What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%

The USA has the lowest rate of personal freedoms in the first world. You are so far down the list of being “the home of the brave and land of the free”, that you don’t even make the top 20.

There are 367 million of you fuckers, and if you don’t start having a little consideration for your friends and neighbors, you’re all going down the toilet together.
the only way this country goes down the toilet is if we allow the liberal democrats to remain in control. Its almost too late, but the country can be saved from the totalitarian socialist assholes that have ruined Europe and Canada
health care is not a "commodity" that can be trusted to a "free market".

We've all seen every case where things are better when they're trusted to a government.
There's umm....wait....what about....umm....err. LOL!
Really? So the private corporate bureaucracies are supposedly better? You drank the Kool-Aid. At least our government holds elections. When was last time anyone got a vote at work?

Our active duty military has some of the best healthcare in the world, all run by the US Federal Government. Our VA system is quite good. Much better than not having healthcare, or going bankrupt with medical bills.

If it wasn't for the US government, SpaceX wouldn't have launched its first rocket and would've gone out of business in the early 2000s. When one counts the contracts, assistance with facilities and experts, including government-backed loan guarantees that Musk has received, it accounts for much of his success. You bought the myth about the "self-made", independent "billionaire entrepreneur". Without good government backing and support, none of these big-wig monopolists would be where they're at today. You poo-poo government at your own peril.
You have the worst death rate from Covid in the first world, by far. With 3% of the worlds population, you had 15% of the worlds deaths.

You are the only first world nation where life expectancy is declining and has been since four years prior to the pandemic.

Tell us again about your great healthcare system.
Yeah, about our health care compared to yours in Canada. Aside from your incredibly long waiting lists for healthcare.

Claim: Assisted Suicide Becomes 3rd Leading Cause of Death in Quebec — 7% of All Deaths

SIMON KENT 8 Jun 2023 3:54

Canada looks set to face another record-shattering year of euthanasia deaths in 2023 after a reported 35 percent rise to some 13,500 state-sponsored suicides in 2022, an analysis of official data shows.

NO, the country became it's worst due to Trump. But let's check your list.

Low unemployment--Uh, it is even lower under Biden
Low inflation--well Du Huh, with everyone holed up in the house, businesses closing their doors, and a FED pushing the discount rate to zero, and at one point, even negative, that should come as no surprise and had nothing to do with Trump
No new wars--that one is funny. Turned Afghanistan over to the Taliban, gave the order to kill women and children in Iraq, and vetoed every single bill attempting to curtail the war in Yemen.
Secure borders--delusional, illegal immigration INCREASED under Trump. No wall and Mexico didn't pay for shit. You been conned.
Lower taxes--yep, that greatly expanded the deficit. Increased rent seeking and reduced capital investment. Not a good thing.
Companies expanding and moving back to the US. Uh, I am going to need some documentation on that one hoss.
Open dialog with North Korea--well yeah, Trump being Kim Jong-un's fanboy.
Iran in check--horseshit, Trump is the one that pulled out of the Iran accords and that is what pushed Iran to enrich uranium at higher levels. I mean it was like North Korea all over again.
Secure currency--what the hell does that even mean? Are you attempting to claim our currency is not secure now?

Nope, Trump left this country more divided than at any point since the Civil War. And when you get right down to it, the one job of the president is to bring the country together. What made Winston Churchill so great? What about Ronald Reagan? John Kennedy? Abraham Lincoln? Hell, even Bush Jr.? Was it their skill at pitting their countrymen against each other? Their skill at parsing polls and demonizing the opposition?

And I will be honest, Joe Biden is failing at that task as well. But I lay the responsibility for that square in Trump's court, he pretty much left office and took a big shit on the entire country by failing to gracefully accept his defeat. Hell, it had ramifications worldwide, look at Brazil. Hell, who am I kidding, you couldn't find Brazil on a damn map if your life depended on it.

