're suggesting that the American people, through their government (a government for the people, by the people), can't launch astronauts into LEO? Why? Have you ever asked yourself that question, "genius"? Lack of funding, lack of a plan, lack of a strategy, lack of vision, it's certainly not a lack of money or expertise and facilities, we have all of that. We can do it, it's just a matter of doing it. Nothing to it, but to do it. You want to hand everything to the billionaires.

You said we're handing it over to Elon. Were you lying? They rely on SpaceX? Is that because NASA can't do it? LOL!

He will own the network, and people will pay him, not the US government or deposit money in our US treasury. It will go to Musk. If we allow SpaceX to do everything for us in space, they will own everything in space. Aren't you aware of that?

How is that good for the American people, for our country, in the long term? You right-wingers are always talking about how we're "saving money" using SpaceX, but you forget, what the negative long-term consequences are for handing our nation's space program to a group of billionaires. It's just dumb. People like you are mocking NASA, the American people's space program, that landed astronauts on the moon in 1969, without 1/10th of the technology we have available today. What went wrong? You. So-called "Americans", like you. That's what went wrong.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're a Southerner who hates America, the land of Lincoln that kicked your butts in the Civil War and stopped you from forcing blacks to the back of the bus. You hate America because you "love Dixie", don't you?


You're a Dixieland hillbilly, tell me the truth Bubba. Confess.

Those Walmart employees, wouldn't be on government welfare if they got paid a living wage. Walmart is good for it, and the government should protect American workers, helping them unionize. Laws in this country should be passed to protect employees from being fired for union organizing. The minimum wage should also be raised to $15.00. If you can't pay at least $15.00, then you're not worthy to have a business. And if you claim that prices will go up because the billionaires out of spite will raise them, even when it's unnecessary and they're still making a good profit. The government (the American people) can enact laws to stop those prices from going up and tell the greedy billionaires and business community to suck it up and be happy with the profits they have.

Raising wages will raise the American consumer's purchasing power, hence will increase sales and profits. Millions of Americans will have more money to eat out with the family, buy more clothing, and just do more, thanks to their incomes being raised. People like you, aren't going to get in the way of that. The Zoomers, and young millennials, are going to make it all happen, and old fogies like you can't stop them.
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It isn't the government's nor an employer's responsibility to take care of you. It's called personal responsibility.


But the companies will often get plenty of help from the government. They get bailed out by public funds, and you of course say nothing about that. Look at that long list of companies that get subsidies from Uncle Sam in my last post.

Our government can do whatever we allow it to do. If we want a government that allocates funds to build and develop our nation's infrastructure and ensure no one is homeless, uneducated, unskilled, and unemployed. Our government can do it. The present youth of America, realize that, and old fogies like you aren't going to stop them. Like I said, people like you are the best propagators of socialism. You push the working class, 96% of the population, to accept and introduce socialist principles to our economy and into our government's laws and policies. You mammon worshiping sociopaths, are the best missionaries for socialism. Keep pushing people into austerities, keep skewing everything on behalf of the rich at the expense of the poor and working class, and you will wake up one day in a socialist America.


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You are scamming the system! Are YOU on Obamacare AND the VA? That is double stroking the system!
How do you know you have a condition that would disqualify you before Obamacare from a private health insurance plan?

Because I was denied Health Insurance before Obama Care due to my leaking aortic valve and an aneurysm above my heart. I monitored that little devil in my chest for almost 20 years, until it grew in 2021, requiring me to get it repaired. It's not me who is scamming America, it's you, by unnecessarily depriving Americans of Medicare or Medicaid. What goes around, comes around. Sooner or later, you and your ilk will pay the piper. You don't have the common sense, to realize that in order for capitalism to work, it needs at the very least, a bit of socialism. Without a bit of socialism, capitalism crumbles hard. HARD.

