What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

We're talking about immigration, not illegal aliens coming here illegally, racist race baiting piece of shit.

You can try to conflate legal with illegal immigration all day long and it's still a pile of stinking shit. It's like equating customers of a store and shoplifters

Even if we could stop all illegals and kick the ones out that are here, we will always keep bringing them in by about a million a year plus workers and Visa's. As for myself, I would like to virtually close down the borders.

A guy calls me on the phone today, and the number said he was from my drug store. I had to ask the SOB to repeat himself about five times until I could figure out WTF he was trying to tell me. He's trying to pronounce medications in his very broken English. Never had that problem 40 years ago.

Racists like Flopper who exploit brown people for his own selfish personal interest are the most despicable.

I'm a good guy! Now shower me with free government cheese, right Flopper the race whore?

Makes you wonder how much immigration support we would have from the left if these illegals were from Europe and Canada.
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Even if we could stop all illegals and kick the ones out that are here, we will always keep bringing them in by about a million a year plus workers and Visa's. As for myself, I would like to virtually close down the borders.

Of course you would. You are terrified of the competition.

A guy calls me on the phone today, and the number said he was from my drug store. I had to ask the SOB to repeat himself about five times until I could figure out WTF he was trying to tell me. He's trying to pronounce medications in his very broken English. Never had that problem 40 years ago.

40 years ago, the schools did a good enough job teaching kids how to work in pharmacies.. not so much now. Now Cleetus can't read, so they have to bring in Pradip from India to work in the Pharmacy because he could graduate pharmacy college.

So who would pay all the bills for the country if there were no rich? Remember that the rich pay most of the taxes that do run our country and half of the country pays no income tax at all. So where are you going to get this money from? I can't wait to read your answer to that one.

If the wealth was fairly distributed, we wouldn't need a lot of government programs. Again, we could do just fine without the Uber Rich. Europe and Japan already do.

Sure private insurance does. Do you think well-to-do people use Medicare?

Just because you have no coverage doesn't mean you don't get help if needed.

If you really need it, you are going to go broke very fast without coverage.

Oh, I'm aware of those companies, most of them are union where the employees don't give a shite because nobody ever gets fired for it.

Union Truckers usually do a good job. It's the small fly by night companies with crappy equipment and white trash drivers that were the problem.
Even if we could stop all illegals and kick the ones out that are here, we will always keep bringing them in by about a million a year plus workers and Visa's. As for myself, I would like to virtually close down the borders.

Of course you would. You are terrified of the competition

Sure Goebbels

Joe: We need people to pick fruit, Americans won't do it

Joe: You're afraid of competition

So you want to bring in only poor, uneducated people because you're not afraid of competition. That's your own story, Goebbels. Meanwhile, Ray and I want to bring in only people who can work and support themselves. You know, not the Mexican yous.

Of the three of us, Ray and I are clearly the ones who aren't afraid of competition, you're just full of shit.

You got fired for being a paper pusher with a bad attitude and now you write resumes even though you have no reading comprehension and don't know even basic business terms.

Your stories are lame on their own. You don't even need help
So you want to bring in only poor, uneducated people because you're not afraid of competition. That's your own story, Goebbels. Meanwhile, Ray and I want to bring in only people who can work and support themselves. You know, not the Mexican yous.

Of the three of us, Ray and I are clearly the ones who aren't afraid of competition, you're just full of shit.

Naw, man... I don't worry about illegals because they can't do what I do. Ray obviously lives in terror that some Mexican can figure out how to drive a truck in a straight line.

You got fired for being a paper pusher with a bad attitude and now you write resumes even though you have no reading comprehension and don't know even basic business terms.

And yet I make a lot of money doing it...

Funny, that.

Your stories are lame on their own. You don't even need help

Yet you wait breathlessly for them and spend a lot of time stalking me on line, buddy. Probably because I bitched slapped you by pointing out what a bottom feeder you are in the business world.
So you want to bring in only poor, uneducated people because you're not afraid of competition. That's your own story, Goebbels. Meanwhile, Ray and I want to bring in only people who can work and support themselves. You know, not the Mexican yous.

