What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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No illegal aliens-children or otherwise-should be allowed to stay. Zero tolerance. End of story.
They're not illegal because no court has found them guilty of anything. The question is not whether they should stay or not but whether they should be treated humanely and remain with their parents until the court acts.

Since they are essentially jailed until that time, like anyone else who is arrested for a crime, you are suggesting that the children ALSO be jailed, to "remain with their parents".

Like everything you say, it's ludicrous and stupid.
its just like the 'anchor baby' deal , mexicans drop an anchor baby and they have the Americans by the nutz . This variation of the mexican taking their kids to the border is , as i say just a variation of dropping an anchor baby . -------------------- as the mexican cries and says , you can't separate 'mamasitas' and widdle baby mexicans Coyote .

So you are fine with taking young children from their parents and throwing them into our foster care system while they await hearings? 700 kids lost in our foster care network or housed in barracks apart from their parents. It's sick but you don't have an issue with it.

Again, what the fuck else do you WANT to do with children whose parents are in jail? Why are you not getting your panties in a ruffle about all the children who are routinely put in foster care while their criminal parents are in the slammer?

Oh, and they're not "lost". Will you PLEASE get your frigging hormones under control and stop sounding like a hysterical middle-schooler?

You apparently need to keep all of yours for the crocodile tears over "lost in the network" children.
That does not give us the right to terrorize the children.

Like I said just previously, sending them alone amidst all the violence and lawlessness to get here is terrifying enough for the child, aside from being apart from their parents of course.

You don't see how much this hurts the child. We aren't hurting the child, the parents are.
In this the kids are not alone but with their parents.

They are with traffickers who are paid to move people back and forth across the border.

The children are hurt by the traffickers. When we catch them, we take the kids because they ARE IN DANGER.
That is a decision for the court, not Trump.
No illegal aliens-children or otherwise-should be allowed to stay. Zero tolerance. End of story.
They're not illegal because no court has found them guilty of anything. The question is not whether they should stay or not but whether they should be treated humanely and remain with their parents until the court acts.

Since they are essentially jailed until that time, like anyone else who is arrested for a crime, you are suggesting that the children ALSO be jailed, to "remain with their parents".

Like everything you say, it's ludicrous and stupid.
Yup, because they aren’t actually in a jail, accommodations are made for families just as they are for children. Great idea don’t you think?
That does not give us the right to terrorize the children.

Like I said just previously, sending them alone amidst all the violence and lawlessness to get here is terrifying enough for the child, aside from being apart from their parents of course.

You don't see how much this hurts the child. We aren't hurting the child, the parents are.
In this the kids are not alone but with their parents.

They are with traffickers who are paid to move people back and forth across the border.

The children are hurt by the traffickers. When we catch them, we take the kids because they ARE IN DANGER.
That is a decision for the court, not Trump.
Oh really?

Tell every child welfare worker in the US that. The courts don't have to rule before children can be removed from danger.

You can thank your statist buddies for that. They've got things all lined up to accommodate child trafficking. You should be happy.
Did you sneak into our country or overstay, without our express prior consent?

Are your children with you?

If we catch you, you are going to be separated from them, while we process your criminal charges.

Don't want that to happen to them?

The solution is simple.

Don't bring them.

Better yet, until we give you permission, don't come here.

Ignore that at your own (and your childrens') very great risk.

You have been warned.


The current policy is correct and should have been implemented eons ago.

Insofar as Liberals and other Bleeding Hearts are concerned... nobody likes to see a sucker wise-up, eh?

Fun Time's over, kiddies...
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its just like the 'anchor baby' deal , mexicans drop an anchor baby and they have the Americans by the nutz . This variation of the mexican taking their kids to the border is , as i say just a variation of dropping an anchor baby . -------------------- as the mexican cries and says , you can't separate 'mamasitas' and widdle baby mexicans Coyote .

So you are fine with taking young children from their parents and throwing them into our foster care system while they await hearings? 700 kids lost in our foster care network or housed in barracks apart from their parents. It's sick but you don't have an issue with it.

