"What Has America Become?"

Comey is not an honorable man. If he had any integrity or honor he would gave resigned rather than be part of this corruption.

Laying out the facts of her myriad crimes will cost him his career. Lynch is openly corrupt, just acknowledging the fact of Hillary's half-dozen felonies will end any chance he has of staying with the bureau. I think he was brave to tell the truth in the most corrupt administration in the history of this nation.

Where we are at, had he charged her, there is a very real chance that his wife, children, and grandchildren would start suffering "accidents."
Folks, this email thing was as predictable as rain.

Comey even said in the very press conference (you have to be able to detect slick double talk) that if anyone else did what clinton did (he admitted she did it too) that they would be charged.

He did an old CYA by doing that. Trust me, they are smart.

Corruption has always been a part of the country.

Bottom line is we are on the brink of the tribulation. The one world order is moving pieces into place. Trump CANNOT be president. He will be killed if it came to that before he would win.

Those of us who know the truth should cling to it. I have a lot to repent from, if it is even possible for me. At this point, that is my concern.

What can we do when we see this level of world wide corruption? Is there anything? This is the time for the never believer. This is their time to laugh. Let them have it.

We are pretty much pissing into the wind. At this point, I would suggest you take joy in the fact that truth is with us.

Agreed. He basically said that the political class is above the law but he wanted the American PEOPLE to know it. He is hoping for a change via the ballot box. At least HE is an honorable man. He's fucked because no matter how good an investigation he did he knew nothing would come of it, so he made sure that thinking Americans KNOW what they are up against so they are still able to affect change to try and get this country back under control of the people, and not the government. As the Founders intended.
Comey is not an honorable man. If he had any integrity or honor he would gave resigned rather than be part of this corruption.

And the next guy up would have said nothing. Would NOT have exposed the rampant corruption within the government in such an obvious way. Would not have given those who simply did not know, or are too clueless to figure out what has been happening around them.

Now they know.
Comey is not an honorable man. If he had any integrity or honor he would gave resigned rather than be part of this corruption.

Laying out the facts of her myriad crimes will cost him his career. Lynch is openly corrupt, just acknowledging the fact of Hillary's half-dozen felonies will end any chance he has of staying with the bureau. I think he was brave to tell the truth in the most corrupt administration in the history of this nation.

Where we are at, had he charged her, there is a very real chance that his wife, children, and grandchildren would start suffering "accidents."
I never expected hilly to be charged. I did half expect Comey to resign. He might yet.
It is clear that Obama struck some kind of a deal with Crooked Hillary should she get elected. That was clear when he sent the Justice Department bitch to talk to Slick Willy, the announcement was made that no more emails were to be released and then Crooked Hillary flew on Air Force One.

Probably the deal was for the US to support Obama being the UN Secretary General.

What remains to be seen was Comey threaten or was he bribed to sell out his country.

Are you new to this country. Nothing has changed .. the law was always corrupt.

The ONLY thing that matters in America is money .. and republicans are as guilty of that as anyone on the planet.

It is the Democrats that are getting big bucks from Wall Street, the greedy filthy Unions and the Environmental Wacko billionaires like Tom Steyer.

The Democrats don't give a shit about this country. Only power.

This crap today is a great example of the Democrats not caring about the law or justice or doing the right thing.

You don't excuse that bad behavior by suggesting the Republicans are just as bad. That may have worked on the playground in Kindergarten but it doesn't fly in the real world.
Comey is not an honorable man. If he had any integrity or honor he would gave resigned rather than be part of this corruption.

Laying out the facts of her myriad crimes will cost him his career. Lynch is openly corrupt, just acknowledging the fact of Hillary's half-dozen felonies will end any chance he has of staying with the bureau. I think he was brave to tell the truth in the most corrupt administration in the history of this nation.

Where we are at, had he charged her, there is a very real chance that his wife, children, and grandchildren would start suffering "accidents."
I never expected hilly to be charged. I did half expect Comey to resign. He might yet.

I read Comey's speech many years ago.....

