What happens when your leader is a prolific liar


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
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Top US national security officials continue to defend the Trump administration's claim that it killed Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani in response to an imminent threat to American lives, but the lack of evidence provided to lawmakers and the public has fueled lingering skepticism about whether the strike was justified.
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.
I'm sure that people in the Pentagon and D.C. have learned by now that you can't just make shit up as an excuse for your actions. At some point the facts are going to come out and you're going to be held accountable.

Okay, I'm just kidding. I don't think we've learned that at all.

Just wanted to toss that one out there for fun.

We don’t want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud
Failure to connect the dots
Since that time, the US has provided few details about those specific threats posed by Soleimani and failed to clearly outline the legal underpinnings.
The administration has failed to connect the dots in a way that provides a clear picture of an imminent threat and that argument has been obscured by inconsistent messaging from US officials.

^^^ right on cue ^^^

What damage can a few harmless fibs do? It’s just his nature.
If a President wants support for bringing his country to war, he must have credibility.
When he describes an imminent threat, people must believe that threat to send their sons and daughters to war

Skepticism mounts over evidence of 'imminent' threat that Trump says justified Soleimani killing - CNNPolitics

Obama is no longer in office!

But then again what do you expect from those that supported the illegal wars of Obama!
We have 16 years of experience of knowing when the President was a prolific liar when Slick Willy and Barry Obama were Presidents.

Actually, Obama’s lies were few and far between. Obama was trusted on the international scene. So much so that other countries deployed ground troops based on his assurances.

Trump has no such support. His incessant lies and constant policy shifts make him unreliable.

Actually, Obama’s lies were few and far between. Obama was trusted on the international scene. So much so that other countries deployed ground troops based on his assurances.

Trump has no such support. His incessant lies and constant policy shifts make him unreliable.

The Obama lies that dwarf Trump's are:
1. Every family will save about $2,500 a year from Obamacare.
Truth is that we all lost healthcare insurance and got whacked with deductibles as high as $10,000 a year

2. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor
That was plain bullshit

3. Obama's redline in Syria was a joke, and the bad guys knew that he was too.

4. Giving Iran up to $150b in sanctions relief helped fund their nuclear program. I don't remember why he gave them that financial relief, but it was wrong and a lie.

5. The MSM has a double-standard when holding Trump to task when he misspeaks or if the fake news media misrepresent the actual facts just to make Trump look bad.

6. Obama was trusted on the international scene because he was a chump, "those jobs are not coming back" <LIE>. He may be indicted for misusing foreign assets to spy on a political opponent's campaign.

The thing is, it won't matter. November is coming and Trump will win again. So relax and enjoy the show.

Actually, Obama’s lies were few and far between. Obama was trusted on the international scene. So much so that other countries deployed ground troops based on his assurances.

Trump has no such support. His incessant lies and constant policy shifts make him unreliable.

The Obama lies that dwarf Trump's are:
1. Every family will save about $2,500 a year from Obamacare.
Truth is that we all lost healthcare insurance and got whacked with deductibles as high as $10,000 a year

2. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor
That was plain bullshit

3. Obama's redline in Syria was a joke, and the bad guys knew that he was too.

4. Giving Iran up to $150b in sanctions relief helped fund their nuclear program. I don't remember why he gave them that financial relief, but it was wrong.

5. The MSM has a double-standard when holding Trump to task when he misspeaks or if the fake news media misrepresent the actual facts just to make Trump look bad.

The thing is, it won't matter. November is coming and Trump will win again. So relax and enjoy the show.

Projections of policy impacts are based on best available knowledge at the time.

Trump outright LIES, then forces his staff to support his lies

No, the hurricane was not projected to hit Alabama
No, Muslims were not dancing on rooftops in NJ
No, Trump did not have a healthcare plan that was better than Obamacare
Our Congress does not trust what Trump tells them
Our allies do not believe the Trump administration
The American people will not believe our President when he says we have to go to war
Our Congress does not trust what Trump tells them
Our allies do not believe the Trump administration
The American people will not believe our President when he says we have to go to war
You're an idiot if you trust any politician

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Our Congress does not trust what Trump tells them
Our allies do not believe the Trump administration
The American people will not believe our President when he says we have to go to war

Your lies should read more like:
Democrats do not trust what Trump tells them (because intel can be verified from the CIA, NSA and Pentagon)
Our allies do not believe the Trump administration. Bullshit. (They are mad because Trump's tariffs are leveling the field)
Democrats will not believe our President when he says we have to go to war

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