What Happens When You Tax Billionaires At 90%

Of course, it's called "regulations", or "laws". Are you lawless? If you can't pay the human beings that work for you full-time, a living wage, then you don't deserve to be in business. The taxpayer has to pay the bill by paying your employees, food stamps, and cash assistance. Thousands of Walmart employees are on government assistance because they don't make enough to live on.

WALMART makes tens of billions yearly in profits, yet refuses to pay many of its full-time employees a living wage. It's the taxpayer that is left with the bill.

Eventually, advanced automation and artificial intelligence will force secular society, by necessity, to adopt a non-profit system of production.
are people FORCED to work at Walmart? Did they know the rate of pay when they hired on?
Of course, it's called "regulations", or "laws". Are you lawless? If you can't pay the human beings that work for you full-time, a living wage, then you don't deserve to be in business. The taxpayer has to pay the bill by paying your employees, food stamps, and cash assistance. Thousands of Walmart employees are on government assistance because they don't make enough to live on.

WALMART makes tens of billions yearly in profits, yet refuses to pay many of its full-time employees a living wage. It's the taxpayer that is left with the bill.

Eventually, advanced automation and artificial intelligence will force secular society, by necessity, to adopt a non-profit system of production.
are the forced to work for walmart? did they know the rate of pay when they hired on? We have minimum wage laws already. Do you understand that if minimum wages is raised prices will be raised too. or shoul all affected businesses just go our of business when labor costs make them unprofitable?
NO, you are missing the point, the constitution guarantees equal opportunity, not a comfortable income. What you make is up to you.
The only reason your version of capitalism survives is because the government feeds and houses your employees, who you refuse to pay a living wage. A wage that they can live on, without needing government assistance. Left to capitalists like you, these people would be homeless and starving, which would lead to social unrest and eventual civil war.
Only an idiot would ask such a stupid question. If you can't pay your fulltime employees a living wage, then you don't deserve a business. You should go get a job, rather than relying on the government to keep your employees housed and fed. You're a parasite.
The only reason your version of capitalism survives is because the government feeds and houses your employees, who you refuse to pay a living wage. A wage that they can live on, without needing government assistance. Left to capitalists like you, these people would be homeless and starving, which would lead to social unrest and eventual civil war.
horseshit, people like you created the government payouts to protect your rich donors, you have no idea what you are talking about here.
Only an idiot would ask such a stupid question. If you can't pay your fulltime employees a living wage, then you don't deserve a business. You should go get a job, rather than relying on the government to keep your employees housed and fed. You're a parasite.
people are paid what their labor is worth, if you have no skills you won't make much, if you want more get some education or skills. The government does not exist to make all citizens equal pay wise.
people are paid what their labor is worth, if you have no skills you won't make much, if you want more get some education or skills. The government does not exist to make all citizens equal pay wise.
People are paid whatever capitalists can get away with paying. Walmart is able to pay its workers peanuts because the government feeds and houses them. Society decides what business enterprises can and can't do, including what their obligations are. To the extent that employers can continue to get away with paying their full-time employees starvation wages, relying on the government to feed and house them, they will continue doing it.

The younger generation is waking up and is eventually going to demand that employers pay their workers enough to live on, without relying on government welfare. Whatever you think privately owned businesses can do to their employees or to the market, can be mitigated through government regulation. Everything from wages, the price of goods and services, utilities, living costs..etc.
horseshit, people like you created the government payouts to protect your rich donors, you have no idea what you are talking about here.

No more government payouts, you parasite. Pay your employees a living wage or you won't have any employees working in those positions. More, the government can ensure all Americans have a job that pays a living wage, in the public sector. If you can't find a job in the private sector that will allow you to pay your bills and live, you can come to work for the government. We have plenty of work to do, paving highways, building and maintaining bridges and national infrastructure, and many other tasks and projects. If you want to be a capitalist asshole, the government will employ everyone that needs a job and can't get one in the private sector that pays a living wage.

The government will also provide everyone with an education in its public schools, from kinder to Ph.D. Vocational job training as well.
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Only an idiot would ask such a stupid question. If you can't pay your fulltime employees a living wage, then you don't deserve a business. You should go get a job, rather than relying on the government to keep your employees housed and fed. You're a parasite.

I asked you to define a living wage, you forget?
People are paid whatever capitalists can get away with paying. Walmart is able to pay its workers peanuts because the government feeds and houses them. Society decides what business enterprises can and can't do, including what their obligations are. To the extent that employers can continue to get away with paying their full-time employees starvation wages, relying on the government to feed and house them, they will continue doing it.

The younger generation is waking up and is eventually going to demand that employers pay their workers enough to live on, without relying on government welfare. Whatever you think privately owned businesses can do to their employees or to the market, can be mitigated through government regulation. Everything from wages, the price of goods and services, utilities, living costs..etc.

