What I love about democrats

Right now we have democrats rallying together aginst a wall.
Whats amazingly amusing about it is many of these same democrats such as sinful senseless Shummer voted for walls in the past.
Obama wanted a wall as did clinton .
Obama deported what 2.5 million illegals at a huge cost in the billions .

Yet now that trump wants a wall its a bad thing.

Its like a comic game of yes you do no I dont .

Its funny how much these clowns play politics .

Building a wall was a part of a compromise. As late as the early part of this year, Schumer offered money for the wall for a compromise on DACA. Trump turned it down. Now Trump says it is my way or the highway. Democrats are telling him to stuff it. This is Trump's shutdown.

By the way, Republicans used to be opposed to Russian hegemony. Now not so much.
When did Democrats vote for a 2,000 mile long, 30 foot tall concrete wall? K thx bye

When Reagan made a deal to grant amnesty to 3 million illegals in exchange for it.

Yoar Welcome.

PRESIDENT REAGAN never supported a wall. This is what he said.

“Rather than talking about putting up a fence, why don’t we work out some recognition of our mutual problems? Make it possible for them to come here legally with a work permit, and they, while they’re working and earning here, they’d pay taxes here. And when they want to go back, they can go back. They can cross. Open borders both ways,” he said in 1980."

Trump invokes Ronald Reagan in call for border wall funding — but Reagan actually supported an open border - NY Daily News

PRESIDENT REAGAN was a great President. Trump by comparison is a ant. He is a congenital liar and dishonest egomaniac.
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Why should the United States have to compromise to improve its BORDER SECURITY??? Other countries do it, and don't have to apologize for it. Why are the Democrats so HELL bent on getting illegal aliens here? Obviously, they want them for a huge, voting block to ensure one party Democrat rule which will be the destruction of America as we know it.

The Democrats want to take away the exact characteristics of the U.S. that makes people want to come here!
A lot of Millennials voted for Trump, or he wouldn't have been elected. Young people want JOBS, not Democrat Hope & Change abstract promises, and lectures about man made climate change.
Why should the United States have to compromise to improve its BORDER SECURITY??? Other countries do it, and don't have to apologize for it. Why are the Democrats so HELL bent on getting illegal aliens here? Obviously, they want them for a huge, voting block to ensure one party Democrat rule which will be the destruction of America as we know it.

The Democrats want to take away the exact characteristics of the U.S. that makes people want to come here!

The US has traditionally been a haven for people who are in fear of their lives. The drug cartels have made Central America and parts of Mexico hellholes. These drug cartels are fueled by American dollars. I call it compassion.
A lot of Millennials voted for Trump, or he wouldn't have been elected. Young people want JOBS, not Democrat Hope & Change abstract promises, and lectures about man made climate change.

Young people are moving towards the Democrat Party not Republicans.
Right now we have democrats rallying together aginst a wall.
Whats amazingly amusing about it is many of these same democrats such as sinful senseless Shummer voted for walls in the past.
Obama wanted a wall as did clinton .
Obama deported what 2.5 million illegals at a huge cost in the billions .

Kind kills the point of building a wall in trade for
Yet now that trump wants a wall its a bad thing.

Its like a comic game of yes you do no I dont .

Its funny how much these clowns play politics .

Building a wall was a part of a compromise. As late as the early part of this year, Schumer offered money for the wall for a compromise on DACA. Trump turned it down. Now Trump says it is my way or the highway. Democrats are telling him to stuff it. This is Trump's shutdown.

By the way, Republicans used to be opposed to Russian hegemony. Now not so much.
Right now we have democrats rallying together aginst a wall.
Whats amazingly amusing about it is many of these same democrats such as sinful senseless Shummer voted for walls in the past.
Obama wanted a wall as did clinton .
Obama deported what 2.5 million illegals at a huge cost in the billions .

Yet now that trump wants a wall its a bad thing.

Its like a comic game of yes you do no I dont .

Its funny how much these clowns play politics .
Well, they're politicians.
And it keeps them busy so they don’t have time to fuck things up more with additional asinine legislation that screws up peoples’ lives.
I think they want a nice pratical 3 ft tall picket fence
A lot of Millennials voted for Trump, or he wouldn't have been elected. Young people want JOBS, not Democrat Hope & Change abstract promises, and lectures about man made climate change.
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Typical orange blob zero college white boy
A lot of Millennials voted for Trump, or he wouldn't have been elected. Young people want JOBS, not Democrat Hope & Change abstract promises, and lectures about man made climate change.
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Typical orange blob zero college white boy

O no its the spelling police
A lot of Millennials voted for Trump, or he wouldn't have been elected. Young people want JOBS, not Democrat Hope & Change abstract promises, and lectures about man made climate change.
Might help if you knew the difference between a noun and an adjective.
Typical orange blob zero college white boy

O no its the spelling police

Just trying to help darlin.
I bet you don't know the correct def of liberal either
College again?
White boy?

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