What if she didn't have a gun?

Don't take my word for it. Look up the definition for yourself. I've posted it several times but you're not bright enough or honest enough to acknowledge it.

I've explained how it fits your definition. Don't taken word on it, see the rest of the world.

you mean the rest of the world who have not been able to reduce gun violence with restrictive laws at a higher rate than the USA has been able to with limited laws and mushrooming gun sales

Many countries have reduced gun violence drastically with restrictive laws.
I've explained how it fits your definition. Don't taken word on it, see the rest of the world.

you mean the rest of the world who have not been able to reduce gun violence with restrictive laws at a higher rate than the USA has been able to with limited laws and mushrooming gun sales

Many countries have reduced gun violence drastically with restrictive laws.

not any faster than the rate has dropped in the USA without restrictive laws.
Really? There isn't? So they don't run your driving record?

When you buy a car?

Uh no, they sure don't.

They don't prevent you from getting one if you owe back child support?

Car dealers are checking child support?


Holy fuck but you're stupid, Luissa...

Apples and cat shit...

Compare getting a drivers license to a concealed carry permit - since that is the equivalent authorization to use the product in public.

Plus there is the fact you have to be trained, take a written and drive test, renew your license every few years, take an eye exam, carry photo ID, hold insurance. You actually have to go through a lot more to operate a vehicle.... And they have roughly the same amount of deaths.

All bullshit.

You have to take an exam, true enough - but no one cares about training. Oh, and all of this is true for concealed carry as well.

You don't need a license to buy a car - no one gives a shit. You simply may not use it in public without a license.

How about you get your head out of your ass, and use your brain a little.

Licenses your gun and get a back ground check, and get over it.

Shit! I have to do more along with a background check every year just to do my job, Well with the state, every two years with my employer, and I was finger printed. You can get one back ground check when you buy your gun. Get over it! Plus about 90% of population agrees.

What's sad is that you actually think these talking points from KOS or ThinkProgress are clever.

But then, you're not a leftist because you're particularly bright, now are you?

A. We are talking about a drivers license, moron. Are you really that stupid?
B. I do not read KOS or Think Progress.

You assume so much and know very little. Of Course you have to follow me around, which is quite hilarious.

I do love how you changed what I said, because you are too stupid to get the point. Of course you have assumed I am anti gun in past, without asking of course.
Go away Uncensored, you are drunk,

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
And I am liberal, but hey call me far left again, you will keep looking stupid.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Really? There isn't? So they don't run your driving record?

When you buy a car?

Uh no, they sure don't.

They don't prevent you from getting one if you owe back child support?

Car dealers are checking child support?


Holy fuck but you're stupid, Luissa...

Apples and cat shit...

Compare getting a drivers license to a concealed carry permit - since that is the equivalent authorization to use the product in public.

Plus there is the fact you have to be trained, take a written and drive test, renew your license every few years, take an eye exam, carry photo ID, hold insurance. You actually have to go through a lot more to operate a vehicle.... And they have roughly the same amount of deaths.

All bullshit.

You have to take an exam, true enough - but no one cares about training. Oh, and all of this is true for concealed carry as well.

You don't need a license to buy a car - no one gives a shit. You simply may not use it in public without a license.

How about you get your head out of your ass, and use your brain a little.

Licenses your gun and get a back ground check, and get over it.

Shit! I have to do more along with a background check every year just to do my job, Well with the state, every two years with my employer, and I was finger printed. You can get one back ground check when you buy your gun. Get over it! Plus about 90% of population agrees.

What's sad is that you actually think these talking points from KOS or ThinkProgress are clever.

But then, you're not a leftist because you're particularly bright, now are you?

I do love how I never once mentioned buying a car in my post. I did mention operating it. I also never claimed owning a gun and buying a car were similar. I compared gaining a drivers licenses.
And did you know how to operate a car the first day you got in one? The day you took your written exam and drive test was that the first day in a vehicle and reading traffic laws?
You don't have to prove you know how to operate a gun to obtain a gun permit. ;)

Instead of trying to act like a child and prove how smart you are by calling others stupid, actually think.

And the majority of Americans do support background checks. As I stated before that is all I want, and I am mostly happy with current system. You are too busy trying to make me out to be some made up communist boogey man in your warped brain you miss my actual opinion.
Pretty much every view point you have assumed I have has been wrong. You are what is wrong with the right wing. I have republican friends who are nothing like you. You are bringing the right down by your hatred and ignorance. Grow up and get a life, and stop making your side look bad.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
If I have to jump through hoops to drive a car, you have to get a background check. My record was checked, I have to pay, I had to be trained, I have to hold a license, and I have to have insurance.

