What if Bernie wins in 2020?

What if Bernie Wins in 2020?

  • Total voters
the stock market is starting to worry about Crazy Bernie, according to CNBC

Investors are feeling the Bern – and they don’t like it.⁠

Weren’t his staffers promising to take land owners property away?
Some idiot okay. LOL
More than one. But then most progressives are.
It's like taking the Nazi white supremacist and saying they are representative of Republicans LOL OMG aaarrrggghhh
Weren’t his staffers promising to take land owners property away?
Some idiot okay. LOL
More than one. But then most progressives are.
It's like taking the Nazi white supremacist and saying they are representative of Republicans LOL OMG aaarrrggghhh

But....the Nazis were earlier iteration of Liberals/Democrats.

Workers Welfare Programs:

In the best passage of Government largess, the Nazi regime fostered a purified liberal concept to enhance the living standard of German citizens across all segments of society. In order to stimulate the spirit of integrity, comradeship and happiness, Adolf Hitler fanned numerous programs and instituted strict rules for officials to carry them in eternal way.

a) Highly Subsidized International vacation trips.

b) Between 1933-1938 Strength through Joy (KDF) movement Organized 134,000 theater and concert events for 32 million people. 2 million people went on cruises and weekend trips and 11 million went on theater trips.

c) Nazis ensured that every citizen had a Radio.

d) 5 day week.

e) Free Public Health.

f) Trade Unions were banned. All workers had to join German labor Front. Strikes for higher wages were banned. People who refused to work were imprisoned. With fall in Inflation, purchasing power increased and wages actually fell.

g) Large factories had to provide rest areas, cafeterias, dressing rooms, even playing fields and swimming pools

h) They also banned "lock outs" for industries. No "reverse strikes"for them either.

LIES YOUR TEACHER TAUGHT YOU: Nazi Hitler Economic Social and Political Policies

Soooo.....which do you prefer, 'hello!'....or Sieg Heil!
"Norah O’Donnell Confronts Bernie Sanders on Campaign Promises: ‘You Don’t Know How Much Your Plan Costs?’
“Your agenda has promised free healthcare for everybody, free college tuition, and to pay off people’s college loans,” O’Donnell said, and asked “The price tag for that is estimated to be $60 trillion dollars over 10 years, correct?”

“Well look, we have political opponents who come up…” Sanders began.

“You don’t know how much your plan costs?” O’Donnell interrupted.

“You don’t know, nobody knows, this is impossible,” Sanders said, as O’Donnell cut him off again.

“You’re going to propose a plan to the American people and you’re not going to tell them how much it costs?” O’Donnell said.

“Of course I will,” Sanders said, then added “You know exactly what healthcare costs will be, one minute, in the next 10 years if we do nothing. It will be a lot more expensive than a Medicare for All single-payer system.”

O’Donnell did not broadcast any follow-up to this exchange.

A CNN analysis of Sanders’ agenda was published this week, and estimated a price tag of $60 trillion in additional spending, but that estimate did not include costs for many of Sanders’ proposals."

Norah O'Donnell Asks Bernie Sanders How Much Your Plan Costs

the stock market is starting to worry about Crazy Bernie, according to CNBC

Investors are feeling the Bern – and they don’t like it.⁠
Too many investors are fear-mongered brainwashed functional moron greedy idiot GOP types.... Sanders hopes to get Republicans to vote for him. It is possible if they listen to him proven again and again.
Weren’t his staffers promising to take land owners property away?
Some idiot okay. LOL

Lacking self-awareness, you don't recognize that most folks refer to you that same way.
I admire and respect your totally misinformed opinion LOL, brainwashed functional moron. But it is not your fault. Poor America

Is Solemani still polling at 14% in Democrat nomination for President?
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020, people won’t be dying because they can’t afford health care.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 corporations will pay taxes.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 he will get the price of prescription drugs lowered so that everyone can afford them.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 I will treat republicans the same way they have treated us for the last three years.

Feel the Bern bitches!

Write it down and underline it twice.

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if your death wish comes true,

People will be dying because they cannot afford electricity to keep them warm or cool.

Corporations will pay taxes and your taxes will exceed 60% easily. The cost of basic necessities skyrockets Unemployment would increase to about 15% in a matter of days.

Prescription drugs may be cheaper but people will die waiting for any medical tests or procedures to keep them alive.

Everyone will be feeling the Bern because they won't be able to afford the medicine used to treat it!

Hard to believe how truly stupid Democrat voters are.