You're going to drive America into communism, if you continue like this. Your lack of concern and contempt for working-class people (96% of the population), is going to result in what you utterly hate. If you think requiring businesses to pay their employees a living wage, and universal Medicare is socialism, you're up the creek without a paddle, because you're going to plunge this country into radical socialism. Beyond socialism. You could've had the required "baby socialism", a little bit of socialism, but NO, you wanted ZERO SOCIALISM, where the economy and the government only serve the interests of the rich. You're going to wake up in the Soviet Union one day, surrounded by a crowd of purple-haired zoomers, wearing pink tights and waving a red flag. You need to concern yourself with the needs of the working class too, not just the rich. Capitalism needs to work for everybody, not just the people at the top.
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Which ones? Post a list of companies and their subsidies.

3Ford Motor$7,761,916,195815
4General Motors$7,594,509,872990
5Micron Technology$6,785,681,91518
7X-Energy LLC$5,661,511,20217
8General Atomics$5,465,529,295438
9Cheniere Energy$5,431,565,87041
11Foxconn Technology Group (Hon Hai Precision Industry Company)$4,827,036,48376
12Sempra Energy$3,835,098,00153
13Southern Company$3,783,360,569130
14NRG Energy$3,586,516,301268
15Venture Global LNG$3,285,883,5666
16NextEra Energy$3,003,823,754117
17Tesla Inc.$2,836,366,619116
21General Electric$2,529,193,5611,668
23Walt Disney$2,421,304,588248
24Brookfield Asset Management$2,339,430,278304
26Summit Power$2,240,568,2368
27Shell PLC$2,184,517,527141
29Mubadala Investment Company$2,124,035,09762
31Hyundai Motor$2,072,957,84827
32SCS Energy$1,927,236,68310
33Archer Daniels Midland$1,920,305,7871,099
34Exxon Mobil$1,891,153,489207
35NuScale Power$1,880,780,58934
37Berkshire Hathaway$1,859,775,4711,158
39Alphabet Inc.$1,832,565,977116
40Paramount Global$1,751,801,882317
41Apple Inc.$1,750,043,42036
43JPMorgan Chase$1,663,890,8731,129
45Energy Transfer$1,634,074,422106
47PG&E Corp.$1,568,027,90127
48IBM Corp.$1,562,738,626387
50Rivian Automotive Inc.$1,532,854,0123
51OGE Energy$1,427,570,18215
53Raytheon Technologies$1,322,899,721952
54Duke Energy$1,318,084,16469
55Lockheed Martin$1,302,847,415337
56Corning Inc.$1,272,628,059395
57Northrop Grumman$1,266,804,354266
59Continental AG$1,244,875,478111
60Vornado Realty Trust$1,243,857,33632
62Jefferies Financial Group$1,120,662,49718
63Meta Platforms Inc.$1,105,098,84453
64Dow Inc.$1,091,152,544686
67Valero Energy$1,054,520,860199
69AES Corp.$1,010,194,632132
70CF Industries$982,271,715129
71Pyramid Companies$966,050,09791
72EDF-Electricite de France$940,247,98365
73Texas Instruments$940,071,43660
74Mazda Toyota Manufacturing, U.S.A., Inc.$900,000,0001
75Air Products & Chemicals$897,651,105248
76Delta Air Lines$876,412,62314
80Enterprise Products Partners$826,988,37183
81Shin-Etsu Chemical$826,062,285104
83Apollo Global Management$804,565,970471
84Goldman Sachs$801,573,386255
86Wolfspeed Inc.$773,681,73288
87Triple Five Worldwide$748,000,0004
88EDP-Energias de Portugal$733,674,86814
89Warner Bros. Discovery Inc.$725,632,525206
91American Electric Power$699,673,82192
92Bank of America$698,760,073919
93Johnson Controls$691,180,720144
94Related Companies$687,200,0001
95Caithness Energy$670,379,73828
96Hyannis Air Service Inc.$667,928,778296
97Koch Industries$662,557,530486
98Sagamore Development$660,000,0001
99Dominion Energy

Anyone can google that, and find plenty of information on companies that get plenty of help from Uncle Sam.

After idiot Lori Lightfoot got voted out and even bigger idiot Brandon Johnson got voted
in, what happens to the ineffective government of the City of Chicago?

