What if the VA scandal is not what it appears... What if it is a sneaky Obama Gotcha?


Senior Member
May 5, 2014
What if the VA scandal is not what it appears... What if it is a sneaky Obama Gotcha?

So, in 2014, the VA scandal totally discredited the current batch of VA administrators, and a blue ribbon panel is convened to look into solutions to the problem.

In mid 2015, the panel quietly reports its findings and recommendations to the public, but ...

the event goes almost unnoticed because of being overshadowed by the massed air strike and marine invasion to recover the 200 kidnapped Nigerian School Girls... who were not found after the bodies of the Nigerian Governments Enemies were bagged...

In late 2015, quietly, as if it is normal business, the recommendations of the panel begin to be phased in under the radar.

By 2016, the process is complete, All VA hospital funding is now absorbed into the greater ObamaCare funding and cost structure, and all VA hospitals are now also ObamaCare Medical centers.

In these reformatted, unified ACA medical centers, the needs of the medicare, medicad, and undocumented immigrants can be seen, and at higher priority than that for vets, since the immigrants have traditionally under-served.

The hiring of the staff for the new ICE/Low Income Hospitals is now completely under the control of the federal government and has to meet the Race-Concordance metrics of the ACA.

The New Obama Cabinet Level Office of Diversity Heads the Transition.

And We get Suckered again!

If Obama announced next spring, that by Exec Order, the VA hospital system would be merged in funding and control into the ACA, would you support it?
Can't happen without congress, he will have a republican congress for his last two years, life for the mulatto messiah will officially suck.
What if this is all a dreaaaaaaaam... :eek:

Well, I think a "Dream" looks more like :

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=smEqnnklfYs]Martin Luther King - I Have A Dream Speech - August 28, 1963 - YouTube[/ame]

The VA scandal might qualify as a Nightmare though...

What if the VA scandal is not what it appears... What if it is a sneaky Obama Gotcha?

So, in 2014, the VA scandal totally discredited the current batch of VA administrators, and a blue ribbon panel is convened to look into solutions to the problem.

In mid 2015, the panel quietly reports its findings and recommendations to the public, but ...

the event goes almost unnoticed because of being overshadowed by the massed air strike and marine invasion to recover the 200 kidnapped Nigerian School Girls... who were not found after the bodies of the Nigerian Governments Enemies were bagged...

In late 2015, quietly, as if it is normal business, the recommendations of the panel begin to be phased in under the radar.

By 2016, the process is complete, All VA hospital funding is now absorbed into the greater ObamaCare funding and cost structure, and all VA hospitals are now also ObamaCare Medical centers.

In these reformatted, unified ACA medical centers, the needs of the medicare, medicad, and undocumented immigrants can be seen, and at higher priority than that for vets, since the immigrants have traditionally under-served.

The hiring of the staff for the new ICE/Low Income Hospitals is now completely under the control of the federal government and has to meet the Race-Concordance metrics of the ACA.

The New Obama Cabinet Level Office of Diversity Heads the Transition.

And We get Suckered again!

Shame on you! You left out the part about the spoce aliens using some of the VA hospitals to carry out experiments on earthlings. You also neglected to mention how the Obama administration would suddenly find Elvis and parade him before the nation to hide what they are doing. And finally you forgot to mention how the FEMA camps would start rounding up conservatives and taking away their guns. Sheecch!!! If you are going to post stuff like this you should be sure to get all the facts.
Help me out, here. Should I file your OP under "The sky is falling" or under "Once upon a time?"
What if the VA scandal is not what it appears... What if it is a sneaky Obama Gotcha?

So, in 2014, the VA scandal totally discredited the current batch of VA administrators, and a blue ribbon panel is convened to look into solutions to the problem.

In mid 2015, the panel quietly reports its findings and recommendations to the public, but ...

the event goes almost unnoticed because of being overshadowed by the massed air strike and marine invasion to recover the 200 kidnapped Nigerian School Girls... who were not found after the bodies of the Nigerian Governments Enemies were bagged...

In late 2015, quietly, as if it is normal business, the recommendations of the panel begin to be phased in under the radar.

By 2016, the process is complete, All VA hospital funding is now absorbed into the greater ObamaCare funding and cost structure, and all VA hospitals are now also ObamaCare Medical centers.

