What if Trump breaks economic ties to China?

What if Trump breaks economic ties to China?

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Please point out how an already rioting Chinese population is going to riot when they have no food to eat.
Suddenly owing money doesn't seem to be such a problem.
I'd like to know how China demanding 1.2 trillion dollars will really effect us when we tell China to fuck off.
I know, I know, they'll stop lending us money to send back to them for goods.
In the meanwhile, every other nation on earth will come running to us like rabid dogs to fill in for China.

Remind me when Trump does what you ask, but first tell me why Obooba never did what you seem to think is rational?

LOL, kid you are demonstrating extremely grandiose thinking patterns. You need help
Do I have to explain to you that Obama was owned by Wall Street?
And thanks for admitting that my scenarios are possible.

Dude you do not even know what an embargo is, if you did you would not want Trump to embargo China.

Bye the way who would buy the goods that US companies can no longer sell to China? And how would these companies not go bankrupt or raise prices on American goods?

More stuff you can't answer.

Again you either need medical help, or new medications
Because the US and China are the only 2 nations on earth.
Besides that fact that most people in China live in dire poverty and don't buy stuff from us anyway.

US companies would be stuck with 116 billion in trade goods, at least if your imaginary embargo with China happens, which it never will.
Do you read anybody's posts?
That was already dealt this evening in response to you; 116 billion sounds real big but it's a tiny percentage.
Retooling would take years...what fantasy world are you living in?

Retooling has been going on for a decade. We have pulled a good third of consumer goods away from China. Mexico is a willing partner and offers plenty of cheap labor.

LOL name one quality electronic component made on Mexico


You must be a democrat...

{Mexico Electronics Manufacturing has grown rapidly over the past decade. Currently the second largest supplier of electronic products to the US market and the sixth largest electronics industry in the world, Mexico is currently home to a thriving electronics sector – one of its fastest growing industrial sectors regarding employment generation and export potential. According to some estimates, Mexico Electronics Manufacturing will increase by an annual average rate of 2.5% through 2020.}

Mexico Electronics Manufacturing

LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico

You are dense, aren't you?
More like "an asshole".
Remind me when Trump does what you ask, but first tell me why Obooba never did what you seem to think is rational?

LOL, kid you are demonstrating extremely grandiose thinking patterns. You need help
Do I have to explain to you that Obama was owned by Wall Street?
And thanks for admitting that my scenarios are possible.

Dude you do not even know what an embargo is, if you did you would not want Trump to embargo China.

Bye the way who would buy the goods that US companies can no longer sell to China? And how would these companies not go bankrupt or raise prices on American goods?

More stuff you can't answer.

Again you either need medical help, or new medications
Because the US and China are the only 2 nations on earth.
Besides that fact that most people in China live in dire poverty and don't buy stuff from us anyway.

US companies would be stuck with 116 billion in trade goods, at least if your imaginary embargo with China happens, which it never will.
Do you read anybody's posts?
That was already dealt this evening in response to you; 116 billion sounds real big but it's a tiny percentage.

The percentage does not matter to a company that needs the revenue.................Got that kid.

Do you believe that Trump has to listen to you?
Retooling has been going on for a decade. We have pulled a good third of consumer goods away from China. Mexico is a willing partner and offers plenty of cheap labor.

LOL name one quality electronic component made on Mexico


You must be a democrat...

{Mexico Electronics Manufacturing has grown rapidly over the past decade. Currently the second largest supplier of electronic products to the US market and the sixth largest electronics industry in the world, Mexico is currently home to a thriving electronics sector – one of its fastest growing industrial sectors regarding employment generation and export potential. According to some estimates, Mexico Electronics Manufacturing will increase by an annual average rate of 2.5% through 2020.}

Mexico Electronics Manufacturing

LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico

You are dense, aren't you?
More like "an asshole".

Do you believe that Trump has to or will listen to you?

Again you need psychological help
Do I have to explain to you that Obama was owned by Wall Street?
And thanks for admitting that my scenarios are possible.

Dude you do not even know what an embargo is, if you did you would not want Trump to embargo China.

Bye the way who would buy the goods that US companies can no longer sell to China? And how would these companies not go bankrupt or raise prices on American goods?

More stuff you can't answer.

Again you either need medical help, or new medications
Because the US and China are the only 2 nations on earth.
Besides that fact that most people in China live in dire poverty and don't buy stuff from us anyway.

US companies would be stuck with 116 billion in trade goods, at least if your imaginary embargo with China happens, which it never will.
Do you read anybody's posts?
That was already dealt this evening in response to you; 116 billion sounds real big but it's a tiny percentage.

The percentage does not matter to a company that needs the revenue.................Got that kid.

Do you believe that Trump has to listen to you?
I believe that the good of the many outweighs the greedy needs of the few.
Especially if your want the US to continue as a representative republic.
The 2008 Crash did not destroy the US or China.
Do I have to explain to you that Obama was owned by Wall Street?
And thanks for admitting that my scenarios are possible.

