What I want to see from trump

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

What is wrong with you pulling numbers directly out of your ass? You just reach in and pull out whatever the fuck you feel like - amazing.

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

What is wrong with you pulling numbers directly out of your ass? You just reach in and pull out whatever the fuck you feel like - amazing.

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

Looks like I'm dealing with someone with intellectual abilities similar to a parrot.

98% of Americans barely affording food is bullshit you made up mr.Parrot.
THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

What is wrong with you pulling numbers directly out of your ass? You just reach in and pull out whatever the fuck you feel like - amazing.

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

Looks like I'm dealing with someone with intellectual abilities similar to a parrot.

98% of Americans barely affording food is bullshit you made up mr.Parrot.
The bottom line is that I have way more exposure to urban America than you.
Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

What is wrong with you pulling numbers directly out of your ass? You just reach in and pull out whatever the fuck you feel like - amazing.

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

Looks like I'm dealing with someone with intellectual abilities similar to a parrot.

98% of Americans barely affording food is bullshit you made up mr.Parrot.
The bottom line is that I have way more exposure to urban America than you.

You are just talking out of your ass. And the fact that you think that your little grain of world experience can outweigh national income data makes it a dumb ass too.
What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

What is wrong with you pulling numbers directly out of your ass? You just reach in and pull out whatever the fuck you feel like - amazing.

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

Looks like I'm dealing with someone with intellectual abilities similar to a parrot.

98% of Americans barely affording food is bullshit you made up mr.Parrot.
The bottom line is that I have way more exposure to urban America than you.

You are just talking out of your ass. And the fact that you think that your little tiny sand grain of world experience can outweigh national income data makes it a dumb-ass too.
I will have to consult my Medium, er, my Median.
What is wrong with you pulling numbers directly out of your ass? You just reach in and pull out whatever the fuck you feel like - amazing.

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

Looks like I'm dealing with someone with intellectual abilities similar to a parrot.

98% of Americans barely affording food is bullshit you made up mr.Parrot.
The bottom line is that I have way more exposure to urban America than you.

You are just talking out of your ass. And the fact that you think that your little tiny sand grain of world experience can outweigh national income data makes it a dumb-ass too.
I will have to consult my Medium, er, my Median.

...ok idiot, you do that.
What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?

Looks like I'm dealing with someone with intellectual abilities similar to a parrot.

98% of Americans barely affording food is bullshit you made up mr.Parrot.
The bottom line is that I have way more exposure to urban America than you.

You are just talking out of your ass. And the fact that you think that your little tiny sand grain of world experience can outweigh national income data makes it a dumb-ass too.
I will have to consult my Medium, er, my Median.

...ok idiot, you do that.
ad hominem...I win.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?
That's what happens when you send all those high paying union jobs overseas. Now instead of $30 hr jobs they'll be $15 or $20. You will see the middle class won't do any better with trumped up trickle down economics. More jobs maybe but high paying?

But it's his decision and we got to let him try it the GOP way. Maybe if people don't like it they will show up in 2018 and 2020 and vote democratic. And maybe his way will work and he will shut me up
NOt bad, though number 6 would really be a bonus level.
I was listening to NPR talking about trumps promises. Don't forget he promised to raise taxes on people like himself. I notice no Republicans talk about that campaign promise.

THat means very little to me. I don't believe that taxing the very rich to give money to politicians to buy votes helps me.

Ridiculous bullshit. Taxes go to general revenues fund that pays our bills, which we consistently aren't able to cover and that difference is projected to grow. We need BOTH revenues and spending restraint to get ahold of our spiraling out of control deficits. Tax cutting now makes exactly ZERO FISCAL SENSE.

Under Obama federal spending growth remained flat-to-mild depending how you look at it, even in spite of aging population that drives up federal spending, which is a real achievement for which so-called fiscally concerned conservatives will never give him any credit for.


This is what fiscally irresponsible and intellectually bust Republicans have in store for America's national debt outlook as a % of GDP:

What WRONG with you "compassionate" Liberals?
Why do I need a STATISTIC to hide that fact that 98% of Americans can barely afford food? Car Insurance, Utility Bills? Health Care?
Really, what the fuck is it with you assholes?
That's what happens when you send all those high paying union jobs overseas. Now instead of $30 hr jobs they'll be $15 or $20. You will see the middle class won't do any better with trumped up trickle down economics. More jobs maybe but high paying?