Part of it went like this:

"For once Benjamin consented to break his rule, and he read out to her what was written on the wall. There was nothing there now except a single Commandment. It ran:


Of course, then, Comey was going under the alias 'George Orwell'
And the next guy up would have said nothing. Would NOT have exposed the rampant corruption within the government in such an obvious way. Would not have given those who simply did not know, or are too clueless to figure out what has been happening around them.

Now they know.

But will we act?

Today SHOULD have been Bastille Day. Obama SHOULD have watched the blade drop as his last act, then rolled in a basket to join Hillary, Lynch, and Lois Lerner.

But we will do nothing, despite the open and in your face corruption. We may even let the open crook become president.
And the next guy up would have said nothing. Would NOT have exposed the rampant corruption within the government in such an obvious way. Would not have given those who simply did not know, or are too clueless to figure out what has been happening around them.

Now they know.

But will we act?

Today SHOULD have been Bastille Day. Obama SHOULD have watched the blade drop as his last act, then rolled in a basket to join Hillary, Lynch, and Lois Lerner.

But we will do nothing, despite the open and in your face corruption. We may even let the open crook become president.

Obama being caught using the IRS to target conservative groups was about as bad as this. He skated on that too.

It is over my man.
The face of Comey today telling America that Crooked Hillary was guilty but that no charges were going to be filed is the face of American corruption and this Republic being flushed down the toilet.

Comney said that Cooked Hillary was "careless" in dealing with classified information but no charges was filed.

Excuse me but carelessness is not an excuse when handling classified material. It sure as hell was not an excuse when Petraeus did it.

Of course Petraeus was not the Democrat Presidential nominee was he?
Comney said that Cooked Hillary was "careless" in dealing with classified information but no charges was filed.

Excuse me but carelessness is not an excuse when handling classified material. It sure as hell was not an excuse when Petraeus did it.

Of course Petraeus was not the Democrat Presidential nominee was he?

BUT he was FEARED to be a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL nominee.....A HISTORY of Generals becoming president is well remembers by the Socialist/DemoRATS!....EASY way to get rid of a POTENTIAL threat!
Comey said that Crooked Hillary had classified information on her home server.

Didn't Crooked Hillary look the American people in the eye and tell them that she never had classified information on her server?

Is that as big a lie as the Benghazi lie or bigger?

The Clintons have quite a record of lying to the American people, don't they?
Are you new to this country. Nothing has changed .. the law was always corrupt.

The ONLY thing that matters in America is money .. and republicans are as guilty of that as anyone on the planet.

The nation is 180 degrees from what it was then. We held the president to the laws that others were held to .

No more, Obama is openly corrupt, but if you oppose his corruption, why you're racist. Hillary has a list of felonies the length of a runway, but a quick meeting between her husband and an openly corrupt AG and there will be no charges - oh and Hillary will keep the corrupt pile of shit on, if she can defraud the election.

We were a nation of laws - no longer, but we were.

We owe them nothing - not respect, not loyalty, not obedience.

We are not a nation of laws, we are a nation of lies. Corruption is open and celebrated. The law is a farce at best.

That's absolutely ridiculous .. ignorant to the nth degree. :0)

Let me guess .. Obama was responsible for Watergate.

Ever heard of the Robber Barons .. they made up their own laws.

You must have just got here yesterday .. OR, you're a republican crying crocodile about Hillary not going to jail .. as you Trumpies promised. :0)

Grab yourself an American history book and see if you find a nation devoid of corruption.
Some time ago I wrote this:
The fact that most people doubt Hillary will be indicted proves that the rule of law is dead in America.

And answer to the title of this thread was provided today by FBI Director Comey.
Of course it wasn't any surprise.

But a most eloquent exposition of the current state of affairs in America was written by Ken Huber, of Tawas City, Michigan.

I hope you will judge the perspective, and read same with a tear in your eye for the late, great nation called America.

