What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote

All Joe has is conspiracy theories. Another Jew hater who can;t handle the truth.

Um, again, you spelled "History" wrong. The reality- Most of the world hates the Zionist Entity now.

This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.

Why do you even bother to acknowledge this kind of individual?
I ask myself the same question
So, you’re reduced to your usual, pointless Zionist Entity™️ slogan and now undated, unsourced images.

I understand you hate, you hate yourself and you hate your miserable existence.

Grab your Koran, a few more slogans and do a gee-had somewhere. Really, you’ll feel better about yourself.

Honey, pretending your Imaginary Sky Fairy is better than their Imaginary Sky Fairy is so cute.

Almost no Ramadan evening goes by without tedious "historical" dramas on Al-Jazeera and the other Arab TV channels, whose objective is to brainwash viewers with anti-Semitic propaganda. They deal with the Jews' denial of the Prophet Muhammad's message, Jewish attempts to poison him and their betrayal of him at the Battle of the Trench in Al-Medina. Almost all the series' end on the same note: the message is always that the fate of the Jews in the Palestine they stole from the Arabs will be the same as that Muhammad wreaked on them at Khybar, they will be slaughtered and their women and children will be sold into slavery.

I'm always curious about this use of the term "Anti-Semite". The Palestinians are a Semitic people, probably more than the Jews are, who've been cross-breading with Europeans for centuries.

You see, I remember this snuff film called "The Passion of the Christ", where the Jews were demonized as the people who killed Jesus. Then the producer was caught in an anti-Jewish rant after being pulled over for a DUI.

That was out of line.

The Palestinians complaining about getting their land stolen, not so much.
So, you’re reduced to your usual, pointless Zionist Entity™️ slogan and now undated, unsourced images.

I understand you hate, you hate yourself and you hate your miserable existence.

Grab your Koran, a few more slogans and do a gee-had somewhere. Really, you’ll feel better about yourself.

Honey, pretending your Imaginary Sky Fairy is better than their Imaginary Sky Fairy is so cute.

Almost no Ramadan evening goes by without tedious "historical" dramas on Al-Jazeera and the other Arab TV channels, whose objective is to brainwash viewers with anti-Semitic propaganda. They deal with the Jews' denial of the Prophet Muhammad's message, Jewish attempts to poison him and their betrayal of him at the Battle of the Trench in Al-Medina. Almost all the series' end on the same note: the message is always that the fate of the Jews in the Palestine they stole from the Arabs will be the same as that Muhammad wreaked on them at Khybar, they will be slaughtered and their women and children will be sold into slavery.

I'm always curious about this use of the term "Anti-Semite". The Palestinians are a Semitic people, probably more than the Jews are, who've been cross-breading with Europeans for centuries.

You see, I remember this snuff film called "The Passion of the Christ", where the Jews were demonized as the people who killed Jesus. Then the producer was caught in an anti-Jewish rant after being pulled over for a DUI.

That was out of line.

The Palestinians complaining about getting their land stolen, not so much.

Your continued use of pointless, cut and paste slogans does nothing to support your baseless claims.

You’re never able to support your stolen land™️ meme. It seems you have the same tired slogans saved as a Microsoft Word document and you cut cut and paste that document across multiple threads.
Your continued use of pointless, cut and paste slogans does nothing to support your baseless claims.

You’re never able to support your stolen land™️ meme. It seems you have the same tired slogans saved as a Microsoft Word document and you cut cut and paste that document across multiple threads.

Naw, being unable to argue a point is your issue.

Palestine was not vacant when the Zionists started showing up. There were people there who had lived their for centuries.

"A Land without a People for a People Without a Land" has always been a lie.
Your continued use of pointless, cut and paste slogans does nothing to support your baseless claims.

You’re never able to support your stolen land™️ meme. It seems you have the same tired slogans saved as a Microsoft Word document and you cut cut and paste that document across multiple threads.

Naw, being unable to argue a point is your issue.

Palestine was not vacant when the Zionists started showing up. There were people there who had lived their for centuries.

"A Land without a People for a People Without a Land" has always been a lie.
You might want to take your thread spam elsewhere as this thread is not about your pointless slogans.
Your continued use of pointless, cut and paste slogans does nothing to support your baseless claims.

You’re never able to support your stolen land™️ meme. It seems you have the same tired slogans saved as a Microsoft Word document and you cut cut and paste that document across multiple threads.

Naw, being unable to argue a point is your issue.

Palestine was not vacant when the Zionists started showing up. There were people there who had lived their for centuries.

"A Land without a People for a People Without a Land" has always been a lie.
You might want to take your thread spam elsewhere as this thread is not about your pointless slogans.

He's not talking about anything.
Your continued use of pointless, cut and paste slogans does nothing to support your baseless claims.

