What I love about democrats

Right now we have democrats rallying together aginst a wall.
Whats amazingly amusing about it is many of these same democrats such as sinful senseless Shummer voted for walls in the past.
Obama wanted a wall as did clinton .
Obama deported what 2.5 million illegals at a huge cost in the billions .

Yet now that trump wants a wall its a bad thing.

Its like a comic game of yes you do no I dont .

Its funny how much these clowns play politics .
They wanted practical fencing. Trump wants a vanity prohect he said Mexico would pay for. His idea for a wall is retarded.

You are so full of SHIT....

That's what makes you a libtard….
Another zero college white boy who has no idea of the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college period?

Hey RACIST Tard…

I could more than likely buy and sell your worthless ass…

I bet I make more money in a week than you do in a month…
Right now we have democrats rallying together aginst a wall.
Whats amazingly amusing about it is many of these same democrats such as sinful senseless Shummer voted for walls in the past.
Obama wanted a wall as did clinton .
Obama deported what 2.5 million illegals at a huge cost in the billions .

Yet now that trump wants a wall its a bad thing.

Its like a comic game of yes you do no I dont .

Its funny how much these clowns play politics .
They wanted practical fencing. Trump wants a vanity prohect he said Mexico would pay for. His idea for a wall is retarded.

You are so full of SHIT....

That's what makes you a libtard….
Another zero college white boy who has no idea of the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college period?

Hey RACIST Tard…

I could more than likely buy and sell your worthless ass…

I bet I make more money in a week than you do in a month…
A couple of million?
Are you a multimillionaire married to a trust model, if you know what that is.?
So did you take Latin in college?
Still don't know the def of liberal?
Right now we have democrats rallying together aginst a wall.
Whats amazingly amusing about it is many of these same democrats such as sinful senseless Shummer voted for walls in the past.
Obama wanted a wall as did clinton .
Obama deported what 2.5 million illegals at a huge cost in the billions .

Yet now that trump wants a wall its a bad thing.

Its like a comic game of yes you do no I dont .

Its funny how much these clowns play politics .
They wanted practical fencing. Trump wants a vanity prohect he said Mexico would pay for. His idea for a wall is retarded.

You are so full of SHIT....

That's what makes you a libtard….
Another zero college white boy who has no idea of the def of liberal.
No Latin in college?
No college period?

Hey RACIST Tard…

I could more than likely buy and sell your worthless ass…

I bet I make more money in a week than you do in a month…
A couple of million?
Are you a multimillionaire married to a trust model, if you know what that is.?
So did you take Latin in college?
Still don't know the def of liberal?

Your jive ass bull shit might float in the hood………

But in the real world you are seen for the ignorant ass you are…

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