What Has Stayed God's Hand Against America?

What Has Stayed God's Hand Against America?

Lack of a hand?

The truth is, God has punished Americans. He gave us Republicans.
He is giving us a chance to repent and be sealed up into salvation.

the time will come soon enough.
God is long suffering and not desiring that any should perish - He has extended this period of mercy before judgment to give those who would repent of their sins and Believe on His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ for their salvation - receiving Him to become Lord of their lives and to live for Him thereafter - Romans 10:9,10 - yet the judgment of God is still at hand, persecution will first come to the body of Christ and then the wicked will be destroyed - the persecution has already begun and with that the cleansing of the church will prepare the bride of Christ while others will turn cold and leave to join the world - to their own destruction.

The redeemed of the LORD say so. The redeemed of the LORD confess Jesus Christ is God.

All other religions refuse to confess Jesus Christ is God. Yet those who know Jesus as LORD will confess Jesus is My Lord and My God - even though we do not see Him as Thomas did. Amen. To God be the Glory for He Alone is Worthy. Jesus is Worthy of all honor, glory and praise.
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.
We must admit the fact that Sodom of old would appear a shinning light when compared to America in 2014. We are indeed a most depraved and ungodly nation. We have embraced almost everything God has deemed unclean or abdominal. Why have we not provoked our own destruction?

I submit that while we have sent missionaries to every continent and have a church on nearly every corner it is our generosity that has stayed God's hand. No other people are as quick to respond to a natural disaster or a deadly disease anywhere in the world as are the American people. We give of our people, our money, and our resources whenever and wherever the need arises without regard as to whether those receiving our assistance is friend or foe.

When Katrina hit New Orleans, I saw most all the churches in my town mobilize overnight to transport clothing, water, and human essentials to the beleaguered residents of New Orleans. Private vehicles were made readily available for the task. I have seen this happen time and again.

We support the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army who are most often the first responders to any national emergency. We feed the homeless and the displaced veterans.

Again, this is in my own small and personal opinion the singular reason God has delayed wiping us off the face of the earth.

1. So you admit we are not a Judao Christian nation? Good. I'm sick of you guys saying we are.
2. Your god sucks. He failed with Adam, then with the people of Noah's day, Sodom, then with us humans killing Jesus. Can you really get any worse than killing the son of god? So if we are doomed again, why did god make us this way? Is he a fuck up? You mean he isn't perfect?
3. America is a secular nation. That means when America sends aid to another country, that's coming from us atheists and agnostics too.
4. The US government is often another first responder. Red Cross and your church can't do it by yourselves.
5. Look at how god is doing for the Muslims over in the middle east. Maybe atheists aren't the problem. Maybe it's theists?
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Or it's because we are causing global warming and filling our oceans with plastic garbage?
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.

Every time a tornado strikes in the bible belt I wonder why these same people don't say it's because those people are bad? Cherry pickers.
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.

As long as you accept the responsibility for Sealybobo being in your tent. LOL!
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.

Every time a tornado strikes in the bible belt I wonder why these same people don't say it's because those people are bad? Cherry pickers.

I would have thought you would blame George Bush for it.
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.

Every time a tornado strikes in the bible belt I wonder why these same people don't say it's because those people are bad? Cherry pickers.

I would have thought you would blame George Bush for it.

I have suggested that the bible belt pays for his actions. They all say what a horrible person I am for suggesting such a thing. I'm only kidding of course.

But they are not when they say god is punishing us for gay marriage. They are deadly serious.

And I do think that there is something to being good and being rewarded and vs. being bad and being punished. I don't think it's an invisible man, but I do believe you get what you give. Anyways, in WW2 we won because we were on the side of good. So why can't we win the hearts and minds of the Middle East? Perhaps we aren't right in our policies over there. I don't think GOD is punishing us, but karmas a bitch.

Then we have the balls to cry when Putin invades the Ukraine?
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.

Every time a tornado strikes in the bible belt I wonder why these same people don't say it's because those people are bad? Cherry pickers.

Agreed. god must be really pissed off at Oklahomans!!!!
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.

we own a sarcastic nonbeliever trying to mock the judgments of God? How exact do you reach that conclusion?
Hurricane Katrina destroying New Orleans was God's punishment for American sin. So was Sandy. And all those tornadoes.

Ok, you folks on the religious Right. YOU own this guy, and as long as he is in your tent, everyone else is going to identify you with nuts like him.

we own a sarcastic nonbeliever trying to mock the judgments of God? How exact do you reach that conclusion?
So you agree that Karina, Sandy... are God's punishment? :cool:
We are a nasty bunch, aren't we?

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