It is going to take a very special person to undo the damage Trump has done. It ain't Joe Biden. It certainly isn't Kamela Harris. It ain't Ron DeSantis, Nicky Haley, or Tim Scott. And I will make a bold prediction here and now. If the 2024 presidential election is between Biden and Trump neither one of them is going to win. Pat McCrory will win. Wright it on the wall.
I'll address only one of your goofy statements. Destroying that one destroys your credibility for the rest, as if you cared.

Our unemployment is so low because so many workers have quit working or looking for a job.

I loved your comment "They compete with each other to see who can own the largest private jets and mega-yachts, multiple mansions all over the world, private islands, and even their own spaceships.
I was a data consultant for a yacht builder and most of the workers really liked the fact these billionaires were buying those mega-yachts. Plus there were a lot of real estate brokers made great living selling those multiple mansions. What is really funny is
I haven't heard of any of those evil wealthy people burying their tax savings in the back yard or under their mattresses. Seems they with their "yacht" experiences could see with those poverty ridden workers the adage..."rising tide raises all ships". US Average Hourly Earnings is at a current level of $33.44.
Loyal-Peasant Attitudes Don't Belong in America, and Neither Do HeirHeads

Then, if Preppylovers were capable of being consistent, make it a law that inheritances and trust funds can only be spent on consumer purchases. And that doesn't include education, which is buying a job that real Americans can't afford to buy.
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Yeah, about our health care compared to yours in Canada. Aside from your incredibly long waiting lists for healthcare.

Claim: Assisted Suicide Becomes 3rd Leading Cause of Death in Quebec — 7% of All Deaths

SIMON KENT 8 Jun 2023 3:54

Canada looks set to face another record-shattering year of euthanasia deaths in 2023 after a reported 35 percent rise to some 13,500 state-sponsored suicides in 2022, an analysis of official data shows.

Canada is Canada, we're the USA. We have Medicare, Medicaid, VA, and our active duty military, which are better examples of what we can and can't do than what is occurring in Canada.

More, what is stopping us from doing it better in the future, assuming we're not doing it well now?

Does Canada set the standard for everybody else? Are you exaggerating the poor scheduling performance of these government-funded and run programs?

Are all medical systems in the world that are funded by their government plagued with poor performance? How bad is it really?

Does that justify my brother paying $280 for a carton of insulin for his son here in NY, rather than paying $23 in Canada, a few miles away in Niagra Falls?

How bad is the scheduling now for Medicare and Medicaid, is it horrible?

What's your solution for affordable healthcare in America, if it's not Universal Medicare?
Really? So the private corporate bureaucracies are supposedly better? You drank the Kool-Aid. At least our government holds elections. When was last time anyone got a vote at work?

Our active duty military has some of the best healthcare in the world, all run by the US Federal Government. Our VA system is quite good. Much better than not having healthcare, or going bankrupt with medical bills.

If it wasn't for the US government, SpaceX wouldn't have launched its first rocket and would've gone out of business in the early 2000s. When one counts the contracts, assistance with facilities and experts, including government-backed loan guarantees that Musk has received, it accounts for much of his success. You bought the myth about the "self-made", independent "billionaire entrepreneur". Without good government backing and support, none of these big-wig monopolists would be where they're at today. You poo-poo government at your own peril.

Really? So the private corporate bureaucracies are supposedly better?

Don't like your private bureaucracy? You're free to find a new one.
What do you do if you don't like the DMV or your local PD?

When was last time anyone got a vote at work?

Every day, when they choose to stay at that job or find a new one.

If it wasn't for the US government, SpaceX wouldn't have launched its first rocket and would've gone out of business in the early 2000s.

Ok. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?

You bought the myth about the "self-made", independent "billionaire entrepreneur".

Musk didn't start a software company with his brother?
Didn't start another company that eventually became PayPal?
Didn't start SpaceX? Didn't help Tesla become wildly successful?

