What if God was deposed way back?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something that just occured, curiously while playing Tetris (maybe the spatial relationships/mathematical side of my brain being active freed up the other?) is what if God had been deposed by another god a long time ago?

The Biblical god expects us to deny our human natures. Refrain from everything fun on the promise that only after we die we'll enjoy those things in the afterlife. What if this current god was in fact an evil god that overthrew some older god who was more permissive saying 'if it harm none, do as ye will.' (The Wiccan Rede)

So most of us have boughyt it hook, line, and sinker and deny ourselves pleasure on the promise we'll get to have pleasure after we've died. Meanwhile the current deity laughs its ass off watching people pass up on opportunity after opportunity to enjoy life, die, and then simply cease to exist.

Meanwhile the true loving god is either dead and gone, or held incommunicado somewhere.

Things ya thnk about when playing Tetris. :)
I don't think so either, but if some more evolved being was encountered by humans and mistaken for a god that kicked off religions, this is where this hypothesis comes in. :)

Ancient Hindus describe flying 'castles' as their deities waged wars with one another. Either they invented that out of thin air, or maybe, just maybe, some real events gave rise to what became religious mythology. Maybe originally we were led by a benevolent deity as with ancient goddess worship which predates Judaism but she was overthrown by an evil male deity we now worship today?

If we're discussing the absurdities of religion, adding more absurdity isn't like out of the ballpark :) It's why I don't dump on Mormons or Scientologists. When it's all bs, picking on the latest purveyors of bs isn't fair. :)
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Something that just occured, curiously while playing Tetris (maybe the spatial relationships/mathematical side of my brain being active freed up the other?) is what if God had been deposed by another god a long time ago?

The Biblical god expects us to deny our human natures. Refrain from everything fun on the promise that only after we die we'll enjoy those things in the afterlife. What if this current god was in fact an evil god that overthrew some older god who was more permissive saying 'if it harm none, do as ye will.' (The Wiccan Rede)

So most of us have boughyt it hook, line, and sinker and deny ourselves pleasure on the promise we'll get to have pleasure after we've died. Meanwhile the current deity laughs its ass off watching people pass up on opportunity after opportunity to enjoy life, die, and then simply cease to exist.

Meanwhile the true loving god is either dead and gone, or held incommunicado somewhere.

Things ya thnk about when playing Tetris. :)

Good question. If it was true, we're all meal for the worms but He said He knows no other God.

My philosophy teacher thinks life is just one big television screen and we're just objects on the screen like "The Sims". If God was like that, could you really destroy God?

God dwells in unapproachable light and the reason God had to hide moses in the cliff to appear to Moses in all His glory was that God would probably burn up Moses if He didn't hide him with His hand.

1 Tmothyi 6:16 Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

According to the first law of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed and if God the Father walked this earth, radioactive decay and other evidence may be evidence that God was once here.

First Law
Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This means that you can’t make energy out of nothing— the total amount of energy in the universe is a constant. (Please note that this applies to a closed system – the Earth is not a closed system, the Earth receives energy all the time from the Sun).

The Three Laws of Energy « Power Plug-In

I'm thinking that maybe God is the universe because in Him all things consist. That means when the roman soldiers were beating Him in His face and when they drove the nails through his wrists, He was holding the whole universe together.

Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

But the fact that they did kill Jesus and that He rose from the dead means that He has power over life and death which is a visible demonstration that He has the keys to life and death and I believe Him.
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The Biblical god expects us to deny our human natures. Refrain from everything fun on the promise that only after we die we'll enjoy those things in the afterlife.

So most of us have boughyt it hook, line, and sinker and deny ourselves pleasure on the promise we'll get to have pleasure after we've died.

Meanwhile the true loving god is either dead and gone, or held incommunicado somewhere.

Things ya thnk about when playing Tetris. AND STONED :)

You forgot a 3rd possibility. There is no god(s).

And what pleasures are you denying yourself? The good book says don't lie, steal, murder, rape, be dishonorable, cheat, be mean. It says to be generous and kind. To turn the other cheek. You don't get to murder or steal or lie when you go to heaven, do you?

Do you mean don't have pre marital sex? You don't have to wait for heaven on that one. Just get married.

Just curious what pleasures you are denying yourself.
Shallow, narcissistic people don't understand the value of discipline and self improvement.

