What hiatus?

Yes.. Now start to THINK and answer MY questions...

Why is there a ZERO on these graphs?
Where did it come from?

And the 3 questions I previously asked you... YOU are gonna do this yourself.. THAT WAY -- maybe you'll learn something and REMEMBER it...
The divergence is there and you obviously see it. It means that heat is accumulating in the deeper water more rapidly than in the shallower water. Simple enough. Just like Balmaseda, Trenberth and Kalllen concluded. Amazing the way that works, eh.

And it's your graph. If there's something else about it you'd like to point out to us, feel free. But I'm not your puppet. If you try to treat me like one again, I'm going to grow offensive.
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The divergence is there and you obviously see it. It means that heat is accumulating in the deeper water more rapidly than in the shallower water. Simple enough. Just like Balmaseda, Trenberth and Kalllen concluded. Amazing the way that works, eh.

And it's your graph. If there's something else about it you'd like to point out to us, feel free. But I'm not your puppet. If you try to treat me like one again, I'm going to grow offensive.

I'm sad at your rejection of collaboration.. Soooooooooooooooooooooo
Let's just do it YOUR way.. You don't have a FUCKING IDEA what you're looking at..
If you want the answers, ask the fellows who did the adjusting. I'm just an interested observer.

No, you pretend to be an expert daily. Interesting that you are an expert till the questions get tough regarding data tampering, then you are just an interested observer.

Ocean engineer indeed. Tell you what mr ocean engineer indeed, take your best guess as to why climate science would generally lower the pre 1960 temperature.
SSDD I want to be clear I do not intend to attack you or your character. I have tried to engage you on a level which we cannot engage. Forgive my hubris, your ideas are interesting and I'm sure you recognize how true they are. Me calling you fundamentalist is nothing more than saying I know you believe your views to be wholly the truth and nothing but the truth. I'm glad you've found perfection on Earth; I too hope to unite with such perfection...maybe I'll meet you there.

You are so full of shit that your eyes must be brown. As to me being a fundamentalist, or even suspecting me of being a fundamentalist....once again, your shallow cookie cutter phislosphizing fails miserably.

My views are based on actual observation...not what I have been told to see. For example, from day one, I have said that bio fuels were a bad idea....now years later after much starvation and increase of food prices, not to mention the damage to the environment...the UN comes out and acknowledges that bio fuels, are indeed a bad idea.

And I doubt that you will ever meet with me intellectually, anywhere. You lack critical thinking skills. You are a knee jerk emotionalist driven not by what you see, but by what you feel.
A huge fucking nino is coming and the sub-surface anomaly is 1-2c warmer then even 1997 at this time.

If non-anthropogenic influences are strong enough to counteract the expected effects of increased CO2, why wouldn’t they be strong enough to sometimes enhance warming trends, and in so doing lead to an over-estimate of CO2 influence, or via coincidence, create the illusion of a CO2 influence?
Actually jillian, it's the other way around. Ole abe has demonstrated beyond doubt that he can't understand even the most basic math, much less physics.

Some engineer huh? Only an idiot pretends to be a professional whose skills far exceed his own. He makes so many basic errors and fails at reading simple graphs that the idea of him being an engineer is either laughable, or horrifying....or some of both.
SSDD I want to be clear I do not intend to attack you or your character. I have tried to engage you on a level which we cannot engage. Forgive my hubris, your ideas are interesting and I'm sure you recognize how true they are. Me calling you fundamentalist is nothing more than saying I know you believe your views to be wholly the truth and nothing but the truth. I'm glad you've found perfection on Earth; I too hope to unite with such perfection...maybe I'll meet you there.

What a load of horseshit. You are easily one of the most condescending, ignorant twerps I have ever seen.

He fancies himself a philosopher. Exceedingly shallow, cookie cutter philosophy....probably learned from a paper back while sitting on the toilet. Can't discuss the science on even the most fundamental level and is far to shallow to be an actual philosopher.

Just another warmer living in his mom's basement pretending to be a somebody.
I don't even care to defend against your allegation.

Of course not. He, and the rest of us, have pegged you and any attempt to defend would only accentuate the very qualities that got you nailed in the first place.
You missed the point. We start with the assumption that mainstream science is being done in an ethical manner. You don't. Yours is the extraordinary claim. Yours is the responsibility to present evidence. Extraordinary evidence.