You’re never able to support your stolen land™️ meme. It seems you have the same tired slogans saved as a Microsoft Word document and you cut cut and paste that document across multiple threads.

Naw, being unable to argue a point is your issue.

Palestine was not vacant when the Zionists started showing up. There were people there who had lived their for centuries.

"A Land without a People for a People Without a Land" has always been a lie.

That's a myth. Most of those Arabs have not lived there for centuries, and they are not descendants of the ancient Canaanites. A document from the 1920's says that most of them were nomads from Arabia. In the 1800's, Mark Twain described the place as an empty wasteland, after visiting there. Many of those Arabs came after the Zionists opened new employment opportunities, and after they had drained the swamps. Churchill also wrote that there had been a recent influx of Arab immigrants. Arabs are from Arabia, and Jews are from Judea.
Why not?

A two state solution, as originally envisioned, is in a zombie state of perpetual propping up by diplomats. It's support has drastically waned among both Palestinians and Israelis.

With a one state solution (Israel + West Bank) - assuming a scenario where ALL residents are offered the opportunity of citizenship up front, the plus side for Palestinians would be the potential of better representation, political stability, assumption of rights guaranteed by citizenship and funding for infrastructure, education, etc. that is in perpetual shortage with their Palestinian leadership.
In theory this idea could work (maybe...) but there's a problem: the State of Palestine.
138 UN members recognize it and that State itself is a non member observer state in the UN
Annexation could be problematic... :eusa_think:
Also many Palestinian politicians wouldn't be happy if their State disappeared :dunno:
RE: What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote
⁜→ ForeverYoung436, JoeB131, Hollie, et al,

What difference does it make. The stage was set for the establishment of a Jewish National Home by the authority of the Allied Powers on the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. It had nothing to do with population density in the region. The initial spark for the decisions which were to follow the Great War (World War I) was the arrangements agreed upon in the Syke-Picot Agreement (1916). This was well before the Armistice of Mudros (concluded - 30 October 1918); which ended the hostilities with the Ottoman Empire.

You’re never able to support your stolen land™️ meme..
Palestine was not vacant when the Zionists started showing up.
That's a myth.

The key to take away here is that the decisions were made, as was customary in those days, between the parties in conflict. They were not made in consideration of which people were habitual residents, or upon who was considered an immigrant. It was not based on any particular ratio (ie Arab:Jew).

As for "stolen land " → the Arab Palestinian has no claim in terms of territorial integrity or sovereignty on the conclusion of the war in 1918 (private property being an entirely different matter). The Ottoman Empire relinquished the title to the territory by direct assignment to the Allied Powers by Treaty. Consider: It has been the "customary" protocol to adhere to the historical principles established and the decisions made by the world leaders; especially decision more than a hundred years old.

Most Respectfully,
RE: What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote
⁜→ ForeverYoung436, JoeB131, Hollie, et al,

What difference does it make. The stage was set for the establishment of a Jewish National Home by the authority of the Allied Powers on the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. It had nothing to do with population density in the region. The initial spark for the decisions which were to follow the Great War (World War I) was the arrangements agreed upon in the Syke-Picot Agreement (1916). This was well before the Armistice of Mudros (concluded - 30 October 1918); which ended the hostilities with the Ottoman Empire.

You’re never able to support your stolen land™️ meme..
Palestine was not vacant when the Zionists started showing up.
That's a myth.

The key to take away here is that the decisions were made, as was customary in those days, between the parties in conflict. They were not made in consideration of which people were habitual residents, or upon who was considered an immigrant. It was not based on any particular ratio (ie Arab:Jew).

As for "stolen land " → the Arab Palestinian has no claim in terms of territorial integrity or sovereignty on the conclusion of the war in 1918 (private property being an entirely different matter). The Ottoman Empire relinquished the title to the territory by direct assignment to the Allied Powers by Treaty. Consider: It has been the "customary" protocol to adhere to the historical principles established and the decisions made by the world leaders; especially decision more than a hundred years old.

Most Respectfully,

"The Ottoman Empire relinquished the title to the territory by direct assignment to the Allied Powers by Treaty. Consider: It has been the "customary" protocol to adhere to the historical principles established and the decisions made by the world leaders; especially decision more than a hundred years old"

The above really speaks to the heart of the matter. In thread after thread, there are those tender souls who refuse to accept the events, circumstances and principles of the past and endlessly drive around the Cul-de-sac of their need to re-write history.

There is for some, an inability to accept the past and so they allow their hurt feelings to poison their day to day existence.
This is the first I’ve heard that you speak on behalf of most of the world.

Such a weighty burden you bear.

It’s funny when the rabid Jooooo haters retreat to their silly
Zionist Entity™️ slogans.

It's funny to watch any criticism of the Zionist Entity be dismissed as "Jew Hating".

I hate the people who do this...