In the 1930s, during the great depression, there was enough pressure from the bottom, to scare the people at the top, who you worship and defend. Those wealthy elites, saw the pitchforks coming out and saw images of themselves hanging from trees and being pushed off roofs. That's how workers got many of their rights and improved their state in life, with respect to their wages and their ability to effectively unionize.

The people who you always defend (because maybe you're one of them), are the ones who destroy democracy, along with a distracted, overworked populace. When the people are vigilant and responsive, the wealthy elites can't stop democracy and the people rule. The rule of the majority is always better than the rule of a small, cynical, self-absorbed, and narcissistic minority.

Which means you're free to leave your job at any time. You're welcome.

No, I'm not free to leave my job anytime soon, I have bills to pay, mouths to feed. I have healthcare connected to my employer, among other services and benefits. This cold, flippant attitude that you have towards me and other workers, is going to come back and bite you. Like I said, people like you are the most effective missionaries of socialism.

NASA couldn't even get an astronaut to the ISS.

Thanks to people like you, who are destroying our country. We landed astronauts on the moon over 54 years ago, before we had even 1/10th of the technology we have today. You're suggesting that the American people, through their government (a government for the people, by the people), can't launch astronauts into LEO? Why? Have you ever asked yourself that question, genius? Lack of funding, lack of a plan, lack of a strategy, lack of vision, it's certainly not a lack of money or expertise and facilities, we have all of that. We can do it, it's just a matter of doing it. Nothing to it, but to do it. You want to hand everything to the billionaires.

You said we're handing it over to Elon. Were you lying? They rely on SpaceX? Is that because NASA can't do it? LOL!

He will own the network, and people will pay him, not the US government or deposit money in the US treasury. It will go to Musk. If we allow SpaceX to do everything for us in space, they will own everything in space. Aren't you aware of that?

How is that good for the American people, for our country, in the long term? You right-wingers are always talking about how we're "saving money" using SpaceX, but you forget, what the negative long-term consequences are for handing our nation's space program to a group of billionaires. It's just dumb. People like you are mocking NASA, the American people's space program, that landed astronauts on the moon in 1969, without 1/10th of the technology we have available today. What went wrong? You. So-called "Americans", like you. That's what went wrong.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're a Southerner who hates America, the land of Lincoln that kicked your butts in the Civil War and stopped you from forcing blacks to the back of the bus. You hate America because you "love Dixie", don't you?

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You're a Dixieland hillbilly, tell me the truth Bubba. Confess.

Those Walmart employees, wouldn't be on government welfare if they got paid a living wage. Walmart is good for it, and the government should protect its workers, helping them unionize. Laws in this country should be passed to protect employees from being fired for union organizing. The minimum wage should also be raised to $15.00. If you can't pay at least $15.00, then you're not worthy to have a business. And if you claim that prices will go up because the billionaires out of spite will raise them, even when it's unnecessary and they're still making a good profit. The government (the American people) can enact laws to stop those prices from going up and tell the greedy billionaires and business community to suck it up and be happy with the profits they have.

Raising wages will raise the American consumer's purchasing power, hence will increase sales and profits. Millions of Americans will have more money to eat out with the family, buy more clothing, and just do more, thanks to their incomes being raised. People like you, aren't going to get in the way of that. The Zoomers, and young millennials, are going to make it all happen, and old fogies like you can't stop them.

Thanks to people like you, who are destroying our country. We landed astronauts on the moon over 54 years ago, before we had even 1/10th of the technology we have today.

So why did we stop? And why, during Obama's presidency, did they lose the ability to send a person into orbit?

You're suggesting that the American people, through their government (a government for the people, by the people), can't launch astronauts into LEO?

American people, who work for SpaceX, launch plenty of people into orbit.
NASA, not so much

He will own the network, and people will pay him,

That's crazy! A private company doing it better, cheaper AND making a profit.

I wouldn't be surprised if you're a Southerner who hates America, the land of Lincoln

I live in Illinois, the Land of Lincoln. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a stupid commie twat.

Those Walmart employees, wouldn't be on government welfare if they got paid a living wage.
Having a hard time following, stupid twat?
If they didn't work for Walmart, would they collect more welfare or less?

