What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all?

Self Deportation - creating legal conditions sufficiently onerous so as to convince Illegal Aliens to depart quickly, at their own expense, and not to come back. We can then spend some chump-change on mop-up operations, a few months or a year or so after the new conditions go into effect, to catch the 'leakers' and slow-movers.
Name the conditions?
Already done.

Post No. 3, Page 1, this very thread: What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
20 million? Wasn't it 11 million yesterday?
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
20 million? Wasn't it 11 million yesterday?

no one knows the number for sure. But we do know if they were kicked out it would open 10-20 million new jobs for Americans with upward pressure on wages!!

Funny how liberals are so stupid. They whine about the loss of jobs and then invite more and more illegals here to take our jobs.
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!
20 million? Wasn't it 11 million yesterday?

no one knows the number for sure. But we do know if they were kicked out it would open 10-20 million new jobs for Americans with upward pressure on wages!!

Funny how liberals are so stupid. They whine about the loss of jobs and then invite more and more illegals here to take our jobs.
Absolutely. Thinking things through is not their strong point.
Those are details that don't matter.
They matter greatly, and they show that you aren't being a child about it, starting with the fact you'd need a national photo ID and a near police-state to pull this off.

They don't matter at this stage of the election. The one thing we know is that the problem will only get worse if a Democrat or a RINO Republican gets elected.
Those are details that don't matter.
They matter greatly, and they show that you aren't being a child about it, starting with the fact you'd need a national photo ID and a near police-state to pull this off.

ROFL! If they mattered, then why weren't assholes like you demanding details from Obama about his healthcare plan before he was elected? The fact is you didn't give a flying fuck.

The bottom line is that the wall is easily technically and economically feasible. It will cost less than building a highway of the same length. I would require less material, labor and land. $200 billion is a gross over estimate of the cost.
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
So what rights do "illegal immigrants" have if they be definition broke laws by coming into the USA?
Human rights, and a whole lot of American laws dealing with undocumented workers, their (often) American children, etc.

Wrong. They are "American" only according to a deliberate misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?
That's up to Trump

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Very telling about a nation when millions of its Citizens are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying and enforcing the law. That's how far we've fallen. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He's got it right. They'll try to destroy him, but he does have support.
He's destroying himself, by sprouting nonsense...

Obeying and enforcing the Law of the Land isn't nonsense. It's common sense.
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All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?

Start construction on the wall. Threaten Mexico with a 50% tariff if it refuses to pay for the wall. triple the number of immigration officers. Begin the process of deporting all illegals.

It's really not complicated.
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
So what rights do "illegal immigrants" have if they be definition broke laws by coming into the USA?
Human rights, and a whole lot of American laws dealing with undocumented workers, their (often) American children, etc.

Wrong. They are "American" only according to a deliberate misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.
The Supreme Court disagrees with you, and it's their call in this case eh? Or are you still betting on the childish magic of yours to somehow change both history and the future?
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
So what rights do "illegal immigrants" have if they be definition broke laws by coming into the USA?
Human rights, and a whole lot of American laws dealing with undocumented workers, their (often) American children, etc.

Wrong. They are "American" only according to a deliberate misinterpretation of the 14th Amendment.
The Supreme Court disagrees with you, and it's their call in this case eh? Or are you still betting on the childish magic of yours to somehow change both history and the future?

That's your opinion, not a fact, and it really doesn't matter what the Supreme Court says. They're a bunch of hand picked political whores. They aren't objective reviewers of the facts.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?

Start construction on the wall. Threaten Mexico with a 50% tariff if it refuses to pay for the wall. triple the number of immigration officers. Begin the process of deporting all illegals.

It's really not complicated.
It's not complicated if you think like a child, and the above is an example of said thing.

Tell us, how does one build a wall, in a river?
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?

Start construction on the wall. Threaten Mexico with a 50% tariff if it refuses to pay for the wall. triple the number of immigration officers. Begin the process of deporting all illegals.

It's really not complicated.

Every other nation on earth does it. So there's no reason why we can't. But the process has to at least begin. And Trump's the only one out there willing to do it. That alone makes him the only Candidate worth supporting at this point.
Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?

Start construction on the wall. Threaten Mexico with a 50% tariff if it refuses to pay for the wall. triple the number of immigration officers. Begin the process of deporting all illegals.

It's really not complicated.
It's not complicated if you think like a child, and the above is an example of said thing.

Tell us, how does one build a wall, in a river?
You build it along the river, moron. It kills me that you think I'm the one who thinks like a child. Even a child could find a solution to that problem. All the objections of open-borders/amnesty assholes are moronic and pathetic. They're stupid excuses for doing nothing.

Just admit that you want to open the flood gates to illegals.

You aren't fooling anyone.
Those are details that don't matter.
They matter greatly, and they show that you aren't being a child about it, starting with the fact you'd need a national photo ID and a near police-state to pull this off.

That's open borders horseshit. Turds like you have a million excuses for doing nothing, and they're all idiotic.
Capitalism is not an excuse, it's the reason. Why else would the GOP, who has owned the White House more often than the Dems, have done nothing for 60 years? Cheap labor...
Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?

Start construction on the wall. Threaten Mexico with a 50% tariff if it refuses to pay for the wall. triple the number of immigration officers. Begin the process of deporting all illegals.

It's really not complicated.
It's not complicated if you think like a child, and the above is an example of said thing.

Tell us, how does one build a wall, in a river?

A wall isn't the only solution. It's just one of the steps in restoring the law.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?

Start construction on the wall. Threaten Mexico with a 50% tariff if it refuses to pay for the wall. triple the number of immigration officers. Begin the process of deporting all illegals.

It's really not complicated.
It's not complicated if you think like a child, and the above is an example of said thing.

Tell us, how does one build a wall, in a river?
You build it along the river, moron. It kills me that you think I'm the one who thinks like a child. Even a child could find a solution to that problem. All the objections of open-borders/amnesty assholes are moronic and pathetic. They're stupid excuses for doing nothing.

Just admit that you want to open the flood gates to illegals.

You aren't fooling anyone.
And who does that land along the river belong to and how far from the river would you build this wall of yours? A mile? Two?
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?

Start construction on the wall. Threaten Mexico with a 50% tariff if it refuses to pay for the wall. triple the number of immigration officers. Begin the process of deporting all illegals.

It's really not complicated.
It's not complicated if you think like a child, and the above is an example of said thing.

Tell us, how does one build a wall, in a river?

A wall isn't the only solution. It's just one of the steps in restoring the law.
Continue. Like, how do you plan to go about finding who is and isn't supposed to be here?

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