But it's his decision and we got to let him try it the GOP way. Maybe if people don't like it they will show up in 2018 and 2020 and vote democratic. And maybe his way will work and he will shut me up
Or accounting, radiology, legal work, business analysis, architecture, etc, etc, etc...
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

The black community has to do a lot to help fix their own communities. You can't fix people, only encourage them to do that and ensure that the playing field is level.

I hope he stops allowing unvetted people in because that is not in our best interest. Open borders are not good for us, either.

ISIS does need to be beat. Other countries need to join us and help destroy them.

We need to stop spending to lower the debt.

NAFTA, which Hillary and Bill supported along with both parties, needs to be changed or done away with.

If internationally we're less engaged in supporting Islamic Republics and here in the U.S. economically we have inflation staying under control then I'll be satisfied.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

Hey Republicans! Lets see you fix this:

Generation Screwed

Don't blame Democrats in 3 years if you've done nothing to change this. You blamed Obama well now you are in charge and remember what Don said

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.
......I am 35 years old—the oldest millennial, the first millennial—and for a decade now, I’ve been waiting for adulthood to kick in. My rent consumes nearly half my income, I haven’t had a steady job since Pluto was a planet and my savings are dwindling faster than the ice caps the baby boomers melted.

We’ve all heard the statistics. More millennials live with their parents than with roommates. We are delaying partner-marrying and house-buying and kid-having for longer than any previous generation. And, according to The Olds, our problems are all our fault: We got the wrong degree. We spend money we don’t have on things we don’t need.

And I'm sure that Republicans will all agree it's their fault right?
....This is what it feels like to be young now. Not only are we screwed, but we have to listen to lectures about our laziness and our participation trophies from the people who screwed us.

That's right Millennials. You didn't show up and vote in the 2010 midterms and you didn't vote for Hillary? Fuck you. Now see what the Republicans will do for you. You are about to find out the answer to the question "what have you got to lose". LOL
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck
So you don't have a problem with the fact he has us on the brink of nuclear war, he has alienated all of our allies, he is a mysoginist who disrespects women, writes twitter posts that insult heads of state around the world, he has undone legislation that protects the environment, he supports racists and child molesters, he insults gold start families and prisoners of war, he avoided the draft, and he has an adimistration that does not reflect the country but is made up exclusively with old white men?

None of that matters as long as you can keep out immigrants and afford a new car, right?

Oh, and BTW, his tax plan is going to increase the debt by trillions of dollars, not lower it.
Last edited:
300% more student load debt than their parents
1/2 as likely to own a home as a young adult in 1975 was
1 in 5 live in poverty
Most of them won't be able to retire until they are 75.

I hope they show up and vote for Trump in 2020. Or better yet, stay home ya dumb fucks.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck

Hey Republicans! Lets see you fix this:

Generation Screwed

Don't blame Democrats in 3 years if you've done nothing to change this. You blamed Obama well now you are in charge and remember what Don said

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

The state of this nation should come as no surprise to anyone with a third grade education.
For too long we have fostered and perpetuated an underclass that is slowly but surely taking over as the majority. The writing is on the wall, the collision course we're on is clear, the arithmetic is simple.
For some pathetic reason the DNC can't locate the nutsack to do the right thing for REAL Americans and force a change of course. It'll all come to a head and decisions will make themselves at some point. I hope I'm alive when it does so I can sit back and laugh as it all comes crashing down.
1. Bring jobs home. Fix trade deals and wages go up.
2. Stop letting Muslims in
3. Stop illegal immigration
4. Beat Isis
5. Lower the debt
6. Fix the black community.

Republicans have control of everything. Good luck
So you don't have a problem with the fact he has us on the brink of nuclear war, he has alienated all of our allies, he is a mysoginist who disrespects women, writes twitter posts that insult heads of state around the world, he has undone legislation that protects the environment, he supports racists and child molesters, he insults gold start families and prisoners of war, he avoided the draft, and he has an adimistration that does not reflect the country but is made up exclusively with old white men?

None of that matters as long as you can keep out immigrants and afford a new car, right?

You think I like Republicans or Don Trump? NOT!

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