Without good government backing and support, none of these big-wig monopolists would be where they're at today.

Like WalMart?
the only way this country goes down the toilet is if we allow the liberal democrats to remain in control. Its almost too late, but the country can be saved from the totalitarian socialist assholes that have ruined Europe and Canada
The Road to Perdition Is Patrician

The Euro Left governments were established because of the rule of spoiled know-it-all HeirHeads. The Swedish trilogy The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo shows this time and again but accepts it as not significant. But it explains all the decadence of the 20th Century and the collapse we will soon see in the 21st.

Notice that the obnoxious Socialist OP never talks about the hereditary rich who run Capitalism when he condemns it. That is because Leftists are agents provocateurs of the Right Wing they were born in.
Really? So the private corporate bureaucracies are supposedly better?

Don't like your private bureaucracy? You're free to find a new one.
What do you do if you don't like the DMV or your local PD?

When was last time anyone got a vote at work?

Every day, when they choose to stay at that job or find a new one.

If it wasn't for the US government, SpaceX wouldn't have launched its first rocket and would've gone out of business in the early 2000s.

Ok. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?

You bought the myth about the "self-made", independent "billionaire entrepreneur".

Musk didn't start a software company with his brother?
Didn't start another company that eventually became PayPal?
Didn't start SpaceX? Didn't help Tesla become wildly successful?

Without good government backing and support, none of these big-wig monopolists would be where they're at today.

Like WalMart?

Don't like your private bureaucracy? You're free to find a new one.

No, I'm not, because my healthcare is tied to that employer, along with other important services and benefits, not to speak of my livelihood. It might be easy for millionaires like you to just hop from one company to another, but not for most Americans, who need to work to eat and have a roof over their heads. How many CNC programming jobs are there in my city or town, do you know? Not many. That's what I do for a living. Do you believe moving my wife and kids around the county, from one job and location to another, is an option? You're in Lala land.

More, I was responding to a comment about how supposedly incompetent and inefficient the government is. That was the context. That's an old canard, used by confused Right-Wingers, who think private companies are more "efficient" and effective than the government. They drank the capitalist Kool-Aid, because private companies are often more bureaucratic and inefficient than government, and their bottom line isn't to serve the community but rather to make a profit.

So efficiency isn't necessarily the most important performance metric or priority. I prefer to have someone working for my well-being and that of my family's, who is somewhat "inefficient" but still gets the job done well, and whose primary purpose is to serve and protect people, than a private company, that is SUPER EFFICIENT, whose only bottom line is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

What do you do if you don't like the DMV or your local PD?

I haven't stepped into the DMV in years. How does that compare to the place where I go six days a week, ten hours daily, namely my Job (the workplace)? You're comparing apples and toaster ovens.

If the DMV or PD needs to be improved, that can be addressed at the city council meeting, or in the next election. When was the last time your beloved private bureaucracy held an election? Like NEVER. You live in Lalaland, because you're probably a retired elderly person on Social Security and Medicare, who doesn't care about anything anymore. I find many of you older folks on this forum are misanthropic, nihilistic, and cynical. You're leaving this world with a big FU to everybody. Thinking and behaving like an old crusty, bitter demon.

Every day, when they choose to stay at that job or find a new one.

As I mentioned earlier, that's an absurd proposition. That's like telling someone, that if they don't like how this country is doing politically and otherwise, they should just leave.

todd fuzzy logic.gif


As if people have the option, to just pack up and leave everything, to settle in another country. At least in our country, we have elections that allow us to reform it. The workplace should be the same. There should be democracy in politics and in the workplace, where we have our livilhoods, not to speak of other needed services like our healthcare insurance.

Ok. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?



The SpaceX "Starship" just blew up a few weeks ago.