They also think their best ideas come to them while playing mindless repetitive vid games.
Our Father is being replaced by another. And we are doing all the fun stuff he wants us to indulge in:

Being in gangs is more fun than being in church.
Beating someone to death with a baseball bat for their shoes is more fun than buying shoes for someone who has none.
Eating yourself to death at Mc D's is more fun than sit ups at the gym.
Stealing instead of working is more fun.
Heroin is way fun.
Slender Man is more fun than respecting your elders.
Sleeping with your neighbor's wife is more fun than sleeping with your own.
One parent is more fun than two.
Turning schools into target ranges is fun.........

Now, look at all of the fun things we do and skip ahead to the repercussions of each thrill. What our Father does is try to protect us from those repercussions.

I can't tell you how many children our little town has buried because kids just want to have fun with heroin. God is no longer fashionable. Satan is.
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Our Father is being replaced by another. And we are doing all the fun stuff he wants us to indulge in:

Being in gangs is more fun than being in church.
Beating someone to death with a baseball bat for their shoes is more fun than buying shoes for someone who has none.
Eating yourself to death at Mc D's is more fun than sit ups at the gym.
Stealing instead of working is more fun.
Heroin is way fun.
Slender Man is more fun than respecting your elders.
Sleeping with your neighbor's wife is more fun than sleeping with your own.
One parent is more fun than two.
Turning schools into target ranges is fun.........

Now, look at all of the fun things we do and skip ahead to the repercussions of each thrill. What our Father does is try to protect us from those repercussions.

I can't tell you how many children our little town has buried because kids just want to have fun with heroin. God is no longer fashionable. Satan is.


It's more fun to have sex with anything that has a pulse than it is to give careful consideration to who you are banging...

It's more fun to not have children than to have them, so it's okay to kill them when they get in the way.

It's more fun to not take care of your elderly or disabled relatives than it is to be burdened with them...

It's more fun to not work, than it is to work.....

It's more fun to force other people to pay for your dental work, than it is to care for your own teeth, and pay for them, yourself.
Something that just occured, curiously while playing Tetris (maybe the spatial relationships/mathematical side of my brain being active freed up the other?) is what if God had been deposed by another god a long time ago?

The Biblical god expects us to deny our human natures. Refrain from everything fun on the promise that only after we die we'll enjoy those things in the afterlife. What if this current god was in fact an evil god that overthrew some older god who was more permissive saying 'if it harm none, do as ye will.' (The Wiccan Rede)

So most of us have boughyt it hook, line, and sinker and deny ourselves pleasure on the promise we'll get to have pleasure after we've died. Meanwhile the current deity laughs its ass off watching people pass up on opportunity after opportunity to enjoy life, die, and then simply cease to exist.

Meanwhile the true loving god is either dead and gone, or held incommunicado somewhere.

Things ya thnk about when playing Tetris. :)

Either you have the free will to do as you think right or you do not. If you do, then pointing to God is an excuse. If you don't, then does it really matter who the puppet master is?
The Biblical god expects us to deny our human natures. Refrain from everything fun on the promise that only after we die we'll enjoy those things in the afterlife.

So most of us have boughyt it hook, line, and sinker and deny ourselves pleasure on the promise we'll get to have pleasure after we've died.

Meanwhile the true loving god is either dead and gone, or held incommunicado somewhere.

Things ya thnk about when playing Tetris. AND STONED :)

You forgot a 3rd possibility. There is no god(s).

And what pleasures are you denying yourself? The good book says don't lie, steal, murder, rape, be dishonorable, cheat, be mean. It says to be generous and kind. To turn the other cheek. You don't get to murder or steal or lie when you go to heaven, do you?

Do you mean don't have pre marital sex? You don't have to wait for heaven on that one. Just get married.

Just curious what pleasures you are denying yourself.

I don't deny myself any pleasures, at least not on religious grounds. But religious commandments expect us not to have premarital sex for one. Much of the humanexperience is wrapped up in being able to have sex (or more academically phrased, pass on our genes.) :) Yet many religions expect us not to do as our natures tell us to do. If we obeyed our nature we'd be doing as most every other animal does, being animals ourselves. We'd grab the nearest female and mate with her. When animals do this we don't call it rape though it of course is, so we don't do it. But nor do we (most of us) induldge in every sexual fantasy.