Again, what the fuck else do you WANT to do with children whose parents are in jail? Why are you not getting your panties in a ruffle about all the children who are routinely put in foster care while their criminal parents are in the slammer?

Oh, and they're not "lost". Will you PLEASE get your frigging hormones under control and stop sounding like a hysterical middle-schooler?
Tissue? You seem to be on the verge of an hysterical meltdown.

There are a lot of issues with the foster care system, in fact it is worth a thread. Perhaps you should start one and advocate for those kids since you feel so passionately? :)

I'M hysterical and "passionate"? I'm not the one using overwrought hyperbole to describe a very standard procedure undergone thousands of times a day in regards to any child whose parents are unavailable or unacceptable.

Btw, I'm still waiting for you to explain what you think is the "humane" way to deal with children whose parents are arrested, if not foster care. Whenever you get done pissing yourself about "human cost" and "lost in the network" and "evil, abhorrant [sic], wrong, unacceptable" and "I hope they rot in hell" and "punishing children" and whatever other overblown rhetoric you used after I started scrolling past your bullshit posts will be fine.
That does not give us the right to terrorize the children.

Like I said just previously, sending them alone amidst all the violence and lawlessness to get here is terrifying enough for the child, aside from being apart from their parents of course.

You don't see how much this hurts the child. We aren't hurting the child, the parents are.
In this the kids are not alone but with their parents.

They are with traffickers who are paid to move people back and forth across the border.

The children are hurt by the traffickers. When we catch them, we take the kids because they ARE IN DANGER.
That is a decision for the court, not Trump.

Wrong. That is a decision for the law enforcement system in question, prior to a court appearance. They all have a policy for these situations, and Trump sets the policy for ICE.

It just kills you that he's President and has the lawful powers of the office, doesn't it?
I can't get over people complaining because children are being removed from traffickers.

But then again, I've known they were the party of child slavery for a long, long time.
No illegal aliens-children or otherwise-should be allowed to stay. Zero tolerance. End of story.
They're not illegal because no court has found them guilty of anything. The question is not whether they should stay or not but whether they should be treated humanely and remain with their parents until the court acts.

Since they are essentially jailed until that time, like anyone else who is arrested for a crime, you are suggesting that the children ALSO be jailed, to "remain with their parents".

Like everything you say, it's ludicrous and stupid.
First of all nobody is being put in jail. They are being detained. Immigration does not jail people they detain them. The children will not be charged or found guilty of anything. Most of the parents will be charged with unlawful presence, a civil offence with no penalty. The normal procedure is to keep children with their parents. The new procedure is to take the kids away from their parents promising that they will be united with their children if they sign a voluntary deportation agreement which of course denies them due process of law. This is an incredibly stupid move on the part of the Orange Clown which will just turn more people against his policies.
What other countries separate parents from children for months?
ALL of them. Except the other countries and the US both, separate them for years, and decades, and lifetimes. What do you think they do ? Put them in jail cells with their parents ?

Is this whole country going beserk ?
No illegal aliens-children or otherwise-should be allowed to stay. Zero tolerance. End of story.
They're not illegal because no court has found them guilty of anything. The question is not whether they should stay or not but whether they should be treated humanely and remain with their parents until the court acts.

Since they are essentially jailed until that time, like anyone else who is arrested for a crime, you are suggesting that the children ALSO be jailed, to "remain with their parents".

Like everything you say, it's ludicrous and stupid.
First of all nobody is being put in jail. They are being detained. Immigration does not jail people they detain them. The children will not be charged or found guilty of anything. Most of the parents will be charged with unlawful presence, a civil offence with no penalty. The normal procedure is to keep children with their parents. The new procedure is to take the kids away from their parents promising that they will be united with their children if they sign a voluntary deportation agreement which of course denies them due process of law. This is an incredibly stupid move on the part of the Orange Clown which will just turn more people against his policies.

I don't think so. I think those are the kinds of policies that got him elected.
I can't get over people complaining because children are being removed from traffickers.

