What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%

If you had any idea how difficult it was to get assisted suicide in this country, you would realize how laughable your entire post is.

Do you have a real source for this garbage or just Breitbart?

Here are the real causes of death.

Reading comprehension has never been one of your strong points.

Here is another source.

Assisted Suicide Becomes 3rd Leading Cause of Death in Quebec — 7% of All Deaths

by: Frink - 6/08/2023

The US Federal Government is not the best healthcare in the world. And I'm a Canadian who has been in both systems.
You are 100% RIGHT! The US Government is certainly NOT the best health care in the world. Our PRIVATE ENTERPRISE healthcare system is the BEST IN THE WORLD. Don't think so? What country or group of countries for that matter have provided more new life-saving/extending drugs, procedures, and technology than the United States in say the past 100 years.

Elon Musk is rich both because he received government support and because of his capitalist tendencies. There are literally millions of people receiving aid from the US government who have not succeeded.
Yes, there are millions of people who receive aid and benefits from the US Government who have not succeeded. We have millions of people living below the poverty line, receiving taxpayers' money who have not succeeded.


You are 100% RIGHT! The US Government is certainly NOT the best health care in the world. Our PRIVATE ENTERPRISE healthcare system is the BEST IN THE WORLD. Don't think so? What country or group of countries for that matter have provided more new life-saving/extending drugs, procedures, and technology than the United States in say the past 100 years.

Yes, there are millions of people who receive aid and benefits from the US Government who have not succeeded. We have millions of people living below the poverty line, receiving taxpayers' money who have not succeeded.


Let's adjust for the 2000s america.
1). Complete at least 1 post high school degree. Tech school included.
2). Work full time plus.
3). Do not get married do not have kids. Do nothing fun. Work every single day. Do this for 40 years. You may or may not have a decent life.
Let's adjust for the 2000s america.
1). Complete at least 1 post high school degree. Tech school included.
2). Work full time plus.
3). Do not get married do not have kids. Do nothing fun. Work every single day. Do this for 40 years. You may or may not have a decent life.
Inefficient and ineffective private companies go out of business. What happens to inefficient and ineffective governments?

Not in America. they get bailed out. They get plenty of help, including huge yearly paid subsidies. If a democratic government is ineffective, it gets replaced with new politicians and officials, who will do the job, or else they get voted out of office.

Right, because you live in the Soviet Union.

I live in the USA. You obviously live in Lalaland.

So, answer the question. Who has a better record of successful launches recently, NASA or SpaceX?
Last year? Last 5 years?

You answer the question. What's the answer? And then tell me and everybody else here your conclusion. Go ahead genius.

What's "our infrastructure in space"?

The WIFI satellite network, and whatever else we develop in LEO and beyond, rely on SpaceX. Why should the American people rely on Musk, to get into space and develop space infrastructure? Future satellite networks, space factories, shipwrights, lunar mining operations, and space colonies. Why should Americans give that to a billionaire, when they could own it collectively, making all of those assets publicly owned? They belong to everyone, to us, not one billionaire or a few rich guys. We don't need them to do this for us, we have NASA and the most powerful government in the world. We don't need private dictatorships a.k.a. for-profit business enterprises, doing this for us. Why should we hand all of these resources to them? Right-wingers have lost their minds.

I'm mocking your point, as always.

And what makes it even more pathetic is that your mockery doesn't refute anything I've said.

That makes Walmart a big-wig monopolist?

Would the government have a bigger bill to pick up if no poor people worked at Walmart?

There wouldn't be any poor people like them if our government was allowed to invest in people's education, and vocational training, offer employment guarantees in the public sector, and protect the rights of workers to unionize. Walmart generates tens of billions of dollars yearly in profits, so there's no excuse for these workers to get paid so little that they need to be on food stamps and government cash assistance. It would actually cost Walmart less to pay everyone a living wage, just raising salaries a few dollars hourly, than what society is paying now through food stamps and cash assistance.

