What if Trump had won?

Cling to your fantasy about how everyone picks on Crybaby Trump

The reality is the outrage over the murder of George Floyd ran its course

And it just HAPPENED to run out, about the time the election ended. Right.

Mmm, yeah, that's not very convincing.
That is the claim. But then why did the rioting just happen to stop/reduce after the election?

The riots were at their height in the Summer of 2020
Trumps indifference and threats only made them worse

By November, they had run their course
Already been explained to you. Police shooting unarmed black men.
But, to be fair, your savior didn't help the situation.

Yes, not buying it.

The riots were at their height in the Summer of 2020
Trumps indifference and threats only made them worse

By November, they had run their course

By november of 2020? Is that what you are claiming?
So, I haven't seen any numbers on it, but it seems like with Trump's defeat that the lefty riots have mostly stopped.

I doubt that the police have become perfect so, that raises the question as to why.

And, imo, it raises the question, did people realize that the violence coming from the left was becasue of Trump and if so, could it have had an impacct on the election?

When is there not a crisis on the border?
All thru Trump's 4 years -- there was a border crisis...

There was always "caravans" around the corner whenever there were midterms or other elections coming up...

Or photo ops at the border whenever fundraising needed to be ramped up...or in Steve Bannon's case, flat out theft.....

We know what really drives the whole border freakout...dirty brown people coming in making our country impure...
you should be ashamed calling brown people dirty...you are a racist swine...go away pig
I hope biden wins....he is making the democrat party look like senile fools

Biden is actually achieving his agenda

The rants from the right that he was bringing down the Democratic Party never panned out

Guess who is bringing down the Republican Party?
So the assumption is that the BLM based riots were intended to get old Brandon elected. That's a hell of an accusation but it's probably true.
So the assumption is that the BLM based riots were intended to get old Brandon elected. That's a hell of an accusation but it's probably true.

Or else they could have been protests about police violence without accountability.

None of the protestors cared about Joe Biden
Isn't it likely that democrats and their minions in the mainstream media promoted and encouraged the climate of hatred and social unrest during the Trump administration? Is it possible that the unintended consequence of democrats and the media encouraging social and racial unrest got out of hand and the doddering old fool in the W.H. is still being protected by the fawning media? Stores are going out of business due to shoplifting and (let's admit it) white people are falling victim to racist attacks in broad daylight on city streets. Black kids are killing each other at an alarming rate in Chicago and the mayor takes no responsibility.

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