What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

Some don't understand the meaning of "impose." No one is forcing HL employees to do anything. HL covers most forms of birth control. The message is that they will only do so much and the rest is up to you. If a woman can't prevent a pregnancy with a choice of 16 birth control options, then she will have to pay for her own morning after pill with her own money. Whaaaa
Remember the so-called ground zero mosque and where the conservative consensus was on that.

Yes, and I remember all the liberals lining up in support, because after all it was just something more to show America isn't that great and that is after all liberal's message.

Hell liberals should be just chanting Allah Akbar all day long.

So you confirm my assertion that people like you wanted to ignore the 1st Amendment when it applied to Muslims,

but would do no such thing if a Christian church were being built anywhere.

typical libtard.....ignoring the elephant in the room.....
Hobby Lobby is imposing a potential financial penalty on their employees based on Hobby Lobby owners' religious belief.

Not providing something to someone at no cost is a financial penalty?

That's retarded.

Learn to read. It's a potential financial penalty to any woman who would have used the insurance she was entitled to, BY LAW.

And that's the real problem. Government has no business telling employers what their employees are 'entitled' to, other than honesty and the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

In 1968, a businessman went to the Supreme Court claiming the right not to serve blacks on the grounds that it was against his religious belief that the races should be separate. It was a sincere religious belief.

He lost 8 to 0.

Now. Either that case, or the Hobby Lobby case, was decided wrongly.

They were both decided wrongly. In both cases, the laws in question were violations of more general freedoms, and should have been struck down.
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Yes, and I remember all the liberals lining up in support, because after all it was just something more to show America isn't that great and that is after all liberal's message.

Hell liberals should be just chanting Allah Akbar all day long.

So you confirm my assertion that people like you wanted to ignore the 1st Amendment when it applied to Muslims,

but would do no such thing if a Christian church were being built anywhere.

typical libtard.....ignoring the elephant in the room.....

No, we clearly see your gigantic and idiotic hypocrisy.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

What the fuck's a "Hobby Lobby," and who gives a shit?
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

What the fuck's a "Hobby Lobby," and who gives a shit?

They're like the Spanish Inquisition. Except, not.
BTW I can't help but point out that Sulu was never the logical one, Spock was.
Will the radical left ever stop whining about the unfairness of living in the greatest most tolerant Country in the world? So the sexual active babes employed by Hobby Lobby and Catholic Charities and Notre Dame and the Salvation Army and Al Jazeera and a thousand independently owned companies might have to purchase their own methods of eliminating the inconvenient unborn. That's their business. It was brilliant and fair decision by the Supreme Court and only bigots and the low information radical left seems to think the fasist administration was screwed.
Let me get this straight.

The government is forcing employers to provide a perq to their employees.

Not only that, the government is dictating exactly what the structure of that perq should be.

And you assholes are saying HOBBY LOBBY is the one forcing its beliefs on people? Really?
Step One: Your employer gives you a paycheck.

Step Two: You buy your own health insurance the same way you buy your own life, auto, and home insurance.

Step Three: Profits!

Problem solved.

What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

People picking their own jobs based on their own choices, WTF? The humanity of it!!!
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

what if hobby lobby proposed not allowing individuals to carry a gun into their stores. you hypocritical liberal douche bags would be supporting their right to chose based on their moral standards to the max. sorry, you can't have it both ways
Remember the so-called ground zero mosque and where the conservative consensus was on that.

Yes, and I remember all the liberals lining up in support, because after all it was just something more to show America isn't that great and that is after all liberal's message.

Hell liberals should be just chanting Allah Akbar all day long.

So you confirm my assertion that people like you wanted to ignore the 1st Amendment when it applied to Muslims,

but would do no such thing if a Christian church were being built anywhere.

Again, ass backwards. It was and is the left that is telling the opposition to the in your face Mosque to shut up. They have a right to worship any which way they so wish, no one is arguing against the Mosque because of religious reasons. It was objected to because of 9/11 and there are just too many radical hostile Muslims in the world.
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Corporations are People now with freedom of speech (the majority of the world's wealth) and freedom of religion (freedom to follow whichever laws they choose to obey).

When people pool their money together, they don't lose their Constitutional rights in the process. That just chafes you to no end, doesn't it?
Let me get this straight.

The government is forcing employers to provide a perq to their employees.

Not only that, the government is dictating exactly what the structure of that perq should be.

And you assholes are saying HOBBY LOBBY is the one forcing its beliefs on people? Really?

Yes. That's exactly what they are saying.

It's Hobby Lobby that's the bad guy. Not them for imposing this stupid law on all of us to begin with.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

what if hobby lobby proposed not allowing individuals to carry a gun into their stores. you hypocritical liberal douche bags would be supporting their right to chose based on their moral standards to the max. sorry, you can't have it both ways

Well, they are liberals, not having it both ways would destroy their ideology.

They're the ones who think that negotiating with Republicans means the Republicans get nothing and they get most of what they want instead of all of it, and if the Republicans don't agree to that then they are being obstructionists. Or if Republicans do it they are still obstructionists for not giving them everything. Or if they do get everything, the Republicans are obstructionists for not agreeing to what they wanted in the first place.
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Let me get this straight.

The government is forcing employers to provide a perq to their employees.

Not only that, the government is dictating exactly what the structure of that perq should be.

And you assholes are saying HOBBY LOBBY is the one forcing its beliefs on people? Really?

Yes. That's exactly what they are saying.

It's Hobby Lobby that's the bad guy. Not them for imposing this stupid law on all of us to begin with.

Hobby Lobby defied the messiah's wishes, they are lucky they are still in business
man·date [man-deyt]
1. a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the electorate to its representative: The president had a clear mandate to end the war.

2. a command from a superior court or official to a lower one.

3. an authoritative order or command: a royal mandate.

4. (in the League of Nations) a commission given to a nation to administer the government and affairs of a former Turkish territory or German colony.

5. a mandated territory or colony.


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