Deaths from each are pretty close.

Luissa, you have the intellect of a liter box.

Remove suicide and deaths from guns are less than a third of those from cars. Shall we compare accidental deaths of each?

And it was actually 2 million, and it's easy to prove. I am sure they track who is turned down. I am sure some still were able to get a gun, but not all of them, not every criminal will or knows how to get an illegal gun.

It's easy to show that the hate sites feeding your thoughts to you are full of shit;

From the far left Washington Post;

{About 99 percent of people who apply to buy a firearm are quickly cleared. But about 1 to 2 percent are denied, mainly because the records show that he or she has a felony indictment or conviction. The data also show that about 5 percent successfully appeal their denials.

Applications: 6,037,394

FBI denials: 72,659 (1.2 percent)

Appeals 16,513 (22.7 percent)

Successful appeals 3,491 (4.77 percent of denials)}

The claim that the Brady Law prevented 1.5 million people from buying a firearm - The Washington Post

Remove suicide? What is your point?
It's like you are trying to create an argument I never had in the first place. You want to create some debate with me so badly you are trying to claim I made some point, not sure what, so you have something to argue with.

Hate sites? Show me a hate site I linked in this thread, moron. I will be waiting. Show me where I have ever linked a hate site.
In this thread I have linked the FBI and the NRA.

So what we have discovered today, is you still love to assume my view points, and have a fail rate of about 95%.

And I am the stupid one? :lol: :lol:

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Well if it's such a small percentage you have no reason to be against it. Unless your a criminal of course.

So, you feel you should regulate people's property rights because it's a small percentage of transactions?

Didn't say it was a small percentage. Spiderman said that. We should regulate them because they are being used by criminals to kill lots of people.

So, there are hundreds of millions of firearms not being used in crimes, but you want to regulate them. However almost 100% of firearm crimes are used by criminals and you propose nothing to regulate criminals.

Seems like you must have a different agenda, bra.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That's the single best reason to not register firearms.
More than just that: The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Registration can not and will not prevent people from committing crimes with guns. As such, it is impossible to show that the state has a compelling interest in knowing who owns how many of what kind of firearm. Absent that compelling interest, it is impssoble to argue that registration is contitutionally permissible.


Registration would help keep guns away from criminals. Clearly you want criminals to have guns.

Assigning a position to him that you can then easily slap down is one of the most basic troll tricks. You reveal much about yours agenda.
Didn't say it was a small percentage. Spiderman said that. We should regulate them because they are being used by criminals to kill lots of people.

Is that lots of people like there are lots of denials?

Well we typically have over 16,000 homicides with firearms a year. That seems like quite a lot of dead people to me.

There are over 300 million privately owned firearms a year. That seems like quite a lot of firearms which are not in the hands of criminals to me. Why do you focus on what is not the problem?
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That's the single best reason to not register firearms.
More than just that: The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home.

Registration can not and will not prevent people from committing crimes with guns. As such, it is impossible to show that the state has a compelling interest in knowing who owns how many of what kind of firearm. Absent that compelling interest, it is impssoble to argue that registration is contitutionally permissible.


Registration would help keep guns away from criminals. Clearly you want criminals to have guns.
How? seriously, do you think criminals walk into a store today, give their name and address and go through a background check? and do you really think making that mandatory will keep guns out of their hands?
Didn't say it was a small percentage. Spiderman said that. We should regulate them because they are being used by criminals to kill lots of people.

Is that lots of people like there are lots of denials?

Well we typically have over 16,000 homicides with firearms a year. That seems like quite a lot of dead people to me.

yea, if you are quoting figures from 20 years ago. more like 11,000 now. plus in that time the number of guns have doubled. hmmm, # of guns increases greatly, number of homicides drops.
A. We are talking about a drivers license, moron. Are you really that stupid?

You're trying to compare cars and guns. The requirements to buy a gun are FAR more strict than those to buy a car.

The requirement to use a gun in public (CCW) are similar to those to use a car in public.

You were attempting to be disingenuous, but lacked the IQ points to pull it off.

B. I do not read KOS or Think Progress.

Sure. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You assume so much and know very little. Of Course you have to follow me around, which is quite hilarious.

I know what you post, which is either Jr. High girl clique bullshit, or talking points from the leftist hate sites.

I do love how you changed what I said, because you are too stupid to get the point. Of course you have assumed I am anti gun in past, without asking of course.
Go away Uncensored, you are drunk,

I've never changed a backquote, you drooling sot.
Well we typically have over 16,000 homicides with firearms a year. That seems like quite a lot of dead people to me.