Boris Yeltsin himself showed the error of this attempt:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” GORBACHEV, YELTSIN SAY COMMUNISM FAILED USSR
The only people in favor of Communism have a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What are you going on about fear mongered brainwashed functional moron? Communism is a dictatorship, socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like every other modern country.
franco, have you seen this? Is it possible that Sanders is immortal?

Hmmm...13% of the population is black but 75% of the NBA is black. Those pesky white kids....

And why do you think that is?

Could it be- wait for it- that unlike football or baseball or hockey, basketball doesn't require a lot of specialized equipment?

It takes a major investment to train a kid to be a MLB or NHL Player. Football is a different case. Whites used to dominate it, until it was discovered that repeated brain trauma is good for you, and it became more a sport of desperation to escape poverty.
Whites used to dominate it, until it was discovered that repeated brain trauma is good for you, and it became more a sport of desperation to escape poverty.
That is a lie...it's not dominated by whites anymore due to an enormous push for integration based on ability and not skin color...now I have no idea if those who wanted the integration of sports did it because they knew 'that repeated brain trauma is good for you' (sic) [I suspect not] but if you would like to push that notion then I will allow for it as long as you do not share that claim with me...always about the skin color eh brother?
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020, people won’t be dying because they can’t afford health care.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 corporations will pay taxes.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 he will get the price of prescription drugs lowered so that everyone can afford them.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 I will treat republicans the same way they have treated us for the last three years.

Feel the Bern bitches!

Write it down and underline it twice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

if your death wish comes true,

People will be dying because they cannot afford electricity to keep them warm or cool.

Corporations will pay taxes and your taxes will exceed 60% easily. The cost of basic necessities skyrockets Unemployment would increase to about 15% in a matter of days.

Prescription drugs may be cheaper but people will die waiting for any medical tests or procedures to keep them alive.

Everyone will be feeling the Bern because they won't be able to afford the medicine used to treat it!

Hard to believe how truly stupid Democrat voters are.

Boris Yeltsin himself showed the error of this attempt:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” GORBACHEV, YELTSIN SAY COMMUNISM FAILED USSR
The only people in favor of Communism have a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What are you going on about fear mongered brainwashed functional moron? Communism is a dictatorship, socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like every other modern country.
franco, have you seen this? Is it possible that Sanders is immortal?

No. But he certainly is consistent. Having European style and also UK Australia New Zealand Japan Canada style socialism will not stop us from being wild Americans LOL. I basically became a socialist in 1971 in France junior year abroad. They had the Communist party and they had a socialist party in the one was Democratic and the other one was very shaky LOL. Now they are together and socialists because communism has totally been discredited. English-speaking people have a worse brainwash about what socialism is. American Republicans and British conservatives tories are the most capitalist Savage capitalist parties forever. people who speak German French Norwegian Spanish Italian etc etc know the difference. Many Americans and British don't and Canadians new zealanders and Australians for that matter.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020, people won’t be dying because they can’t afford health care.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 corporations will pay taxes.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 he will get the price of prescription drugs lowered so that everyone can afford them.

WHEN Bernie wins in 2020 I will treat republicans the same way they have treated us for the last three years.

Feel the Bern bitches!

Write it down and underline it twice.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

if your death wish comes true,

People will be dying because they cannot afford electricity to keep them warm or cool.

Corporations will pay taxes and your taxes will exceed 60% easily. The cost of basic necessities skyrockets Unemployment would increase to about 15% in a matter of days.

Prescription drugs may be cheaper but people will die waiting for any medical tests or procedures to keep them alive.

Everyone will be feeling the Bern because they won't be able to afford the medicine used to treat it!

Hard to believe how truly stupid Democrat voters are.

Boris Yeltsin himself showed the error of this attempt:

In September of 1991, the President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, was asked about the history and future of Communism:
“One of their more dramatic responses came to a question by Los Angeles actor Ben Stein, who asked whether the two leaders believed any country should live under communism.

Yeltsin answered first: "This experiment which was conducted on our soil was a tragedy for our people and it was too bad that it happened on our territory. It would have been better if the experiment had happened in some small country, to make it clear that it was a Utopian idea, although a beautiful idea."

Gorbachev said history has shown that "that model has failed which was brought about in our country. And I believe that this is a lesson not only for our people but for all peoples.” GORBACHEV, YELTSIN SAY COMMUNISM FAILED USSR
The only people in favor of Communism have a gun to their head in China Cuba and North Korea. What are you going on about fear mongered brainwashed functional moron? Communism is a dictatorship, socialism is always democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net like every other modern country.
franco, have you seen this? Is it possible that Sanders is immortal?

