What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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the people who came through Ellis Island came legally, that's the difference, dude. I don't understand why you don't get this.
Apparently, you reply before even reading the post. I think I understand probably better than most people on this thread the differences between illegal and legal immigrants. Our entire immigration systems has serious problems starting with who and how we select immigrants to how we keep undocumented immigrants out of the country.
all foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. it is a federal Obligation since 1808.



Our federal Constitution, ever read it? Entry into the Union is a federal Obligation after 1808.

Shut the fuck up.

Our federal Constitution, ever read it?

The states RETAINED the authority to regulate immigration.

Fedgov has authority to NATURALIZE those individuals who seek to become US Citizens.

Nope. They can charge up to Ten Dollars to ensure compliance with State inspection laws to ensure Commerce is lawful within the State.
The immigration issue shows how millions of racist Democrat Voters are on a mission to displace Anglo Voters.
Democrats are despicable racist cretins.
  1. U.S. Embassy in Algeria
    Internet Romance and Marriage Fraud
  • Many Algerians befriend American citizens through Internet dating and social networking sites and these relationships may lead to engagement and marriage. While some of these marriages are successful, the U.S. Embassy in Algiers warns against marriage scams. It is not uncommon for foreign nationals to enter into marriages with Americans solely for immigration or financial purposes. Relationships developed via correspondence, particularly those begun on the Internet, are especially susceptible to manipulation. Often, the marriages end in divorce in the United States when the foreign national acquires legal permanent residence (“green card”) or U.S. citizenship. In some cases, the new American or permanent resident then remarries a wife he divorced before, around the same time as entering into a relationship with a sponsoring American citizen.
The U.S. Embassy has seen several cases in which American citizens are lured to Algeria and are then held against their will in abusive situations. American citizens who do not speak the local languages and are dependent solely on the one Algerian national are especially vulnerable. Sometimes the American citizen is able to escape only with police / Embassy intervention. American citizens in this situation have often found that their personal and financial information is hacked. As an American citizen, you need to be responsible for ensuring you are in legal status in Algeria and not rely on someone promising to take care of it for you. The Algerian national may try to threaten to have you arrested/deported if you do not follow his commands.
Fraud Types-ImmigrationFraud.com

The U Visa Amnesty: False Allegation Green Cards for All
Fast-Tracked Green Cards Given to Anyone Claiming to Be Crime Victim

Illegal immigrants and short-term visa holders claiming to be crime victims are eligible to get green cards. Initially set up as a non-immigrant (short-term) visa so foreign nationals could stay in the country while they assist law enforcement with criminal prosecutions and investigations, immigration advocates rallied congressional members to turn the visa into a path to citizenship – and like the VAWA green card – this is open to any foreigner making a simple allegation of being a crime victim. They do NOT need to be helping with pending law enforcement investigations or prosecutions, and this is no longer a "visa," but a full, legal path to citizenship.

This program has proven so successful that California politicians created a law whereby state taxpayer funds are diverted to to help with the immigration process of any foreign national claiming to be a crime victim.

California, the state with the largest number of illegal immigrants in the nation, has successfully used this provision to provide amnesty (get legal immigration statuses) for large numbers of its illegal immigrant community. By law, state taxpayer funds are diverted to any foreign national claiming to be a crime victim to help them with federal immigration proceedings.
Except the wealthy have a lot more than 616 BIllion... sorry.

here you go, a list of the 20 wealthiest Americans.. Add up just these 20 guys, you get more than 732Billion...

Read the excerpt again. It says taking all of their "income" not accumulated assets. To accumulate what they are worth today, it took them decades to do, not just one year.

Your boss would have fucked you regardless...

Right, he didn't fuck me for nearly 20 years, all of a sudden Commie Care went into effect, and he got rid of healthcare insurance two weeks later. God you suckers will believe anything.