Dude you do not even know what an embargo is, if you did you would not want Trump to embargo China.

Bye the way who would buy the goods that US companies can no longer sell to China? And how would these companies not go bankrupt or raise prices on American goods?

More stuff you can't answer.

Again you either need medical help, or new medications
Because the US and China are the only 2 nations on earth.
Besides that fact that most people in China live in dire poverty and don't buy stuff from us anyway.

US companies would be stuck with 116 billion in trade goods, at least if your imaginary embargo with China happens, which it never will.
Do you read anybody's posts?
That was already dealt this evening in response to you; 116 billion sounds real big but it's a tiny percentage.

The percentage does not matter to a company that needs the revenue.................Got that kid.

Do you believe that Trump has to listen to you?
You two should rent a room.
LOL name one quality electronic component made on Mexico


You must be a democrat...

{Mexico Electronics Manufacturing has grown rapidly over the past decade. Currently the second largest supplier of electronic products to the US market and the sixth largest electronics industry in the world, Mexico is currently home to a thriving electronics sector – one of its fastest growing industrial sectors regarding employment generation and export potential. According to some estimates, Mexico Electronics Manufacturing will increase by an annual average rate of 2.5% through 2020.}

Mexico Electronics Manufacturing

LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico

You are dense, aren't you?
More like "an asshole".

Do you believe that Trump has to or will listen to you?

Again you need psychological help
Do you believe Trump is reading your posts?
You must believe Trump is thinking along my lines or you wouldn't be losing your sanity on this thread.
If Trump were to break economic ties to China, that would pretty much be committing economic suicide.

Besides..................doesn't he realize that China is where all the Iphones for Americans are made?
Maybe we start making our own.

And think about how the debt would go down if we reneged on what we owe china.
Dude you do not even know what an embargo is, if you did you would not want Trump to embargo China.

Bye the way who would buy the goods that US companies can no longer sell to China? And how would these companies not go bankrupt or raise prices on American goods?

More stuff you can't answer.

Again you either need medical help, or new medications
Because the US and China are the only 2 nations on earth.
Besides that fact that most people in China live in dire poverty and don't buy stuff from us anyway.

US companies would be stuck with 116 billion in trade goods, at least if your imaginary embargo with China happens, which it never will.
Do you read anybody's posts?
That was already dealt this evening in response to you; 116 billion sounds real big but it's a tiny percentage.

The percentage does not matter to a company that needs the revenue.................Got that kid.

Do you believe that Trump has to listen to you?
I believe that the good of the many outweighs the greedy needs of the few.
Especially if your want the US to continue as a representative republic.
The 2008 Crash did not destroy the US or China.

Yes Spock, if u say so


You must be a democrat...

{Mexico Electronics Manufacturing has grown rapidly over the past decade. Currently the second largest supplier of electronic products to the US market and the sixth largest electronics industry in the world, Mexico is currently home to a thriving electronics sector – one of its fastest growing industrial sectors regarding employment generation and export potential. According to some estimates, Mexico Electronics Manufacturing will increase by an annual average rate of 2.5% through 2020.}

Mexico Electronics Manufacturing

LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico

You are dense, aren't you?
More like "an asshole".

Do you believe that Trump has to or will listen to you?

Again you need psychological help
Do you believe Trump is reading your posts?
You must believe Trump is thinking along my lines or you wouldn't be losing your sanity on this thread.

Yes Spock, if you say so


The star trekkie needs medication, this is obvious
Dude you do not even know what an embargo is, if you did you would not want Trump to embargo China.

Bye the way who would buy the goods that US companies can no longer sell to China? And how would these companies not go bankrupt or raise prices on American goods?

More stuff you can't answer.

Again you either need medical help, or new medications
Because the US and China are the only 2 nations on earth.
Besides that fact that most people in China live in dire poverty and don't buy stuff from us anyway.

US companies would be stuck with 116 billion in trade goods, at least if your imaginary embargo with China happens, which it never will.
Do you read anybody's posts?
That was already dealt this evening in response to you; 116 billion sounds real big but it's a tiny percentage.

The percentage does not matter to a company that needs the revenue.................Got that kid.

Do you believe that Trump has to listen to you?
You two should rent a room.

I would buy the building
LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico

You are dense, aren't you?
More like "an asshole".

Do you believe that Trump has to or will listen to you?

Again you need psychological help
Do you believe Trump is reading your posts?
You must believe Trump is thinking along my lines or you wouldn't be losing your sanity on this thread.

Yes Spock, if you say so


The star trekkie needs medication, this is obvious
You are trying to infer that you are rational?
You have failed.
You are dense, aren't you?
More like "an asshole".

Do you believe that Trump has to or will listen to you?

Again you need psychological help
Do you believe Trump is reading your posts?
You must believe Trump is thinking along my lines or you wouldn't be losing your sanity on this thread.

