What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%

Because the rich don't deserve that money, poor money broke guys like me need it :)
Then why don’t you go out and earn more money, instead of stealing it from someone else? 🤔

Also, you told me in another thread to “question everything”. So I’m questioning here and now why broke guys like you need more money and rich guys don’t?

I think it’s the exact opposite. Since the wealthy create goods & services that keep society functioning - and provide jobs to people - while poor people like you do nothing to add to society, I think we should be taking everything that people like you have, and giving it to the wealthy:
“For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what little he has will be taken away” - Matthew 25:29
Even the Bible supports that.
that would be in violation of the constitution and most state and federal law. Unions had a place in the 1920s and 30s, but today they are nothing but a democrat fund raising cabal.
reposting because its true. deal with reality, libs. unions are raping you and you continue to pull your pants down for them.
What happens if you tax the rich too highly -

Moore was vocal in his defence of his tax exile status, saying that in the 1970s, with taxes levied on top earners under the Labour government of James Callaghan, he had been urged by his "accountants, agents, and lawyers" to move abroad because, "At that point we were taxed up to 98% on unearned income, so you would never be able to save enough to ensure that you had any sort of livelihood if you didn't work."
Only an economic retard thinks that a billionaire would hand 90 percent of his money to the US government. They are the most mobile people on the planet, change the tax laws and they'll take their billions to another country and the US economy and the workers who benefit from them suffer.
This has been done in the past on marginal income ( the income above a threshold) not for the total wealth or income.
Since it was done on income and not on savings they can take the money they already earned anywhere ( although they didn't).

LMAO, you are an idiot. I hate to break the news to you but having a couple of yard sales, selling girl scout cookies in front of Walmart, and helping your kids have a lemonade stand in the front yard doesn't count as owning a business.

I am not a Marxist and you wouldn't know a Marxist if they jumped up and bit you in your nasty ass. I am all about "free markets" and the really funny thing, is I am about the only person on this board that actually knows what a free market is. I am here to tell you, that ain't what we have right now. Far from it.

You are not explaining it because you can't explain it, it has nothing to do with me. Poor people should pay taxes on all their income, rich people shouldn't--explain it. Why? I mean I double dog dare you.
Wow, thank you for demonstrating my point there is no point in explaining anything too you. You're a nut job, a communist and flagrantly racist
yeah, the lying media has convinced you of that, ever wonder why they would do that?
What do the working class paycheck to paycheck folk have in common with Uber wealthy people? Absolutely nothing. Not a bad thing it's always been this way.
What do the working class paycheck to paycheck folk have in common with Uber wealthy people? Absolutely nothing. Not a bad thing it's always been this way.
and always will be, and most of the ultra rich vote dem. what does that tell you? be honest if you can.
Gates, Soros, Zuckerburg, Kochs, most of hollywood. geez dude do you live under a rock?

So, there are only 10 ultra rich people in the country?

Or do you not know what the word "most" means

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