What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all?


Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?

15 million illegals flooding into the country is an invasion by any definition. It is amazing that you fail to understand that. You must be one of the stupid Americans that Johnathan Gruber told us about.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?
What would you call it?

The vast majority of illegal aliens in this nation have no intention of legally assimilating and becoming American citizens, and the flow of them never ends.

It is an invasion.

Colorful rhetoric it is.

I would say invasion as any sane person would who sees it happening.

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Easy. Deny them access to work, welfare, and housing. They will self-deport.
Steps for ridding the country of Illegal Aliens:

1. make it a felony to hire an Illegal Alien

2. make it a felony to sell or rent housing to an Illegal Alien

3. make it a felony to sell or lease a vehicle to an Illegal Alien

4. make it a felony for a bank or other financial institution to open or maintain an account for an Illegal Alien

5. make it a felony to provide an Illegal Alien with money-wire-transfer services

6. make it a felony to provide Currency Exchange -type services for an Illegal Alien

7. make it a felony to provide taxpayer-funded welfare or social services to an Illegal Alien

8. make it a felony to provide educational services to an Illegal Alien

9. make it a felony to provide medical services to an Illegal Alien (except for emergency life-saving or contagion spread-prevention measures)

10. modify all State and Federal drivers licenses and government ID cards to indicate Citizenship status

11. invest heavily in technology infrastructure to make "e-Verify" -like online citizenship verification available more broadly, beyond the realm of pre-employment screening

12. require an e-Verify query for every existing employee currently holding a job in the United States

13. metaphorically-legally "crucify" employers who violate related hiring laws.

14. declare Sanctuary Cities to be engaged in conspiracy to violate US Immigration Law

15. de-fund Sanctuary Cities at the Federal and State level until they rescind their Sanctuary status.

16. arrest the Mayors and City Councils of any Sanctuary Cities that do not rescind Sanctuary status and prosecute and convict them of conspiring to violate US Immigration Law, unless they rescind Sanctuary status

17. put teeth into these laws, to punish violators on a graduated or escalating scale, with chronic offenders getting hammered in criminal court; prison time and huge fines.


Or some-such more draconian approach, plus or minus a bit, in areas where existing law or judicial rulings or practicalities dictate a tweak here-and-there.

Then watch these Illegal Aliens fall all over each other, scrambling to get the hell out of the United States, at the speed of light, on their own dime, and without the US Government having to spend a single dime on capture and detention and deportation.

A wall isn't the answer. A so-called path-to-citizenship isn't the answer.

Self-Deportation is the answer.

Creating (legal) conditions sufficiently hostile to Illegal Aliens, to make them want to leave, on their own, and to send a clear message across the border, that fun-time is over, and that there's not point in trying, in future.
I disagree with 15.

Any STATE that has a sanctuary city would lose ALL federal funding until such time as the STATE got their cities back in line with immigration laws.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?
It's obviously the deliberate policy of the Democrat party.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?
It's obviously the deliberate policy of the Democrat party.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

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ICE is a law enforcement agency. DHS isn't. dumbfuck.

So DHS agents raiding a bunch of hispanics is a noble cause.
ATF agents raiding a bunch of white guys keeping kids hostage=jack booted thugs.

Racism 101 ladies and gentlemen.

Hispanics come here legally. We are talking about parasitic invaders. And raiding illegals would be a noble cause. And all Americans will be better off for it. Is there any wonder our economy is so bad? Lets encourage millions to send half their paycheck back home. On top of all the social services they parasite off of.

Seems to me a raid is a raid if you're law enforcement. It's just hilarious how if they are raiding white folks they are "jack booted thugs" and they are "noble warriors" if the targets are Hispanic.

But then again, we're talking about Donald Trump here that has transformed the standard right wing nut jobs into a bizarro universe.

"Bizarro" is when people think anyone against "illegal immigrants" are against "immigration".
Trump has simply added the adjective which should have always been done when discussing the "illegal immigration" problem.
It is "bizarro" when people ADVOCATE and support lawbreakers, i.e. "illegal aliens" with "sanctuary cities", with attacking states like Arizona for trying to enforce "federal " laws regarding "illegal aliens"!
That is "bizarro"!

No. Bizarro is when staunch fiscal conseravtives who never want to spend a dime on anything are now, amazingly, willing to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to address a problem that only 3% of the nation thinks is a big issue.

