What has whites done within the past 10 years to blacks?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
What are we whites doing in order to hold you back or make your life hell.
-Our laws currently favor you within our colleges, etc
-Our society now gives you equal rights everywhere; school, job or what ever.
-You're first in line for benefits--->Blacks are far more likely per capita.
-You can be racist and no one says anything about it. This means you can even beat the hell out of a white person and as long as he called you a name=a'ok.
-Our court system is giving you as many chances as possible, eventhrough you do in fact cause more crime based on all stats.

WTF are we whites doing to stop you? Honestly. I'm not talking about a long time ago. So this thread isn't about it.

Somethings are in fact your doing. My opinion.
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The whites don't hold them back. They hold themselves back. Now assuming your not talking all blacks blaming whites (because I'm African American and don't blame anyone for my shortcomings) the ones that do blame whites are foolish. At the end of the day, it all comes down to them. There are blacks that have great jobs and success because they worked their asses off for it. If they want success, they have to work. Yes sometimes you will fall but you get back up. If you stay down and blame "THE WHITE MAN HATES ME!" you must not want success that bad.

My parents have jobs in the educational fields. My father and mother are working for their doctorates degree and have about 5 years left. My mother is a substitute teacher and my dad is a principle. They never blamed anyone for the problems and my dad for instance, he grew up in I guess people would consider "The Hood". He came out on top though. Blacks that like to blame others for their problems at first seem like they have an excuse, but its not helping them. Get back up.

Blacks that live in Southern areas that are working and constantly falling in my opinion have somewhat of an excuse. Mississippi is a VERY racist state. Did you know 46% of republicans want to ban interracial marriage? If they are willing to go that far, the blacks might as well gather enough money to get the hell out of there. Same with any other areas that are like that.
My parents have jobs in the educational fields. My father and mother are working for their doctorates degree and have about 5 years left. My mother is a substitute teacher and my dad is a principle. .

HAHAHA. You can't even spell "principal"!!!

Working on their doctorates and still 5 years away? Do they even have their bachelors yet?
What? What are we whites doing to hold you back or make your life a living hell.
-Our laws favor you within our colleges, etc
-We give you equal rights everywhere
-You're first in line for benefits
-You can be racist and no one says anything about it.
-Our court system is being told to give you as many chances as possible. Even through you do in fact cause more crime.

WTF are we whites doing to stop you? Honestly. I'm not talking about a long time ago, so this thread isn't about it.

Somethings are in fact your doing. My opinion.

You're mangling the syntax & punctuation of the language to the point that it's almost unintelligible: "What has whites done within the past 10 years to blacks"
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What? What are we whites doing to hold you back or make your life a living hell.
-Our laws favor you within our colleges, etc
-We give you equal rights everywhere
-You're first in line for benefits
-You can be racist and no one says anything about it.
-Our court system is being told to give you as many chances as possible. Even through you do in fact cause more crime.

WTF are we whites doing to stop you? Honestly. I'm not talking about a long time ago, so this thread isn't about it.

Somethings are in fact your doing. My opinion.

You're mangling the syntax & punctuation of the language to the point that it's almost unintelligible: "What has whites done within the past 10 years to blacks"

Why won't you go fuck a whale, asshole? Fucking moron.
My parents have jobs in the educational fields. My father and mother are working for their doctorates degree and have about 5 years left. My mother is a substitute teacher and my dad is a principle. .

HAHAHA. You can't even spell "principal"!!!

Working on their doctorates and still 5 years away? Do they even have their bachelors yet?

(My bold)

Yah, there're a lot of typos on chat boards. No one seems to pay much attention to spelling anymore. Such is life.

However, I prefer people who are rising in their careers (working on their doctorates) to people who are falling. If the parents are working full- or even part-time while finishing doctorates, they deserve praise for raising their game.

& of course, in education, it's v. difficult to get hired @ all without a B.A. So the last question is mere posturing. & foolish, to anyone who knows the requirements of public school Kindergarten-12.
I didn't think when making a post on a worthless message board you needed to write professionally.

Kiss my fucking ass. Why can't idiots stick to the issue?

(My bold)

It depends on what kind of impression you want to leave with your reader. (& who reads posts on a "worthless message board"? Why would you even post, if that's your opinion of the joint?)

