What idiot thinks the answer is to roundup the 20 million illegals and deport them all?

You build it along the river, moron. It kills me that you think I'm the one who thinks like a child. Even a child could find a solution to that problem. All the objections of open-borders/amnesty assholes are moronic and pathetic. They're stupid excuses for doing nothing.

Just admit that you want to open the flood gates to illegals.

You aren't fooling anyone.

You make a good point. I'm sick of listening to the Bulshitters spew more bullshit. They don't do anything. If you're not advocating securing the border and restoring the law, i'm tuning you out.

That's why so many are interested in Trump. He's not spewing the same bullshit most of the other Politicians continue to spew. He's meeting the problem head-on. I wish him all the best.
What he's telling you is a lie. You can't, and won't do, what he says.

Whose going to stop him?
In general, the legal system and the American people when they figure out what that would mean for their society, and economy.

And it's who's BTW, not whose.

Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.

Like all Democrats, PMH only supports laws that agree with his agenda.
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

Him saying what you don't wanna hear doesn't = Him destroying himself.
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

It isn't working so far. It looks like Trump will be the nominee, at this point, and he will slay the Democrat nominee, whoever it may be, in any debates that are held.
You build it along the river, moron. It kills me that you think I'm the one who thinks like a child. Even a child could find a solution to that problem. All the objections of open-borders/amnesty assholes are moronic and pathetic. They're stupid excuses for doing nothing.

Just admit that you want to open the flood gates to illegals.

You aren't fooling anyone.

You make a good point. I'm sick of listening to the Bulshitters spew more bullshit. They don't do anything. If you're not advocating securing the border and restoring the law, i'm tuning you out.

That's why so many are interested in Trump. He's not spewing the same bullshit most of the other Politicians continue to spew. He's meeting the problem head-on. I wish him all the best.
What he's telling you is a lie. You can't, and won't do, what he says.

Whose going to stop him?
In general, the legal system and the American people when they figure out what that would mean for their society, and economy.

And it's who's BTW, not whose.

Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.
I support the legal system, and I also support reality, like these guys:

"The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law
The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate."
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

Trump's hatred of little brown Americans, that I don't support.
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

Him saying what you don't wanna hear doesn't = Him destroying himself.
He's saying what racist morons want to hear, and there aren't enough of them around to get him elected...
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

It isn't working so far. It looks like Trump will be the nominee, at this point, and he will slay the Democrat nominee, whoever it may be, in any debates that are held.

Oh yeah, he'll completely annihilate any Democratic Nominee in a debate. Especially Hillary. She's so corrupt and has lied so much, she needs a very tight script to stick to. Trump would destroy her with ease. Democrats better hope Trump's not the Nominee. Their Candidates would only embarrass themselves.
You make a good point. I'm sick of listening to the Bulshitters spew more bullshit. They don't do anything. If you're not advocating securing the border and restoring the law, i'm tuning you out.

That's why so many are interested in Trump. He's not spewing the same bullshit most of the other Politicians continue to spew. He's meeting the problem head-on. I wish him all the best.
What he's telling you is a lie. You can't, and won't do, what he says.

Whose going to stop him?
In general, the legal system and the American people when they figure out what that would mean for their society, and economy.

And it's who's BTW, not whose.

Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.
I support the legal system, and I also support reality, like these guys:

"The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law
The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate."
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

Trump's hatred of little brown Americans, that I don't support.

Yes we know, he's a racist and he hates women. Blah Blah Blah. More stale Bullshit.
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

It isn't working so far. It looks like Trump will be the nominee, at this point, and he will slay the Democrat nominee, whoever it may be, in any debates that are held.
You really do live in a fantasy world. Palin, Carson, Cain, Bachmann, etc., couldn't get elected dog catcher but you still love them all...
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

Him saying what you don't wanna hear doesn't = Him destroying himself.
He's saying what racist morons want to hear, and there aren't enough of them around to get him elected...

Uh huh, securing the border and enforcing the law is definitely racist. Sure it is. :cuckoo:
What he's telling you is a lie. You can't, and won't do, what he says.

Whose going to stop him?
In general, the legal system and the American people when they figure out what that would mean for their society, and economy.

And it's who's BTW, not whose.

Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.
I support the legal system, and I also support reality, like these guys:

"The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law
The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate."
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

Trump's hatred of little brown Americans, that I don't support.

Yes we know, he's a racist and he hates women. Blah Blah Blah. More stale Bullshit.
Winning in politics sometimes comes down to making BS stick. See John Kerry.
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

It isn't working so far. It looks like Trump will be the nominee, at this point, and he will slay the Democrat nominee, whoever it may be, in any debates that are held.