The younger generation is waking up and is eventually going to demand that employers pay their workers enough to live on, without relying on government welfare.

It worked in Venezuela, right?
No more government payouts, you parasite. Pay your employees a living wage or you won't have any employees working in those positions. More, the government can ensure all Americans have a job that pays a living wage, in the public sector. If you can't find a job in the private sector that will allow you to pay your bills and live, you can come to work for the government. We have plenty of work to do, paving highways, building and maintaining bridges and national infrastructure, and many other tasks and projects. If you want to be a capitalist asshole, the government will employ everyone that needs a job and can't get one in the private sector that pays a living wage.

The government will also provide everyone with an education in its public schools, from kinder to Ph.D. Vocational job training as well.

No more government payouts, you parasite. Pay your employees a living wage or you won't have any employees working in those positions.

Exactly! Get rid of the low-skill workers and government handouts get more expensive, not less.

More, the government can ensure all Americans have a job that pays a living wage, in the public sector. If you can't find a job in the private sector that will allow you to pay your bills and live, you can come to work for the government.

It worked in Venezuela, right?

We have plenty of work to do, paving highways, building and maintaining bridges and national infrastructure, and many other tasks and projects.

You want the idiots who couldn't hack it at Walmart building bridges?
Have you always been a moron?
No more government payouts, you parasite. Pay your employees a living wage or you won't have any employees working in those positions.

Exactly! Get rid of the low-skill workers and government handouts get more expensive, not less.

More, the government can ensure all Americans have a job that pays a living wage, in the public sector. If you can't find a job in the private sector that will allow you to pay your bills and live, you can come to work for the government.

It worked in Venezuela, right?

We have plenty of work to do, paving highways, building and maintaining bridges and national infrastructure, and many other tasks and projects.

You want the idiots who couldn't hack it at Walmart building bridges?
Have you always been a moron?

Society should get rid of you, not the people who are working fulltime for Walmart and aren't getting paid a wage they can live on. What should occur is what I already explained and you conveniently ignored. The government should require all companies to pay their full-time employees a living wage, that way the government doesn't have to feed and house them. You want bailout money for the stingy multibillion-dollar companies that refuse to pay their fulltime workers enough for them to feed and house themselves.

Your flippant dismissal of these workers as merely "low-skilled" in order to devalue the work that they do is your pathetic attempt to justify Walmart's dependency on the government. They have needed skills and a task to carry out which companies need or else they wouldn't have those positions, nor would they hire anyone to fill them.

Venezuela has nothing to do with the United States guaranteeing employment in the public sector, to all of its citizens. One has nothing to do with the other.

You're the pearl-clutching piece of shit imbecile. If private companies refuse to hire people full-time and pay them a living wage, then the government can put them to work and you rich parasites can go kill yourselves.
The younger generation is waking up and is eventually going to demand that employers pay their workers enough to live on, without relying on government welfare.

It worked in Venezuela, right?
This has nothing to do with Venezuela. You're a retard.
Society should get rid of you, not the people who are working fulltime for Walmart and aren't getting paid a wage they can live on. What should occur is what I already explained and you conveniently ignored. The government should require all companies to pay their full-time employees a living wage, that way the government doesn't have to feed and house them. You want bailout money for the stingy multibillion-dollar companies that refuse to pay their fulltime workers enough for them to feed and house themselves.

Your flippant dismissal of these workers as merely "low-skilled" in order to devalue the work that they do is your pathetic attempt to justify Walmart's dependency on the government. They have needed skills and a task to carry out which companies need or else they wouldn't have those positions, nor would they hire anyone to fill them.

Venezuela has nothing to do with the United States guaranteeing employment in the public sector, to all of its citizens. One has nothing to do with the other.

You're the pearl-clutching piece of shit imbecile. If private companies refuse to hire people full-time and pay them a living wage, then the government can put them to work and you rich parasites can go kill yourselves.

The government should require all companies to pay their full-time employees a living wage

How much is that?

You want bailout money for the stingy multibillion-dollar companies that refuse to pay their fulltime workers enough for them to feed and house themselves.

No, I don't.

Your flippant dismissal of these workers as merely "low-skilled" in order to devalue the work that they do is your pathetic attempt to justify Walmart's dependency on the government.

Workers who need food stamps despite working full-time?

Yeah, low-skilled fits.

Venezuela has nothing to do with the United States guaranteeing employment in the public sector, to all of its citizens. One has nothing to do with the other.

Wasn't Venezuela going to guarantee some or all of the things you desire for the US?

You're the pearl-clutching piece of shit imbecile.

Whiney twat loser says what?

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