What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

One way is NOT encourage illegal immigrants"!
In August 2012 the administration announced, basically, that it would not deport most children who come to the United States illegally.

By any reasonable standard, the Obama policy is insane and the results were predictable. This is a humanitarian crisis that the President himself created.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Who Can Be Considered?
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Who Can Be Considered?
So what "illegal" person wouldn't want to come with their family when the above executive action is taken by Obama?

Rather then "encouraging" at least stfu!

That is just ONE of several ACTIONS that Should have NEVER been taken in the first place which totally encouraged illegals!

Now NOTE the date: 2012... today 3 years later what has been the affect???
Illegal immigration jumps for third straight year under Obama
Illegal immigration on the southwestern border spiked 14 percent over the past year, marking the third straight increase, though Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said it was almost all because of the surge of illegal immigrant children and families from Central America — a crisis he said is subsiding.
Illegal immigration leaps for third straight year
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.

It can be done. Where there's a will...
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.

It can be done. Where there's a will...
Again, how? If you want it done think through how it would be done? Pure Fucking Magic doesn't cut it.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.

It can be done. Where there's a will...

Simple don't ENCOURAGE "illegal immigration"!

Consider this: how many people are swarming to Mexico??? Guatemala, Honduras ???

Are those countries offering "amnesty"... "dream acts"... "anchor babies"???
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.

It can be done. Where there's a will...
Again, how? If you want it done think through how it would be done? Pure Fucking Magic doesn't cut it.

Like i said, where there's a will. We can do anything when there's a will. Every nation on earth deports those in their nations illegally. How do they do it?

I'm pretty sure the wealthiest most advanced nation on earth can figure it out. Time to restore the Rule of Law. Period, end of story.
...Again, how? If you want it done think through how it would be done? Pure Fucking Magic doesn't cut it.

Self Deportation - creating legal conditions sufficiently onerous so as to convince Illegal Aliens to depart quickly, at their own expense, and not to come back.

We can then spend some chump-change on mop-up operations, a few months or a year or so after the new conditions go into effect, to catch the 'leakers' and slow-movers.
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
No one objects to immigration laws except illegals and the open borders/amnesty assholes. So how are they "impractical?"

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
So what rights do "illegal immigrants" have if they be definition broke laws by coming into the USA?
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
No one objects to immigration laws except illegals and the open borders/amnesty assholes. So how are they "impractical?"

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

You make a valid point. The law is the law. The law has always been the law. But unfortunately, corrupt asshole politicians have chose to not enforce it for several decades. They've allowed the Illegal Invasion to happen. They're criminals. But it can't be sustained. The invasion has to end. Time to get back to the Rule of Law.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Those are details that don't matter.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?
That's up to Trump

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Very telling about a nation when millions of its Citizens are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying and enforcing the law. That's how far we've fallen. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He's got it right. They'll try to destroy him, but he does have support.
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?
That's up to Trump

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk

Very telling about a nation when millions of its Citizens are angry at a man for merely suggesting obeying and enforcing the law. That's how far we've fallen. Trump just needs to stay strong and persevere. He's got it right. They'll try to destroy him, but he does have support.
He's destroying himself, by sprouting nonsense...
All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

All countries in the world deport those in their countries illegally. And yes, that includes Mexico. It's now time we began enforcing the Law of the Land. The Illegal Invasion has to end. The time has come.
And how, exactly, would you like to begin that process?

Let's at least begin the process. We'll go from there.
Here's a good first step: rescind all of Obama's EOs
Fine, what next?
...Again, how? If you want it done think through how it would be done? Pure Fucking Magic doesn't cut it.

Self Deportation - creating legal conditions sufficiently onerous so as to convince Illegal Aliens to depart quickly, at their own expense, and not to come back.

We can then spend some chump-change on mop-up operations, a few months or a year or so after the new conditions go into effect, to catch the 'leakers' and slow-movers.
Name the conditions?
"Impractical laws" are the kind that get in the way of the DEMOCRAT agenda.

That's not what I was referring to. Impractical laws are those that don't reflect the fundamental values of society, and such, are commonly ignored. People recognize the difference between laws that protect our rights, and those that merely try to control people. And they have far less respect for the latter.
So what rights do "illegal immigrants" have if they be definition broke laws by coming into the USA?
Human rights, and a whole lot of American laws dealing with undocumented workers, their (often) American children, etc.

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