Of the three of us, Ray and I are clearly the ones who aren't afraid of competition, you're just full of shit.

Naw, man... I don't worry about illegals because they can't do what I do. Ray obviously lives in terror that some Mexican can figure out how to drive a truck in a straight line.

You got fired for being a paper pusher with a bad attitude and now you write resumes even though you have no reading comprehension and don't know even basic business terms.

And yet I make a lot of money doing it...

Funny, that.

Your stories are lame on their own. You don't even need help

Yet you wait breathlessly for them and spend a lot of time stalking me on line, buddy. Probably because I bitched slapped you by pointing out what a bottom feeder you are in the business world.

Yeah Goebbels, $25K a year is a "lot of money." As for that Mexicans can't do what you do, why can't a poor, uneducated Mexican write resumes without having reading comprehension or knowledge of basic business terms? I think they have your lack of skillset covered just fine.

Now that I think of it, I bet they could push paper like you did too, only with a better attitude and an appreciation they have a job
So you want to bring in only poor, uneducated people because you're not afraid of competition. That's your own story, Goebbels. Meanwhile, Ray and I want to bring in only people who can work and support themselves. You know, not the Mexican yous.

Of the three of us, Ray and I are clearly the ones who aren't afraid of competition, you're just full of shit.

Naw, man... I don't worry about illegals because they can't do what I do. Ray obviously lives in terror that some Mexican can figure out how to drive a truck in a straight line

I'll admit that I don't know much about the life of being a trucker. But the successful truck drivers that I have come across are polite, hard working and value their jobs. I bet Ray is a hell of a truck driver.

That while you're in a people business and have no idea how sales works in your own industry, have extremely low English comprehension, don't know basic business terms and have a bad attitude.

Like you're talking
Actually the point was the statue was not erected to welcome foreigners. It was put there so that when foreigners come, they are reminded of the value of liberty--not put there as a Welcome Mat.

The statue was a gift from France with the sole intention of celebrating freedom. The liberals like to use the poem to say that the statue was put here to welcome any and all foreigners into the country. It's just a wives tale is all it is.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

the people who came through Ellis Island came legally, that's the difference, dude. I don't understand why you don't get this.
Apparently, you reply before even reading the post. I think I understand probably better than most people on this thread the differences between illegal and legal immigrants. Our entire immigration systems has serious problems starting with who and how we select immigrants to how we keep undocumented immigrants out of the country.

I read your post and understand exactly what you said. No one, including me, has ever said that only white, educated, English speaking people should be allowed to immigrate here. All we are saying is come legally, and if you come in illegally you will be deported back to where you came from or stopped at the border. What do you find objectionable about that?
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

The Major Flaw in your thinking and those who think like you is that the world is the same as it was 200 years ago.
It is not. Too many people coming here now are sent by their governments to over-run America (Mexico and other SA countries) while many come here on missions of disruption and hatred such as Jihad and MS-13.

Your thinking is naive and foolish in the context of today's immigration.
The Mexican government does not send immigrants to the US. That rather silly idea goes back about 50 years.

Why in the world would the Mexican government want to send workers to the US when they are experiencing a shortage of both farm and skilled labor? Mexican daily wages have risen almost 60% over the last 10 years. The unemployment rate in Mexico is now 3.2% compared to the US unemployment rate of 4%. This goes a long way in explaining why more Mexican immigrants are returning home than arriving in the United States. Illegal immigration across our southern boarder was recently at a 20 year low and is predicted to continue falling over the next 10 years.

The long term outlook in the labor market both in the US and Mexico is a rising shortage of workers, particular in agriculture. The shortage in the US is predicted to reach 34 million by 2024.

The Mara Salvatrucha gang (MS-13) was started in Los Angeles in the 1980's by Salvadoran immigrants fleeing the Central American Civil wars. It is estimated that there are 8,000 to 10,000 members in the US, a tiny fraction of the number of legal and illegal immigrants, and naturalized Americans from Mexico and Central America, estimated to be over 40 million.

