What has HIllary accomplished?

We have been asking for months, Hillary has a long list of failures but the left is hard pressed to name any of her successes. According to Bill the other night she once took a long flight and asked Hamas to stop attacking Israel wow :laugh:
What high-profile politician really wants to serve the people?... all of the people? Anyone who has an office job will tell you the one things they hate the most: office politics, cause it's all bullshit. Politics is all bullshit. No one in their right mind would go through all that if they weren't getting power, recognition and money back. These people who get up on stage and tell you how they're the candidate for you, that they can fix things for you and your family, make everything great for you. It's all bullshit. They want your vote so they can get more money/recognition/power. Why else would these high level politicians exempt themselves from the actual shit they claim they put in place to "help everyone?"
US Senator, Secretary of State. What has she ever accomplished to help the average American?

And no, taking millions in bribes from Arabs into the Clinton Foundation for political favors does not count. To help the average AMERICAN.

Go listen to Bill's speech the other night. He listed them.
We have been asking for months, Hillary has a long list of failures but the left is hard pressed to name any of her successes. According to Bill the other night she once took a long flight and asked Hamas to stop attacking Israel wow :laugh:
I heard she has a vagina.

God just one of her thighs is as big around as Obama the woman needs to go on a diet.
What high-profile politician really wants to serve the people?... all of the people? Anyone who has an office job will tell you the one things they hate the most: office politics, cause it's all bullshit. Politics is all bullshit. No one in their right mind would go through all that if they weren't getting power, recognition and money back. These people who get up on stage and tell you how they're the candidate for you, that they can fix things for you and your family, make everything great for you. It's all bullshit. They want your vote so they can get more money/recognition/power. Why else would these high level politicians exempt themselves from the actual shit they claim they put in place to "help everyone?"
So your logic is Hillary is just another uncaring asshole politician, so that's why you should vote for her? :lmao:
US Senator, Secretary of State. What has she ever accomplished to help the average American?

And no, taking millions in bribes from Arabs into the Clinton Foundation for political favors does not count. To help the average AMERICAN.

Go listen to Bill's speech the other night. He listed them.
That's why I'm asking, Bill couldn't think of any either.
US Senator, Secretary of State. What has she ever accomplished to help the average American?

And no, taking millions in bribes from Arabs into the Clinton Foundation for political favors does not count. To help the average AMERICAN.

Go listen to Bill's speech the other night. He listed them.
That's why I'm asking, Bill couldn't think of any either.

You lie. Go listen to the speech.
US Senator, Secretary of State. What has she ever accomplished to help the average American?

And no, taking millions in bribes from Arabs into the Clinton Foundation for political favors does not count. To help the average AMERICAN.

Go listen to Bill's speech the other night. He listed them.
That's why I'm asking, Bill couldn't think of any either.

You lie. Go listen to the speech.
You can't name any accomplishments either. Don't feel bad, no one can.
US Senator, Secretary of State. What has she ever accomplished to help the average American?

And no, taking millions in bribes from Arabs into the Clinton Foundation for political favors does not count. To help the average AMERICAN.

Go listen to Bill's speech the other night. He listed them.
That's why I'm asking, Bill couldn't think of any either.

You lie. Go listen to the speech.
You can't name any accomplishments either. Don't feel bad, no one can.

I just named a long list of them, your lame denial notwithstanding.
US Senator, Secretary of State. What has she ever accomplished to help the average American?

And no, taking millions in bribes from Arabs into the Clinton Foundation for political favors does not count. To help the average AMERICAN.

Hold on now. It would depend upon one's definition of "average American". Bill and Hillary contributed some $850K to aid a poor female victim of attempted or actual rape.
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

Reset our relations with Russia with a reset button.
We often get carried away talking about the e-mail scandal and the endless lies surrounding it and the ineptitude of Hillary in allowing it, and we all know her track record as Secretary of State with Benghazi fiasco and the Syrian fiasco with endless immigrants flooding Europe, but does anyone ever question what her accomplishments were that qualify her for being President?

What are they?

Let's see.....as a Senator she worked for healthcare reform, early childcare, compensation for 9-11 responders and victims

As Secretary of State, she restored previously fractured alliances and organized global economic sanctions against Iran

But I guess that pales in comparison to being a reality TV star

So far I've got

1. Became a Senator in a state that never elects the GOP
2. Worked for health care reform. Looks like that worked out well. (wink, wink)
3. Ended sanctions against a terrorist state? Really? Was it an accomplishment to give Iran a cash infusion so they can continue to spread terrorism throughout the Middle East?

Hillary organized a multinational embargo with China, Russia, EU, Japan, S Korea that brought Iran to the bargaining table

Imagine using economic warfare to gain objectives vs military invasions
Hillary was SOS in 1979? I had no idea.
This is why Hillary has been dodging press conferences. Like Obama they want to usher her into office without vetting. The only qualification required in their minds is that she's a Democrat.

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