Actually here are the FACTS not guesses as to what "3%?" thinks???
73% of Americans surveyed thought these were their concerns....
It was 3rd at 7% In July 2015. NOT 3%....
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Most Important Problem
NOT one rational logical person has ever suggested that storm troopers knock down doors of suspected "illegals" hauling them off to concentration camps and then dumping them on buses back to South America?
I've looked at that prospect and YES it is a totally stupid ignorant scenario.

BUT what SHOULD happen is that every time an illegal is stopped for driving, or breaking some law...
DO AS MEXICO does DEPORT THEM! Don't put them into "sanctuary cities"!
What SHOULD happen is all the current laws must be enforced rigorously!
Don't stop states like Arizona with frivolous Federal government lawsuits! "illegals" by definition have NO
legal rights! They by definition are law breakers therefore deport them!

So not ONE conservative that thinks this through would ever suggest storm trooper roundups!
THIS IS THE LIBERALS solution! They think in terms of racists/socialist solutions...i.e. storm troopers!

Simply enforce and NOT prevent states from enforcing their state laws regarding "illegals"!
Stop giving them sanctuary!

Simply enforce the employer hiring laws for those companies hiring illegals.
Stop giving illegals food stamps. Stop giving them shelter.

THESE "Illegal" Immigrants will not survive or will go back to where they came from!
Obviously not ALL 20 million will pack up and go!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped for criminal behavior and deported!
Obviously not all 20 million will be stopped at the employers and deported!

But at least some, maybe MANY will be deported, may pack up and go home! Definitely at least SOME
will NO longer be protected by "sanctuary cities," by food stamps, etc.!

I agree with you but the pro-break all illegal immigration laws lobby will keep,saying concentration camps, racism, round up...etc to the point that it seems like the right is attempting some kind of nazi eugenics program.
ICE is a law enforcement agency. DHS isn't. dumbfuck.

So DHS agents raiding a bunch of hispanics is a noble cause.
ATF agents raiding a bunch of white guys keeping kids hostage=jack booted thugs.

Racism 101 ladies and gentlemen.

Hispanics come here legally. We are talking about parasitic invaders. And raiding illegals would be a noble cause. And all Americans will be better off for it. Is there any wonder our economy is so bad? Lets encourage millions to send half their paycheck back home. On top of all the social services they parasite off of.

Seems to me a raid is a raid if you're law enforcement. It's just hilarious how if they are raiding white folks they are "jack booted thugs" and they are "noble warriors" if the targets are Hispanic.

But then again, we're talking about Donald Trump here that has transformed the standard right wing nut jobs into a bizarro universe.

"Bizarro" is when people think anyone against "illegal immigrants" are against "immigration".
Trump has simply added the adjective which should have always been done when discussing the "illegal immigration" problem.
It is "bizarro" when people ADVOCATE and support lawbreakers, i.e. "illegal aliens" with "sanctuary cities", with attacking states like Arizona for trying to enforce "federal " laws regarding "illegal aliens"!
That is "bizarro"!

No. Bizarro is when staunch fiscal conseravtives who never want to spend a dime on anything are now, amazingly, willing to spend hundreds of billions of dollars to address a problem that only 3% of the nation thinks is a big issue.

3% my ass! Where did you pull that bogus number from?

Yeah Trumps popularity is soaring after he spoke of this issue, because only 3% think this is a big deal. 3% of all the anti Americans maybe. But not 3% as a whole of America, that is absurd!
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"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
...15. de-fund Sanctuary Cities at the Federal and State level until they rescind their Sanctuary status....
I disagree with 15.

Any STATE that has a sanctuary city would lose ALL federal funding until such time as the STATE got their cities back in line with immigration laws.
Tempting... tempting... I'm just worried that we'd be punishing an entire State for the misbehavior of a City... and, of course, who's to say that the State Capitol is not ALSO sympathetic to the Sanctuary concept, and would therefore do nothing about it? There might also be barriers at the State Constitution level to overriding the statutes of their individual municipalities. 50 unknowns, regarding State ability to override city-level Sanctuary status (or 57, by Obumble's count). Finally... it we are dealing with Conspiracy to Violate US Immigration Law, then it should probably be a Federal agency that investigates, penalizes and prosecutes. Or so it seems, at first glance. Your mileage may vary.
...15. de-fund Sanctuary Cities at the Federal and State level until they rescind their Sanctuary status....
I disagree with 15.

