What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Your boss is not your doctor. Your boss is not your spiritual advisor. This whole notion of employer-provided medical insurance is nuts. It is a relic of WWII and the Kaiser shipyards. Get rid of it! Learn from Canada. Wise up!

Group health insurance paid for by a 3rd party has ruined American health care.
Medical industry runs the tab up on it and the administrative costs alone with the commissions on the insurance total more than 20% of the cost out the gate.
ACA is just more of the same with more government.
God help us. ACA is the least thought out government mandate I have ever seen.

I saw a bill for a hospital stay. It said on the bill the stay cost 131,000 dollars. The insurance company/Medicare paid about 33000. These are the games they play. Charging 131 thousand knowing that Medicare will only pay a percentage, so jack the cost up, what a system.
You have to understand something OP that you missed.

Christianity and its beliefs are right and good DUH!!
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

The individual people have a right to refuse those services because of their religious views.
This is a non issue.
This is about saving life not killing life.
What Ginsberg said is about killing people with life saving medical procedures.

The left are all upset about a Corporation using their bill that they passed in 1993. The Freedom of Religion Act.
How dare individually owned family businesses have any 1st amendment rights.
Never mind that the Left passed a Bill (AHA) that violates their right that they had to begin with.
The Left need to learn that there are certain things that they can not do because of our Constitution and they need to stop violating it.
The left is always about force from the Government and not about freedom from the Government.

The women who work at Hobby Lobby have not had their rights violated.
They are still able to get those 4 types contraceptions. Just like they did before the AHA.
Sulu hates religion.

His problem is with God.

He spends his life feeling everyone hates him because he's gay. Not just gay, but flaming.

Hypocrisy is rampant on the left. They attack people that just want to worship God without religious persecution and liberals hate them for it. Yet liberals support Muslims, who would put every one of them to the sword if given the opportunity.

It just makes no sense, which is what liberalism is. Senseless.

Ad Hominem, Red Herring and non sequitur ^^^. All in one post.
How about the wild idea of realizing that God is nowhere near a Hobby Lobby box store? Then it doesn't matter what "religion" the business is because it's a fucking business, not a church.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

If it was, you would not see a 5-4 Supreme Court defending their rights

I agree, then it would be a 9-0 vote because the liberal judges, having no principles would flop over to agree.
God doesn't care about your business. God doesn't care about your country. God doesn't care about you. God doesn't even exist.

"You cannot serve both God and money." - Jesus H. Christ
Certainly you are pushing the point that the collective knows best for the rest of the country.

To answer you question, here is what would happen:

Obama Inc. Sues Trucking Company for Firing Muslim Drivers Who Refused to Deliver Alcohol

The trucking company is firing employees who refuse to do the job for which they were hired. obama says the employees have the religious freedom to refuse to drive with cargo composed of alcohol. Suppose it was a muslim owned trucking company that refused to accept cargo of alcohol on their trucks. Christian drivers don't care whether they drive with alcohol on the trucks.

This is really an indication of just how schizophrenic the obama regime is. They aren't upholding the rights of muslim cab drivers to refuse passengers who have alcohol.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

If this was a Muslim run company, it would be exactly the same. Religious freedom is religious freedom. Hiring employees would be more difficult for them, however, they are free to run a business as they wish and you are free to shop or not to shop there.

Funny how freedom works, sad how the left wants to take it away.
What if it was alleged that Marines flushed a copy of the Koran down the toilet in Gitmo? Would that be a gross affront to the religious freedom of freaking terrorists? Oh yeah I almost forgot the radical left really did go nuts over the unfounded rumor.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

If it was, you would not see a 5-4 Supreme Court defending their rights

I agree, then it would be a 9-0 vote because the liberal judges, having no principles would flop over to agree.

Yes it should have been 9-0.
It isn't about principles it's about our Constitution.
Ideology should never be in the supreme court, just like it should never be at the IRS.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

There are no Muslims on the Supreme Court...the mostly Catholic SCOTUS would have ruled differently even if Hobby Lobby, with the same argument, would have been a Muslim business and not a "christian" one, IMHO.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

There are no Muslims on the Supreme Court...the mostly Catholic SCOTUS would have ruled differently even if Hobby Lobby, with the same argument, would have been a Muslim business and not a "christian" one, IMHO.

Maybe Obama will get a chance to appoint one but for now we will just have to suffer.
To the OP.

There are muslim businesses that impose muslim practices on their employees. All of their employees are muslims.

Why would a non-muslim want to work for a muslim employer?

Your OP is foolish. Plus you have no idea what the SCOTUS ruling was all about.

Muslim owns a small engine repair shop near me in semi rural Ga.
All of his employees are not Muslim except his wife who also works full time there and son part time.
He closes for all Christian holidays.
Non Muslims want to work there because the Muslim pays them.

Great, whats your point? I was responding to a post that claimed that a muslim employer would impose muslim religious doctrine on its employees
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

Then only Muslims would work there.

Simple, like your thinking, idiot.
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

Former Star Trek actor George Takei blasted Monday’s decision by the Supreme Court allowing the craft store Hobby Lobby to opt out of the contraceptive mandate of the Affordable Care Act.

In a post on the website for his new play, Allegiance, the openly gay Takei called Monday’s decision “a stunning setback for women’s reproductive rights.”

“The ruling elevates the rights of a FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION over those of its women employees and opens the door to all manner of claims that a company can refuse services based on its owner’s religion,” Takei wrote.

He referred to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s blistering 35-page dissent to the decision, saying, “Think about the ramifications: As Justice Ginsberg’s stinging dissent pointed out, companies run by Scientologists could refuse to cover antidepressants, and those run by Jews or Hindus could refuse to cover medications derived from pigs (such as many anesthetics, intravenous fluids, or medications coated in gelatin).”

“(O)ne wonders,” he said, “whether the case would have come out differently if a Muslim-run chain business attempted to impose Sharia law on its employees.”


Sulu corners the far-right tea brains with LOGIC!!

Then only Muslims would work there.

Simple, like your thinking, idiot.

FAIL #100

You far-rightie tea brains can't read.

by your lame logic only Christians who can't get laid work at hobby lobby
What if Hobby Lobby was run by Muslims imposing Sharia law on workers?

There are no Muslims on the Supreme Court...the mostly Catholic SCOTUS would have ruled differently even if Hobby Lobby, with the same argument, would have been a Muslim business and not a "christian" one, IMHO.

Maybe Obama will get a chance to appoint one but for now we will just have to suffer.

That would be okay, I guess. It might make it slightly more representative of the United States in that case anyway, but a Protestant would be better. It isn't now, representative of the US I mean. 23% of the country is Catholic and 1.7% of the country Jewish and yet 6 out of the nine justices are Catholic and 3 are Jewish?

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