Laws in this country should be passed to protect employees from being fired for union organizing.
We have them. Look up the NLRB.

The minimum wage should also be raised to $15.00.
The minimum wage is $0

The government (the American people) can enact laws to stop those prices from going up and tell the greedy billionaires and business community to suck it up and be happy with the profits they have.
Right. It works in Venezuela; it'll work here too. DURR

Raising wages will raise the American consumer's purchasing power, hence will increase sales and profits.

Especially if you mandate a price freeze. DURR
Biden should have done that already, instead of giving us falling real wages.

People like you, aren't going to get in the way of that. The Zoomers, and young millennials, are going to make it all happen, and old fogies like you can't stop them.

I'd never try to stop morons from doing stupid things and watching them fail miserably.
Where else can I get such enjoyment?

Notice how he ignores the long list of companies that get plenty of CHEESE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the US government. He thinks only workers ask for raises, or receive help from the government, not his wealthy capitalist gods.

So why did we stop? And why, during Obama's presidency, did they lose the ability to send a person into orbit?

Our government isn't doing it, but that's not because it can't. Do you actually believe the American people, through their government (a government by the people, for the people), can't launch astronauts into LEO?

American people, who work for SpaceX, launch plenty of people into orbit.
NASA, not so much...

Then Musk and his billionaire friends own everything in space, rather than the infrastructure being in the hands of the American public. SpaceX = Elon Musk, not the USA or the American people. Our space program is NASA, not SpaceX. You even admit that, by mocking NASA. You're like "FU NASA, SPACEX IS BETTER THAN YOU". Yeah right.

SpaceX gets plenty of help from Uncle Sam. If it wasn't for the US Gov, there would be no SpaceX. Anyone can do a simple google search for "SPACE X GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS" or "SPACE X GOVERNMENT FUNDING" or "US Government Help SpaceX Elon Musk". You'll get a lot of information on how much the US Government, has assisted as SpaceX, with access to facilities, equipment, expertise, money, loans, contracts, you name it. Then Musk ends up owning everything. That's how right-wingers think.

That's crazy! A private company doing it better, cheaper AND making a profit.

The private company didn't do it, without the US government. The American people should own that WIFI satellite network, not Musk. It's not cheaper, if Musk owns it and gets all of the profits. How is that cheaper? Have you lost your mind? That money should be deposited in the US public treasury, not in Musk's bank account.

It's people who think like you, who had many municipalities around the country, privatize their utilities. They auctioned it off, to the highest bidder. The argument was that the private companies would do a better job of managing the county's or the city's electricity, water, gas, sanitation..etc. The reality was that private companies did a horrible job of running those utilities and prices went up. Everything became more expensive. So people like you just don't know what you're talking about.

I live in Illinois, the Land of Lincoln. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a stupid commie twat.

I doubt a pathetic lobotomized punk and sociopath like yourself, could ever be surprised about anything.

Having a hard time following, stupid twat?
If they didn't work for Walmart, would they collect more welfare or less?

The problem with that moronic, sociopathic line of reasoning is that you allow a company that generates tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits, to pay people who work for them, as much as ten hours daily, six days a week, a salary that isn't enough for them to afford the bare necessities of life.


At a minimum, anyone who works full-time for a company like Walmart should earn enough to not need to be on government food stamps or cash assistance. If you don't realize that, you're the one with the problem, not me.

We have them. Look up the NLRB.

All Walmart employees should be unionized.

The minimum wage is $0

It's whatever the American people say it is.

Right. It works in Venezuela; it'll work here too. DURR

Unlike Venezuela, we're not economically embargoed and in general, our workers have a lot more purchasing power and assets than Venezuelan workers. So as you always do, you like comparing apples with toaster ovens.

Especially if you mandate a price freeze. DURR Biden should have done that already, instead of giving us falling real wages. I'd never try to stop morons from doing stupid things and watching them fail miserably. Where else can I get such enjoyment?

todd fuzzy logic.gif
Notice how he ignores the long list of companies that get plenty of CHEESE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the US government. He thinks only workers ask for raises, or receive help from the government, not his wealthy capitalist gods.