You don't need to write professionally - but it would be helpful to put down your thoughts in standard English. But if you want to crash about & leave us to fill in the blanks, go for it.
What are we whites doing in order to hold you back or make your life hell.
-Our laws currently favor you within our colleges, etc
-Our society now gives you equal rights everywhere; school, job or what ever.
-You're first in line for benefits--->Blacks are far more likely per capita.
-You can be racist and no one says anything about it. This means you can even beat the hell out of a white person and as long as he called you a name=a'ok.
-Our court system is giving you as many chances as possible, eventhrough you do in fact cause more crime based on all stats.

WTF are we whites doing to stop you? Honestly. I'm not talking about a long time ago. So this thread isn't about it.

Somethings are in fact your doing. My opinion.

What do you mean by "our" this and that, asshole? What do you mean by "we whites," asshole? YOU don't represent anyone or anything beyond your own personal failure as a human being.
My parents have jobs in the educational fields. My father and mother are working for their doctorates degree and have about 5 years left. My mother is a substitute teacher and my dad is a principle. .

HAHAHA. You can't even spell "principal"!!!

Working on their doctorates and still 5 years away? Do they even have their bachelors yet?

That would be "bachelor's," you idiot.
The whites don't hold them back. They hold themselves back. Now assuming your not talking all blacks blaming whites (because I'm African American and don't blame anyone for my shortcomings) the ones that do blame whites are foolish. At the end of the day, it all comes down to them. There are blacks that have great jobs and success because they worked their asses off for it. If they want success, they have to work. Yes sometimes you will fall but you get back up. If you stay down and blame "THE WHITE MAN HATES ME!" you must not want success that bad.

My parents have jobs in the educational fields. My father and mother are working for their doctorates degree and have about 5 years left. My mother is a substitute teacher and my dad is a principle. They never blamed anyone for the problems and my dad for instance, he grew up in I guess people would consider "The Hood". He came out on top though. Blacks that like to blame others for their problems at first seem like they have an excuse, but its not helping them. Get back up.

Blacks that live in Southern areas that are working and constantly falling in my opinion have somewhat of an excuse. Mississippi is a VERY racist state. Did you know 46% of republicans want to ban interracial marriage? If they are willing to go that far, the blacks might as well gather enough money to get the hell out of there. Same with any other areas that are like that.

The red states

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The whites don't hold them back. They hold themselves back. Now assuming your not talking all blacks blaming whites (because I'm African American and don't blame anyone for my shortcomings) the ones that do blame whites are foolish. At the end of the day, it all comes down to them. There are blacks that have great jobs and success because they worked their asses off for it. If they want success, they have to work. Yes sometimes you will fall but you get back up. If you stay down and blame "THE WHITE MAN HATES ME!" you must not want success that bad.

My parents have jobs in the educational fields. My father and mother are working for their doctorates degree and have about 5 years left. My mother is a substitute teacher and my dad is a principle. They never blamed anyone for the problems and my dad for instance, he grew up in I guess people would consider "The Hood". He came out on top though. Blacks that like to blame others for their problems at first seem like they have an excuse, but its not helping them. Get back up.

Blacks that live in Southern areas that are working and constantly falling in my opinion have somewhat of an excuse. Mississippi is a VERY racist state. Did you know 46% of republicans want to ban interracial marriage? If they are willing to go that far, the blacks might as well gather enough money to get the hell out of there. Same with any other areas that are like that.

Excellent post, excellent points.
My parents have jobs in the educational fields. My father and mother are working for their doctorates degree and have about 5 years left. My mother is a substitute teacher and my dad is a principle. .

HAHAHA. You can't even spell "principal"!!!

Nice troll attempt.

Working on their doctorates and still 5 years away? Do they even have their bachelors yet?

Yes they do actually. I bet you don't. lol
Anyways matthew, I get what your talking about. Blacks that blame whites or people in general that blame others for their failures are the blame themselves. My people honestly need to start taking responsibility for their own actions. This goes to blacks that blame white people, whites that blame the NAACP, and kids and teenagers who blame their teachers for being racist or prejudice because they get low test scores. Humanity needs to take responsibility for their actions. Blaming only causes arguments and arguments cause chaos.
I didn't think when making a post on a worthless message board you needed to write professionally.

Kiss my fucking ass. Why can't idiots stick to the issue?

Why can't you people ever step up and take responsibility for your failings? Instead of trying to improve yourselves you just get angry and lash out at others. That's why you people will never make anything of yourselves. You people are really a drain on society and should go live somewhere else.

* You people = idiotic, illiterate, racist assholes

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