You essentially don't care what Walmart or any company does with respect to its worker's wages, because your allegiance is 100% committed to the financial interests of the rich and powerful. Well, this type of capitalism isn't going to survive much longer. People like you are the best propagators of socialism. Rather than having a capitalist system, with a little bit of socialism, where workers can at least, have enough money to eat, and pay their rents, but NO. You don't even have that as a standard, as low as that is. You don't even care about that. It's all about protecting the interests of the wealthy elites, and to hell with the workers.
Treason Is Not a Property Right

Why didn't the unions stop the outsourcing, especially since they had the political pull to get it outlawed?
No one is a "self-made" anything. Everyone receives some type of help, including Musk. He was born into wealth, he had some good breaks. He's relatively smart and of course, he did get plenty of assistance from the US government.

I believe the US government could do much better than SpaceX in opening space and developing infrastructure, and in the long term that would prove to be much more profitable for the American people, than relying on a private company.
The Twinkling Void

Exploration beyond Earth's gravitational pull is degenerate escapism, wallowing in a fatal decadence, a flash card of nerdy Trekkies running away from accomplishing practical goals needed here on earth, especially in a direction just the opposite of where the astrogeeks are going: discovering and developing the planet's resources all the way to the core.

The intentionally misleading saying from the rulers' hoarding Zero Growth playbook, "We can put a man on the moon, but we can't do X," is babbled constantly but because of the dumbing-down necessary for the plutocracy and its spoiled-putrid heirs to survive, Americans are incapacitated from coming to the logical conclusion, which is that because we wasted huge amounts of money and talent in that "Wow! Cool!" useless spectacle, we didn't have enough left to direct it to where it was needed the most.
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Treason Is Not a Property Right

Why didn't the unions stop the outsourcing, especially since they had the political pull to get it outlawed?
The unions outsourced nothing. They drove up the cost of their commodity to the point where it is less expensive to manufacture the widgets in another country and ship them to the US.
The unions outsourced nothing. They drove up the cost of their commodity to the point where it is less expensive to manufacture the widgets in another country and ship them to the US.

Cheaper in the short-term, 1000x more expensive in the long-term. The US government should protect American workers/consumers. American companies that play by the rules, get rewarded with long-term, sustainable profits and a host of tax cuts, tax rebates, government contracts, interest-free loans, grants, subsidies, and many other "perks", which even a socialist (Christian socialist to be more exact) supports. On the other hand, the capitalists that place profits before the American people and their country can go to hell. They're economic cannibals. Tax them out of business, and impose tariffs upon all of their foreign manufactured products.

R (3).jpeg
Cheaper in the short-term, 1000x more expensive in the long-term. The US government should protect American workers/consumers. American companies that play by the rules, get rewarded with long-term, sustainable profits and a host of tax cuts, tax rebates, government contracts, interest-free loans, grants, subsidies, and many other "perks", which even a socialist (Christian socialist to be more exact) supports. On the other hand, the capitalists that place profits before the American people and their country can go to hell. They're economic cannibals. Tax them out of business, and impose tariffs upon all of their foreign manufactured products.

Profits? Outrageous!

There ought to be a law, eh comrade?
Profits? Outrageous!

There ought to be a law, eh comrade?

That's your straw man. Profits are important, but not at the expense of the American workforce/consumer and economy. What your big-money capitalist friends are doing is moving factories abroad to make 1000% profits. Crazy short-term profits = Crazy tariffs. It's natural to be greedy, but that greed shouldn't destroy the economy. It has to be regulated and expressed within certain parameters.

The capitalists and the workers have a right to unionize or what Adam Smith, the father of capitalism called "combining". The "combinations of the masters". Both the masters and the workmen can combine, to advance their financial interests. Both capitalists and their employees should negotiate their terms of employment and come to an agreement that both can accept. There will always be compromises on both sides of the aisle. No one gets everything they want. Both the capitalists and the workers should realize this.

You on the other hand, unfortunately, just flip a big finger to the workers, saying "WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT, WE'RE THE BIG POWERFUL, WEALTHY CAPITALISTS AND WE CONDUCT BUSINESS ON OUR OWN TERMS. YOU WORKERS CAN GO TO HELL"...No, it doesn't work that way, sorry bubba. American workers = American consumers. If you take the jobs away from the American worker, you are taking the purchasing power away from the American consumer. You are hurting the American economy in the long-term, in order to make CRAZY PROFITS, in the short term. That's economic cannabilism.
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That's your straw man. Profits are important, but not at the expense of the American workforce/consumer and economy. What your big-money capitalist friends are doing is moving factories abroad to make 1000% profits. Crazy short-term profits = Crazy tariffs. It's natural to be greedy, but that greed shouldn't destroy the economy. It has to be regulated and expressed within certain parameters.

