What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all?

...Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Ahhhhhh... another colleague who doesn't like the current mood of the country... tsk, tsk, tsk... enjoy.

It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.
Candy has her talking points down and is able to isolate every "different" part of the American quilt and leave a stain on each. That's what being a libtard is all about.

Fuck off.

I"m for the wall--few liberals are.
I'm for doing away with sanctuary cities--few liberals are.

Again, fuck off.
...Racism 101 ladies and gentlemen.
How's that tired old 'Divide and Conquer' tactic workin' for ya so far, this election season?
I smell fear, this time around.

I will never understand, why so many adamantly protect people who are stealing from us all.

The "expense" of the supposed stealing is miniscule compared to the proposed solution.

Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita who is working as a nanny today, I've long since sponsored building a wall from the Pacific to the Gulf. This from 2013:
Can Texas be put in play? | Page 16 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm also against sanctuary cities. Enforce the law, I say.

I think where the paths separate is in terms of logistics. You will not be able to deport 12,000,000 illegal aliens, you will not be able to deport 1/2 that number. You will not stop illegal immigration with the wall. You will limit the payload that can be carried across without a border official at least being able to view the shipment.

Our paths also separate insofar as this is an "issue" that polls at 3% during most times. A candidate comes along and insults people, you idiots--instead of being doleful about the new low in our politics being reached--decide to cheer and beg for more. So he accuses a woman of being on the rag when she questions him. I'm sure another barrage of insults is coming...you guys are cheering so why not? Anyway, the "issue" of illegal immigration polls at 3%

As for the politics of it, "smelling fear"? Make me laugh harder by continuing to talk. Obama's record on deportations is great:

The issue just isn't that big a deal despite what you guys contend.

So Trump "accuses a woman of being on the rag when she questions him."
Was this guy 'on the rag'?
View attachment 47926
Ellen Levis
Also please tell these people that NOT enforcing the law ...just the laws on the books!.... isn't a "big deal".

Kathryn Steinle's parents...

View attachment 47927

I'm for enforcing the law...preach to someone else. Would you feel better if a US Citizen had murdred the woman? I wouldn't.

Then don't excuse the lax enforcement of laws which is ALL that is needed!


For years, the Obama administration has been making it abundantly clear that it is a friend of illegal immigrants. Border security is a joke, the federal government refuses to go after “sanctuary cities” even though they are breaking federal law, there is a website that instructs immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States, and the Obama administration has distributed flyers that tell illegal immigrants that their immigration status will not be checked when they apply for food stamps.
And Obama has even instructed officials to use “prosecutorial discretionin deportation cases involving non-criminals.
In other words, Obama has been flashing a huge green light to illegal immigrants, and so of course our borders were going to be inundated with them.
Why Is Obama Encouraging Illegal Immigration When We Can’t Take Care Of Millions Of Our Own Citizens?
...Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Ahhhhhh... another colleague who doesn't like the current mood of the country... tsk, tsk, tsk... enjoy.

It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.
Candy has her talking points down and is able to isolate every "different" part of the American quilt and leave a stain on each. That's what being a libtard is all about.

Fuck off.

I"m for the wall--few liberals are.
I'm for doing away with sanctuary cities--few liberals are.

Again, fuck off.
You're for Hillary. You have no case.
Are all officials who enforce federal law now called "storm troopers" by the radical left?
No....but it is hilarious that the same folks who are applauding Trump wanting to hire 3X DHS agents are the ones who constantly sing the praises of the NRA; and the NRA called these people "Jack Booted Thugs".
They don't call immigration agents "jack booted thugs," moron. That moniker is reserved for agents of the BATF, or similar federal law enforcement agencies.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

DHS is that "similar federal law enforcement agency. You do know that INS is part of the DHS....don't you dumb dumb?

ICE is a law enforcement agency. DHS isn't. dumbfuck.

So DHS agents raiding a bunch of hispanics is a noble cause.
ATF agents raiding a bunch of white guys keeping kids hostage=jack booted thugs.

Racism 101 ladies and gentlemen.

The ATF murdered a bunch of totally innocent people. They weren't holding anyone hostage.

The ATF are a gang of murderers.
...Lets see, we have people claiming there is an immigration crisis where none exists (or has existed) and another guy who wants to drop people "empty handed 500 miles south of the border". I don't suppose it matters if they are from there or not...