Any STATE that has a sanctuary city would lose ALL federal funding until such time as the STATE got their cities back in line with immigration laws.
Tempting... tempting... I'm just worried that we'd be punishing an entire State for the misbehavior of a City... and, of course, who's to say that the State Capitol is not ALSO sympathetic to the Sanctuary concept, and would therefore do nothing about it? There might also be barriers at the State Constitution level to overriding the statutes of their individual municipalities. 50 unknowns, regarding State ability to override city-level Sanctuary status (or 57, by Obumble's count). Finally... it we are dealing with Conspiracy to Violate US Immigration Law, then it should probably be a Federal agency that investigates, penalizes and prosecutes. Or so it seems, at first glance. Your mileage may vary.

Than maybe the governors should do something about the criminal activity in their states.

Overriding the local statutes? They are breaking federal law. And didn't the government go after Arizona for trying to enforce federal law? But it's okay for another state to break federal law? Can you see the convenient inconsistency there? The ones where Americans get the heads I win, tails you lose treatment.
...15. de-fund Sanctuary Cities at the Federal and State level until they rescind their Sanctuary status....
I disagree with 15.

Any STATE that has a sanctuary city would lose ALL federal funding until such time as the STATE got their cities back in line with immigration laws.
Tempting... tempting... I'm just worried that we'd be punishing an entire State for the misbehavior of a City... and, of course, who's to say that the State Capitol is not ALSO sympathetic to the Sanctuary concept, and would therefore do nothing about it? There might also be barriers at the State Constitution level to overriding the statutes of their individual municipalities. 50 unknowns, regarding State ability to override city-level Sanctuary status (or 57, by Obumble's count). Finally... it we are dealing with Conspiracy to Violate US Immigration Law, then it should probably be a Federal agency that investigates, penalizes and prosecutes. Or so it seems, at first glance. Your mileage may vary.

Than maybe the governors should do something about the criminal activity in their states.

Overriding the local statutes? They are breaking federal law. And didn't the government go after Arizona for trying to enforce federal law? But it's okay for another state to break federal law? Can you see the convenient inconsistency there? The ones where Americans get the heads I win, tails you lose treatment.
If they are breaking Federal law, then the Federal government should undertake the remedy.

There is no escaping the fact that such Federal intervention has not materialized in the past, with any effect or consistency.

But we're not talking about the past, here.

We're talking about the future.

And what SHOULD happen.

...15. de-fund Sanctuary Cities at the Federal and State level until they rescind their Sanctuary status....
I disagree with 15.

Any STATE that has a sanctuary city would lose ALL federal funding until such time as the STATE got their cities back in line with immigration laws.
Tempting... tempting... I'm just worried that we'd be punishing an entire State for the misbehavior of a City... and, of course, who's to say that the State Capitol is not ALSO sympathetic to the Sanctuary concept, and would therefore do nothing about it? There might also be barriers at the State Constitution level to overriding the statutes of their individual municipalities. 50 unknowns, regarding State ability to override city-level Sanctuary status (or 57, by Obumble's count). Finally... it we are dealing with Conspiracy to Violate US Immigration Law, then it should probably be a Federal agency that investigates, penalizes and prosecutes. Or so it seems, at first glance. Your mileage may vary.

Than maybe the governors should do something about the criminal activity in their states.

Overriding the local statutes? They are breaking federal law. And didn't the government go after Arizona for trying to enforce federal law? But it's okay for another state to break federal law? Can you see the convenient inconsistency there? The ones where Americans get the heads I win, tails you lose treatment.
If they are breaking Federal law, then the Federal government should undertake the remedy.

There is no escaping the fact that this has not materialized in the past.

But we're not talking about the past, here.

We're talking about the future.

And what SHOULD happen.


The only thing that should happen, is our laws enforced! And states should be slammed for flaunting it. That is why we need leaders who run under the rule of law. And a president that does so for a change.

That is why I will not support mealy mouthed candidates, who don't even wanna address it. They can talk about all this stuff, that is maybe 10th on peoples list of importance. Trump keeps addressing what we want addressed, and that is why he is popular.
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...The only thing that should happen, is our laws enforced! And states should be slammed for flaunting it. That is why we need leaders who run under the rule of law. And a president that does so for a change...
Yep. But, when municipalities defy The Law, then one must anticipate counter-action, and the party(ies) best equipped and empowered, at-law, to undertake such action.

...That is why I will not support mealy mouthed candidates, who don't even wanna address it. They can talk about all this stuff, that is maybe 10th on peoples list of importance. Trump keeps addressing what we want addressed, and that is why he is popular.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

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