Naw, I knew it was going to be a problem because the Dems listened to the GOP and went along with what Big Insurance wanted. You see, in trying to get Susan Collins to go along with it, they gave up on the Public Option and Medicare Buy in, which would have solved 99% of the problems with ACA. But the real problem is that we have a health insurance industry that pays its CEO's 9 figure incomes to figure out how to cheat people after they've paid the premiums... that's the real problem.

Sure, that's what they do even though illegal. Insurance companies have A CONTRACT which can't be broken. You read the contract to find out exactly what you are entitled to.

Unlike government who takes our money and puts it under a mattress, insurance companies invest premium money so the profits can offset some of the claims.........that was until that commie took over and forced them to stop investing and spend at least 85% of their money on claims alone which of course meant less money coming in for the companies.

Afterwards insurance companies could no longer survive doing it the Communist way, so most dropped out of the program and medical insurance continued to skyrocket.

Naw, I hate people who got rich ripping off people like you who did the actual work. But you'll sit there in your slum without your insurance and complain about the guy who decided that they weren't going to work for an extra $10 a week and give up $100 in benefits.

You never ran a business in your life and are obviously ignorant how it all works. If your product or service is more expensive than your competitor, your customers eventually go to your competitor for services. Or let me take you by the hand and explain it so you might possibly understand:

You and I both have a small local delivery service. We each employ 20 people. I decide to cut my overhead by eliminating medical insurance for my employees since Commie Care is the new threat on the nation. I pay on average $400.00 per month per employee for coverage. That means by cutting coverage, I save $8,000 a month that I can pass on to my customers.

You on the other hand refuse to cut that benefit. You can't offer your customers the same price I can for a delivery. Eventually people figure it out and begin going to my company for their delivery needs. You have two choices at that point: do what I did and drop coverage, or go out of business.

That's why all the jobs I applied for don't offer coverage anymore, and it's not coincidence this happened after Commie Care became the law of the land. If you don't drop coverage, you close your company and your employees would be without coverage anyway since they no longer have a job.

Now, I hope you can figure it out from there.
I thought your position was to stop immigration both legal and illegal. When I said, "building a wall around the country", I was speaking figuratively and referring to isolationism.

Oh, without a doubt that is my position, but the wall was not in support of what I think, it was in support to curb illegal crossings.

There is no possible way that even Republicans would vote to stop all immigration, but I will support any measure that gets us closer to my desire.
Maybe we should discuss legal immigration because we both agree illegal immigration needs to stop. We just don't agree on the means.

What's to discuss? We have legal immigration and have had it for decades. There is nothing wrong with our immigration system outside of not enforcing it.
I think we are in total disagreement in the need for legal immigrants. You would see the numbers decreased and I want to see them increased. You believe they take jobs from Americans and I believe they create them. You think the immigration system is just fine the way it is. I think it should be totally overhauled because it focuses almost entirely on keeping undesirable elements out and ignores encouraging those that are desirable.

should there be no limits on legal immigration? Do you know that all immigration was stopped in the 1920s in order to allow time for recent immigrants (legal) to assimilate and become americans?
Interesting, I didn't know that.

I believe in yearly limits on total immigration and country targets. I envision a system which selects or recruits the best possible immigrants regardless of nationality.

In the system we have today, nationality is the most important criteria for immigration, followed by the lack of a criminal record, not being on a terrorist watch list, and having someone in the US that will vouch for you. The purpose of the system is make sure we don't get any really bad people. That's OK as far as it goes, but why not shoot for getting some really good people that can be an asset to nation. It is certainly possible but not with the system we have today. It tends ignore the qualifications of the individual in favor of racist and xenophobic ideas of a hundred years ago.
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Nobody has really cared about color for a long time. Barry fired that back up but he’s gone
We do dare about citizens and criminals though.
Read the excerpt again. It says taking all of their "income" not accumulated assets. To accumulate what they are worth today, it took them decades to do, not just one year.

Exactly my point. Accumulated assets,... ALSO KNOWN AS WEALTH.

Sorry you don't get this. There is more than enough WEALTH in this country to fairly distribute it.

Right, he didn't fuck me for nearly 20 years, all of a sudden Commie Care went into effect, and he got rid of healthcare insurance two weeks later. God you suckers will believe anything.