Very consistent. Socialism is the answer and I don't mean f****** communism. It's a British American derangement problem. The most Savage capitalists have always been the English and now the Americans especially Tories and Republicans. Carries over into other English-speaking countries like Canada Australia New Zealand where socialists and Communists are confused purposely by right-wingers. People who speak French German Italian Dutch Norwegian swedish know the difference. And have for quite a while. They used to have communist and socialist parties which were very different as I have been saying. Now the Communists are gone
Hmmm...13% of the population is black but 75% of the NBA is black. Those pesky white kids....

And why do you think that is?

Could it be- wait for it- that unlike football or baseball or hockey, basketball doesn't require a lot of specialized equipment?

It takes a major investment to train a kid to be a MLB or NHL Player. Football is a different case. Whites used to dominate it, until it was discovered that repeated brain trauma is good for you, and it became more a sport of desperation to escape poverty.

70% of the NFL is black...pretty sure you need equipment. LOL

I think it is racism vs. whites....
70% of the NFL is black...pretty sure you need equipment. LOL

I think it is racism vs. whites....

Nobody believes you think, buddy. I just stated the problem with the NFL. All those white moms don't want little Timmy getting his brain sloshed around his skull.

Wealthy Parents Are Shying Away From Football, But Not From Low-Concussion Sports

On Jan. 29, Real Sports is airing a 20-minute piece by Bernard Goldberg that centers around Freedom of Information Act requests to Illinois public schools to determine the growth in the percentage of students receiving public assistance that make up the rosters of the state's high school football teams. The report doesn't give an exact total by school, but notes that between 2012 and 2017 the percentage of players from poorer backgrounds increased 25 percent, even as the number of players declined 14.8 percent.

It's why the morning NFL report sounds like the Police Blotter... Dog Fighting, Wife Beating, drug use... all okay if you are entertained.

Hey, that's guy's kneeling for the national anthem.
70% of the NFL is black...pretty sure you need equipment. LOL

I think it is racism vs. whites....

Nobody believes you think, buddy. I just stated the problem with the NFL. All those white moms don't want little Timmy getting his brain sloshed around his skull.

Wealthy Parents Are Shying Away From Football, But Not From Low-Concussion Sports

On Jan. 29, Real Sports is airing a 20-minute piece by Bernard Goldberg that centers around Freedom of Information Act requests to Illinois public schools to determine the growth in the percentage of students receiving public assistance that make up the rosters of the state's high school football teams. The report doesn't give an exact total by school, but notes that between 2012 and 2017 the percentage of players from poorer backgrounds increased 25 percent, even as the number of players declined 14.8 percent.

It's why the morning NFL report sounds like the Police Blotter... Dog Fighting, Wife Beating, drug use... all okay if you are entertained.

Hey, that's guy's kneeling for the national anthem.

You have been discredited. Let me know when you quit back pedaling. LOL. Yeah, Joe Burrow is from the hood....
You have been discredited. Let me know when you quit back pedaling. LOL. Yeah, Joe Burrow is from the hood....

The sad thing about talking to you is having to dumb down any talking point because you really don't operate on a very complicated level, do you?
Reread your posts. You’re contradicting yourself all over the place.
My thoughts are:

  • He tries to break up the big banks;
  • Taxes Wall St and corporate America at a much higher rate than what they are comfortable with;
  • Pushes Green New Deal Agenda;
  • Pushes UH;
  • Pushes for a two state solution in Israel and destroys those relations, making the Middle East that much more dangerous;
  • More regulations.
As a result the stock market drops significantly, corporate America pulls back on hiring and CAPEX, unemployment rises and this message board blows up (not literally).

I welcome your thoughts.
Bernie will reveal how the Wall Street swamp monetizes the fraud in the US/global economy:

Bernie Sanders Hasn’t Quite Captured What Wall Street Does: It’s Actually a Fraud-Monetization System with a Money-Printing Unit Called the New York Fed

"Senator Bernie Sanders has come closer than anyone on the Presidential campaign trail in defining what Wall Street actually does.

"Sanders has repeatedly stated at his rallies that 'the business model of Wall Street is fraud.'

"That analysis is correct but abbreviated. Sanders needs to go further.

"It’s not just Wall Street’s business model that has left the United States with the greatest wealth inequality since the Roaring Twenties (a time when Wall Street investment banks were also allowed to own deposit-taking banks).

"It’s how Wall Street is monetizing that fraud that poses an existential threat to the solvency of the United States and the impoverishment of millions of Americans."
Bernie won't live to win the nomination...not if Hillary has anything to say about it...


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