In these reformatted, unified ACA medical centers, the needs of the medicare, medicad, and undocumented immigrants can be seen, and at higher priority than that for vets, since the immigrants have traditionally under-served.

The hiring of the staff for the new ICE/Low Income Hospitals is now completely under the control of the federal government and has to meet the Race-Concordance metrics of the ACA.

The New Obama Cabinet Level Office of Diversity Heads the Transition.

And We get Suckered again!

Shame on you! You left out the part about the spoce aliens using some of the VA hospitals to carry out experiments on earthlings. You also neglected to mention how the Obama administration would suddenly find Elvis and parade him before the nation to hide what they are doing. And finally you forgot to mention how the FEMA camps would start rounding up conservatives and taking away their guns. Sheecch!!! If you are going to post stuff like this you should be sure to get all the facts.
Help me out, here. Should I file your OP under "The sky is falling" or under "Once upon a time?"

So if Obama ever tries to use the VA scandal to justify merging the control and funding of the VA hospital system into the ACA, we can count on your helping U.S. stop the plan then?
Can't happen without congress, he will have a republican congress for his last two years, life for the mulatto messiah will officially suck.
Based upon your skill at calling the last election for romney, can you give us any reasons WHY we should pay any attention to any of your predictions.
The fact of the matter is that it is possible that Democrats learned their lesson in 2012. After watching the gop shut down the government, continue their war on women, ignore the immigration problem, cut SNAP benefits to the poorest of Americans, refuse to pass any legislation that would make America better, and work to take the vote away from anyone who would vote republican, people they may finally realize that they need to stick a stake in the heart of the gop and destroy them once and for all. Pissing off every demographic in the US, except for old, white men, is no way to win elections.
What if the VA scandal is not what it appears... What if it is a sneaky Obama Gotcha?

So, in 2014, the VA scandal totally discredited the current batch of VA administrators, and a blue ribbon panel is convened to look into solutions to the problem.

In mid 2015, the panel quietly reports its findings and recommendations to the public, but ...

the event goes almost unnoticed because of being overshadowed by the massed air strike and marine invasion to recover the 200 kidnapped Nigerian School Girls... who were not found after the bodies of the Nigerian Governments Enemies were bagged...

In late 2015, quietly, as if it is normal business, the recommendations of the panel begin to be phased in under the radar.

By 2016, the process is complete, All VA hospital funding is now absorbed into the greater ObamaCare funding and cost structure, and all VA hospitals are now also ObamaCare Medical centers.

In these reformatted, unified ACA medical centers, the needs of the medicare, medicad, and undocumented immigrants can be seen, and at higher priority than that for vets, since the immigrants have traditionally under-served.

The hiring of the staff for the new ICE/Low Income Hospitals is now completely under the control of the federal government and has to meet the Race-Concordance metrics of the ACA.

The New Obama Cabinet Level Office of Diversity Heads the Transition.

And We get Suckered again!

Shame on you! You left out the part about the spoce aliens using some of the VA hospitals to carry out experiments on earthlings. You also neglected to mention how the Obama administration would suddenly find Elvis and parade him before the nation to hide what they are doing. And finally you forgot to mention how the FEMA camps would start rounding up conservatives and taking away their guns. Sheecch!!! If you are going to post stuff like this you should be sure to get all the facts.
Help me out, here. Should I file your OP under "The sky is falling" or under "Once upon a time?"