He was probably already fucking you with a policy that didn't cover anything, but you never got sick enough to notice.

Sure, that's what they do even though illegal. Insurance companies have A CONTRACT which can't be broken. You read the contract to find out exactly what you are entitled to.

Right, because average working stiffs should go toe to toe with lawyers to find out if they will get what they pay for.

Unlike government who takes our money and puts it under a mattress, insurance companies invest premium money so the profits can offset some of the claims.........that was until that commie took over and forced them to stop investing and spend at least 85% of their money on claims alone which of course meant less money coming in for the companies.

Again, buddy, you miss the point. Our system spends twice as much per capita as any other industrialized country, and we have the lowest life expectency and highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world. And 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis. So we spend the most, we get the shittiest results, but some rich guy got to make a killing on his investment, so there's that.

Afterwards insurance companies could no longer survive doing it the Communist way, so most dropped out of the program and medical insurance continued to skyrocket.

Oh, I wish the insurance companies would disappear. They've done anything but.

You never ran a business in your life and are obviously ignorant how it all works. If your product or service is more expensive than your competitor, your customers eventually go to your competitor for services. Or let me take you by the hand and explain it so you might possibly understand:

Wow, by your logic, no one would ever eat at Red Lobster because you can get the same food a lot cheaper at Long John Silvers... oh, no, wait. Red Lobster does a lot better than LJS's fish flavored grease.

You and I both have a small local delivery service. We each employ 20 people. I decide to cut my overhead by eliminating medical insurance for my employees since Commie Care is the new threat on the nation. I pay on average $400.00 per month per employee for coverage. That means by cutting coverage, I save $8,000 a month that I can pass on to my customers.

Except, of course, the only people who would still work for you at that point are the worst white trash losers who have absolutely no other options. You know, the kind who sits in his truck all day and posts to message boards instead of making deliveries, and when he gets to a work site, he whines about how lazy the unions guys are because they make more than he does.

You on the other hand refuse to cut that benefit. You can't offer your customers the same price I can for a delivery. Eventually people figure it out and begin going to my company for their delivery needs. You have two choices at that point: do what I did and drop coverage, or go out of business.

Well, you see, here's the thing. My employers are happy. They look forward to coming to work, and they produce good service. So, yeah, you pay a little more for my service, but you get better service. As opposed to the company who hired White Trash Ray who spent all day insulting the customers....

Of course, pay and benefits aren't everything. There are companies that pay really well but are toxic work environments. There are companies that pay kind of average, but everyone has been there for years and they are a community. But the notion that you can continue to fuck your workers, and get good results... um, this is why the Japanese are beating the pants off of us.

That's why all the jobs I applied for don't offer coverage anymore, and it's not coincidence this happened after Commie Care became the law of the land. If you don't drop coverage, you close your company and your employees would be without coverage anyway since they no longer have a job.

No, buddy, I found several jobs that offered coverage only looking for 10 minutes. the reason why you can't find coverage is you won't look. Oh, yeah, and you think "Dead Hooker List" is a good source for quality jobs. Here's a hint, if the company is too cheap to pay for a job listing, they are too cheap to pay anything for the actual job.
Exactly my point. Accumulated assets,... ALSO KNOWN AS WEALTH.

Sorry you don't get this. There is more than enough WEALTH in this country to fairly distribute it.

So what do you want to do, steal all their money and give some of it to you? Okay, so let's say we did that. Now we can run the government for about a year. WTF are we going to do the next year, the year after that, the year after that? After all, there would be no rich people to tax any longer; you know, the same rich people that mostly pay for our government today?

You and your Hitler mentally is why your party is sinking so quickly.

He was probably already fucking you with a policy that didn't cover anything, but you never got sick enough to notice.

Well guess what? It was ten times better than what I had after that Mulatto freak left the White House.

Right, because average working stiffs should go toe to toe with lawyers to find out if they will get what they pay for.