The capitalists and the workers have a right to unionize or what Adam Smith, the father of capitalism called "combining". The "combinations of the masters". Both the masters and the workmen can combine, to advance their financial interests. Both capitalists and their employees should negotiate their terms of employment and come to an agreement that both can accept. There will always be compromises on both sides of the aisle. No one gets everything they want. Both the capitalists and the workers should realize this.

You on the other hand, unfortunately, just flip a big finger to the workers, saying "WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT, WE'RE THE BIG POWERFUL, WEALTHY CAPITALISTS AND WE CONDUCT BUSINESS ON OUR OWN TERMS. YOU WORKERS CAN GO TO HELL"...No, it doesn't work that way, sorry bubba. American workers = American consumers. If you take the jobs away from the American worker, you are taking the purchasing power away from the American consumer. You are hurting the American economy in the long-term, in order to make CRAZY PROFITS, in the short term. That's economic cannabilism.

What your big-money capitalist friends are doing is moving factories abroad to make 1000% profits.

What your big-money capitalist friends are doing is moving factories abroad to make 1000% profits.

I'm not lying. They move those factories primarily, above all else, for the dirt-cheap labor and lack of regulations. They hate hiring well-paid American workers, with benefits and being subject to regulations, even when those laws are necessary and protect everyone. They want to pay a worker in Bangladesh, $1 hourly or a laborer in Mexico $2 hourly, rather than an American worker, $14 hourly plus benefits. If American companies are still making a profit, there's no legitimate reason for them to move abroad and lay off millions of American workers here at home. They were still making a profit and getting plenty of perks from the US government.
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Cheaper in the short-term, 1000x more expensive in the long-term. The US government should protect American workers/consumers. American companies that play by the rules, get rewarded with long-term, sustainable profits and a host of tax cuts, tax rebates, government contracts, interest-free loans, grants, subsidies, and many other "perks", which even a socialist (Christian socialist to be more exact) supports. On the other hand, the capitalists that place profits before the American people and their country can go to hell. They're economic cannibals. Tax them out of business, and impose tariffs upon all of their foreign manufactured products.

I'm not lying. They move those factories primarily, above all else, for the dirt-cheap labor and lack of regulations. They hate hiring well-paid American workers, with benefits and being subject to regulations, even when those laws are necessary and protect everyone. They want to pay a worker in Bangladesh, $1 hourly or a laborer in Mexico $2 hourly, rather than an American worker, $14 hourly plus benefits. If American companies are still making a profit, there's no legitimate reason for them to move abroad and lay off millions of American workers here at home. They were still making a profit and getting plenty of perks from the US government.
You have lied, as you know well, from your very first post. It has been your sole purpose since you introduced that goofy sock.

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I'm not lying. They move those factories primarily, above all else, for the dirt-cheap labor and lack of regulations. They hate hiring well-paid American workers, with benefits and being subject to regulations, even when those laws are necessary and protect everyone. They want to pay a worker in Bangladesh, $1 hourly or a laborer in Mexico $2 hourly, rather than an American worker, $14 hourly plus benefits. If American companies are still making a profit, there's no legitimate reason for them to move abroad and lay off millions of American workers here at home. They were still making a profit and getting plenty of perks from the US government.

I'm not lying.

You are. There are no 1000% profits.
I'm not lying.

You are. There are no 1000% profits.

If those companies are paying much less for their labor, permits, licenses, and utilities abroad, in these third-world countries. And Building codes aren't as strict as they are here in the US and labor rights and laws in general, are lacking, then yes, they can literally make 10x more than what they were making here in the US. I've seen the stats.

The worse you can accuse me of, is using hyperbole, in your pedantic critique of my remarks. That in and of itself, doesn't render the substance of what was said, incorrect. The truth, whether you want to recognize it or not, is that American companies that close their factories here in the US and move them to Mexico and other third-world economies, do it primarily to make more money, not because they were going out of business here at home.

