What human cost is acceptable in controling illegal immigration?

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Mexico has the right to do whatever they wish. If they wish to deny the entry of those we catch crossing FROM MEXICO ILLEGALLY, that is something that can only be addressed by a border wall.

...even though 52% of illegals simply overstay their visa? And, of course, although Trumpettes don't believe it, Mexicans actually have mastered the use of ladders and shovels.
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?
If they did any thinking at all they wouldn’t be conservatives.

It is puzzling….the political downside to this is so gigantic and these dumbasses do not realize it.

Nobody will listen to that of course. According to EJO, 1 out of 4 American kids is Hispanic. Not illegal aliens, American kids.

When Trump and his gang lock up the adults and forcibly separate their kids, do these conservatives really think that this isn’t going to resonate negatively with the larger Hispanic community? It won’t be pretty for Conservatives going forward.

What makes you believe that as Hispanics become more affluent over time, they are different than whites are and they will continue to support importing low class poor Mexican criminals to overflow our jails, schools, medical centers and welfare rolls? You're a racist?
It will be one of the few things we spent money on that will pay for itself in less than four years.
Less than a year, by my hasty, baseless calculations. :lol:

It's worth $100 trillion just to keep the voting demographics from falling right into the hands of the communists. How much will it cost if we lose America forever?

Not nearly as much as it would cost our children.
...even though 52% of illegals simply overstay their visa? And, of course, although Trumpettes don't believe it, Mexicans actually have mastered the use of ladders and shovels.
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?
If they did any thinking at all they wouldn’t be conservatives.

It is puzzling….the political downside to this is so gigantic and these dumbasses do not realize it.

Nobody will listen to that of course. According to EJO, 1 out of 4 American kids is Hispanic. Not illegal aliens, American kids.

When Trump and his gang lock up the adults and forcibly separate their kids, do these conservatives really think that this isn’t going to resonate negatively with the larger Hispanic community? It won’t be pretty for Conservatives going forward.

I like your erroneous assumption that the "Hispanic community", defined as citizens and legal residents, feel a huge amount of identification with and sympathy for people who jump the line and come here illegally. Not everyone is the racist bigot you are, thinking of themselves and others as JUST their racial/ethnic group.

Tell you what: YOU go with your line of coddling and crying over lawbreakers, and we'll go with our line of enforcing the law and protecting the border, and we'll each worry about our own fallout, rather than this faux "This would be best for you, no really" bullshit, as though I really think you're concerned about protecting the GOP.

It is funny how she doesn't see the double standard of the racist stereotypes in her portrayal, isn't it?
Mexico has the right to do whatever they wish. If they wish to deny the entry of those we catch crossing FROM MEXICO ILLEGALLY, that is something that can only be addressed by a border wall.

...even though 52% of illegals simply overstay their visa? And, of course, although Trumpettes don't believe it, Mexicans actually have mastered the use of ladders and shovels.
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?

Man, sure, that's going to happen really quietly as well, right. Not like we can't just push the ladder over, right?

You obviously do not live down here, Pop. You could walk 50 miles along the Mexican border in Arizona at night and not see a soul. And you are going to push over a rope ladder? Do all of you Trumpetts live in Disneyland?

That's why Trump proposed the wall have electronics. Even if someone could get over the wall, it's going to take time.

Though your claim you're going to send your family down a 30 foot rope is just asinine
...even though 52% of illegals simply overstay their visa? And, of course, although Trumpettes don't believe it, Mexicans actually have mastered the use of ladders and shovels.
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?
If they did any thinking at all they wouldn’t be conservatives.

It is puzzling….the political downside to this is so gigantic and these dumbasses do not realize it.

Nobody will listen to that of course. According to EJO, 1 out of 4 American kids is Hispanic. Not illegal aliens, American kids.

When Trump and his gang lock up the adults and forcibly separate their kids, do these conservatives really think that this isn’t going to resonate negatively with the larger Hispanic community? It won’t be pretty for Conservatives going forward.

What makes you believe that as Hispanics become more affluent over time, they are different than whites are and they will continue to support importing low class poor Mexican criminals to overflow our jails, schools, medical centers and welfare rolls? You're a racist?

That's something they don't consider. The left has a hard time putting themselves in others shoes.

If I'm going to try and get into a country where I'm clearly a minority, and I understand some may not want me, the best thing I can do is be impressive as all hell that white people are a good thing for their society. I'm going to want to show them I'm great, and want every other white person who comes there with me to demonstrate the same thing.