Yes Spock, if you say so


The star trekkie needs medication, this is obvious
You are trying to infer that you are rational?
You have failed.

Yes Spock if you say so it must be true...........................

Even if a product is assembled in the U.S. it's manufacture may be dependent on a Chinese supplier for components. Thus an import ban or high tariff could cause plant layoffs and economic hardships for Americans and American firms. One particularly bad situation is one segment that falls into this category is our defense contractors.

The overall U.S. military made in China, even the F35 fighter with Chinese parts-anannews.com

So we rebuild out own economy back with the high productivity jobs that went overseas. So what if things are tough for a little while?
You have no answer, do you?

LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico
I answered the question...you ignored the answer because it didn't fit your narrative.

Answer this, if you care about America, why are you advocating for new factories to be built in Mexico instead of the USA. And how would Mexico be able to build these faster than the USA, and fast enough to allow Trump to Embargo China without crashing the US stock market.

You are delusional and actually believe that Trump has to listen to retards like you.

Get help
Please point out where I said such.
You better check your blood pressure because it's affecting your IQ.

Please point out how the USA pays China the 1.2 trillion dollars that it owes them, once Trump initiates your fictional embargo?

Actually laughing at simpletons like you is quite refreshing
Please point out how an already rioting Chinese population is going to riot when they have no food to eat.
Suddenly owing money doesn't seem to be such a problem.
I'd like to know how China demanding 1.2 trillion dollars will really effect us when we tell China to fuck off.
I know, I know, they'll stop lending us money to send back to them for goods.
In the meanwhile, every other nation on earth will come running to us like rabid dogs to fill in for China.

Their Big Bucks people already do; they shelter their money here, even the Red Chinese wealthy do; they're paying outrageous prices for houses and real estate here, which tells us even they think Red China sucks and so does most other places in the world they could park their wealth.
If Trump were to break economic ties to China, that would pretty much be committing economic suicide.

Besides..................doesn't he realize that China is where all the Iphones for Americans are made?
Maybe we start making our own.

And think about how the debt would go down if we reneged on what we owe china.

But the world will end if burb brats have to wait a few months to get the latest I- phone.
China would sell off the dollar and the US economy would plummet to the abyss.

You must be a democrat...

{Mexico Electronics Manufacturing has grown rapidly over the past decade. Currently the second largest supplier of electronic products to the US market and the sixth largest electronics industry in the world, Mexico is currently home to a thriving electronics sector – one of its fastest growing industrial sectors regarding employment generation and export potential. According to some estimates, Mexico Electronics Manufacturing will increase by an annual average rate of 2.5% through 2020.}

Mexico Electronics Manufacturing

LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico

You are dense, aren't you?

You have no answer, do you?

LOL so if the Mexican economy is so great why are they coming here to pick avocados when they could get a respectable job in Sunny Mejico
I answered the question...you ignored the answer because it didn't fit your narrative.

Try this one, what would the USA do if China called in it's 1.2 Trillion dollar loan that the USA borrowed from China............................

You do know that the USA owes China money right?

Nope, try again kid

Try this one, what would the USA do if China called in it's 1.2 Trillion dollar loan

How do they "call in" a Treasury bond?
Trump does have some ideas I like. I really like this idea of his. We are being ripped off by China. We do need to bring more jobs back here in the US. So what if it drives prices up for food and everything thats ok, it gives more better paying jobs to this nation.

Drastic measures need to be taken to get jobs back here in the USA. I say tax the heck out of corporations who ship jobs overseas and then give that money from taxes to the poor and lower class. I am a strong advocate of Robin-Hood politics.
So the orange Emperor threatens China to break the economic ties to the country. Let´s lookup the cards they hold.

- Actually the place stuff is made
- Largest forex reserves
- Major US loaner
- Strong military

- A large crowd of well funded customers
- A megalomaniacal madman with the finger on the red button
- Mobile, high effective, fleet with limited war capacity

Under the assumption that the USA is generally hostile towards every country, it is not a smart idea to break ties with North Korea. The economic ties are minimal anyway and North Korea has more business with South Korea. A ban would hit South Korea more while China would lose a strong ally that works as natural stronghold in case China and the USA go to war.

However, the scenarios for Trump´s America are not bright.

no one is cutting economic ties with china. all the crap sold by awl-mart (and a good stuff of the crap sold by the trumps) is made is china.
Even if a product is assembled in the U.S. it's manufacture may be dependent on a Chinese supplier for components. Thus an import ban or high tariff could cause plant layoffs and economic hardships for Americans and American firms. One particularly bad situation is one segment that falls into this category is our defense contractors.

The overall U.S. military made in China, even the F35 fighter with Chinese parts-anannews.com

So we rebuild out own economy back with the high productivity jobs that went overseas. So what if things are tough for a little while?

Hi productivity jobs did not go overseas. Low productivity jobs went overseas.

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