But then again, I've known they were the party of child slavery for a long, long time.
Apparently you don't even know the definition of human trafficking, (recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by improper means (such as force, abduction, fraud, or coercion) for an improper purpose including forced labor or sexual exploitation.) Parents bringing their family with them into the US is not human trafficking.
It is never acceptable to punish children for the misdeeds of parents.

Oh boy, here I go repeating myself.

While there is no legal punishment for the child, there is still punishment given that their parent cared oh so much for them that they sent them across a dangerous and hostile frontier to illegally cross our border. That is an act of blatant cowardice.

The parents are punishing the children, we aren't. Get that through your head.
No illegal aliens-children or otherwise-should be allowed to stay. Zero tolerance. End of story.
They're not illegal because no court has found them guilty of anything. The question is not whether they should stay or not but whether they should be treated humanely and remain with their parents until the court acts.

So you're saying that everybody that crosses that border is legal until ruled upon? I don't think so. Border patrol turns border jumpers around and head home if they find them on the spot.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.
It is never acceptable to punish children for the misdeeds of parents.

So besides the parents, who is punishing them?
First of all nobody is being put in jail. They are being detained. Immigration does not jail people they detain them. The children will not be charged or found guilty of anything. Most of the parents will be charged with unlawful presence, a civil offence with no penalty. The normal procedure is to keep children with their parents. The new procedure is to take the kids away from their parents promising that they will be united with their children if they sign a voluntary deportation agreement which of course denies them due process of law. This is an incredibly stupid move on the part of the Orange Clown which will just turn more people against his policies.
1. Who is "they" ? "The parents" ? Which parents ?

2. Immigration certainly DOES jail people. Those who violate it's law, US Code 8, Section 1325, are subject to 6 months imprisonment in a federal prison, and 2 YEARS imprisonment for a subsequent offense (of crossing the border without inspection from US immigration authorities). What do you think the Congressmen who wrote this law did that for ? For their health ?

8 U.S. Code § 1325 - Improper entry by alien

3. The "normal " procedure is that which the law specifies, and it doesn't specify for kids to be jailed with their parents. And what occurred with immigration during the Obama administration, is about the farthest thing from normal that anything could ever be.

4. Where did you get this "sign a voluntary deportation agreement" idea ? You got a source link for that ? And even if this were the case, since said agreement is not mandatory, there is no denial of due process of law.
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It is never acceptable to punish children for the misdeeds of parents.

Oh boy, here I go repeating myself.

While there is no legal punishment for the child, there is still punishment given that their parent cared oh so much for them that they sent them across a dangerous and hostile frontier to illegally cross our border. That is an act of blatant cowardice.

The parents are punishing the children, we aren't. Get that through your head.

If they are using children as human shields, the children will be casualties. The US laws apply to children. Their stupidity...
No illegal aliens-children or otherwise-should be allowed to stay. Zero tolerance. End of story.
They're not illegal because no court has found them guilty of anything. The question is not whether they should stay or not but whether they should be treated humanely and remain with their parents until the court acts.

Since they are essentially jailed until that time, like anyone else who is arrested for a crime, you are suggesting that the children ALSO be jailed, to "remain with their parents".

Like everything you say, it's ludicrous and stupid.
First of all nobody is being put in jail. They are being detained. Immigration does not jail people they detain them. The children will not be charged or found guilty of anything. Most of the parents will be charged with unlawful presence, a civil offence with no penalty. The normal procedure is to keep children with their parents. The new procedure is to take the kids away from their parents promising that they will be united with their children if they sign a voluntary deportation agreement which of course denies them due process of law. This is an incredibly stupid move on the part of the Orange Clown which will just turn more people against his policies.

I don't think so. I think those are the kinds of policies that got him elected.
Trump was elected because the voters couldn't stand to vote for Clinton. I doubt that there are many Trump voters that approve of treating children like this and using them as political pawns. There is certainly a "basket of deplorables" among Trump voters but not the majority.

According to Pew Research, 80% of all voters say undocumented immigrants should be allowed to stay legally and 60% of Trump supporters agree.
Trump voters want to build the wall, but are more divided on other immigration questions
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