Oh yeah, he'll completely annihilate any Democratic Nominee in a debate. Especially Hillary. She's so corrupt and has lied so much, she needs a very tight script to stick to. Trump would destroy her with ease. Democrats better hope Trump's not the Nominee. Their Candidates would only embarrass themselves.

I'll bet we'll get to watch the spectacle of a urine puddle forming at the feet of the Democrat candidate at some point in the debates.
Whose going to stop him?
In general, the legal system and the American people when they figure out what that would mean for their society, and economy.

And it's who's BTW, not whose.

Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.
I support the legal system, and I also support reality, like these guys:

"The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law
The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate."
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

Trump's hatred of little brown Americans, that I don't support.

Yes we know, he's a racist and he hates women. Blah Blah Blah. More stale Bullshit.
Winning in politics sometimes comes down to making BS stick. See John Kerry.

You mean "speaking the truth," don't you?
Whose going to stop him?
In general, the legal system and the American people when they figure out what that would mean for their society, and economy.

And it's who's BTW, not whose.

Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.
I support the legal system, and I also support reality, like these guys:

"The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law
The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate."
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

Trump's hatred of little brown Americans, that I don't support.

Yes we know, he's a racist and he hates women. Blah Blah Blah. More stale Bullshit.
Winning in politics sometimes comes down to making BS stick. See John Kerry.

Well, at least you admit you're full of shite. I'll give you some props for that i guess.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

Him saying what you don't wanna hear doesn't = Him destroying himself.
He's saying what racist morons want to hear, and there aren't enough of them around to get him elected...

Uh huh, securing the border and enforcing the law is definitely racist. Sure it is. :cuckoo:
In this case it is. It's little more than the We Hate Wetbacks at work, all of them of course. That happens when times are hard here, only the race changes.
Keep in mind folks, 'Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies.'

Trump's speaking cold hard truths. And that makes him a target. They will do their best to destroy him. Look for those predictable lame Media hatchet-jobs like how he said some 'mean' things to women and minorities at some point in his life. They're gonna throw everything at him. Hopefully he'll persevere. But it's gonna be very tough. I wish him the best of luck.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

It isn't working so far. It looks like Trump will be the nominee, at this point, and he will slay the Democrat nominee, whoever it may be, in any debates that are held.
You really do live in a fantasy world. Palin, Carson, Cain, Bachmann, etc., couldn't get elected dog catcher but you still love them all...

I may prefer them to Dims, but that doesn't mean I think they're good candidates.
In general, the legal system and the American people when they figure out what that would mean for their society, and economy.

And it's who's BTW, not whose.

Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.
I support the legal system, and I also support reality, like these guys:

"The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law
The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate."
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

Trump's hatred of little brown Americans, that I don't support.

Yes we know, he's a racist and he hates women. Blah Blah Blah. More stale Bullshit.
Winning in politics sometimes comes down to making BS stick. See John Kerry.

You mean "speaking the truth," don't you?
Nope. Shit hitting the fan can kill the fan.
No one has to destroy Trump. He's gifted at destroying himself...

You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

It isn't working so far. It looks like Trump will be the nominee, at this point, and he will slay the Democrat nominee, whoever it may be, in any debates that are held.

Oh yeah, he'll completely annihilate any Democratic Nominee in a debate. Especially Hillary. She's so corrupt and has lied so much, she needs a very tight script to stick to. Trump would destroy her with ease. Democrats better hope Trump's not the Nominee. Their Candidates would only embarrass themselves.

I'll bet we'll get to watch the spectacle of a urine puddle forming at the feet of the Democrat candidate at some point in the debates.

Biden would perform best. The rest wouldn't stand a chance against Trump. He doesn't need a rigid script. If the debate isn't rigged, he'll crush any Democratic Nominee.
You wish.
Wishing isn't necessary, just time and microphones...

Him saying what you don't wanna hear doesn't = Him destroying himself.
He's saying what racist morons want to hear, and there aren't enough of them around to get him elected...

Uh huh, securing the border and enforcing the law is definitely racist. Sure it is. :cuckoo:
In this case it is. It's little more than the We Hate Wetbacks at work, all of them of course. That happens when times are hard here, only the race changes.

Your suppositions about motives are worth about as much as a Zimbabwe dollar.
Good to see you now support the legal system. So does Trump. He's proposing securing the border and restoring the Law of the Land. He should have your full support.
I support the legal system, and I also support reality, like these guys:

"The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law
The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate."
How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

Trump's hatred of little brown Americans, that I don't support.

Yes we know, he's a racist and he hates women. Blah Blah Blah. More stale Bullshit.
Winning in politics sometimes comes down to making BS stick. See John Kerry.

You mean "speaking the truth," don't you?
Nope. Shit hitting the fan can kill the fan.

The "fan" is all the lies Democrats have been telling for 20 years.

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