Nope, there are other ways. You can contact local news agencies. Your state likely has bureaucracies to handle matters like that. In our state, the Ohio Attorney General has a complaint department and checks into those things. The state will take it up with the agency if they are indeed not giving you what was contracted. They will even sue them on your behalf and it won't cost you a dime.

Again, buddy, you miss the point. Our system spends twice as much per capita as any other industrialized country, and we have the lowest life expectency and highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world. And 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis. So we spend the most, we get the shittiest results, but some rich guy got to make a killing on his investment, so there's that.

There is also no evidence that infant mortality rates or life expectancy is related to our healthcare system. In fact, most people die in this country when they are on government healthcare called Medicare. I'd give you a link as to why our infant mortality rate is lower than some countries, but I know how you hate to learn new things.

Oh, I wish the insurance companies would disappear. They've done anything but.

They did disappear from Commie Care.

Wow, by your logic, no one would ever eat at Red Lobster because you can get the same food a lot cheaper at Long John Silvers... oh, no, wait. Red Lobster does a lot better than LJS's fish flavored grease.

If you had two restaurants like Red Lobster, and one cost you 30 bucks more per dinner and you get the same thing, that restaurant will be closed up in a year or two.

Except, of course, the only people who would still work for you at that point are the worst white trash losers who have absolutely no other options. You know, the kind who sits in his truck all day and posts to message boards instead of making deliveries, and when he gets to a work site, he whines about how lazy the unions guys are because they make more than he does.

Then go ahead and show my posts during the work week. I took some time off a few months ago for one week when I was home. Other than that, you barely see me post during the day. And if I do, it's while I'm getting loaded or unloaded or both. It takes between 20 minutes to 2 hours depending on where you go. WTF am I supposed to do?

Well, you see, here's the thing. My employers are happy. They look forward to coming to work, and they produce good service. So, yeah, you pay a little more for my service, but you get better service. As opposed to the company who hired White Trash Ray who spent all day insulting the customers....

Of course, pay and benefits aren't everything. There are companies that pay really well but are toxic work environments. There are companies that pay kind of average, but everyone has been there for years and they are a community. But the notion that you can continue to fuck your workers, and get good results... um, this is why the Japanese are beating the pants off of us.

A customer cares about one thing, getting his or her freight to the desired destination. That's it. Whoever does it the cheapest is likely to get that work.

No, buddy, I found several jobs that offered coverage only looking for 10 minutes. the reason why you can't find coverage is you won't look. Oh, yeah, and you think "Dead Hooker List" is a good source for quality jobs. Here's a hint, if the company is too cheap to pay for a job listing, they are too cheap to pay anything for the actual job.

You found one with a shit company that has garbage equipment. Many of their cabs don't even have AC, and I seriously believe some of them have inadequate heat as well. I talk to their drivers all the time. I haven't found one that was happy with the company yet.
So what do you want to do, steal all their money and give some of it to you? Okay, so let's say we did that. Now we can run the government for about a year. WTF are we going to do the next year, the year after that, the year after that? After all, there would be no rich people to tax any longer; you know, the same rich people that mostly pay for our government today?

Again, buddy, you mistake the parasites for a vital organ. We could do just fine without the rich.

There is also no evidence that infant mortality rates or life expectancy is related to our healthcare system. In fact, most people die in this country when they are on government healthcare called Medicare. I'd give you a link as to why our infant mortality rate is lower than some countries, but I know how you hate to learn new things.

wow, there's no evidence that the two clearest metrics of health is in any way related tot he fact that 25% of our population has no or inadequate health coverage....

Um, yes, most people die while on Medicare because private insurance won't cover really old people, dummy. Man, you just aren't very smart, are you?

If you had two restaurants like Red Lobster, and one cost you 30 bucks more per dinner and you get the same thing, that restaurant will be closed up in a year or two.

Miss the point entirely, but that's okay...

Other than that, you barely see me post during the day. And if I do, it's while I'm getting loaded or unloaded or both.

I'm sure you are "Getting loaded" a lot.