View attachment 304412

So, you’re reduced to your usual, pointless Zionist Entity™️ slogan and now undated, unsourced images.

I understand you hate, you hate yourself and you hate your miserable existence.

Grab your Koran, a few more slogans and do a gee-had somewhere. Really, you’ll feel better about yourself.

We're on the same side, but this guy got you later when he revealed that he was an atheist. So if you want to represent us and do a good job of it, you should know that anti-Semitic scum come in all denominations--Muslim, Christian, atheist, etc. I think the book Mein Kampf even gets sold in China.
RE: What if Israel Annexes the West Bank and Lets Palestinians Vote
⁜→ Coyote, et al,

Let's look at this Question of Palestine...

Why not?
A two state solution, as originally envisioned, is in a zombie state of perpetual propping up by diplomats. It's support has drastically waned among both Palestinians and Israelis.

"As originally envisioned," the concept of creating a Jewish and Arab state in the territory formerly under the British Mandate of Palestine, comes in the Peel Commission Report of 1937. I think you are on the money. It was rejected (not just "waned") almost immediately.

With a one state solution (Israel + West Bank) - assuming a scenario where ALL residents are offered the opportunity of citizenship up front, the plus side for Palestinians would be the potential of better representation, political stability, assumption of rights guaranteed by citizenship and funding for infrastructure, education, etc. that is in perpetual shortage with their Palestinian leadership.

Yes, that is consistent with the customary practice at the time. In fact, offering citizenship was expected.

However, the Arab Palestinians rejected all invitations for nation building. And the steadfast adherence to the "All or Nothing" policy, is the beginning of the funeral procession of the Arab Sovereignty in the Question of Palestine today. The factors that cause the conflict to be prolonged this long (seven decades +) can be directly tied to the Arab Palestinian "All or Nothing Policy."

In theory this idea could work (maybe...) but there's a problem: the State of Palestine.
138 UN members recognize it and that State itself is a non member observer state in the UN
Annexation could be problematic... :eusa_think:
Also many Palestinian politicians wouldn't be happy if their State disappeared

Again, recognition is NOT the same as having a functionally present state.

Article 3
Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States
UiO UiO The Faculty of Law

The political existence of the state is independent of recognition by the other states. Even before recognition the state has the right to defend its integrity and independence, to provide for its conservation and prosperity, and consequently to organize itself as it sees fit, to legislate upon its interests, administer its services, and to define the jurisdiction and competence of its courts. The exercise of these rights has no other limitation than the exercise of the rights of other states according to international law.​

What the 138 UN members recognize is interesting, but irrelevant. A "state" is self evident. If you have a territory that looks like a state, acts like a state, and performs the functions of a "state."

◈ Does the Arab Palestinian leadership maintain the infrastructure to provide for the public order and safety of the citizenry?

◈ Does the Arab Palestinian leadership actually provide for the protection of support for a given territorial sovereignty?

◈ Does the Arab Palestinian leadership set the conditions for economic growth and material prosperity?

◈ Does the Arab Palestinian leadership set the direction and distribute the fruits of prosperity?

◈ Public goods are resources that Arab Palestinian leadership play a crucial role in providing.​

It must not only look like a duck (recognition), but it must act like a duck (performs functionally). And it is that part acting like a "state" that there is trouble. The State of Palestine (whatever you recognize that to be) does not act like a government. It cannot even come close to being able to stand on its own.

Most Respectfully,


  • Peel Commission Partition Plan, July 1937.png
    Peel Commission Partition Plan, July 1937.png
    217.8 KB · Views: 31

Corazón de melón, de melón, melón, melón, melón, melón...CHA, CHA, CHA... Corazón!!!!

The music "Corazón de Melón" is pure garbage (don't even bother watching de video) but our new member is fine.

Do you speak spanish or just Tagalog and English, Corazón?

I think nobody speaks this language in the Philippines anymore...

Corazón de melón, de melón, melón, melón, melón, melón...CHA, CHA, CHA... Corazón!!!!

The music "Corazón de Melón" is pure garbage (don't even bother watching de video) but our new member is fine.

Do you speak spanish or just Tagalog and English, Corazón?

I think nobody speaks this language in the Philippines anymore...

Corazon the Melon...lol this could have been my nickname here :biggrin:
A friend of mine took the picture I'm using here as my avatar...he said it was "artistic" :laugh:
With my family, friends et al I speak Filipino here. Filipino is our national language.
We also speak Tagalog which is some kind of "regional language" similar to Filipino :)
I've studied Spanish and I love it (but I'm not very fluent in Spanish :()
My English...well as you can see José is awful...:shok:

You might want to take your thread spam elsewhere as this thread is not about your pointless slogans.

You might want to actually try answering a point...

The Palestinians lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. It was their land.

Then the Zionists started showing up from Europe and stole it.