"When you grow up you'll go to college so you can get a high paying job."

We all hear that when children but why? What's a high-paying job good for if not enabling us to pursue recreation. Get the fancy high-end items, attrract adoration from others, and provide us opportunities to have sex. Yet reliigon then says "no no, should only have sex with one other person your entire life." If we accept that then the high-paying job becomes redundant. Living well isn't expensive. And providing for yourself, your spouse, and however many children you make together takes some money, but not so much only affluent people can do it as evidenced by overpopulation in some of the poorest nations on this planet.

But if not for sex, why do much of anything? Is going to a job you only go to because you're being aid a satisfactory end unto itself? Do we enjoy laboring more than we enjoy sex? If you do you have a screw loose. :)

People who don't think religion asks us to deny our natures are wholly ignorant of religious law. There are hundreds of do's and don'ts, not just 10.
God isn't an entity or a being or even a physically identifiable quantity.

Sure He is, Mr. H. Have you not heard that the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us? Ask Sharty. He told us he was a born again Christian on Drifting Sands announcement thread for her new bible study! So surely he knows this scripture. It is found in John Chapter one! :eusa_angel:

Right, Sharty?
The Biblical god expects us to deny our human natures. Refrain from everything fun on the promise that only after we die we'll enjoy those things in the afterlife.

So most of us have boughyt it hook, line, and sinker and deny ourselves pleasure on the promise we'll get to have pleasure after we've died.

Meanwhile the true loving god is either dead and gone, or held incommunicado somewhere.

Things ya thnk about when playing Tetris. AND STONED :)

You forgot a 3rd possibility. There is no god(s).

And what pleasures are you denying yourself? The good book says don't lie, steal, murder, rape, be dishonorable, cheat, be mean. It says to be generous and kind. To turn the other cheek. You don't get to murder or steal or lie when you go to heaven, do you?

Do you mean don't have pre marital sex? You don't have to wait for heaven on that one. Just get married.

Just curious what pleasures you are denying yourself.

I don't deny myself any pleasures, at least not on religious grounds. But religious commandments expect us not to have premarital sex for one. Much of the humanexperience is wrapped up in being able to have sex (or more academically phrased, pass on our genes.) :) Yet many religions expect us not to do as our natures tell us to do. If we obeyed our nature we'd be doing as most every other animal does, being animals ourselves. We'd grab the nearest female and mate with her. When animals do this we don't call it rape though it of course is, so we don't do it. But nor do we (most of us) induldge in every sexual fantasy.

"When you grow up you'll go to college so you can get a high paying job."

We all hear that when children but why? What's a high-paying job good for if not enabling us to pursue recreation. Get the fancy high-end items, attrract adoration from others, and provide us opportunities to have sex. Yet reliigon then says "no no, should only have sex with one other person your entire life." If we accept that then the high-paying job becomes redundant. Living well isn't expensive. And providing for yourself, your spouse, and however many children you make together takes some money, but not so much only affluent people can do it as evidenced by overpopulation in some of the poorest nations on this planet.

But if not for sex, why do much of anything? Is going to a job you only go to because you're being aid a satisfactory end unto itself? Do we enjoy laboring more than we enjoy sex? If you do you have a screw loose. :)

People who don't think religion asks us to deny our natures are wholly ignorant of religious law. There are hundreds of do's and don'ts, not just 10.

Delta, I have a question for you. Was Abraham called before he was circumcised or afterwards?
The Bible indicates that at the time of the OT there were OTHER GODS.

They are not called false gods, pretend gods, imaginary gods, they are called GODS as in Ye shall have no other GODS before me.

So if you believe in the JudeoChristian.Islamic GOD, then you ought to ALSO believe that there must be other GODS, too.

Moses did. As did all the notable figures from the OT.
Something that just occured, curiously while playing Tetris (maybe the spatial relationships/mathematical side of my brain being active freed up the other?) is what if God had been deposed by another god a long time ago?

The Biblical god expects us to deny our human natures. Refrain from everything fun on the promise that only after we die we'll enjoy those things in the afterlife. What if this current god was in fact an evil god that overthrew some older god who was more permissive saying 'if it harm none, do as ye will.' (The Wiccan Rede)

So most of us have boughyt it hook, line, and sinker and deny ourselves pleasure on the promise we'll get to have pleasure after we've died. Meanwhile the current deity laughs its ass off watching people pass up on opportunity after opportunity to enjoy life, die, and then simply cease to exist.