The last thing I would do is welcome or support whites who could care less about their laws, cost them billions of dollars, criminal whites, and gang whites. I don't want them nowhere near this new country that has graciously accepted me.
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...even though 52% of illegals simply overstay their visa? And, of course, although Trumpettes don't believe it, Mexicans actually have mastered the use of ladders and shovels.
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?

Man, sure, that's going to happen really quietly as well, right. Not like we can't just push the ladder over, right?

You obviously do not live down here, Pop. You could walk 50 miles along the Mexican border in Arizona at night and not see a soul. And you are going to push down a rope ladder? Do all of you Trumpetts live in Disneyland?

I think the best solution would be to deny all services and fine the living shit out of businesses that hire illegals.
Of course liberals would find that to be unacceptable as well.
If the left truly wanted to fix our border problem they'd have a plan of their own.

Even if we did that, it wouldn't stop the violent criminals who come here or the drugs that flow over the border
...even though 52% of illegals simply overstay their visa? And, of course, although Trumpettes don't believe it, Mexicans actually have mastered the use of ladders and shovels.
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?

Man, sure, that's going to happen really quietly as well, right. Not like we can't just push the ladder over, right?

You obviously do not live down here, Pop. You could walk 50 miles along the Mexican border in Arizona at night and not see a soul. And you are going to push over a rope ladder? Do all of you Trumpetts live in Disneyland?

That's why Trump proposed the wall have electronics. Even if someone could get over the wall, it's going to take time.

Though your claim you're going to send your family down a 30 foot rope is just asinine

They just assume the Trump administration are a bunch of rubes that never studied the subject and liberals have all the answers.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?
If they did any thinking at all they wouldn’t be conservatives.

It is puzzling….the political downside to this is so gigantic and these dumbasses do not realize it.

Nobody will listen to that of course. According to EJO, 1 out of 4 American kids is Hispanic. Not illegal aliens, American kids.

When Trump and his gang lock up the adults and forcibly separate their kids, do these conservatives really think that this isn’t going to resonate negatively with the larger Hispanic community? It won’t be pretty for Conservatives going forward.

What makes you believe that as Hispanics become more affluent over time, they are different than whites are and they will continue to support importing low class poor Mexican criminals to overflow our jails, schools, medical centers and welfare rolls? You're a racist?

That's something they don't consider. The left has a hard time putting themselves in others shoes.

If I'm going to try and get into a country where I'm clearly a minority, and I understand some may not want me, the best thing I can do is be impressive as all hell that white people are a good thing for their society. I'm going to want to show them I'm great, and want every other white person who comes there with me to demonstrate the same thing.

The last thing I would do is welcome or support whites who could care less about their laws, cost them billions of dollars, criminal whites, and gang whites. I don't want them nowhere near this new country that has graciously accepted me.

Yep. Vandal has no idea how high 30 feet is either. Even the majority of guys would balk at scaling down a 30 foot rope themselves much less sending their 5 year old and pregnant wife down the rope
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.
It is never acceptable to punish children for the misdeeds of parents.
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.
It is never acceptable to punish children for the misdeeds of parents.

Isnt jailing an American citizen for their crimes punishing their children?
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.
It is never acceptable to punish children for the misdeeds of parents.

So we keep children with parents who are criminals. You are so completely full of shit. The children of criminals should be removed from the home for their own good.

Give an example of any other crime the decision of whether the freedom of criminals hinges on whether or not they have children
Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump:
"If you are smuggling a child then we will prosecute you, and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Monday at a law enforcement conference in Scottsdale, Arizona. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."

Administration officials explained that the goal of the program is 100 percent prosecution of all who enter the U.S. illegally. When adults are prosecuted and jailed, their children will be separated from them, just as would happen for a U.S. citizen convicted and jailed.

Anguish at Southwest border as more immigrant children are separated from parents
The Trump administration's willingness to take children from their parents has raised concerns about how far authorities should go to stem unauthorized border crossings and what human cost is acceptable in the name of border security and immigration control.

"There is something terrible happening here that Americans would not support if they understood it," said F. Scott McCown, director of the Children’s Rights Clinic at the University of Texas at Austin School of Law.

I don't care how much you hate illegal immigrants this is EVIL. You are punishing the children. It's abhorrant and wrong and inexcusable. I hope they rot in hell for this. 700 children so far have been seperated from the only family they know and lost to our often incompetent and mismanaged child care system. I fail to see how any parent could support actions like these.

