What has happened to us?


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
What has happened to us? What has happened to this great country of ours? Where is our pride? Where is our sense of patriotism? Has all of this been lost over the past two decades? Before you start flaming me, I want you to answer those questions honestly. I know a lot of old folks, vets from World War II on... they can remember when America's word meant something. When we could give anyone the look and they would back off. When Britain needed our help with the Nazis we came in. Our president even then skirted congress to give ships and planes to the British back then. It didn't matter that we were war weary from the first great war, we defended our allies, we were drug into a war we didn't want to fight, but we fought it anyway. As it so happened, history was better for it. We kept our promises. Our patriotism and our desire to help keep the world free was unquestioned. Until now.

My point is, when a country calls for our help, do we abandon them? Think about it for a minute. If some person was being beaten on the street to within an inch of his life, and you alone had the power to stop it, would you abandon him? "Well it would be none of my business" you would say. Ahh, but tell that to the person being beaten. Whatever he did, whatever happened for this person to bring that upon himself, that shouldn't stop you from helping. In fact, he would welcome any help he could get. It speaks of your character if you were willing to risk life and limb to help someone. Some will say "we aren't the policemen" well, no, but we claim to fight for truth, justice, and freedom. It does us no good to wave that banner around if we sit here letting people be taken over by despots. Believe it or not, like it or not, the violence you see today on the news could be at your doorstep in an instant tomorrow. Then what? "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it"? By the time you get to it, it may already be too late.

If all we can do is be feckless in the face of the world, we have betrayed who and what we are. We were once a proud country of sacrifice, now we are one of indifference. What do I know of sacrifice? Admittedly nothing. But I know people who did make that sacrifice. If they had their health, their bodies and vigor, they would be beating down the doors of the local recruitment office and demand that they make that sacrifice again. For their country. Mind you, there is nothing honorable about war. Nothing. But if it takes war to liberate a peoples, so be it. If it takes war to prove we haven't forgotten ourselves, so be it. Sometimes, it's better to put down the pen and pick up the sword. The phrase, "the pen is mightier than the sword" only works if we have leverage against our enemy, if our resolve is rock solid. Right now we have none of either. Let's get one thing straight here: I don't like war. I loathe it. I loathe violence, I don't think killing anyone is the answer to anything. I would much rather we negotiate our way out of our crises. I wish there were no such thing war, violence or killing. But that's not the way life works. War is war, it will never go away. Sometimes you must end life to preserve life.

We profess to be a country of compassion. Yet, as we can already see with Iraq; we are willing to let them fall back into the abyss of true totalitarianism. Does this not belie our compassionate nature? We claim we want to help the poor, the homeless, the needy; we claim to be caring and compassionate people. Does our inaction not say to our friends and allies that we do not support what we say we support, or uphold what we say we uphold? Do we really support freedom? Or justice? Or truth? "But we're fighting someone else's war!" you'll exclaim. Are we really? What we would be doing is showing the world that we cherish the things we stand for, and that those things transcend not just us, but it meets the billions of people living here. Sure, some wars are started for the wrong reasons, and we did make quite a mess in Iraq, but to abandon them in an hour of need is wrong. If we made the mess it is our job to clean it up. It is time we redeemed ourselves.

Just imagine if we took this kind of indifference with us in our everyday lives, just imagine how sad it would be.
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Things were going great and then you were born and it's all been going downhill ever since, seriously, mr angry man life is wonderful if you take some time away from this pointless shit and do something awesome like bathe, go on a date and maybe even kiss a girl.
Compassion and sacrifice. Those are two aspects of fighting a war that you should explore.

I would feel a whole lot better about you if YOU would make the sacrifice of going to war.

And I would have compassion for those that loved you when you got killed.

If you want to sacrifice YOUR life for the Iraqis you love so much, what the fuck is stopping you from going to Iraq? They accept foreign fighters. Haven't you heard?
Things were going great and then you were born and it's all been going downhill ever since, seriously, mr angry man life is wonderful if you take some time away from this pointless shit and do something awesome like bathe, go on a date and maybe even kiss a girl.

What the hell is your problem?
Things were going great and then you were born and it's all been going downhill ever since, seriously, mr angry man life is wonderful if you take some time away from this pointless shit and do something awesome like bathe, go on a date and maybe even kiss a girl.

What the hell is your problem?

I don't think there is a "problem". Occupied was just telling the truth. You have a problem with the truth? Don't you ever wonder why a young man like Temple of Whatever would spend so much time on a message board...........as opposed to having a JOB, a girlfriend or even join the military so he could experience the act of war that he wants so many others to experience.

What wrong with wishing that Temple experience those things mentioned? I think that getting out more would do him good. Make him a better rounded person with more experience.
Things were going great and then you were born and it's all been going downhill ever since, seriously, mr angry man life is wonderful if you take some time away from this pointless shit and do something awesome like bathe, go on a date and maybe even kiss a girl.

What the hell is your problem?

I have a special kind of loathing for basement dwelling neckbeards who only know how to complain on the internet without ever doing anything in the real world except consume resources. This dumbass has no intention of getting his ass shot off in a war, oh no, but he really, really wants our real men in uniform to get their guts blown out just to satisfy his lust for cool explosion footage on youtube. If the Sunni and the Shiite want to have a regional conflict there is nothing any of us or the entire US military can do about it. Why should we feed more of our young people to that retarded wood chipper?
What has happened to us? What has happened to this great country of ours? Where is our pride? Where is our sense of patriotism? Has all of this been lost over the past two decades? Before you start flaming me, I want you to answer those questions honestly. I know a lot of old folks, vets from World War II on... they can remember when America's word meant something. When we could give anyone the look and they would back off. When Britain needed our help with the Nazis we came in. Our president even then skirted congress to give ships and planes to the British back then. It didn't matter that we were war weary from the first great war, we defended our allies, we were drug into a war we didn't want to fight, but we fought it anyway. As it so happened, history was better for it. We kept our promises. Our patriotism and our desire to help keep the world free was unquestioned. Until now.