You're handing over all of our infrastructure in space, even Mars, to Elon Musk and his "SpaceX company". Musk the billionaire rich boy, born into wealth and morally supported by devils like you. We don't need SpaceX or any of these billionaires. The American people through NASA, can accomplish 100x more than SpaceX or any other private company Fake "patriots" like you defund NASA, and get America dependent on billionaires, who only care about their wealth and power. You're no patriot, you're just a devil.

Musk didn't start a software company with his brother?
Didn't start another company that eventually became PayPal?
Didn't start SpaceX? Didn't help Tesla become wildly successful?

You're missing my point, as always. Your above drivel is in response to me saying that Elon Musk, isn't "self-made", not that he didn't accomplish anything in life. That's your silly straw man argument. I never said Musk is a vegetable laying in bed all day. I said he got plenty of help from others, like his wealthy family, the US government..etc.

Like WalMart?

Yes, like Walmart, a multibillion-dollar company, that makes tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits and yet refuses to pay many of its employees a living wage, forcing them to receive food stamps (government public assistance). The government has to pick up the bill, for Walmart's greed and hubris.

Walmart ranked among the top four largest employees of SNAP and Medicaid benefits in the states whose data was included in the report, employing an estimated 14,500 workers who received food stamps, according to the GAO report’s findings. McDonald’s was listed in the top five for at least nine states and was said to employ nearly 8,800 workers who received SNAP assistance within the data set.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

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Don't like your private bureaucracy? You're free to find a new one.

No, I'm not, because my healthcare is tied to that employer, along with other important services and benefits, not to speak of my livelihood. It might be easy for millionaires like you to just hop from one company to another, but not for most Americans, who need to work to eat and have a roof over their heads. How many CNC programming jobs are there in my city or town, do you know? Not many. That's what I do for a living. Do you believe moving my wife and kids around the county, from one job and location to another, is an option? You're in Lala land.

More, I was responding to a comment about how supposedly incompetent and inefficient the government is. That was the context. That's an old canard, used by confused Right-Wingers, who think private companies are more "efficient" and effective than the government. They drank the capitalist Kool-Aid, because private companies are often more bureaucratic and inefficient than government, and their bottom line isn't to serve the community but rather to make a profit.

So efficiency isn't necessarily the most important performance metric or priority. I prefer to have someone working for my well-being and that of my family's, whose primary purpose is to serve and protect people, than a private company whose only bottom line is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

What do you do if you don't like the DMV or your local PD?

I haven't gone there in years. How does that compare to the place where I go six days a week, ten hours daily? The PD? If the DMV or PD needs to be improved, that can be addressed at the city council meeting, or in the next election. When was the last time your beloved private bureaucracy held an election? Like NEVER. You live in Lalaland, because you're probably a retired elderly person on Social Security and Medicare, who doesn't care about anything anymore. I find many of you older folks on this forum are nihilistic, you're leaving this world with a big FU to everybody. You don't care about anything. Behaving like an old crusty, bitter demon.

Every day, when they choose to stay at that job or find a new one.

As I mentioned earlier, that's an absurd position. That's like telling someone, that if they don't like how this country is doing politically and otherwise, they should just leave.

View attachment 793046

As if people have the option, to just pack up and leave everything, to settle in another country. At least in our country, we have elections that allow us to reform it. The workplace should be the same. There should be democracy in politics and in the workplace, where we have our livilhoods, not to speak of other needed services like our healthcare insurance.

Ok. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?

The "Starship" just blew up a few weeks ago.


View attachment 793055

You're handing over all of our infrastructure in space, even Mars, to Elon Musk and his "SpaceX company". Musk the billionaire rich boy, born into wealth and morally supported by devils like you. We don't need SpaceX or any of these billionaires. The American people through NASA, can accomplish 100X what SpaceX has. Fake "patriots" like you defund Nasa, and get America dependent on billionaires, that only care about their wealth and power. You're no patriot, you're a devil.

Musk didn't start a software company with his brother?
Didn't start another company that eventually became PayPal?
Didn't start SpaceX? Didn't help Tesla become wildly successful?