The number is typically 10,000 (according to FBI stats) and 8,000 are typically gang related. We basically have a very gigantic issue with poverty, and the violence that ensues as a result on our hands; that is what I think Obama should address first and foremost - not "assault weapons".
I do love how I never once mentioned buying a car in my post.

You (or rather the hate site you got your talking points from) attempted to compare BUYING a gun with OPERATING a car in public.

I did mention operating it. I also never claimed owning a gun and buying a car were similar. I compared gaining a drivers licenses.

You compared getting a drivers license + insurance + registration to simply buying a gun, then declared that the process was more difficult.

Your comparison was dishonest. But I don't blame you Luissa, you're just repeating talking points, you don't grasp what they actually mean. Your intent isn't to deceive, your intent is to get a pat on the head from Jillian and Shortbus...

And did you know how to operate a car the first day you got in one? The day you took your written exam and drive test was that the first day in a vehicle and reading traffic laws?

I knew how to operate a car long before I ever bought one.

I knew how to shoot and safely handle a gun long before I ever bought one.

You don't have to prove you know how to operate a gun to obtain a gun permit. ;)

To the best of my knowledge, CCW's require certificates of training. Texas and Florida have VERY strict requirements.

So again, you're posting bullshit.

Instead of trying to act like a child and prove how smart you are by calling others stupid, actually think.

What I think is that you are a vacuous fool, posting talking points you don't actually understand.

And the majority of Americans do support background checks. As I stated before that is all I want, and I am mostly happy with current system. You are too busy trying to make me out to be some made up communist boogey man in your warped brain you miss my actual opinion.

How nice, a straw man... :doubt:

Pretty much every view point you have assumed I have has been wrong. You are what is wrong with the right wing. I have republican friends who are nothing like you. You are bringing the right down by your hatred and ignorance. Grow up and get a life, and stop making your side look bad.

I only go by what you post, or cut and past from Moveon, as the case may be.

You spew leftist idiocy, which is only fair, since you are an idiot.
Well we typically have over 16,000 homicides with firearms a year. That seems like quite a lot of dead people to me.

The number is typically 10,000 (according to FBI stats) and 8,000 are typically gang related. We basically have a very gigantic issue with poverty, and the violence that ensues as a result on our hands; that is what I think Obama should address first and foremost - not "assault weapons".

I think your right on the stat, not sure where I found the higher number. It's still a very high number when compared to even wars. I think we would be better off going after inequality and mental health. But republicans won't do anything for those either. Since nothing will be done on those fronts I say try to keep guns from them so closing background check loopholes, registration, and mag cap limits is the way to go.
I think your right on the stat, not sure where I found the higher number. It's still a very high number when compared to even wars. I think we would be better off going after inequality and mental health. But republicans won't do anything for those either. Since nothing will be done on those fronts I say try to keep guns from them so closing background check loopholes, registration, and mag cap limits is the way to go.

A few things though; when comparing gun deaths a more meaningful comparison (in my view) would be considering the likelihood of a soldier dying in war vs a citizen of the US dying in peacetime (by gun). You need to consider that the Iraq war pool (of US troops at the peak) was only 0.05% the size of the overall US pool. You know what I mean?

315,000,000 US citizens and only 170,000 Iraq troops; obviously there is probably going to be more "deaths by gun" in the citizen pool due to the sheer numbers.

And I would absolutely guarantee you are many times more likely to be killed by a gun in Iraq vs. a random location in the US.
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I think your right on the stat, not sure where I found the higher number. It's still a very high number when compared to even wars. I think we would be better off going after inequality and mental health. But republicans won't do anything for those either. Since nothing will be done on those fronts I say try to keep guns from them so closing background check loopholes, registration, and mag cap limits is the way to go.

A few things though; when comparing gun deaths a more meaningful comparison (in my view) would be considering the likelihood of a soldier dying in war vs a citizen of the US dying in peacetime (by gun). You need to consider that the Iraq war pool (of US troops at the peak) was only 0.05% the size of the overall US pool. You know what I mean?

315,000,000 US citizens and only 170,000 Iraq troops; obviously there is probably going to be more "deaths by gun" in the citizen pool due to the sheer numbers.

And I would absolutely guarantee you are many times more likely to be killed by a gun in Iraq vs. a random location in the US.

Oh I agree Iraq was much more dangerous for our troops. I'm just putting the total numbers in perspective. It makes me sad we lost so many troops in the 10 years or whatever of the Iraq war. But then we are losing like twice that per year to gun homicides right here where people should be safer. I don't think anyone should treat the number like it is small unless you have little value for life.

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