When parents are held for prosecution, their children are turned over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement, part of the Department of Health and Human Services. The children are then designated as "unaccompanied minors," and the government tries to connect them to family members who are already in the U.S. Until then, children wait in shelters or are sent to federally contracted foster homes, often without parents being told exactly where they are, immigration advocates said.

It may soon become even more difficult to place children with relatives. The Department of Homeland Security is proposing immigration checks be done on all people in a household who may take in these "unaccompanied" children, which means relatives who are undocumented may be less likely to come forward.

In the meantime, space in shelters and foster homes is limited; The Washington Post reported the administration plans to open facilities at military bases to house some of the separated children.

Yes, this is terrible. I think I know of a solution though: If you have children, STF away from our borders.

My thought is that we carpet bomb our side of the border and 2 miles inward. Get caught in that...tough.
...even though 52% of illegals simply overstay their visa? And, of course, although Trumpettes don't believe it, Mexicans actually have mastered the use of ladders and shovels.
Try climbing over a 30 foot wall with a ladder.

Oh, and take your family with you ...

Not a problem. Pull an 18 wheeler up next to the wall, and put a 15 foot ladder on top of it, and a robe ladder on the other side.

You guys don't really think these things through very much, do you?
If they did any thinking at all they wouldn’t be conservatives.

It is puzzling….the political downside to this is so gigantic and these dumbasses do not realize it.

Nobody will listen to that of course. According to EJO, 1 out of 4 American kids is Hispanic. Not illegal aliens, American kids.

When Trump and his gang lock up the adults and forcibly separate their kids, do these conservatives really think that this isn’t going to resonate negatively with the larger Hispanic community? It won’t be pretty for Conservatives going forward.

What makes you believe that as Hispanics become more affluent over time, they are different than whites are and they will continue to support importing low class poor Mexican criminals to overflow our jails, schools, medical centers and welfare rolls? You're a racist?

Of course she's a racist. Just look at how she defines everyone entirely by their racial/ethnic group. That's what racists do.
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That does not give us the right to terrorize the children.

Like I said just previously, sending them alone amidst all the violence and lawlessness to get here is terrifying enough for the child, aside from being apart from their parents of course.

You don't see how much this hurts the child. We aren't hurting the child, the parents are.
In this the kids are not alone but with their parents.

They are with traffickers who are paid to move people back and forth across the border.

The children are hurt by the traffickers. When we catch them, we take the kids because they ARE IN DANGER.
That does not give us the right to terrorize the children.

Like I said just previously, sending them alone amidst all the violence and lawlessness to get here is terrifying enough for the child, aside from being apart from their parents of course.

You don't see how much this hurts the child. We aren't hurting the child, the parents are.
In this the kids are not alone but with their parents.

They are with traffickers who are paid to move people back and forth across the border.

The children are hurt by the traffickers. When we catch them, we take the kids because they ARE IN DANGER.
When we suspect an adult might be the parent, we seperate them. I totally agree with that.
No illegal aliens-children or otherwise-should be allowed to stay. Zero tolerance. End of story.
They're not illegal because no court has found them guilty of anything. The question is not whether they should stay or not but whether they should be treated humanely and remain with their parents until the court acts.
I love watching the morons who claimed it was a good idea to invite illegals here and who forced us to accommodate them now whining about the steps that are being taken to protect the poor children that are being exploited by the criminals that WE TRIED TO WARN YOU ABOUT.
its just like the 'anchor baby' deal , mexicans drop an anchor baby and they have the Americans by the nutz . This variation of the mexican taking their kids to the border is , as i say just a variation of dropping an anchor baby . -------------------- as the mexican cries and says , you can't separate 'mamasitas' and widdle baby mexicans Coyote .

So you are fine with taking young children from their parents and throwing them into our foster care system while they await hearings? 700 kids lost in our foster care network or housed in barracks apart from their parents. It's sick but you don't have an issue with it.

Again, what the fuck else do you WANT to do with children whose parents are in jail? Why are you not getting your panties in a ruffle about all the children who are routinely put in foster care while their criminal parents are in the slammer?

Oh, and they're not "lost". Will you PLEASE get your frigging hormones under control and stop sounding like a hysterical middle-schooler?
Tissue? You seem to be on the verge of an hysterical meltdown.

There are a lot of issues with the foster care system, in fact it is worth a thread. Perhaps you should start one and advocate for those kids since you feel so passionately? :)
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