You're missing my point, as always. Your above drivel, is in response to my saying that Elon Musk, isn't "self-made", not that he didn't accomplish anything in life. That's your silly straw man argument. I never said Musk is a vegetable laying in bed all day. I said he got plenty of help from others, like his wealthy family, the US government..etc.

Like WalMart?

Yes, like Walmart, a multibillion-dollar company, that makes tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits and yet refuses to pay many of its employees a living wage, forcing them to receive food stamps (government public assistance). The government has to pick up the bill, for Walmart's greed.
Walmart ranked among the top four largest employees of SNAP and Medicaid benefits in the states whose data was included in the report, employing an estimated 14,500 workers who received food stamps, according to the GAO report’s findings. McDonald’s was listed in the top five for at least nine states and was said to employ nearly 8,800 workers who received SNAP assistance within the data set.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

More, I was responding to a comment about how supposedly incompetent and inefficient the government is.


That's an old canard, used by confused Right-Wingers, who think private companies are more "efficient" and effective than the government.

Inefficient and ineffective private companies go out of business.
What happens to inefficient and ineffective governments?

As I mentioned earlier, that's an absurd position.

Right, because you live in the Soviet Union.

The "Starship" just blew up a few weeks ago.

So, answer the question.

Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?
Last year? Last 5 years?

You're handing over all of our infrastructure in space, even Mars, to Elon Musk and his "SpaceX company".

What's "our infrastructure in space"?

You're missing my point, as always.

I'm mocking your point, as always.

Yes, like Walmart, a multibillion-dollar company, that makes tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits and yet refuses to pay many of its employees a living wage, forcing them to receive food stamps (government public assistance). The government has to pick up the bill, for Walmart's greed.

That makes Walmart a big-wig monopolist?
Would the government have a bigger bill to pick up if no poor people worked at Walmart?

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Walmart Saves Taxpayers Billions In Public Assistance

Canada is Canada, we're the USA. We have Medicare, Medicaid, VA, and our active duty military, which are better examples of what we can and can't do than what is occurring in Canada.

More, what is stopping us from doing it better in the future, assuming we're not doing it well now?

Does Canada set the standard for everybody else? Are you exaggerating the poor scheduling performance of these government-funded and run programs?

Are all medical systems in the world that are funded by their government plagued with poor performance? How bad is it really?

Does that justify my brother paying $280 for a carton of insulin for his son here in NY, rather than paying $23 in Canada, a few miles away in Niagra Falls?

How bad is the scheduling now for Medicare and Medicaid, is it horrible?

What's your solution for affordable healthcare in America, if it's not Universal Medicare?
Well let's go back in history and tell me how many people were uninsured as repeated by Obama... 46 million. Right..

"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter' (remember he is talking about YOU!) or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

This from the architect of Obamacare, Gruber who also said ..." using data from the Census Bureau,
estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
Now you don't I'm sure understand the above but let me help you for your 8.5 second attention span!
Obamacare architect Gruber called YOU stupid for voting for Obamacare!
63% of the enrollees WERE ALREADY ELIGIBLE BEFORE OBAMACARE! Do you understand?
These 63% never knew they were eligible BEFORE Obamacare... why didn't Obamacare concentrate on USING existing Medicaid allocations to get these 63% enrolled BEFORE creating the gigantic wasteful Obamacare? Obama's lie has been totally exposed:
"46 million uninsured"was not the whole truth,
11 million are illegals and
14 million were eligible for Medicaid..
So that left 21 million truly "uninsured" BUT WAIT...
What about the military?
In 2021, 3.5 percent of all people in the United States were covered through military health care (including TRICARE, VA or CHAMPVA). This statistic shows the percentage of U.S. Americans insured by military health care from 1990 to 2021.
Hmmm... The estimated population of the U.S. was approximately 331.89 million in 2021, so 3.5% is 11,616,150 insured!
So 21 million truly uninsured is actually less than 10 million! nearly 80% fewer than Obama's
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children," President Obama told doctors in a speech before the American Medical Association in Chicago in June.

