What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Who cares what you think? You aren't the last word on immigration, or what the statue means or what America stands for.

We know what it stands for--Independence. This is obvious by the tablet the statue is holding marking the day we adopted the Declaration of Independence. The poor the weary stuff was added later on, but that's not why it was built:

What is the quote on the statue of liberty?

There are several phrases associated with the Statue of Liberty, but the most recognizable is “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” This quote comes from Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus, which she wrote for a fundraiser auction to raise money for the pedestal upon which the Statue of Liberty now sits. The poem did not receive much recognition and was quite forgotten after the auction.

In the early 1900s and after Lazarus’ death, one of her friends began a campaign to memorialize Lazarus and her New Colossus sonnet. The effort was a success, and a plaque with the poem’s text was mounted inside the pedestal of the statute.

What is the quote on the statue of liberty? · How Tall is the Statue of Liberty?

And this apparently cannot be said enough:

It's just a poem. Has no force of law whatsoever.

Actually the point was the statue was not erected to welcome foreigners. It was put there so that when foreigners come, they are reminded of the value of liberty--not put there as a Welcome Mat.

The statue was a gift from France with the sole intention of celebrating freedom. The liberals like to use the poem to say that the statue was put here to welcome any and all foreigners into the country. It's just a wives tale is all it is.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.
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Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out

That is correct because we have enough of our own to take care of. We can't take care of the other 7 billion or so that didn't make it here yet. 20 trillion? Who's counting?

It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

Maybe someday we will be able to take control of our problems, but until that time, we don't need to be inviting more problems in.
Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out

That is correct because we have enough of our own to take care of. We can't take care of the other 7 billion or so that didn't make it here yet. 20 trillion? Who's counting?

It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

Maybe someday we will be able to take control of our problems, but until that time, we don't need to be inviting more problems in.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.
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Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out

That is correct because we have enough of our own to take care of. We can't take care of the other 7 billion or so that didn't make it here yet. 20 trillion? Who's counting?

It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

Maybe someday we will be able to take control of our problems, but until that time, we don't need to be inviting more problems in.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

I don't know why. Even with the wall, we will continue as always to allow "some" people to come in. We will allow nearly a million new people a year to become citizens of this great country. All the wall will do is keep people out who are not supposed to be here.
Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out

That is correct because we have enough of our own to take care of. We can't take care of the other 7 billion or so that didn't make it here yet. 20 trillion? Who's counting?

It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

Maybe someday we will be able to take control of our problems, but until that time, we don't need to be inviting more problems in.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

I don't know why. Even with the wall, we will continue as always to allow "some" people to come in. We will allow nearly a million new people a year to become citizens of this great country. All the wall will do is keep people out who are not supposed to be here.
I thought your position was to stop immigration both legal and illegal. When I said, "building a wall around the country", I was speaking figuratively and referring to isolationism.
Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out

That is correct because we have enough of our own to take care of. We can't take care of the other 7 billion or so that didn't make it here yet. 20 trillion? Who's counting?

It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

Maybe someday we will be able to take control of our problems, but until that time, we don't need to be inviting more problems in.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

I don't know why. Even with the wall, we will continue as always to allow "some" people to come in. We will allow nearly a million new people a year to become citizens of this great country. All the wall will do is keep people out who are not supposed to be here.
I thought your position was to stop immigration both legal and illegal. When I said, "building a wall around the country", I was speaking figuratively and referring to isolationism.

Oh, without a doubt that is my position, but the wall was not in support of what I think, it was in support to curb illegal crossings.

There is no possible way that even Republicans would vote to stop all immigration, but I will support any measure that gets us closer to my desire.
Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out

That is correct because we have enough of our own to take care of. We can't take care of the other 7 billion or so that didn't make it here yet. 20 trillion? Who's counting?

It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

Maybe someday we will be able to take control of our problems, but until that time, we don't need to be inviting more problems in.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

I don't know why. Even with the wall, we will continue as always to allow "some" people to come in. We will allow nearly a million new people a year to become citizens of this great country. All the wall will do is keep people out who are not supposed to be here.
I thought your position was to stop immigration both legal and illegal. When I said, "building a wall around the country", I was speaking figuratively and referring to isolationism.

Oh, without a doubt that is my position, but the wall was not in support of what I think, it was in support to curb illegal crossings.

