What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote

No I get it, you think the "UN" is a word that magically turns your bs into divine revelation.
And when facts don't fit we jump to discussing Syria.

Where are you taking dance lessons?

See , when you are asked to put up or shut up you just carry on regardless.

You claimed my link actually refuted what I claimed. It didn't and when I asked you to show evidence you chose to double down on that dishonesty

Additioally I used the words of Moshe Dayan to support my claim , which was just a repeat of his claim , and you dishonestly decide to make out that I just used the UN

The use of Syria was legitimate because it was actually YOUR introduction when you decided to cite " Arab govts" Note that means the relevant Arab governments involved in the armistice agreements which would include ? Syria

If I ever decide to take up the dancing lessons I will be sure to find out where you have been getting yours , it seems like the best dance school around

I wasn't the one who brought up the Suez crisis.
A link that led to Fadayeen attacks committing exactly those violations of armistice agreements.

And you've been dancing around ever since...
All Joe has is conspiracy theories. Another Jew hater who can;t handle the truth.

Um, again, you spelled "History" wrong. The reality- Most of the world hates the Zionist Entity now.

This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.
This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.

It's funny to watch any criticism of the Zionist Entity be dismissed as "Jew Hating".

I hate the people who do this...

All Joe has is conspiracy theories. Another Jew hater who can;t handle the truth.

Um, again, you spelled "History" wrong. The reality- Most of the world hates the Zionist Entity now.

This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.

Why do you even bother to acknowledge this kind of individual?
This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.

It's funny to watch any criticism of the Zionist Entity be dismissed as "Jew Hating".

I hate the people who do this...

View attachment 304412

So, you’re reduced to your usual, pointless Zionist Entity™️ slogan and now undated, unsourced images.

I understand you hate, you hate yourself and you hate your miserable existence.

Grab your Koran, a few more slogans and do a gee-had somewhere. Really, you’ll feel better about yourself.
All Joe has is conspiracy theories. Another Jew hater who can;t handle the truth.

Um, again, you spelled "History" wrong. The reality- Most of the world hates the Zionist Entity now.

This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.

Why do you even bother to acknowledge this kind of individual?

Just a gentle nudge and he’ll humiliate himself on a public forum.
All Joe has is conspiracy theories. Another Jew hater who can;t handle the truth.

Um, again, you spelled "History" wrong. The reality- Most of the world hates the Zionist Entity now.

This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.

The bottom line.

It comes down to this:

Hatred of Jews

by Ali Salim

We Muslims the mistake of thinking Europeans really care about us, especially the Palestinians. We are wrong. Europeans simply hate the Jews more than they hate and fear us. The bitter truth is that Europeans usually intervene in a crisis only if it gives them an opportunity for Jew-bashing. It does not even mention Syria, or the rapes of women and children, and the beheadings, to say nothing of exploitation, discrimination, slavery, and other crimes against humanity.
  • No matter how hard or how often we Muslims try, we are never able finally to end the connection our lives seem to have with the lives of the Jews. Watching Arab and Islamic television, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, brings the viewer to the inescapable conclusion that we have no real lives of our own, no unity and no value: our only motivation is having the Jews as a common enemy, with our lives dependent on them. We treat the Jews the way the rabid Christian anti-Semites treated them in the Middle Ages, blaming them for every illness, tragedy and misfortune. We blame them for the failures of Islam while only we are at fault for the catastrophes that befall us.

Almost no Ramadan evening goes by without tedious "historical" dramas on Al-Jazeera and the other Arab TV channels, whose objective is to brainwash viewers with anti-Semitic propaganda. They deal with the Jews' denial of the Prophet Muhammad's message, Jewish attempts to poison him and their betrayal of him at the Battle of the Trench in Al-Medina. Almost all the series' end on the same note: the message is always that the fate of the Jews in the Palestine they stole from the Arabs will be the same as that Muhammad wreaked on them at Khybar, they will be slaughtered and their women and children will be sold into slavery.

Read more.

Hatred of Jews
  • What the Arab citizens of Israel need now is to elect new leaders who will promote coexistence between Arabs and Jews in Israel, and not engage in anti-Israel rhetoric and actions.

  • Some of the leaders of the Arab citizens of Israel, particularly a number of Knesset members, have been acting against the interests of their constituents. It is almost as if these purported leaders represent the PA and Hamas instead of the Arab Israelis who voted for them with the hope that they would work to solve problems confronting their communities, such as unemployment.

  • The Arab citizens of Israel need real leaders who properly represent them in the Knesset and build -- not destroy -- bridges with Jews. Let the protests on the streets of Arab Israeli communities against becoming part of a Palestinian state serve as a fair warning to Israeli Arab leaders: stand by your people, or get out of the way.

The Real Reason Arabs in Israel Do Not Want to Live in 'Palestine'
Why not?

A two state solution, as originally envisioned, is in a zombie state of perpetual propping up by diplomats. It's support has drastically waned among both Palestinians and Israelis.

With a one state solution (Israel + West Bank) - assuming a scenario where ALL residents are offered the opportunity of citizenship up front, the plus side for Palestinians would be the potential of better representation, political stability, assumption of rights guaranteed by citizenship and funding for infrastructure, education, etc. that is in perpetual shortage with their Palestinian leadership.

Here's what happens if Israel annexes the West Bank and lets Palestinians vote
Are you familiar with the cause of the downfall of Rome by any chance?

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