So why didn't the MSM tell us the falsehood in this number? Seems pretty clear... there never were 46 million uninsured Americans!

And remember what the architect of Obamacare Gruber said about you believers.."it took the stupidity of the American voter'..
you see what Obama and his administration thought of you???
Loyal-Peasant Attitudes Don't Belong in America, and Neither Do HeirHeads

Then, if Preppylovers were capable of being consistent, make it a law that inheritances and trust funds can only be spent on consumer purchases. And that doesn't include education, which is buying a job that real Americans can't afford to buy.
Don't like your private bureaucracy? You're free to find a new one.

No, I'm not, because my healthcare is tied to that employer, along with other important services and benefits, not to speak of my livelihood. It might be easy for millionaires like you to just hop from one company to another, but not for most Americans, who need to work to eat and have a roof over their heads. How many CNC programming jobs are there in my city or town, do you know? Not many. That's what I do for a living. Do you believe moving my wife and kids around the county, from one job and location to another, is an option? You're in Lala land.

More, I was responding to a comment about how supposedly incompetent and inefficient the government is. That was the context. That's an old canard, used by confused Right-Wingers, who think private companies are more "efficient" and effective than the government. They drank the capitalist Kool-Aid, because private companies are often more bureaucratic and inefficient than government, and their bottom line isn't to serve the community but rather to make a profit.

So efficiency isn't necessarily the most important performance metric or priority. I prefer to have someone working for my well-being and that of my family's, who is somewhat "inefficient" but still gets the job done well, and whose primary purpose is to serve and protect people, than a private company, that is SUPER EFFICIENT, whose only bottom line is $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

What do you do if you don't like the DMV or your local PD?

I haven't stepped into the DMV in years. How does that compare to the place where I go six days a week, ten hours daily, namely my Job (the workplace)? You're comparing apples and toaster ovens.

If the DMV or PD needs to be improved, that can be addressed at the city council meeting, or in the next election. When was the last time your beloved private bureaucracy held an election? Like NEVER. You live in Lalaland, because you're probably a retired elderly person on Social Security and Medicare, who doesn't care about anything anymore. I find many of you older folks on this forum are misanthropic, nihilistic, and cynical. You're leaving this world with a big FU to everybody. Thinking and behaving like an old crusty, bitter demon.

Every day, when they choose to stay at that job or find a new one.

As I mentioned earlier, that's an absurd proposition. That's like telling someone, that if they don't like how this country is doing politically and otherwise, they should just leave.

View attachment 793046

As if people have the option, to just pack up and leave everything, to settle in another country. At least in our country, we have elections that allow us to reform it. The workplace should be the same. There should be democracy in politics and in the workplace, where we have our livilhoods, not to speak of other needed services like our healthcare insurance.

Ok. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?

View attachment 793051

The SpaceX "Starship" just blew up a few weeks ago.


View attachment 793055

You're handing over all of our infrastructure in space, even Mars, to Elon Musk and his "SpaceX company". Musk the billionaire rich boy, born into wealth and morally supported by devils like you. We don't need SpaceX or any of these billionaires. The American people through NASA, can accomplish 100x more than SpaceX or any other private company Fake "patriots" like you defund NASA, and get America dependent on billionaires, who only care about their wealth and power. You're no patriot, you're just a devil.

Musk didn't start a software company with his brother?
Didn't start another company that eventually became PayPal?
Didn't start SpaceX? Didn't help Tesla become wildly successful?

You're missing my point, as always. Your above drivel is in response to me saying that Elon Musk, isn't "self-made", not that he didn't accomplish anything in life. That's your silly straw man argument. I never said Musk is a vegetable laying in bed all day. I said he got plenty of help from others, like his wealthy family, the US government..etc.

Like WalMart?

