What has Barack Obama achieved so far as president?

At this point in the Obama presidency it’s difficult to say if Obama is the worst or second worst president behind Jimmy Carter. There has never been a president who so purposely ignored the will of the people the way Barak Obama has. Obama’s attitude boarders on those of a totalitarian dictator, he uses fear and intimidation to attain his goals and of course there is the ever present distortions of truth. It hasn’t occurred to Obama he can’t continue to stomp his feet and scream and get his own way every time. To list all of Obama’s blunders would fill several books, and what would be the point? Everyone who opens a newspaper listens to the radio, logs on to the Internet or watches the news on TV knows how fast the ship is sinking with Obama as the Captain. To say Obama is a bad president may be an understatement, he may share the Horses Rectum Award with Jimmy Carter.
I love these Obama sucks troll threads

Ok children...let's play

Passed economic stimulus bill
Got us out of Recession
saved GM and Chrysler
Saved the financial sector
Financial Reform
Credit Card Reform
START Treaty
Repealed DADT
Redirected War on terror
Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist

OK.......now here is where the game starts
I love these Obama sucks troll threads

Ok children...let's play

Passed economic stimulus bill
Got us out of Recession
saved GM and Chrysler
Saved the financial sector
Financial Reform
Credit Card Reform
START Treaty
Repealed DADT
Redirected War on terror
Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist

OK.......now here is where the game starts

I give you credit for listing all his failures (only one even comes close)
like that....

I love these Obama sucks troll threads

Ok children...let's play

Passed economic stimulus bill
Got us out of Recession
saved GM and Chrysler
Saved the financial sector
Financial Reform
Credit Card Reform
START Treaty
Repealed DADT
Redirected War on terror
Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist

OK.......now here is where the game starts

I give you credit for listing all his failures (only one even comes close)
like that....


Geee.....didn't see that one coming

Republicans just scream FAIL after every accomplishment. If you keep screaming it often enough....other republicans might even believe it
Passed economic stimulus bill
Got us out of Recession
saved GM and Chrysler
Saved the financial sector
Financial Reform
Credit Card Reform
START Treaty
Repealed DADT
Redirected War on terror
Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist

What a bunch of worthless crap. As you see, WE ARE STILL at almost 10% unemployment, gas is going through the roof, have you bought any FOOD LATEYLY?
He spent 2 trillion dollars in less than THREE YEARS and now he is ASKING US to give HIM MORE TO SPEND, and on top of that, HE WANTS TO RAISE TAXES for his spending SPREE.
The man is a COMPLETE FAILURE and unfortunately, we are ALL going down for you idiots out there who put this unbending, inexperienced, IDIOLOUGE IN as President.
Passed economic stimulus bill
Got us out of Recession
saved GM and Chrysler
Saved the financial sector
Financial Reform
Credit Card Reform
START Treaty
Repealed DADT
Redirected War on terror
Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist

What a bunch of worthless crap. As you see, WE ARE STILL at almost 10% unemployment, gas is going through the roof, have you bought any FOOD LATEYLY?
He spent 2 trillion dollars in less than THREE YEARS and now he is ASKING US to give HIM MORE TO SPEND, and on top of that, HE WANTS TO RAISE TAXES for his spending SPREE.
The man is a COMPLETE FAILURE and unfortunately, we are ALL going down for you idiots out there who put this unbending, inexperienced, IDIOLOUGE IN as President.

There is no question that Republicans gave him a fucked up economy as well as two wars to fix. Sometimes it takes more than three years to fix things that Republicans have fucked up. When the Republicans caused the Great Depression it took ten years to straighten out

I just love it when the Right giggles "We created a mess you can't fix"
Truth is hard for the Left

When they live in the enchanted

Never Never Blame Obama Land

Truth is hard for the Left

When they live in the enchanted

Never Never Blame Obama Land



Why don't you bring up 57 states and teleprompters while you are stumbling for a response?
I just love it when the Right giggles "We created a mess you can't fix"

I think they dropped out of school before they got to the bit about "Rome not being built in a day" and it takes just as long to repair the damages.

Ever wonder what they'd be bitching about if they couldn't slam the president all day, every day?
Passed economic stimulus bill
Got us out of Recession
saved GM and Chrysler
Saved the financial sector
Financial Reform
Credit Card Reform
START Treaty
Repealed DADT
Redirected War on terror
Won the Nobel Peace Prize
Killed Bin Laden and hundreds of other terrorist

What a bunch of worthless crap. As you see, WE ARE STILL at almost 10% unemployment, gas is going through the roof, have you bought any FOOD LATEYLY?
He spent 2 trillion dollars in less than THREE YEARS and now he is ASKING US to give HIM MORE TO SPEND, and on top of that, HE WANTS TO RAISE TAXES for his spending SPREE.
The man is a COMPLETE FAILURE and unfortunately, we are ALL going down for you idiots out there who put this unbending, inexperienced, IDIOLOUGE IN as President.

There is no question that Republicans gave him a fucked up economy as well as two wars to fix. Sometimes it takes more than three years to fix things that Republicans have fucked up. When the Republicans caused the Great Depression it took ten years to straighten out

I just love it when the Right giggles "We created a mess you can't fix"

D'ya think the recession was set up as a deliberate ploy by the Republicans to ensure that they left the biggest possible mess for the Dems?
After all, they would have known that after eight years of GWB they were unlikely to win the WH again.
I just love it when the Right giggles "We created a mess you can't fix"

I think they dropped out of school before they got to the bit about "Rome not being built in a day" and it takes just as long to repair the damages.

Ever wonder what they'd be bitching about if they couldn't slam the president all day, every day?

Oh goody, Another we're all just too stupid to appreciate the GREATNESS of the boyking, Obama.
And what we are watching today is you Obamabots get down on your knees for a idiot.
So just who dropped out of school?

And you are NEW here, you wanted to see bitching, you should of been here during THE BUSH years. so get a clue

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