What Have We Done that People Like You Want to Make Us Extinct?

History has a nagging tendency to repeat itself.

Luckily, bit bleaching it away, Hillary style, proves rather difficult.

Yeah, the only thing I see here is a lot of crazy.

Aborting Down Syndrome fetuses is a GOOD thing. Thousands spared living with a horrible disease.

kind of like it's wonderful we eradicated polio and smallpox. These are all good things.
History has a nagging tendency to repeat itself.

Luckily, bit bleaching it away, Hillary style, proves rather difficult.

Yeah, the only thing I see here is a lot of crazy.

Aborting Down Syndrome fetuses is a GOOD thing. Thousands spared living with a horrible disease.

kind of like it's wonderful we eradicated polio and smallpox. These are all good things.

More people with Downs and less people like you would be a good thing, so there!

Has anyone ever had a child walk up behind you who had Downs and given them a big hug?

It elevates your whole world and day.

Instead, what society values are condescending butt holes that make long lists about who should be allowed to live.

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"We commit no crimes."

"What have we done that people like you want to make us disappear?"

See Down-syndrome girl shred U.N. ‘expert’


yes, how dare we use science to eradicate a horrible disease.

Dumbass, aborting and/or killing Downs babies and children isn't going to eradicate Downs Syndrome
  • I think he follows the Nazi philosophy about "useless feeders."

He's as stupid as a stump
More people with Downs and less people like you would be a good thing, so there!

Has anyone ever had a child walk up behind you who had Downs and given them a big hug?

It elevates your whole world and day.

Instead, what society values are condescending butt holes that make long lists about who should be allowed to live.


Here's the thing. They are a lot less "cute" when they stop being little, and you see where their parents have dumped them off on group homes because they can't care for them anymore.

The thing is, this condition is 100% avoidable. There is no need for a Down's child to ever be born again.

He's revealing how woefully ill informed he is on the topic

No, Fat Irish Sow. We know how to prevent people from being born with this disease. Screen them early on in the pregnancy and abort when you find that extra chromosome. And when the technology gets better, we might even be able to detect it earlier like an EPT.

Of course, it's not something people like to talk about. We all pretend it doesn't happen, but there's a reason why the number of new births with this condition has dropped dramatically.
More people with Downs and less people like you would be a good thing, so there!

Has anyone ever had a child walk up behind you who had Downs and given them a big hug?

It elevates your whole world and day.

Instead, what society values are condescending butt holes that make long lists about who should be allowed to live.


Here's the thing. They are a lot less "cute" when they stop being little, and you see where their parents have dumped them off on group homes because they can't care for them anymore.

The thing is, this condition is 100% avoidable. There is no need for a Down's child to ever be born again.

He's revealing how woefully ill informed he is on the topic

No, Fat Irish Sow. We know how to prevent people from being born with this disease. Screen them early on in the pregnancy and abort when you find that extra chromosome. And when the technology gets better, we might even be able to detect it earlier like an EPT.

Of course, it's not something people like to talk about. We all pretend it doesn't happen, but there's a reason why the number of new births with this condition has dropped dramatically.

Actually, the person I was thinking of was 25, and he was no less cute. They usually don't live much longer.

And no, the parent loved her son more than you an imagine. He was her whole world.

Get bent.
Secular humanists think that all of humanity is a virus.

I think the hope is to create a robotic race with Ai that can replace humans.

Meh, not to much.

But using science to eradicate disease? We've done that with Polio, with measles, with small pox and a host of others.

One could even argue that the reason why we probably need abortion is because the original version, a 50% infant mortality rate, has been gotten rid of through science.

"But I read the bible, and even though the people who wrote the bible had no idea what genetics were, they said that abortion is bad...."
More people with Downs and less people like you would be a good thing, so there!

Has anyone ever had a child walk up behind you who had Downs and given them a big hug?

It elevates your whole world and day.

Instead, what society values are condescending butt holes that make long lists about who should be allowed to live.


Here's the thing. They are a lot less "cute" when they stop being little, and you see where their parents have dumped them off on group homes because they can't care for them anymore.

The thing is, this condition is 100% avoidable. There is no need for a Down's child to ever be born again.

He's revealing how woefully ill informed he is on the topic

No, Fat Irish Sow. We know how to prevent people from being born with this disease. Screen them early on in the pregnancy and abort when you find that extra chromosome. And when the technology gets better, we might even be able to detect it earlier like an EPT.

Of course, it's not something people like to talk about. We all pretend it doesn't happen, but there's a reason why the number of new births with this condition has dropped dramatically.

You're a pathetic individual old man
What is the upside of not helping to prevent the syndrome from continuing?
"We commit no crimes."

"What have we done that people like you want to make us disappear?"

See Down-syndrome girl shred U.N. ‘expert’

Sure. If we kill representatives not of the "god-chosen" people - it it just a "collatoral damage". We have been killing people in scores, in millions! We have killed 120 million of Native Americans out of 140 million. That is how the U.S. STARTED its history. The three-day bombing of Dresden - losses from 25 thousand to 250 thousand civilians ... Hirosima. Nagasaki. The Korean war. The Vietnam war. The aggression against Iraq. Proxy war against Russia in Donbass - over 10 000 killed, over 35 000 mutilated.
What is the upside of not helping to prevent the syndrome from continuing?
Murder is not an option among the civilized.

In order to understand the moral gulf between civilized nations and America, I will cite one example: in Germany it is FORBIDDEN to kill animals that have lost a house. The Germans say that NO ONE has the right to deprive animals of the right to life. Let's go to the American Humain Society... Have they still been using lethal injections? Attitude towards the weak is a measure of the "civilization" of a nation
History has a nagging tendency to repeat itself.

Oh yeah? And what does history say about aspiring autocrats who want to diminish free press, lock up reporters, claim they are above the law, and hold campaign-style rallies constantly?

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