Yes, like Walmart, a multibillion-dollar company, that makes tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits and yet refuses to pay many of its employees a living wage, forcing them to receive food stamps (government public assistance). The government has to pick up the bill, for Walmart's greed and hubris.

Walmart ranked among the top four largest employees of SNAP and Medicaid benefits in the states whose data was included in the report, employing an estimated 14,500 workers who received food stamps, according to the GAO report’s findings. McDonald’s was listed in the top five for at least nine states and was said to employ nearly 8,800 workers who received SNAP assistance within the data set.

Report: Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers $6.2 Billion In Public Assistance

Well let's go back in history and tell me how many people were uninsured as repeated by Obama... 46 million. Right..

"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. And basically, call it the 'stupidity of the American voter' (remember he is talking about YOU!) or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

This from the architect of Obamacare, Gruber who also said ..." using data from the Census Bureau,
estimate that Medicaid “produced 63% of the gains [in coverage] that we identified” for 2014.
Now you don't I'm sure understand the above but let me help you for your 8.5 second attention span!
Obamacare architect Gruber called YOU stupid for voting for Obamacare!
63% of the enrollees WERE ALREADY ELIGIBLE BEFORE OBAMACARE! Do you understand?
These 63% never knew they were eligible BEFORE Obamacare... why didn't Obamacare concentrate on USING existing Medicaid allocations to get these 63% enrolled BEFORE creating the gigantic wasteful Obamacare? Obama's lie has been totally exposed:
"46 million uninsured"was not the whole truth,
11 million are illegals and
14 million were eligible for Medicaid..
So that left 21 million truly "uninsured" BUT WAIT...
What about the military?
In 2021, 3.5 percent of all people in the United States were covered through military health care (including TRICARE, VA or CHAMPVA). This statistic shows the percentage of U.S. Americans insured by military health care from 1990 to 2021.
Hmmm... The estimated population of the U.S. was approximately 331.89 million in 2021, so 3.5% is 11,616,150 insured!
So 21 million truly uninsured is actually less than 10 million! nearly 80% fewer than Obama's
"We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children," President Obama told doctors in a speech before the American Medical Association in Chicago in June.

So why didn't the MSM tell us the falsehood in this number? Seems pretty clear... there never were 46 million uninsured Americans!

And remember what the architect of Obamacare Gruber said about you believers.."it took the stupidity of the American voter'..
you see what Obama and his administration thought of you???

Gobbledygook. So all of the above fuzzy logic, justifies my brother paying $280 for a carton of insulin, for his diabetic son, when a few miles away in Niagra Falls, Canada, he can get the exact same carton of insulin for $23.00? The capitalists that you worship, made sure that our government makes it illegal for my brother to cross the border into Canada and purchase that cheap carton of insulin for 10x less than what he is paying in the USA. How does all of that gibberish you wrote, help my brother or anyone else? It doesn't.

The price of healthcare in America has to come down, significantly, or it's better to just have universal Medicare, or a healthcare system, similar to the VA, but for everybody. If someone is a millionaire like you, they can use a private clinic or hospital and for those who don't have that much money, they'll go to the government hospital. It's that simple. At least they have something, rather than nothing. Before I had my heart surgery at the VA, I used my private insurance to get CT scans and other tests in a private hospital and I had to be admitted for a few days, and they charged my private insurance company approximately, $28,000 daily for my stay at the hospital for a couple of days. My private insurance refused to pay for one of my echocardiograms (recommended by my doctor). I had to get it at the VA and yes I waited an extra two weeks for it, but at least I got my echo. I prefer to get my echocardiogram in two weeks, than not get it all. That's why I love my VA.
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horseshit, we have child labor laws, hour per week limitations, mandatory overtime pay, anti-discrimination laws. Unions today are nothing but a fund raiser for the far left (using your money which you are forced to pay)
Overtime pay should begin, yes, only begin at 2x the normal hourly rate and it should be LAW.

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