So why did we stop? And why, during Obama's presidency, did they lose the ability to send a person into orbit?

Our government isn't doing it, but that's not because it can't. Do you actually believe the American people, through their government (a government by the people, for the people), can't launch astronauts into LEO?

American people, who work for SpaceX, launch plenty of people into orbit.
NASA, not so much...

Then Musk and his billionaire friends own everything in space, rather than the infrastructure being in the hands of the American public. SpaceX = Elon Musk, not the USA or the American people. Our space program is NASA, not SpaceX. You even admit that, by mocking NASA. You're like "FU NASA, SPACEX IS BETTER THAN YOU". Yeah right.

SpaceX gets plenty of help from Uncle Sam. If it wasn't for the US Gov, there would be no SpaceX. Anyone can do a simple google search for "SPACE X GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS" or "SPACE X GOVERNMENT FUNDING" or "US Government Help SpaceX Elon Musk". You'll get a lot of information on how much the US Government, has assisted as SpaceX, with access to facilities, equipment, expertise, money, loans, contracts, you name it. Then Musk ends up owning everything. That's how right-wingers think.

That's crazy! A private company doing it better, cheaper AND making a profit.

The private company didn't do it, without the US government. The American people should own that WIFI satellite network, not Musk. It's not cheaper, if Musk owns it and gets all of the profits. How is that cheaper? Have you lost your mind? That money should be deposited in the US public treasury, not in Musk's bank account.

It's people who think like you, who had many municipalities around the country, privatize their utilities. They auctioned it off, to the highest bidder. The argument was that the private companies would do a better job of managing the county's or the city's electricity, water, gas, sanitation..etc. The reality was that private companies did a horrible job of running those utilities and prices went up. Everything became more expensive. So people like you just don't know what you're talking about.

I live in Illinois, the Land of Lincoln. I wouldn't be surprised if you were a stupid commie twat.

I doubt a pathetic lobotomized punk and sociopath like yourself, could ever be surprised about anything.

Having a hard time following, stupid twat?
If they didn't work for Walmart, would they collect more welfare or less?

The problem with that moronic, sociopathic line of reasoning is that you allow a company that generates tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits, to pay people who work for them, as much as ten hours daily, six days a week, a salary that isn't enough for them to afford the bare necessities of life.

At a minimum, anyone who works full-time for a company like Walmart should earn enough to not need to be on government food stamps or cash assistance. If you don't realize that, you're the one with the problem, not me.

We have them. Look up the NLRB.

All Walmart employees should be unionized.

The minimum wage is $0

It's whatever the American people say it is.

Right. It works in Venezuela; it'll work here too. DURR

Unlike Venezuela, we're not economically embargoed and in general, our workers have a lot more purchasing power and assets than Venezuelan workers. So as you always do, you like comparing apples with toaster ovens.

Especially if you mandate a price freeze. DURR Biden should have done that already, instead of giving us falling real wages. I'd never try to stop morons from doing stupid things and watching them fail miserably. Where else can I get such enjoyment?

Notice how he ignores the long list of companies that get plenty of CHEESE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the US government.

Pick your favorite example and let's discuss the specifics.

Our government isn't doing it, but that's not because it can't.

LOL! Is it because the NASA bureaucracy is better than the SpaceX bureaucracy?

Do you actually believe the American people, through their government (a government by the people, for the people), can't launch astronauts into LEO?

I believe NASA can't launch astronauts into space, now, without SpaceX.
Do you believe they can?

Then Musk and his billionaire friends own everything in space, rather than the infrastructure being in the hands of the American public

When you say it like that, it sounds like NASA sucks. Why did Obama make NASA suck?

The private company didn't do it, without the US government.

Does NASA need SpaceX more than SpaceX needs NASA today? Be honest.

Our space program is NASA, not SpaceX.

Why can't "our space program" put anyone into space?

It's not cheaper, if Musk owns it and gets all of the profits.

What's cheaper today, NASA launching a person into orbit or SpaceX launching a person into orbit?
Post the price tag for each.

How is that cheaper? Have you lost your mind? That money should be deposited in the US public treasury, not in Musk's bank account.