It's interesting to note that MS-13 grew out the refuges of the civil wars in Central American in which the US government actively promoted by pumping billions of dollars in military aid in order stop communist revolutionaries. Now, 35 years later we are dealing with the consequences.
Mexico Average Daily Wages | 2000-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org
MS-13 - Wikipedia
Central American crisis - Wikipedia

so now MS13 is our fault? you are a very confused person.
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

The Major Flaw in your thinking and those who think like you is that the world is the same as it was 200 years ago.
It is not. Too many people coming here now are sent by their governments to over-run America (Mexico and other SA countries) while many come here on missions of disruption and hatred such as Jihad and MS-13.

Your thinking is naive and foolish in the context of today's immigration.
The Mexican government does not send immigrants to the US. That rather silly idea goes back about 50 years.

Why in the world would the Mexican government want to send workers to the US when they are experiencing a shortage of both farm and skilled labor? Mexican daily wages have risen almost 60% over the last 10 years. The unemployment rate in Mexico is now 3.2% compared to the US unemployment rate of 4%. This goes a long way in explaining why more Mexican immigrants are returning home than arriving in the United States. Illegal immigration across our southern boarder was recently at a 20 year low and is predicted to continue falling over the next 10 years.

The long term outlook in the labor market both in the US and Mexico is a rising shortage of workers, particular in agriculture. The shortage in the US is predicted to reach 34 million by 2024.

The Mara Salvatrucha gang (MS-13) was started in Los Angeles in the 1980's by Salvadoran immigrants fleeing the Central American Civil wars. It is estimated that there are 8,000 to 10,000 members in the US, a tiny fraction of the number of legal and illegal immigrants, and naturalized Americans from Mexico and Central America, estimated to be over 40 million.

It's interesting to note that MS-13 grew out the refuges of the civil wars in Central American in which the US government actively promoted by pumping billions of dollars in military aid in order stop communist revolutionaries. Now, 35 years later we are dealing with the consequences.
Mexico Average Daily Wages | 2000-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org
MS-13 - Wikipedia
Central American crisis - Wikipedia

so now MS13 is our fault? you are a very confused person.
You're white, thats all the racist flopper needs to know.

White, male, american, the axis of evil in one
It's pretty obvious that we don't have the solutions to those problems. The same people doing the same thing over and over is not going to solve anything. Maybe instead of looking inward for solutions we should be looking outward. Being that this country was build by immigrants and their offspring, building a wall around the country with a keep out sign might be a very bad idea.

The Major Flaw in your thinking and those who think like you is that the world is the same as it was 200 years ago.
It is not. Too many people coming here now are sent by their governments to over-run America (Mexico and other SA countries) while many come here on missions of disruption and hatred such as Jihad and MS-13.

Your thinking is naive and foolish in the context of today's immigration.
The Mexican government does not send immigrants to the US. That rather silly idea goes back about 50 years.

Why in the world would the Mexican government want to send workers to the US when they are experiencing a shortage of both farm and skilled labor? Mexican daily wages have risen almost 60% over the last 10 years. The unemployment rate in Mexico is now 3.2% compared to the US unemployment rate of 4%. This goes a long way in explaining why more Mexican immigrants are returning home than arriving in the United States. Illegal immigration across our southern boarder was recently at a 20 year low and is predicted to continue falling over the next 10 years.

The long term outlook in the labor market both in the US and Mexico is a rising shortage of workers, particular in agriculture. The shortage in the US is predicted to reach 34 million by 2024.

The Mara Salvatrucha gang (MS-13) was started in Los Angeles in the 1980's by Salvadoran immigrants fleeing the Central American Civil wars. It is estimated that there are 8,000 to 10,000 members in the US, a tiny fraction of the number of legal and illegal immigrants, and naturalized Americans from Mexico and Central America, estimated to be over 40 million.