Really, if it came down to having people on this message board stay and having the illegal aliens stay....would we really lose anything if the posters were the ones we deport?
Ahhhhhh... another colleague who doesn't like the current mood of the country... tsk, tsk, tsk... enjoy.

It's fine with me. In fact, politically, the GOP is writing a narrative for itself that any Democrat/Liberal would want. Politically, the GOP is nowhere with ethnic minorities and Women. So the front runner of the GOP, when questioned by a woman, says the following day that she must have been on her period; it's great politically for the Dems. That the other GOP contenders basically murmured their disapproval of such idiocy is unbelievable. Then 10 days later, this immigration plan is unveiled by the same front runner, estimated to cost between 100 and 200 billion dollars; has zero chance of working, and relies heavily on overturning the 14th amendment.

If the front runner was, lets say, Mitch McConnell, Michelle Bachman, Paul Ryan, or even any of the other candidates, I'd feel slightly better about it if not a word were changed. Why? Because these people are republicans. I would expect republicans and conservatives to back them.

Donald Trump, 3 months ago, was considered a liberal. He's shown up, insulted some people, and was cheered for it. Maybe I should have expected that. Maybe I was wrong in expecting more from the opposition. Maybe I'm disappointed that the GOP voters could be duped so easily into believing there is a crisis.... Under the supposed lax immigration laws, the US has undergone the greatest growth, the greatest wealth and expansion of wealth the world has ever seen. In this age of immigrant influx, we have had both the highest number of millionaires and the highest number of Nobel prize winners.
We had a housing bubble a while back that sent out banks into a tailspin. That tailspin was handled poorly first by GWB who decided to bail out the banks (not the workers) to the tune of $700B. They paid their executives a shitload of money and then laid off a bunch of workers. Obama came in and did nothing and the banks that were "too big to fail" that necessitated that they be bailed out are still too big to fail. Meanwhile, during the recovery, businesses have discovered that they can just lean on employees to do more because people were afraid of losing their job. Thus hiring has been slowed by the practice. If you don't believe me, consider the speed of service you get when you utilize a business with any large "nose count" of employees. Service has gotten worse and worse and corporations seek to maximize profits.

"But the customers do notice. When you walk into a store, and there is virtually no help, it’s because someone figured out that the company could save X dollars if it cut back the labor budget by 7 percent. When you walk out disgusted and sales go down, the store blames it on the economy or brutal competition. Then the company reacts by having another sale which further erodes profit margins. This cycle eventually results in another failed store."--NY TImes Editorial Page.

Immigration--legal or illegal is not responsible for any of this. Citing the illegal as the cause of:
  1. Slow Job Growth
  2. A supposed rise in violent crime
  3. Over-crowded prisons
  4. Short-comings in our educational system
is fun and easy. The truth, however, tells a much different story. I continue to believe that deep down, Americans of all political stripes know the events I laid out above are the true and correct causes of a sluggish economy and that points 2-4 cannot be pinned on immigrants any more than you can blame them for global warming or drought conditions (which I'm sure is coming).

Politically, its great that the GOP once again is quite happily waving goodbye to the women's vote, the Hispanic vote, and they'll eventually get around to further alienating blacks, LGBTs,the poor, and the educated. As an American, it's sad that so many on the right could be duped so easily.
Candy has her talking points down and is able to isolate every "different" part of the American quilt and leave a stain on each. That's what being a libtard is all about.

Fuck off.

I"m for the wall--few liberals are.
I'm for doing away with sanctuary cities--few liberals are.

Again, fuck off.

OK... you appear to be an open minded person who with that open mind though is supporting Hillary.
So it is hard to see why you support someone who hates the police, who has told us "what difference does it make", who has such a sorry history of hatred of America. BUT I strongly encourage your support though because most of us who know what the Clintons stand for want her to run. Run Hillary Run!!!

Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 8.08.37 AM.png
No....but it is hilarious that the same folks who are applauding Trump wanting to hire 3X DHS agents are the ones who constantly sing the praises of the NRA; and the NRA called these people "Jack Booted Thugs".
They don't call immigration agents "jack booted thugs," moron. That moniker is reserved for agents of the BATF, or similar federal law enforcement agencies.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

DHS is that "similar federal law enforcement agency. You do know that INS is part of the DHS....don't you dumb dumb?