What money?
At a minimum, anyone who works full-time for a company like Walmart should earn enough to not need to be on government food stamps or cash assistance.

If they didn't work for Walmart, how much more welfare would they collect?

It's whatever the American people say it is.

Whatever the American people say, the real minimum wage is $0.

Unlike Venezuela, we're not economically embargoed

What does that have to do with the economically awesome idea that they
can force employers to pay more while also forcing them to leave prices unchanged?
Notice how he ignores the long list of companies that get plenty of CHEESE $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ from the US government.

Pick your favorite example and let's discuss the specifics.

Our government isn't doing it, but that's not because it can't.

LOL! Is it because the NASA bureaucracy is better than the SpaceX bureaucracy?

Do you actually believe the American people, through their government (a government by the people, for the people), can't launch astronauts into LEO?

I believe NASA can't launch astronauts into space, now, without SpaceX.
Do you believe they can?

Then Musk and his billionaire friends own everything in space, rather than the infrastructure being in the hands of the American public

When you say it like that, it sounds like NASA sucks. Why did Obama make NASA suck?

The private company didn't do it, without the US government.

Does NASA need SpaceX more than SpaceX needs NASA today? Be honest.

Our space program is NASA, not SpaceX.

Why can't "our space program" put anyone into space?

It's not cheaper, if Musk owns it and gets all of the profits.

What's cheaper today, NASA launching a person into orbit or SpaceX launching a person into orbit?
Post the price tag for each.

How is that cheaper? Have you lost your mind? That money should be deposited in the US public treasury, not in Musk's bank account.

What money?
At a minimum, anyone who works full-time for a company like Walmart should earn enough to not need to be on government food stamps or cash assistance.

If they didn't work for Walmart, how much more welfare would they collect?

It's whatever the American people say it is.

Whatever the American people say, the real minimum wage is $0.

Unlike Venezuela, we're not economically embargoed

What does that have to do with the economically awesome idea that they
can force employers to pay more while also forcing them to leave prices unchanged?

I could continue refuting all of your fuzzy right-wing logic, but it's really not worth it. I've had enough of your disingenuous and deceitful responses, so now if you want, have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've won something. Bye bye.
I could continue refuting all of your fuzzy right-wing logic, but it's really not worth it. I've had enough of your disingenuous and deceitful responses, so now if you want, have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've won something.


Run away now.........
Really? So the private corporate bureaucracies are supposedly better? You drank the Kool-Aid. At least our government holds elections. When was last time anyone got a vote at work?

Our active duty military has some of the best healthcare in the world, all run by the US Federal Government. Our VA system is quite good. Much better than not having healthcare, or going bankrupt with medical bills.

If it wasn't for the US government, SpaceX wouldn't have launched its first rocket and would've gone out of business in the early 2000s. When one counts the contracts, assistance with facilities and experts, including government-backed loan guarantees that Musk has received, it accounts for much of his success. You bought the myth about the "self-made", independent "billionaire entrepreneur". Without good government backing and support, none of these big-wig monopolists would be where they're at today. You poo-poo government at your own peril.

Yes, the corporate bureaucracies are better. I've worked in both.

The US Federal Government is not the best healthcare in the world. And I'm a Canadian who has been in both systems.

Elon Musk is rich both because he received government support and because of his capitalist tendencies. There are literally millions of people receiving aid from the US government who have not succeeded.
Yes, the corporate bureaucracies are better. I've worked in both.

The US Federal Government is not the best healthcare in the world. And I'm a Canadian who has been in both systems.

Elon Musk is rich both because he received government support and because of his capitalist tendencies. There are literally millions of people receiving aid from the US government who have not succeeded.

You worked for the public sector here in the US, in what capacity?

I never said the US federal government is the best provider of healthcare in the world. Correct me if I'm wrong. Show me where I said that?

No one is a "self-made" anything. Everyone receives some type of help, including Musk. He was born into wealth, he had some good breaks. He's relatively smart and of course, he did get plenty of assistance from the US government.

I believe the US government could do much better than SpaceX in opening space and developing infrastructure, and in the long term that would prove to be much more profitable for the American people, than relying on a private company.

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