1. " ...if we lie to the Congress, it's a felony and if the Congress lies to us its just politics;
if we dislike a black person, we're racist and if a black person dislikes whites, its their 1st Amendment right; ...
....in public schools you can teach that homosexuality is OK, but you better not use the word God in the process; you can kill an unborn child, but it is wrong to execute a mass murderer;

2. ....we got rid of communist and socialist threats by renaming them progressive; we are unable to close our border with Mexico, but have no problem protecting the 38th parallel in Korea; if you protest against President Obama's policies you're a terrorist, but if you burned an American flag or George Bush in effigy it was your 1st Amendment right.

3. You can have pornography on TV or the internet, but you better not put a nativity scene in a public park during Christmas; ...we can use a human fetus for medical research, but it is wrong to use an animal.

4. We take money from those who work hard for it and give it to those who don't want to work; ....we still have freedom of speech, but only if we are being politically correct; parenting has been replaced with Ritalin and video games; the land of opportunity is now the land of hand outs; .....

5. And how do we handle a major crisis today? The government appoints a committee to determine who's at fault, then threatens them, passes a law, raises our taxes; tells us the problem is solved so they can get back to their reelection campaign.

What has America become???"
What Has America Become by Ken Huber of Tawas City

A curtsy to Mr. Huber.

People have said the govt would naturally get corrupted once the representatives know they can vote themselves raises.

Today if you look at what is being monopolized, these are OUTSIDE Constitutional standards:
* the legal professional associations and bars producing judges and lawyers who feed each other's campaigns, where lawyers have unequalled influence and positions in over 80% of govt. Lawyers are not required to respect equal protection of the laws, but only for their clients, creating unequal protection due to unequal legal defenses and influence, ESPECIALLY in lawsuits where GOVT is a party, and the GOVT defense is paid for by the very taxpayers defending themselves against GOVT abuses, but without equal resources or defenses paid for.

* With our party system, the abuses are from voters and politicians using the system to force "other people" to pay for their agenda. Unlike organized religions that govt can be checked against endorsing, party platforms and beliefs are "fair game" to impose on the public even if those beliefs are in conflict, because political beliefs are not recognized or treated equally as religious beliefs and kept out of govt.

* With our corporate politics, it's the abuse of corporate interests to BYPASS check on govt, where corporations claim BOTH the individual rights of citizens, free of Constitutional limits and due process that only apply to govt, AND the collective influence and resources similar to govt authority (except without the checks and balances that are only on govt and not on corporate entities).

^ This is especially troublesome when it comes to MEDIA. Since by the First Amendment, the press cannot be regulated by govt, this has become abused where CORPORATIZED media is not on the same level as INDIVIDUAL free speech and press.

If people spread misinformation about party policies and candidates, there are no "direct Constitutional checks" on parties or media sources. You would have to sue and win, and by then the damage is already done in terms of elections and votes on legislation.

These are some areas that are ALLOWING the above listed problems to go unaddressed and unchecked.

As long as we allow unchecked monopolizing and abuse of
* the legal system
* the media
* the party system
* corporate policies
then these are abused to BYPASS the Constitutional check and balances on govt and perpetuate problems as listed in the OP.

I really like that edge of cynicism you're developing!

I haven't seen that in you before.
Hi PoliticalChic
Maybe some of your "unapologetic directness" is rubbing off on me. In the procesd I hope some of my "unstoppable idealism" might rub off on you -- ie faith we CAN unite politically to denounce corruption, enforce the Constitution, and clean up govt. This election cycle, with the top candidates highly contested, brings out the very worst and very best out of both sides. If we play our cards wrong, we get stuck with the worst sides fighting it out where nobody wins, like a nuclear war with a Macbeth tragic ending.

But if we play cards right, we can align with the best to correct the worst flaws. The odds are that the bullies in all parties will fight to the death where the meanest bully wins. So we all lose.

But if the peacemakers in the parties figure out it's better to pull together, there's still a way for the voice of sanity and wisdom to appeal to public reason and rise above the fray. We'll see who follows the bullies, into the battle and over the cliff, and who decides to bail out and create another route.

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