A customer cares about one thing, getting his or her freight to the desired destination. That's it. Whoever does it the cheapest is likely to get that work.

Really/ Dude, I used to be in purchasing. I've seen more than a few companies that brought in product late, lost packages, brought in damaged skids, because they hired the cheap guys who didn't care if they got fired or not. We told the vendor to never use that company again, or we wouldn't use them.

You found one with a shit company that has garbage equipment. Many of their cabs don't even have AC, and I seriously believe some of them have inadequate heat as well. I talk to their drivers all the time. I haven't found one that was happy with the company yet.

Actually, the drivers probably told you that because they didn't want you to apply... They'd have told you they had daily sodomy if that kept you away.
We know what it stands for--Independence. This is obvious by the tablet the statue is holding marking the day we adopted the Declaration of Independence. The poor the weary stuff was added later on, but that's not why it was built:

What is the quote on the statue of liberty?

There are several phrases associated with the Statue of Liberty, but the most recognizable is “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” This quote comes from Emma Lazarus’ sonnet, New Colossus, which she wrote for a fundraiser auction to raise money for the pedestal upon which the Statue of Liberty now sits. The poem did not receive much recognition and was quite forgotten after the auction.

In the early 1900s and after Lazarus’ death, one of her friends began a campaign to memorialize Lazarus and her New Colossus sonnet. The effort was a success, and a plaque with the poem’s text was mounted inside the pedestal of the statute.

What is the quote on the statue of liberty? · How Tall is the Statue of Liberty?

And this apparently cannot be said enough:

It's just a poem. Has no force of law whatsoever.

Actually the point was the statue was not erected to welcome foreigners. It was put there so that when foreigners come, they are reminded of the value of liberty--not put there as a Welcome Mat.

The statue was a gift from France with the sole intention of celebrating freedom. The liberals like to use the poem to say that the statue was put here to welcome any and all foreigners into the country. It's just a wives tale is all it is.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

We're talking about immigration, not illegal aliens coming here illegally, racist race baiting piece of shit.

You can try to conflate legal with illegal immigration all day long and it's still a pile of stinking shit. It's like equating customers of a store and shoplifters
Oh, without a doubt that is my position, but the wall was not in support of what I think, it was in support to curb illegal crossings.

There is no possible way that even Republicans would vote to stop all immigration, but I will support any measure that gets us closer to my desire.
Maybe we should discuss legal immigration because we both agree illegal immigration needs to stop. We just don't agree on the means.

What's to discuss? We have legal immigration and have had it for decades. There is nothing wrong with our immigration system outside of not enforcing it.
I think we are in total disagreement in the need for legal immigrants. You would see the numbers decreased and I want to see them increased. You believe they take jobs from Americans and I believe they create them. You think the immigration system is just fine the way it is. I think it should be totally overhauled because it focuses almost entirely on keeping undesirable elements out and ignores encouraging those that are desirable.

should there be no limits on legal immigration? Do you know that all immigration was stopped in the 1920s in order to allow time for recent immigrants (legal) to assimilate and become americans?
Interesting, I didn't know that.

I believe in yearly limits on total immigration and country targets. I envision a system which selects or recruits the best possible immigrants regardless of nationality.

In the system we have today, nationality is the most important criteria for immigration, followed by the lack of a criminal record, not being on a terrorist watch list, and having someone in the US that will vouch for you. The purpose of the system is make sure we don't get any really bad people. That's OK as far as it goes, but why not shoot for getting some really good people that can be an asset to nation. It is certainly possible but not with the system we have today. It tends ignore the qualifications of the individual in favor of racist and xenophobic ideas of a hundred years ago.

Wanting people to come here legally is racist. Fuck you, garbage
Children are also more likely to be killed by a family member than by playing in the street but we don’t ignore them playing there nor encourage it as a good idea

Nobody saying MS-13 is a good idea. THe craziness is locking up small children and yanking them from their mother's arms because they MIGHT grow up to join MS-13.