I believe our laws should protect both American workers and their employers, but unfortunately, the right-wing, Republican government cronies of these employers, are only concerned with protecting and elevating the rich at the expense of working-class Americans.

I'm for supporting American capitalists, who love this country and understand that having a robust, well-paid, healthy and skilled American workforce, translates into paying consumers who purchase a lot of goods and services from their capitalist employers. It's a symbiotic relationship, within an "ecosystem", of production and consumption. Happy, healthy, well-paid workers = happy capitalists with tens of millions of dollars or more, in assets and cash, within a sustainable, functional economy. Capitalism has to benefit, not just the wealthy elites, but workers (paying consumers) as well. If capitalists are the pillars of society, the working class is the foundation upon which they rest. Destroy the foundation and the whole building collapses.

Failure to implement government policies and services that meet the needs of the working class, and mitigate the inequality that naturally exists in capitalism (with wealth concentrated at the top), results in life at the bottom of the "food chain", becoming unbearable. That leads to social unrest, lower wages, consumers with less purchasing power, lack of affordable housing, millions of Americans without health insurance (bad health), an outdated, crumbling national infrastructure..etc. Everyone suffers, including the aforementioned "pillars of society", THE RICH. The foundation is weak and sick, potentially leading to the collapse of the whole structure.

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Most certainly dumbass. Germany and Spain have higher rates as do most of the countries in the EU. Riddle me this, how would Trump have handled things differently? How would it be different if Trump were president? What is the price of diesel right now? Notice you right wingers quit talking about gas and diesel prices.

To be blunt, you are all pieces of shit. You actually want things to be bad because of your obsession with a self-absorbed absolute dumbass. You aren't Americans, you are Trump dick suckers. Just change the name of the country from the United States of America to Trumpenstien, eliminate the Constitution and replace it with a monarchy. Trump is king and Donald Jr. becomes first in line to the throne. That should turn out really well.
You have to stick to reality and not hypotheticals. The reality is, Biden is in office, what's he doing about inflation as opposed to guessing what someone else would do. One day, Lefties will have to move on and forget about Trump.
horseshit, we have child labor laws, hour per week limitations, mandatory overtime pay, anti-discrimination laws. Unions today are nothing but a fund raiser for the far left (using your money which you are forced to pay)

Nobody is forced to be in a union
If those companies are paying much less for their labor, permits, licenses, and utilities abroad, in these third-world countries. And Building codes aren't as strict as they are here in the US and labor rights and laws in general, are lacking, then yes, they can literally make 10x more than what they were making here in the US. I've seen the stats.

The worse you can accuse me of, is using hyperbole, in your pedantic critique of my remarks. That in and of itself, doesn't render the substance of what was said, incorrect. The truth, whether you want to recognize it or not, is that American companies that close their factories here in the US and move them to Mexico and other third-world economies, do it primarily to make more money, not because they were going out of business here at home.

I believe our laws should protect both American workers and their employers, but unfortunately, the right-wing, Republican government cronies of these employers, are only concerned with protecting and elevating the rich at the expense of working-class Americans.

I'm for supporting American capitalists, who love this country and understand that having a robust, well-paid, healthy and skilled American workforce, translates into paying consumers who purchase a lot of goods and services from their capitalist employers. It's a symbiotic relationship, within an "ecosystem", of production and consumption. Happy, healthy, well-paid workers = happy capitalists with tens of millions of dollars or more, in assets and cash, within a sustainable, functional economy. Capitalism has to benefit, not just the wealthy elites, but workers (paying consumers) as well. If capitalists are the pillars of society, the working class is the foundation upon which they rest. Destroy the foundation and the whole building collapses.

Failure to implement government policies and services that meet the needs of the working class, and mitigate the inequality that naturally exists in capitalism (with wealth concentrated at the top), results in life at the bottom of the "food chain", becoming unbearable. That leads to social unrest, lower wages, consumers with less purchasing power, lack of affordable housing, millions of Americans without health insurance (bad health), an outdated, crumbling national infrastructure..etc. Everyone suffers, including the aforementioned "pillars of society", THE RICH. The foundation is weak and sick, potentially leading to the collapse of the whole structure.


they can literally make 10x more than what they were making here in the US. I've seen the stats.


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