Meanwhile the true loving god is either dead and gone, or held incommunicado somewhere.

Things ya thnk about when playing Tetris. :)

Either you have the free will to do as you think right or you do not. If you do, then pointing to God is an excuse. If you don't, then does it really matter who the puppet master is?

While I find the term puppet master very applicable to Lucifer I can find no correlation for the term whatsoever when addressing God Almighty. Why? Because God Almighty is the antithesis of a puppet master.
You forgot a 3rd possibility. There is no god(s).

And what pleasures are you denying yourself? The good book says don't lie, steal, murder, rape, be dishonorable, cheat, be mean. It says to be generous and kind. To turn the other cheek. You don't get to murder or steal or lie when you go to heaven, do you?

Do you mean don't have pre marital sex? You don't have to wait for heaven on that one. Just get married.

Just curious what pleasures you are denying yourself.

I don't deny myself any pleasures, at least not on religious grounds. But religious commandments expect us not to have premarital sex for one. Much of the humanexperience is wrapped up in being able to have sex (or more academically phrased, pass on our genes.) :) Yet many religions expect us not to do as our natures tell us to do. If we obeyed our nature we'd be doing as most every other animal does, being animals ourselves. We'd grab the nearest female and mate with her. When animals do this we don't call it rape though it of course is, so we don't do it. But nor do we (most of us) induldge in every sexual fantasy.

"When you grow up you'll go to college so you can get a high paying job."

We all hear that when children but why? What's a high-paying job good for if not enabling us to pursue recreation. Get the fancy high-end items, attrract adoration from others, and provide us opportunities to have sex. Yet reliigon then says "no no, should only have sex with one other person your entire life." If we accept that then the high-paying job becomes redundant. Living well isn't expensive. And providing for yourself, your spouse, and however many children you make together takes some money, but not so much only affluent people can do it as evidenced by overpopulation in some of the poorest nations on this planet.

But if not for sex, why do much of anything? Is going to a job you only go to because you're being aid a satisfactory end unto itself? Do we enjoy laboring more than we enjoy sex? If you do you have a screw loose. :)

People who don't think religion asks us to deny our natures are wholly ignorant of religious law. There are hundreds of do's and don'ts, not just 10.

Delta, I have a question for you. Was Abraham called before he was circumcised or afterwards?

Before. Didn't circumcize himself until he was age 99.
I don't deny myself any pleasures, at least not on religious grounds. But religious commandments expect us not to have premarital sex for one. Much of the humanexperience is wrapped up in being able to have sex (or more academically phrased, pass on our genes.) :) Yet many religions expect us not to do as our natures tell us to do. If we obeyed our nature we'd be doing as most every other animal does, being animals ourselves. We'd grab the nearest female and mate with her. When animals do this we don't call it rape though it of course is, so we don't do it. But nor do we (most of us) induldge in every sexual fantasy.

"When you grow up you'll go to college so you can get a high paying job."

We all hear that when children but why? What's a high-paying job good for if not enabling us to pursue recreation. Get the fancy high-end items, attrract adoration from others, and provide us opportunities to have sex. Yet reliigon then says "no no, should only have sex with one other person your entire life." If we accept that then the high-paying job becomes redundant. Living well isn't expensive. And providing for yourself, your spouse, and however many children you make together takes some money, but not so much only affluent people can do it as evidenced by overpopulation in some of the poorest nations on this planet.

But if not for sex, why do much of anything? Is going to a job you only go to because you're being aid a satisfactory end unto itself? Do we enjoy laboring more than we enjoy sex? If you do you have a screw loose. :)

People who don't think religion asks us to deny our natures are wholly ignorant of religious law. There are hundreds of do's and don'ts, not just 10.

Delta, I have a question for you. Was Abraham called before he was circumcised or afterwards?

Before. Didn't circumcize himself until he was age 99.

Then how was Abraham justified? How did Abraham know that God would not require him to sacrifice Isaac?
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How is God a puppet master, Prachettfan?

I didn't say he was, I said if you have no free will then it doesn't matter who is pulling the strings. If you do have free will, then you are responsible and saying it is God's will you do something is just an excuse.

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