What have we accomplished from Obamas war in Libya

What? NATO? But I thought they were a defensive alliance to prevent Russian aggression. Wow!

Watch the video in the OP. Don’t be dumb forever. Trumper wanna be.

I used to live in Libya across from the US embassy. The Russian embassy and the palace were just down the street. You're too smart to ever learn anything about Libya.
I used to live in Libya across from the US embassy. The Russian embassy and the palace were just down the street. You're too smart to ever learn anything about Libya.
I suppose you think Libya is a better place now that Gaddafi was brutally murdered.
So, no accomplishments, clearly.

We ae playing the blame game.

Are we all agreed there no accomplishments? We arent talking about those.
Gaddafi was a brutal dictator, but he had to be in order to survive and keep order and stop the various tribes from killing each other.
Under his leadership Libya was the richest and best educated country in Africa, with free medical care and free university schools for everyone.
The bombing of Libya by NATO and subsequent death of Gaddafi did nothing but plunge the once prosperous country into chaos and unleash the tribal warlords to fight each other to take Gaddafi place as ruler.
Gaddafi was a brutal dictator, but he had to be in order to survive and keep order and stop the various tribes from killing each other.
Under his leadership Libya was the richest and best educated country in Africa, with free medical care and free university schools for everyone.
The bombing of Libya by NATO and subsequent death of Gaddafi did nothing but plunge the once prosperous country into chaos and unleash the tribal warlords to fight each other to take Gaddafi place as ruler.

I suppose since that was the goal, we did accomplish that. We love to beat other countries down.
Gaddafi was a brutal dictator, but he had to be in order to survive and keep order and stop the various tribes from killing each other.
Under his leadership Libya was the richest and best educated country in Africa, with free medical care and free university schools for everyone.
The bombing of Libya by NATO and subsequent death of Gaddafi did nothing but plunge the once prosperous country into chaos and unleash the tribal warlords to fight each other to take Gaddafi place as ruler.
For which there should be consequences, but none faced by O or Hill. Not even any criticism leveled against them in the msm.

As was pointed out in the video in the OP, other nations saw what we did to Gaddafi, and now refuse to give up their weapons. They know better than to trust the USG.

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