Strawman. You just lose more and more touch with reality. No one thinks that except you apparently since you created the idea
Children are also more likely to be killed by a family member than by playing in the street but we don’t ignore them playing there nor encourage it as a good idea

Nobody saying MS-13 is a good idea. THe craziness is locking up small children and yanking them from their mother's arms because they MIGHT grow up to join MS-13.
When that starts happening please advise us
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Children are also more likely to be killed by a family member than by playing in the street but we don’t ignore them playing there nor encourage it as a good idea

Nobody saying MS-13 is a good idea. THe craziness is locking up small children and yanking them from their mother's arms because they MIGHT grow up to join MS-13.
When that starts happening please advise us

Joe brings the whack to whack job.

They're afraid because they think the babies are M-13! You know he was saluting the general after he came up with that one
And this apparently cannot be said enough:

It's just a poem. Has no force of law whatsoever.

Actually the point was the statue was not erected to welcome foreigners. It was put there so that when foreigners come, they are reminded of the value of liberty--not put there as a Welcome Mat.

The statue was a gift from France with the sole intention of celebrating freedom. The liberals like to use the poem to say that the statue was put here to welcome any and all foreigners into the country. It's just a wives tale is all it is.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

We're talking about immigration, not illegal aliens coming here illegally, racist race baiting piece of shit.

You can try to conflate legal with illegal immigration all day long and it's still a pile of stinking shit. It's like equating customers of a store and shoplifters

Even if we could stop all illegals and kick the ones out that are here, we will always keep bringing them in by about a million a year plus workers and Visa's. As for myself, I would like to virtually close down the borders.

A guy calls me on the phone today, and the number said he was from my drug store. I had to ask the SOB to repeat himself about five times until I could figure out WTF he was trying to tell me. He's trying to pronounce medications in his very broken English. Never had that problem 40 years ago.
Again, buddy, you mistake the parasites for a vital organ. We could do just fine without the rich.

So who would pay all the bills for the country if there were no rich? Remember that the rich pay most of the taxes that do run our country and half of the country pays no income tax at all. So where are you going to get this money from? I can't wait to read your answer to that one.

wow, there's no evidence that the two clearest metrics of health is in any way related tot he fact that 25% of our population has no or inadequate health coverage....

Um, yes, most people die while on Medicare because private insurance won't cover really old people, dummy. Man, you just aren't very smart, are you?

Sure private insurance does. Do you think well-to-do people use Medicare?

Just because you have no coverage doesn't mean you don't get help if needed.

Really/ Dude, I used to be in purchasing. I've seen more than a few companies that brought in product late, lost packages, brought in damaged skids, because they hired the cheap guys who didn't care if they got fired or not. We told the vendor to never use that company again, or we wouldn't use them.

Actually, the drivers probably told you that because they didn't want you to apply... They'd have told you they had daily sodomy if that kept you away.

Oh, I'm aware of those companies, most of them are union where the employees don't give a shite because nobody ever gets fired for it.
Actually the point was the statue was not erected to welcome foreigners. It was put there so that when foreigners come, they are reminded of the value of liberty--not put there as a Welcome Mat.

The statue was a gift from France with the sole intention of celebrating freedom. The liberals like to use the poem to say that the statue was put here to welcome any and all foreigners into the country. It's just a wives tale is all it is.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

We're talking about immigration, not illegal aliens coming here illegally, racist race baiting piece of shit.

You can try to conflate legal with illegal immigration all day long and it's still a pile of stinking shit. It's like equating customers of a store and shoplifters

Even if we could stop all illegals and kick the ones out that are here, we will always keep bringing them in by about a million a year plus workers and Visa's. As for myself, I would like to virtually close down the borders.

A guy calls me on the phone today, and the number said he was from my drug store. I had to ask the SOB to repeat himself about five times until I could figure out WTF he was trying to tell me. He's trying to pronounce medications in his very broken English. Never had that problem 40 years ago.

Racists like Flopper who exploit brown people for his own selfish personal interest are the most despicable.

I'm a good guy! Now shower me with free government cheese, right Flopper the race whore?
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