What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%

That's your straw man. Profits are important, but not at the expense of the American workforce/consumer and economy. What your big-money capitalist friends are doing is moving factories abroad to make 1000% profits. Crazy short-term profits = Crazy tariffs. It's natural to be greedy, but that greed shouldn't destroy the economy. It has to be regulated and expressed within certain parameters.

The capitalists and the workers have a right to unionize or what Adam Smith, the father of capitalism called "combining". The "combinations of the masters". Both the masters and the workmen can combine, to advance their financial interests. Both capitalists and their employees should negotiate their terms of employment and come to an agreement that both can accept. There will always be compromises on both sides of the aisle. No one gets everything they want. Both the capitalists and the workers should realize this.

You on the other hand, unfortunately, just flip a big finger to the workers, saying "WE CAN DO WHATEVER WE WANT, WE'RE THE BIG POWERFUL, WEALTHY CAPITALISTS AND WE CONDUCT BUSINESS ON OUR OWN TERMS. YOU WORKERS CAN GO TO HELL"...No, it doesn't work that way, sorry bubba. American workers = American consumers. If you take the jobs away from the American worker, you are taking the purchasing power away from the American consumer. You are hurting the American economy in the long-term, in order to make CRAZY PROFITS, in the short term. That's economic cannabilism.
A Class That Betrayed Itself

If you believe graduates of the present work-without-pay college "education" system deserve the good jobs the plutocratic parasites give them, you're too shallow to understand the well-hidden problems. If union members encourage their sons to go to college and become corporate flunkies, as Martin Sheen must have done to his real-life son in the movie Wall Street, then they are not union men.
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In the commodity world, money is everything, a person is nothing. If you are poor, no one cares about your talents, intelligence and usefulness to society, but if you are rich, they will see any talents, intelligence and usefulness to society in you. In this upside-down world of freaks, there are no criminals scarier than communists.
In the commodity world, money is everything, a person is nothing. If you are poor, no one cares about your talents, intelligence and usefulness to society, but if you are rich, they will see any talents, intelligence and usefulness to society in you. In this upside-down world of freaks, there are no criminals scarier than communists.

Communism still sucks.
Because the rich don't deserve that money, poor money broke guys like me need it :)

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