It's interesting to note that MS-13 grew out the refuges of the civil wars in Central American in which the US government actively promoted by pumping billions of dollars in military aid in order stop communist revolutionaries. Now, 35 years later we are dealing with the consequences.
Mexico Average Daily Wages | 2000-2018 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Illegal Immigration Statistics - FactCheck.org
MS-13 - Wikipedia
Central American crisis - Wikipedia

so now MS13 is our fault? you are a very confused person.
You're white, thats all the racist flopper needs to know.

White, male, american, the axis of evil in one

some don't consider Cajuns to be white, but dats ok. :2up:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

the people who came through Ellis Island came legally, that's the difference, dude. I don't understand why you don't get this.
Apparently, you reply before even reading the post. I think I understand probably better than most people on this thread the differences between illegal and legal immigrants. Our entire immigration systems has serious problems starting with who and how we select immigrants to how we keep undocumented immigrants out of the country.

I read your post and understand exactly what you said. No one, including me, has ever said that only white, educated, English speaking people should be allowed to immigrate here. All we are saying is come legally, and if you come in illegally you will be deported back to where you came from or stopped at the border. What do you find objectionable about that?
The law is EASY to obey. Why do libbies find it hard and objectionable?
Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

the people who came through Ellis Island came legally, that's the difference, dude. I don't understand why you don't get this.
Apparently, you reply before even reading the post. I think I understand probably better than most people on this thread the differences between illegal and legal immigrants. Our entire immigration systems has serious problems starting with who and how we select immigrants to how we keep undocumented immigrants out of the country.

I read your post and understand exactly what you said. No one, including me, has ever said that only white, educated, English speaking people should be allowed to immigrate here. All we are saying is come legally, and if you come in illegally you will be deported back to where you came from or stopped at the border. What do you find objectionable about that?
The law is EASY to obey. Why do libbies find it hard and objectionable?

It's just like they do with police shootings. They complain about the police using deadly force to protect themselves, protest and riot when police have to instead of doing the simplest thing: Follow all order of the officer and nobody gets killed. Too complicated for liberals to figure out. It makes more sense to get themselves arrested jumping up and down on a police car during riot.
Of course you would. You are terrified of the competition.

We all should be because they are competing for lower wages which brings down all our wages. You don't have the intelligence to understand that. Yet you bitch and moan about the fading of unions in this country which means workers get paid according to their abilities instead of what the unions force companies to pay them.

40 years ago, the schools did a good enough job teaching kids how to work in pharmacies.. not so much now. Now Cleetus can't read, so they have to bring in Pradip from India to work in the Pharmacy because he could graduate pharmacy college.

Pharmacy college? Where is this pharmacy college located exactly? :auiqs.jpg:

You're amazing Joe. People who work at at a pharmacy are not going to this pharmacy college of yours. It's just a simple job of taking orders, contacting and checking out customers. You don't need people from India to do that.

Our schools? You mean the ones that are almost entirely run by liberals?

If the wealth was fairly distributed, we wouldn't need a lot of government programs. Again, we could do just fine without the Uber Rich. Europe and Japan already do.

So does Venezuela, Cuba, and North Korea, yet I never heard you talk about moving to any one of these places.

Not to worry though, keep voting in Socialists, dictators and Communists that hold this belief of total wealth confiscation. Do you want to know what the result will be?

800,000 people are about to flee New York and California because of taxes, say economists

If you really need it, you are going to go broke very fast without coverage.

They can't take from you what you don't have. In any case, it has nothing to do with our average lifespan or birth rate.

Union Truckers usually do a good job. It's the small fly by night companies with crappy equipment and white trash drivers that were the problem.

Really? UPS regulations are that anything marked FRAGLE cannot be dropped less than three feet.

The problem with you liberals is you think you know more than anybody else about everything. Here you are trying to debate me--a guy that's been in this industry for over 30 years about delivery and trucking outfits.
This thread is in POLITICS. That means it must stay on topic, which is IMMIGRATION POLICY. I am going to clean the recent material in the thread, in the meantime discuss the topic.
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

That sounds like a welcome mat to me.

Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

the people who came through Ellis Island came legally, that's the difference, dude. I don't understand why you don't get this.
Apparently, you reply before even reading the post. I think I understand probably better than most people on this thread the differences between illegal and legal immigrants. Our entire immigration systems has serious problems starting with who and how we select immigrants to how we keep undocumented immigrants out of the country.

