What has Joe Biden forced you to give up

While I will never defend the current king of the USA things certainly aren't as bad as your article would have us believe. Things are actually . . . quite ripping bloody good. Personal apocalypses notwithstanding, life here in America is steady good if not exactly marvelous. One can still survive, even flourish, in our little totalitarian police state we call USA: land of the not so brave and not so free (anymore).
Can you give us some detailed examples of how the current president comes off as King?
Pride in America.
We are literally the joke of the world.
I find it interesting, that traveling across the U.S. several times during the spring, summer, and fall, the highways were wall to wall. And when traveling out west, every other vehicle was a camper or RV. Inflation you say? LOL! Not where I've been. And hotel vacancies? Good luck with finding any.
Quid Pro Joe promised a long dark winter once he was elected. The crisis that has happened with his policies shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.
Explain in detail how his policies have resulted in a crisis? Wait a minute, you can't tell us because you always lie.
Well you're certainly triggered. I removed all of the useless white space in your post, but I left behind your useless lies and comments. Look how much smaller it is when you take our the blank spaces you seem to need.

What is laughable is that you think I have to jump through all of these hoops to "prove" things I've posted. Where is your proof that things are all free and easy in the USA and nobody is being harmed by Republican lies about abortions or trans people.

Furthermore, this thread is about what Joe Biden has forced you to give up, not abortion or trans people. Perhaps you should consider giving up your anger and your hatred.

Why are right wingers all so angry and full of hate??? Why are you spewing hatred at every turn? Seriously. Hatred destroys the hater, not the object of your hate.


I'm impressed.

Aren't you smart?

Answer my questions.


Explain in detail how his policies have resulted in a crisis? Wait a minute, you can't tell us because you always lie.
well many folks not in your cult hive, would consider the human rights abuse on the border, record inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, the real threat of nuclear holocaust with Russia, and their president being investigated for violating the espionage act a crisis.
The man tries to shake hands with invisible people and "he" vaccinated 200 million Americans? No, people that wanted to get vaccinated did and people that didn't want to didn't. He tried to force military personnel to get vaccinated and all that ended up doing was depleting our military and caused a huge decline in recruitment rates, but they still didn't get vaccinated.
Wrong again Skippy

If Trump had left Biden a plan and the money to execute the plan, you might have a point

But that asshole Trump would not even talk to Biden let alone transition something as important as Covid
Wrong again Skippy

If Trump had left Biden a plan and the money to execute the plan, you might have a point

But that asshole Trump would not even talk to Biden let alone transition something as important as Covid

That would be a great title for your next award winning book!

It might even sell 13 copies, if you include all your friends and loved ones.

So we stupidly replaced a pro-energy President with an anti-energy President and you think prices would have been the same with the pro-energy President, even though we didn't experience any huge fuel prices until after the anti-energy President took over with his party in charge of the entire Congress?

All just coincidence I guess.
You need to take a basic economics course. Seriously.

And a course in logic.

Oil production in the United States increased 30 percent during Biden's first year. Only 20 percent in Trump's first year. Why does Trump hate America?

Oil demand plunged during the pandemic, and production plummeted as a result. When demand surged, it took a while for supply to meet that demand. When demand for goods and services spiked to RECORD LEVELS, it took a while for supply to meet that demand.

In addition, the oil companies deliberately slow-walked their increases in production in order to maximize profits after suffering during the downturn.

Finally, the Fed printed trillions upon trillions upon trillions of dollars during the Trump and Obama administrations. As the economy began heating up after the pandemic, the velocity of money increased, contributing to inflation.

Now, dipshit, explain how Biden had anything to do with this.

Only the most weak-minded dumbass thinks the factors which cause inflation happen overnight.

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