So if Obama ever tries to use the VA scandal to justify merging the control and funding of the VA hospital system into the ACA, we can count on your helping U.S. stop the plan then?
If "if's" and "but's" were candy and nuts, what a sweet world it would be. As far as I am concerned you are delusional and in danger of losing touch with reality. You post is just another in the long list of posts designed to scare the gop cowards. It should be included with the following:
The government is going to round up conservatives and send them to FEMA camps.
The government is going to go door to door and take away all the guns.
The government is going to go full socialist and start nationalizing the oil industry.
The government is going to run a red flag operation and cancel the 2016 elections.
The government is preparing to take over the nation and arrest ALL conservatives.
The government is planning to turn the US over to The New World Order.
The government is going to seize all the assets of the rich and give it to the poor.
The government is going to promise the poor everything so they can get their vote.
And on, and on, and on, an................
YOU people live in a bubble that is surrounded by fear mongering. You have almost no touch with reality. EVERY SINGLE DAY I READ ON THIS BOARD HOW THE SKY IS FALLING. And every day, it does not fall. Every day I see one fear mongering post after another. Your post is not much different than any other fear mongers although it is a bit more inventive. It is fear mongering, none the less.
Can't happen without congress, he will have a republican congress for his last two years, life for the mulatto messiah will officially suck.
Based upon your skill at calling the last election for romney, can you give us any reasons WHY we should pay any attention to any of your predictions.
The fact of the matter is that it is possible that Democrats learned their lesson in 2012. After watching the gop shut down the government, continue their war on women, ignore the immigration problem, cut SNAP benefits to the poorest of Americans, refuse to pass any legislation that would make America better,and work to take the vote away from anyone who would vote republican, people they may finally realize that they need to stick a stake in the heart of the gop and destroy them once and for all. Pissing off every demographic in the US, except for old, white men, is no way to win elections.

With talk like that how is anyone supposed to take you seriously, hell even you don't know what you're saying. :cuckoo::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You still haven't answered the question.

If Obama tries to use the VA scandal to absorb the VA, its equipment, facilities, and funding, into the ACA, will we have your support in stopping that change?

It is a very simple question.

The ACA does not have a Hospital system NOW!

But it COULD have one.... if the VA system was absorbed.
No one would go for that. It is not something obama can do by executive order.

There will be no rescue of the Nigerian school girls either. Boko Haram has close ties with the Clintons. You can bet the gruesome twosome are frantically working behind the scenes to protect the terrorists.
No one would go for that. It is not something obama can do by executive order.

There will be no rescue of the Nigerian school girls either. Boko Haram has close ties with the Clintons. You can bet the gruesome twosome are frantically working behind the scenes to protect the terrorists.

Obama has already done a dozen things that are Blatantly Unconstitutional via Executive Order.

The ACA does not have a Hospital system NOW!

But it COULD have one.... if the VA system was absorbed.

The control, funding, abilities and ownership of a nation wide system of Hospitals which are in very high demand would guarantee that ObamaCare is here to stay.

The Political and Fiscal power of the move would be staggering!

I would agree that ultimately the VA and obamacare were supposed to become part of one single payer system. However neither of them are working. The VA hospital system cannot deal with what it has. Dump two million more and it would be the worst of all possible worlds.
What if the VA scandal is not what it appears... What if it is a sneaky Obama Gotcha?

cant be

he only found out about when you did

in the news
It's all getting better, and you only found out about these problems because of the more open Dem regime. O-Care is the best thing to happen to health care here EVER, even with all the Pub/insurance crony bs and obstruction. Dupe dingbats...Many thanks for the stupidest wars ever that made this happen in the first place....and for 9/11 and the world depression and 5 years of mindless obstruction. You're the world's horror, disgrace, and laughingstock...read something or die off..
The ACA does not have a Hospital system NOW!

But it COULD have one.... if the VA system was absorbed.

why would he do that

really the last thing he wants to do

is expose the people to seeing just how crappy

government health care is
What if the VA scandal is not what it appears... What if it is a sneaky Obama Gotcha?

So, in 2014, the VA scandal totally discredited the current batch of VA administrators, and a blue ribbon panel is convened to look into solutions to the problem.

In mid 2015, the panel quietly reports its findings and recommendations to the public, but ...

the event goes almost unnoticed because of being overshadowed by the massed air strike and marine invasion to recover the 200 kidnapped Nigerian School Girls... who were not found after the bodies of the Nigerian Governments Enemies were bagged...

In late 2015, quietly, as if it is normal business, the recommendations of the panel begin to be phased in under the radar.

By 2016, the process is complete, All VA hospital funding is now absorbed into the greater ObamaCare funding and cost structure, and all VA hospitals are now also ObamaCare Medical centers.

In these reformatted, unified ACA medical centers, the needs of the medicare, medicad, and undocumented immigrants can be seen, and at higher priority than that for vets, since the immigrants have traditionally under-served.

The hiring of the staff for the new ICE/Low Income Hospitals is now completely under the control of the federal government and has to meet the Race-Concordance metrics of the ACA.

The New Obama Cabinet Level Office of Diversity Heads the Transition.

And We get Suckered again!



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