What difference does it make. The stage was set for the establishment of a Jewish National Home by the authority of the Allied Powers on the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. It had nothing to do with population density in the region. The initial spark for the decisions which were to follow the Great War (World War I) was the arrangements agreed upon in the Syke-Picot Agreement (1916). This was well before the Armistice of Mudros (concluded - 30 October 1918); which ended the hostilities with the Ottoman Empire.

Again, what gave the allied powers the right to give away someone else's land?

So let's be honest, this was about a land grab by the British and French, using the Zionists as proxies to extend their imperial reach.

As for "stolen land " → the Arab Palestinian has no claim in terms of territorial integrity or sovereignty on the conclusion of the war in 1918 (private property being an entirely different matter). The Ottoman Empire relinquished the title to the territory by direct assignment to the Allied Powers by Treaty. Consider: It has been the "customary" protocol to adhere to the historical principles established and the decisions made by the world leaders; especially decision more than a hundred years old.

Here's the problem with that argument. One of the Fourteen Points the Allies agreed to was "Self-Determination" of nations after the war. Meaning that they were to encourage the national aspirations of Czechs, Poles, etc. in forming their own nations. In short, if the Allies were standing up for their own principles - or at least principles they adopted to rationalize the war after millions of people had died for nothing - then they should have recognized the rights of Arabs to self-determination.

But this was yet another case of "Silly Darkies, Rights are for White People". The Czechs get self-determination... but you Arabs, or you "wogs" living in Germany Colonies in Africa, then dammit, we're taking your land and setting up our own colonies. And we certainly don't want people living in British or French Colonies to get some silly idea that THEY get self-determination.

So, yes, the British STOLE Palestine, and used the Zionists as proxies to do so.
You might want to take your thread spam elsewhere as this thread is not about your pointless slogans.

You might want to actually try answering a point...

The Palestinians lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. It was their land.

Then the Zionists started showing up from Europe and stole it.

What difference does it make. The stage was set for the establishment of a Jewish National Home by the authority of the Allied Powers on the defeat of the Ottoman Empire. It had nothing to do with population density in the region. The initial spark for the decisions which were to follow the Great War (World War I) was the arrangements agreed upon in the Syke-Picot Agreement (1916). This was well before the Armistice of Mudros (concluded - 30 October 1918); which ended the hostilities with the Ottoman Empire.

Again, what gave the allied powers the right to give away someone else's land?

So let's be honest, this was about a land grab by the British and French, using the Zionists as proxies to extend their imperial reach.

As for "stolen land " → the Arab Palestinian has no claim in terms of territorial integrity or sovereignty on the conclusion of the war in 1918 (private property being an entirely different matter). The Ottoman Empire relinquished the title to the territory by direct assignment to the Allied Powers by Treaty. Consider: It has been the "customary" protocol to adhere to the historical principles established and the decisions made by the world leaders; especially decision more than a hundred years old.

Here's the problem with that argument. One of the Fourteen Points the Allies agreed to was "Self-Determination" of nations after the war. Meaning that they were to encourage the national aspirations of Czechs, Poles, etc. in forming their own nations. In short, if the Allies were standing up for their own principles - or at least principles they adopted to rationalize the war after millions of people had died for nothing - then they should have recognized the rights of Arabs to self-determination.

But this was yet another case of "Silly Darkies, Rights are for White People". The Czechs get self-determination... but you Arabs, or you "wogs" living in Germany Colonies in Africa, then dammit, we're taking your land and setting up our own colonies. And we certainly don't want people living in British or French Colonies to get some silly idea that THEY get self-determination.

So, yes, the British STOLE Palestine, and used the Zionists as proxies to do so.

Sounds like a comic strip.
The above really speaks to the heart of the matter. In thread after thread, there are those tender souls who refuse to accept the events, circumstances and principles of the past and endlessly drive around the Cul-de-sac of their need to re-write history.

There is for some, an inability to accept the past and so they allow their hurt feelings to poison their day to day existence.

no, we just recognize the immoral racism of imperialism.

Sounds like a comic strip.

Sounds like you are avoiding the issue, but that's fine. If what the Zionists are doing is okay, what the Nazis did was okay.

You can't have it both ways.
^ Palestinians lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. It was their land.

Yeah. Jews.
The above really speaks to the heart of the matter. In thread after thread, there are those tender souls who refuse to accept the events, circumstances and principles of the past and endlessly drive around the Cul-de-sac of their need to re-write history.

There is for some, an inability to accept the past and so they allow their hurt feelings to poison their day to day existence.

no, we just recognize the immoral racism of imperialism.

Sounds like a comic strip.

Sounds like you are avoiding the issue, but that's fine. If what the Zionists are doing is okay, what the Nazis did was okay.

You can't have it both ways.

What issue?

Seems you're setting the premise, and demanding others adhere to it.

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