There is no possible way that even Republicans would vote to stop all immigration, but I will support any measure that gets us closer to my desire.
Maybe we should discuss legal immigration because we both agree illegal immigration needs to stop. We just don't agree on the means.
That is correct because we have enough of our own to take care of. We can't take care of the other 7 billion or so that didn't make it here yet. 20 trillion? Who's counting?

It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

Maybe someday we will be able to take control of our problems, but until that time, we don't need to be inviting more problems in.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

I don't know why. Even with the wall, we will continue as always to allow "some" people to come in. We will allow nearly a million new people a year to become citizens of this great country. All the wall will do is keep people out who are not supposed to be here.
I thought your position was to stop immigration both legal and illegal. When I said, "building a wall around the country", I was speaking figuratively and referring to isolationism.

Oh, without a doubt that is my position, but the wall was not in support of what I think, it was in support to curb illegal crossings.

There is no possible way that even Republicans would vote to stop all immigration, but I will support any measure that gets us closer to my desire.
Maybe we should discuss legal immigration because we both agree illegal immigration needs to stop. We just don't agree on the means.

What's to discuss? We have legal immigration and have had it for decades. There is nothing wrong with our immigration system outside of not enforcing it.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

I don't know why. Even with the wall, we will continue as always to allow "some" people to come in. We will allow nearly a million new people a year to become citizens of this great country. All the wall will do is keep people out who are not supposed to be here.
I thought your position was to stop immigration both legal and illegal. When I said, "building a wall around the country", I was speaking figuratively and referring to isolationism.

Oh, without a doubt that is my position, but the wall was not in support of what I think, it was in support to curb illegal crossings.

There is no possible way that even Republicans would vote to stop all immigration, but I will support any measure that gets us closer to my desire.
Maybe we should discuss legal immigration because we both agree illegal immigration needs to stop. We just don't agree on the means.

What's to discuss? We have legal immigration and have had it for decades. There is nothing wrong with our immigration system outside of not enforcing it.
I think we are in total disagreement in the need for legal immigrants. You would see the numbers decreased and I want to see them increased. You believe they take jobs from Americans and I believe they create them. You think the immigration system is just fine the way it is. I think it should be totally overhauled because it focuses almost entirely on keeping undesirable elements out and ignores encouraging those that are desirable.
You people are such saps and that's why the liberals know they can get away telling you anything they want. Like some other guy busted out a car window, stole the gun because it's a hot commodity---especially in CA, and just decided he was bored with it. So instead of selling it on the streets for a quick few hundred bucks, he decided to leave it on some park bench loaded and ready to go. And you actually believe that.

It doesn't matter what I believe, it's what the evidence shows. The evidence didn't show that he stole the gun. His fingerprints were not on the car it was stolen from. When they tested his hands for gun power residue, they found minimal amounts, supporting his statement the gun was wrapped up in a cloth. Maybe some other guy did bust it out, then panicked and left it when he saw a cop passing by.

this is why we have a "reasonable doubt" standard in the law.

It wasn't supposed to work like that, remember?

Government was to take a large portion of our paychecks, put it in a piggy bank, and able to support us on the money we gave them. What went wrong?

Reagan, Bush and Trump used that money to cover other expenses to they could give tax breaks to billionaires... I'm sorry we have to keep explaining this to you.

If we took every dime from people that have a million dollars or more today, we couldn't run this country for one single year. So this idiocy that we incurred 20 trillion in debt because we didn't steal enough money from people is pure economic ignorance. The top 20% of our country pays nearly all the taxes that run it.

That's simply not true.

In fact, the top one percent has 43% of the wealth in this country. That's more than enough to fund the government for years. If we distributed GDP evenly, every man woman and child would have $50,000 each. Even the illegals.

And, no, thinking that we should distribute the wealth more evenly isn't socialism, it's just common sense. Third world countries are the ones with super rich and lots of poor. A real advanced nation has a middle class.

Bush has been kissing ass to Hispanics since he was Governor, and yes, everybody knew about his sister-n-law. It's not like the Bush family was a deep dark secret until George decided to run for the presidency.

Kissing ass? You mean not treating them like the enemy because of where their parents or grandparents were born? What a crazy concept! Nope, nope, we should keep demonizing them to pander to fucked up racists like you, even though your sort is THANKFULLY dying off (although not nearly fast enough).