Guess you never learned the inevetable consequences of assumption.

Again, why lower pre 1960 temperatures?
I'm sad at your rejection of collaboration.. Soooooooooooooooooooooo
Let's just do it YOUR way.. You don't have a FUCKING IDEA what you're looking at..

You can lead a mule to water, but you can't make him wear pants and learn to tie a sheet bend.
The divergence is there and you obviously see it. It means that heat is accumulating in the deeper water more rapidly than in the shallower water. Simple enough. Just like Balmaseda, Trenberth and Kalllen concluded. Amazing the way that works, eh.

And it's your graph. If there's something else about it you'd like to point out to us, feel free. But I'm not your puppet. If you try to treat me like one again, I'm going to grow offensive.

I'm sad at your rejection of collaboration.. Soooooooooooooooooooooo
Let's just do it YOUR way.. You don't have a FUCKING IDEA what you're looking at..

We both know what we're looking at. You just don't want to admit it.
You can lead a mule to water, but you can't make him wear pants and learn to tie a sheet bend.

Eight posts in a row, in one thread, without a single trace of an explanation for your bass-ackward misunderstanding of lapse rate.
You can lead a mule to water, but you can't make him wear pants and learn to tie a sheet bend.

Eight posts in a row, in one thread, without a single trace of an explanation for your bass-ackward misunderstanding of lapse rate.

Waiting for you to give a rational explanation for lowering pre-1960 temperatures
I told you: I didn't make the adjustments. I'm content that all such adjustments are being done with justification. I mean, after all dude, there's more than one person watching this stuff. Do you hear any actual climate scientists complaining about those adjustments? No. You hear nutcases like you and yours whining. So... like, I'm not convinced, man. I think the problem is in your imagination.

I think a lot of the problems you see are in your imagination. You're not happy about the way your life turned out, are you? You seem like a bitter person, unhappy with your lot in life and ever ready to blame someone else for your situation. It's a shame, really; specially with that nice guitar ready to hand... ;-)
Been here --- done this...


NOAA assessment of Ocean Heat Storage --- with REAL DATA.. Notice no volcanic signatures??
(last time we did this you SWORE you saw them.. But that was before we confirmed you can't read a graph).. Ground Hog Day...

Your move... If you want to play out the same game you lost last time..

Note how, at about 1995, your 700 and 2000 meter data begin to diverge. Note that they continue to diverge for the entire remainder of the dataset.

Doubling down on "the Pacific Ocean ate all the global climate change" excuse.

So is the climate in the ocean dramatically different? Is that what caused the recent tsunamis in Asia?

How long before you forget you just posted the oceanic climate change eating excuse?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
You can lead a mule to water, but you can't make him wear pants and learn to tie a sheet bend.

Eight posts in a row, in one thread, without a single trace of an explanation for your bass-ackward misunderstanding of lapse rate.

Waiting for you to give a rational explanation for lowering pre-1960 temperatures

That's easy! Unlike scientists, Cult members aren't allowed to question the assumptions

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
Mann didn't present his "evidence" in court and I'm willing to bet that the Settled Science cult does the same when challenged by the APS

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
SSDD I want to be clear I do not intend to attack you or your character. I have tried to engage you on a level which we cannot engage. Forgive my hubris, your ideas are interesting and I'm sure you recognize how true they are. Me calling you fundamentalist is nothing more than saying I know you believe your views to be wholly the truth and nothing but the truth. I'm glad you've found perfection on Earth; I too hope to unite with such perfection...maybe I'll meet you there.

You are so full of shit that your eyes must be brown. As to me being a fundamentalist, or even suspecting me of being a fundamentalist....once again, your shallow cookie cutter phislosphizing fails miserably.

My views are based on actual observation...not what I have been told to see. For example, from day one, I have said that bio fuels were a bad idea....now years later after much starvation and increase of food prices, not to mention the damage to the environment...the UN comes out and acknowledges that bio fuels, are indeed a bad idea.

And I doubt that you will ever meet with me intellectually, anywhere. You lack critical thinking skills. You are a knee jerk emotionalist driven not by what you see, but by what you feel.

True. You don't need to be an expert to realize that turning food into fuel is going to have bad repercussions.

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