I read your post and understand exactly what you said. No one, including me, has ever said that only white, educated, English speaking people should be allowed to immigrate here. All we are saying is come legally, and if you come in illegally you will be deported back to where you came from or stopped at the border. What do you find objectionable about that?
Nothing except the quotas should be reasonable. It shouldn't take a 50 to a 100 years for a computer engineer from India to get a work permit. Neither should it be impossible for a Honduran family of agricultural workers to immigrate. The decision to allow a person to immigrate should be based on their education, skills and character, not there country of origin.

There's a computer engineer in my condo with an H2b visa, a graduate of Stanford and CalTech that needs a work permit so he can leave his current employer and start a new company in the US. He was told by immigration that there are 225,000 workers from India trying to get a work permit so the wait would be in excess of 50 years. If he were born in Thailand, the wait would be about 1 year. That's crazy. I'm all for enforcing immigration laws but those laws need to fair and in the best interest of the country.
Here's how I would reform immigration.

1) Create something like germany's guest worker program, for low skill labor.

2) Put more enforcement emphasis on employers, not the border.

3) Create a national ID Act that would clearly identify all citizens and resident aliens. You can't get a job without one, or access government services.
Which again, was added after the statue was up for several years by somebody that had little to do with the statue other than create the pedestal. It was not the reason for the statue of liberty. The theme behind the statue was to celebrate Independence--not immigration. Immigration had nothing to do with it.
I agree. Immigration was not an issue. Except for the Chinese, our borders were open to all nationalities. The Statue of Liberty was not conceived and sculpted as a symbol of immigration, but it quickly became so as immigrant ships passed under the torch, heading toward Ellis Island.

Maybe we should change the inscription because America certainly doesn't welcome your tired, poor, homeless, and huddled masses. In fact, that is exactly who we're trying to keep out. Who we really want in America is White English speaking well educated upper class immigrants, who have never known adversity and who will raise over-privileged white children to follow in their footsteps.

the people who came through Ellis Island came legally, that's the difference, dude. I don't understand why you don't get this.
Apparently, you reply before even reading the post. I think I understand probably better than most people on this thread the differences between illegal and legal immigrants. Our entire immigration systems has serious problems starting with who and how we select immigrants to how we keep undocumented immigrants out of the country.

I read your post and understand exactly what you said. No one, including me, has ever said that only white, educated, English speaking people should be allowed to immigrate here. All we are saying is come legally, and if you come in illegally you will be deported back to where you came from or stopped at the border. What do you find objectionable about that?
Nothing except the quotas should be reasonable. It shouldn't take a 50 to a 100 years for a computer engineer from India to get a work permit. Neither should it be impossible for a Honduran family of agricultural workers to immigrate. The decision to allow a person to immigrate should be based on their education, skills and character, not there country of origin.

There's a computer engineer in my condo with an H2b visa, a graduate of Stanford and CalTech that needs a work permit so he can leave his current employer and start a new company in the US. He was told by immigration that there are 225,000 workers from India trying to get a work permit so the wait would be in excess of 50 years. If he were born in Thailand, the wait would be about 1 year. That's crazy. I'm all for enforcing immigration laws but those laws need to fair and in the best interest of the country.

Then why doesn't he go to Thailand?
Here's how I would reform immigration.

1) Create something like germany's guest worker program, for low skill labor.

2) Put more enforcement emphasis on employers, not the border.

3) Create a national ID Act that would clearly identify all citizens and resident aliens. You can't get a job without one, or access government services.

My immigration reform: Caught here illegally, you face a minimum five years in prison before deportation.
My immigration reform: Caught here illegally, you face a minimum five years in prison before deportation.

We don't have enough prison space for the real criminals, much less a misdemeanor.

Right now, we lock up 2 million people.

There are currently 11 million undocumented immigrants here. You are really going to lock them all up for 5 years?

You also have the problem is that their home countries are in no hurry to take them back.
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