In 30 years, we are going to look back at racist fucks like you the way we look back at Jim Crow or the Klan and wonder what people were thinking.
It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

None of which are caused by immigration and some of which can be solved by them.

Here's the real problem... you are kind of a loser who can't get health insurance, that's how useless and untalented you are... and of course, you are afraid of an immigrant taking your job, because he's healthier, harder worker, and not an asshole.
None of which are caused by immigration and some of which can be solved by them.

Here's the real problem... you are kind of a loser who can't get health insurance, that's how useless and untalented you are... and of course, you are afraid of an immigrant taking your job, because he's healthier, harder worker, and not an asshole.


^^^^^ Makes a totally asinine completely false statement that open borders is harmless......
(Acting as if all immigration is legal immigration (stupid nonsense))
Then immediately resorts to personal insults because he realizes his own shit actually does stink. (So typical of imbeciles serving up nothing burgers 24/7)
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^^^^ Claims to care about children......... :bs1:
Fights to import MS-13 members who kill AMERICAN CHILDREN....

Again, American children are more likely to be killed by family members than MS-13. Most of the people killed by MS-13 are rival gang members. I'll be in mourning for 15 seconds.

^^^^^ Makes a totally asinine completely false statement that open borders is harmless......
(Acting as if all immigration is legal immigration (stupid nonsense))
Then immediately resorts to personal insults because he realizes his own shit actually does stink. (So typical of imbeciles serving up nothing burgers 24/7)

Naw, just pointing out that when a racist POS like Ray kicks down, he's admitting the own failure of his life.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.




wrong, immigration is federal law, not state

4. _Resolved_, That alien friends are under the jurisdiction and protection of the laws of the State wherein they are: that no power over them has been delegated to the United States, nor prohibited to the individual States, distinct from their power over citizens. And it being true as a general principle, and one of the amendments to the Constitution having also declared, that "the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people," the act of the Congress of the United States, passed on the -- day of July, 1798, intituled "An Act concerning aliens," which assumes powers over alien friends, not delegated by the Constitution, is not law, but is altogether void, and of no force.

Thomas Jefferson

Identify the federal Law in effect from 1800 until 1889


that law applies to LEGAL aliens. Immigration law is federal, not state.
Again, American children are more likely to be killed by family members than MS-13. Most of the people killed by MS-13 are rival gang members. I'll be in mourning for 15 seconds.

Well I say that's a good enough reason to let them in (liberal thinking here).

Naw, just pointing out that when a racist POS like Ray kicks down, he's admitting the own failure of his life.

Says a supposed resume writer. :abgg2q.jpg:
It may not seem like it to you, but we are a country with a lot of our own problems. We have crime problems, drug problems, debt problems, obesity problems, healthcare problems..........

None of which are caused by immigration and some of which can be solved by them.

Here's the real problem... you are kind of a loser who can't get health insurance, that's how useless and untalented you are... and of course, you are afraid of an immigrant taking your job, because he's healthier, harder worker, and not an asshole.

Well Joe, I'm a person that believes in God, or Karma for your believers that think we are advanced monkeys. When you criticize people because of their health conditions, it's likely (and hopefully) it will come back to you. So I truly hope you get an illness that affects your ability to work and make money. It's only deserving of your kind.
Well Joe, I'm a person that believes in God, or Karma for your believers that think we are advanced monkeys. When you criticize people because of their health conditions, it's likely (and hopefully) it will come back to you. So I truly hope you get an illness that affects your ability to work and make money. It's only deserving of your kind.

I've had that... and frankly, was screwed over by my employer and insurance company because of it.

But funny thing happened, what i learned from that experience is that your health shouldn't be contingent on someone else's ability to make money off your labor.....

I had no problem getting a new job that provided health insurance..

You on the other hand, take it up the ass from the one percent, and want to kick down at people who have less than you do. True, a lot of it is your own damned fault for not gaining any additional skills and being very limited in one thing that any young kid out of high school could learn how to do. And true that you won't even make a base effort to improve your situation.

Because you are just an awful person.... so maybe the misery you have is Karmic.

I, on the other hand, had devoted myself to helping people. I will be spending most of today helping four people find new jobs. Yes, I'll get paid for my troubles, but I also do it because it's a decent thing to do.
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