What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Jews aren't nuts, but the Israeli government is stocked with insane war criminals.

You people are going to have to come to the understanding that there are two Americas now- one for the rich (too big to prosecute) and one for everyone else (yourselves). Corporations are people with freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

A corporation can be nothing more than a name on a post office box in the Cayman Islands. How the fuck does a name on a post office box have freedom of religion?

The United States government is fully owned by the oligarchy. All three branches of your government agree that Corporations, not PEOPLE, are the "People" in "We the People". Your government, of, for and by you, the People, has decided in its lust for money and power that the government is going to work for private interests, not the public interest. A government of, for and by the Corporations.


I would want all the war criminals I could get if I had to fight people that slaughter women and children, most recently the Hamas rocket attacks yesterday aimed at a youth camp in Israel.
War criminals are great when you are constantly being attacked by savage animals that are the scum of the earth.

Reagan loved "the scum of the Earth". He provided shoulder-fired missiles to them, guns, money, training. He called them "freedom fighters".

Ronald Reagan is still a right-wing hero. Why is Ronald Reagan a right-wing Conservative Christian hero if it's common knowledge that he sold weapons and provided aid to fanatical Muslim terrorists for basically his entire two terms as US President?
To the OP.

There are muslim businesses that impose muslim practices on their employees. All of their employees are muslims.

Why would a non-muslim want to work for a muslim employer?

Your OP is foolish. Plus you have no idea what the SCOTUS ruling was all about.

Muslim owns a small engine repair shop near me in semi rural Ga.
All of his employees are not Muslim except his wife who also works full time there and son part time.
He closes for all Christian holidays.
Non Muslims want to work there because the Muslim pays them.

Would they work there if he imposed Sharia law on them?
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

All of the weenies crying about the decision would applaud it.
Yeah, comparing apples to cinder blocks is a real gotcha.

Hobby Lobby was able to get the Supreme Court to overturn a federal law based on the claim that the owner's religious belief trumped the law.

Why couldn't Muslims do that?

You have it ass backwards. The SCOTUS ruled that Obama can't create laws that trump strongly held religious beliefs.

In the case of Muslims the government could not pass a law that forces them to transport Alcohol. See how it works?
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How exactly is imposing religious belief onto people in anyway comparable to what the employer covers for healthcare? You guys are so stupid your brain leaks quickly form your ears daily.

Hobby Lobby is imposing a potential financial penalty on their employees based on Hobby Lobby owners' religious belief.
Remember the so-called ground zero mosque and where the conservative consensus was on that.

Yes, and I remember all the liberals lining up in support, because after all it was just something more to show America isn't that great and that is after all liberal's message.

Hell liberals should be just chanting Allah Akbar all day long.
How exactly is imposing religious belief onto people in anyway comparable to what the employer covers for healthcare? You guys are so stupid your brain leaks quickly form your ears daily.

Hobby Lobby is imposing a potential financial penalty on their employees based on Hobby Lobby owners' religious belief.

Not providing something to someone at no cost is a financial penalty?

That's retarded.
Remember the so-called ground zero mosque and where the conservative consensus was on that.

Yes, and I remember all the liberals lining up in support, because after all it was just something more to show America isn't that great and that is after all liberal's message.

Hell liberals should be just chanting Allah Akbar all day long.

So you confirm my assertion that people like you wanted to ignore the 1st Amendment when it applied to Muslims,

but would do no such thing if a Christian church were being built anywhere.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

Hobby lobby does not impose anything, Gertrude...Obabble does.
You realize no one is imposing their religious belief by saying the government cannot force you to act contrary to your religious belief, right?

If i have a business that I want to keep closed on the Sabbath, have i imposed my religion on you if you work for me and I don't have you work on the Sabbath?

If I believe that it's wrong to support certain birth control pills, have i prevented you from purchasing and using them simply because I won't pay for them for you?

Especially when I have never compelled you to work for me to begin with.

The only people who are trying to impose their religious viewpoints on others are you. You are using the government to try to tell Christians they can't live their religion.
To the OP.

There are muslim businesses that impose muslim practices on their employees. All of their employees are muslims.

Why would a non-muslim want to work for a muslim employer?

Your OP is foolish. Plus you have no idea what the SCOTUS ruling was all about.

Muslim owns a small engine repair shop near me in semi rural Ga.
All of his employees are not Muslim except his wife who also works full time there and son part time.
He closes for all Christian holidays.
Non Muslims want to work there because the Muslim pays them.

How would them non Muslim employees feel if he made them fast during Ramadan...probably be pissed off.

fasting is only during daylight hours, after dark they can eat, drink, screw, party, etc.
Muslim owns a small engine repair shop near me in semi rural Ga.
All of his employees are not Muslim except his wife who also works full time there and son part time.
He closes for all Christian holidays.
Non Muslims want to work there because the Muslim pays them.

How would them non Muslim employees feel if he made them fast during Ramadan...probably be pissed off.

fasting is only during daylight hours, after dark they can eat, drink, screw, party, etc.

Not to mention, nobody's forcing anybody to do anything. Hobby Lobby employees can do whatever they want, including having all the abortions they desire. These left-wingers are borderline retarded.
Amazing the tortuous logic that Liberals will use to get their views mandated.

Neither accessibility nor availability of any product was denied.

What's the beef?

Hobby Lobby attacked the pocketbook that protects women's vaginas. That's the best I can come up with. :lol:

I just want you to know that I had a comment.....that I had to self-censor.
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You realize no one is imposing their religious belief by saying the government cannot force you to act contrary to your religious belief, right?

No. This is what they don't get. More importantly, what they don't get is the radical difference between an employer imposing something on an employee, and government imposing something on individuals - employers or otherwise. Simply put, employers can't force anything on you. They can only offer to pay you if you comply. They can't arrest you or put you in jail if you don't abide by their wishes. They can only fire you.
how exactly is imposing religious belief onto people in anyway comparable to what the employer covers for healthcare? You guys are so stupid your brain leaks quickly form your ears daily.

did you not read the quote in the piece?

It was very specific about which med scientologists and hindus wouldn't have to cover.

Fuck, people, read or don't post in my thread.
Your fallacy is in the analogy. In the HL case, the government was precluded from forcing a privately held company to provide specific forms of BENEFITS that are available in many other forms that the company is willing to provide (and has been doing for years). The imposition of Sharia Law is in no way comparable to this.

Apples and cinder blocks!

You libs are just pissed that your boy king ordered something that was clearly unconstitutional...and he got spanked for it.
How exactly is imposing religious belief onto people in anyway comparable to what the employer covers for healthcare? You guys are so stupid your brain leaks quickly form your ears daily.

Hobby Lobby is imposing a potential financial penalty on their employees based on Hobby Lobby owners' religious belief.

Not providing something to someone at no cost is a financial penalty?

That's retarded.

Learn to read. It's a potential financial penalty to any woman who would have used the insurance she was entitled to, BY LAW.

Other women working at comparable businesses without an employer who objects to the LAW will not be penalized.

That effectively has allowed Hobby Lobby to impose their religious view on their employees,

which is not what the 1st amendment is designed to do.

In 1968, a businessman went to the Supreme Court claiming the right not to serve blacks on the grounds that it was against his religious belief that the races should be separate. It was a sincere religious belief.

He lost 8 to 0.

Now. Either that case, or the Hobby Lobby case, was decided wrongly. They can't both be right because they both make what amounts to the same claim for the same reasons.

So which one was right?

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