ICE is a law enforcement agency. DHS isn't. dumbfuck.

So DHS agents raiding a bunch of hispanics is a noble cause.
ATF agents raiding a bunch of white guys keeping kids hostage=jack booted thugs.

Racism 101 ladies and gentlemen.

The ATF murdered a bunch of totally innocent people. They weren't holding anyone hostage.

The ATF are a gang of murderers.

They were following orders from people that were the same ones that ordered a little kid sent back to Cuba tearing the kid from his parent's arms in the process.
...Candy has her talking points down and is able to isolate every "different" part of the American quilt and leave a stain on each. That's what being a libtard is all about.
Now, c'mon...

Not every Rebecca-of-Sunnybrook-Farms-Goody-Two-Shoes type is like that...

Many of them mean well...

It's just that they don't inhabit the same planet as the rest of us.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?

15 million illegals flooding into the country is an invasion by any definition. It is amazing that you fail to understand that. You must be one of the stupid Americans that Johnathan Gruber told us about.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?
What would you call it?

The vast majority of illegal aliens in this nation have no intention of legally assimilating and becoming American citizens, and the flow of them never ends.

It is an invasion.
...Unlike many who are wanting to go gestapo on Lupita...
Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.

We are talking about enforcing laws that are on the books that are being ignored especially by this administration.

Sanctuary cities are not legal according to Federal laws.
San Francisco is one of hundreds of communities nationwide, including a handful in Massachusetts, that designate themselves “sanctuary cities.” In an act of political hubris, local politicians instruct their police departments not to cooperate with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement requests to further detain illegal immigrants who are in local police custody.
That’s why San Francisco officials never contacted federal immigration authorities when Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez — a Mexican national who had been deported five times and had seven prior felony convictions — was released by prosecutors on a marijuana charge. He was free to walk the same pier, pick up a gun, and allegedly kill Steinle.
Sanctuary city proponents argue that local police shouldn’t have to implement national immigration law.
But that’s exactly what local officials do when they buck the federal legal system and give safe harbor to illegal immigrants —
they just make up their own rules.
‘Sanctuary cities’ defy immigration law - The Boston Globe
So Obama administration winks and looks the other way.
Then not only ignoring "sanctuary cities"...Obama administration "encourages" illegal immigration.

In August 2012 the administration announced,
basically, that it would not deport most children who come to the United States illegally.

By any reasonable standard, the Obama policy is insane and the results were predictable. This is a humanitarian crisis that the President himself created.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Who Can Be Considered?
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Who Can Be Considered?

NOTE the date: 2012... today 3 years later what has been the affect???
Illegal immigration jumps for third straight year under Obama
Illegal immigration on the southwestern border spiked 14 percent over the past year, marking the third straight increase, though Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said it was almost all because of the surge of illegal immigrant children and families from Central America — a crisis he said is subsiding.
Illegal immigration leaps for third straight year

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?

15 million illegals flooding into the country is an invasion by any definition. It is amazing that you fail to understand that. You must be one of the stupid Americans that Johnathan Gruber told us about.

Enforcing the Immigration Laws of the United States and ensuring the integrity of its borders and asserting its sovereignty in the face of a wave of 12,000,000 invaders does NOT constitute 'going gestapo' - despite what you and other Pro-Illegals advocates would like to try to hoodwink the American people into believing. The game has turned against you.

These Libtards think anything done to prevent the whole US from being "Kalifornicated" is "going gestapo", including enforcing the immigration laws. Of course the little Moon Bats forget about the fact that they support mass infanticide of American children, which is really the correct reference to Nazism.

We have many impractical laws on the books, laws that would, in fact, require a police state to enforce consistently.
We're not talking about "impractical laws on the books," we're talking about a systematic invasion of illegal aliens into this nation which is a direct threat to our sovereignty as a nation. Those laws should be enforced to the T, period.

Really? Alex Jones nitwits notwithstanding, what reason do you have to believe it's a systematic invasion? Or is that just colorful rhetoric?
What would you call it?

The vast majority of illegal aliens in this nation have no intention of legally assimilating and becoming American citizens, and the flow of them never ends.

It is an invasion.

Colorful rhetoric it is.

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