Believing you can singlehandedly save the world is a delusion of grandeur.
We profess to be a country of compassion. Yet, as we can already see with Iraq; we are willing to let them fall back into the abyss of true totalitarianism. Does this not belie our compassionate nature? We claim we want to help the poor, the homeless, the needy; we claim to be caring and compassionate people. Does our inaction not say to our friends and allies that we do not support what we say we support, or uphold what we say we uphold? Do we really support freedom? Or justice? Or truth? But we're fighting someone else's war!" you'll exclaim. Are we really? What we would be doing is showing the world that we cherish the things we stand for, and that those things transcend just us, but it meets the billions of people living here. Sure, some wars are started for the wrong reasons, and we did make quite a mess in Iraq, but to abandon them in an hour of need is wrong. If we made the mess it is our job to clean it up. It is time we redeemed ourselves.

Just imagine if we took this kind of indifference with us in our everyday lives, just imagine how sad it would be.

And when do we start paying for all this generous compassion?

On whose backs will you put that burden?
Hey temple of shit. How's this thread working out for ya? Getting the kind of response you expected? Where the hell are you to defend this bull shit POV of yours?
Things were going great and then you were born and it's all been going downhill ever since, seriously, mr angry man life is wonderful if you take some time away from this pointless shit and do something awesome like bathe, go on a date and maybe even kiss a girl.

What the hell is your problem?
Pussification no doubt.

Meathead, what makes you say Temple of shit is a pussy? Do you have assholes like Temple over there in your new country?
TK has a romantic view of the good ole days that he never saw

"Give them the look and they will back away?"
We gave the look in Korea and Vietnam and nobody backed away

You wish for the good ole days of Flag waving and patriotism. That patriotism did not extend to all Americans. If you were black, you were a second class citizen who better know your place. If you were non Christian or gay you were persecuted. If you were a woman, you had a predetermined role...barefoot and pregnant

That is not patriotism
We profess to be a country of compassion. Yet, as we can already see with Iraq; we are willing to let them fall back into the abyss of true totalitarianism. Does this not belie our compassionate nature? We claim we want to help the poor, the homeless, the needy; we claim to be caring and compassionate people. Does our inaction not say to our friends and allies that we do not support what we say we support, or uphold what we say we uphold? Do we really support freedom? Or justice? Or truth? But we're fighting someone else's war!" you'll exclaim. Are we really? What we would be doing is showing the world that we cherish the things we stand for, and that those things transcend just us, but it meets the billions of people living here. Sure, some wars are started for the wrong reasons, and we did make quite a mess in Iraq, but to abandon them in an hour of need is wrong. If we made the mess it is our job to clean it up. It is time we redeemed ourselves.

Just imagine if we took this kind of indifference with us in our everyday lives, just imagine how sad it would be.

And when do we start paying for all this generous compassion?

On whose backs will you put that burden?

As I recall, we did not abandon Iraq

We were asked to leave by a constitutionally elected government
Ok TK here is my opinion, we are inundated with information. 50 years ago we did not know the things the government was doing that would appall us today. The experiments with STD on black men, what do you think would be the uproar today? I asked my WW2 vet father what the thoughts were on the use of a nuke on Japan, he said that they had told him 100,000 casualties if the US invaded and he was heading to Japan so to him it was no problem. Then I asked him about Dresden and the fire bombing that killed just as many in a city that held absolutely no military purpose. He didn't know about Dresden.

My point being is we know a lot more then ever, if we want to.

But I do see some thing that really make me wonder about where we are headling. People are abandoning their CHILDREN at the border and the US government applauds that. WTF is wrong with us? I do have compassion for those who are in need but to abandon your CHILDREN, really? and then applaud it?
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The biggest tax increases in American history as a percent of GDP:


You see what the top 3 are? Tax hikes to pay for World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War.

That's the 'treasure' in the old expression 'blood and treasure'.

Number of Americans drafted (approximately) during

World War II - 10 million

Korean War - 1.5 million

Vietnam War - 2 million

They represent an important portion of the 'blood' in the above expression.

When you scold Americans for not wanting to save the world, remind yourself of the cost for even trying,

and then remind us of how much of that cost you're willing to take out of your own blood and treasure.

To paraphrase President Eisenhower, it's easy to be a farmer when your fields are ten thousand miles away and your plow is a keyboard.
Our chickens have come home to roost for passing laws that future Americans can't afford to pay.

We have allowed the PC culture to dismantle the truth, and now the lies of the past are believed true by the younger generation.

We have created a country of Dependency, and those dependent on Gov't programs will fight tooth and nail to maintain it.

We have used the PC culture on the battlefield as we place ROE's on victory instead of crushing our enemies and moving on.

We have destroyed the value of our dollar, and in turn we are destroying our standard of living.

And on and on............

When over 90,000 Iraqi soldiers throw down their weapons and desert.......why should I care anymore.

When they show a back bone, and fight for their country then maybe they'll deserve some back up.

Maybe we should just let them work this out on their own.

We have a lousy history of trying to "help" people and then ultimately hurting them.

Reminds me of what we have done to American Blacks.

It's not our sand. We've done enough damage, we've paid enough of a price.


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