What if you woke up one morning and evil didn't exist any more?

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Your definition of evil or mine?

Evil is what it is, not what you want it to be.

No more greed. No more crime. No more war. No more money. No more disease. No more death. No more hate. No more murder.
If evil didn't exist, then Adam and Eve would not have been deceived. If evil didn't exist, then nobody would do anything wrong. It would be peace, love and brotherhood. I wonder how many couldn't live in a world like that.
Is death evil?
How long could this planet sustain itself before running out of resources if nobody died?

Without death and things not-existing any more, we wouldn't even be here. Every atom of our bodies comes from 'dying' stars when some of them went supernova. Universe would be dead without death since nothing could ever end and its atoms become parts of new things.
Yeah, that's why God gets blamed for all the bad things that happen, like earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis. God is bad, Satan is good, sure. That's why so many here think living without evil is impossible. Humans are so easily deceived.

Yadda-Yadda-Yadda ... Blah-Blah-Blah ... Bullshit.

If evil didn't exist ... No one would be missing or have a hard time living without what never was.
You are the person suggesting the idea that a world without evil would be difficult for anyone.

The fact you want people chasing their preverbal tails around in circles trying to digest your bullshit is a humorous endeavor to watch.

I suggested no such thing. But I'll cut off your tail if it will help you to quit chasing it.
Our references would change.

If the worse thing ever was an ingrown toenail, people that got them would cry that god had forsaken them.

If people didn't kill each other, a shoulder bump would become a grievous assault.

basically, you can't have an evil free life, human nature won't allow a vacuum

You are still trying to make evil continue to exist. Nature is not against God.

Evil always has existed and always will. Why? Because God has always existed and He is Good. If Good exists, evil must also.

Evil will always exist, the question is whether we will choose good over evil or let evil overcome us.

Quit pretending to be God, and get off his throne. You defy the words in Revelations that says evil will be destroyed, proving that you are a false prophet.
Revelations 20:10
[10] And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Revelations 21:4
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Except it doesn't mention evil being destroyed. In fact, it specifically says the devil and all his angels will be in a lake of fire and brimstone suffering forever and ever.

If evil ceased to exist, how could the devil exist? And if the devil doesn't exist how does he suffer forever and ever?
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Evil is what it is, not what you want it to be.

No more greed. No more crime. No more war. No more money. No more disease. No more death. No more hate. No more murder.
If evil didn't exist, then Adam and Eve would not have been deceived. If evil didn't exist, then nobody would do anything wrong. It would be peace, love and brotherhood. I wonder how many couldn't live in a world like that.
Is death evil?
How long could this planet sustain itself before running out of resources if nobody died?

Without death and things not-existing any more, we wouldn't even be here. Every atom of our bodies comes from 'dying' stars when some of them went supernova. Universe would be dead without death since nothing could ever end and its atoms become parts of new things.

Well I don't know--and neither do you--what the origin of much of anything was. We can only make reasoned guesses based on observation of the way things are. Which led us to the 'big bang' theory, and all the other mysteries and theories of the universe, such theories always in a state of flux as new discoveries are made. Just this past week I was watching a special on I believe National Geographic channel--might have been Discovery--on these enormous pillars--hundreds of light years in size--discovered by Hubble--that some scientists believe are the breeders for new stars. We cannot be certain any more than we can be certain of the theory of dead stars or so called 'black holes', but it is all a fascinating massive puzzle to unravel.

But the one persistent question on which science simply is incapable of even addressing, much less forming a theory about, is how the initial substance of the universe came to be.
No more greed. No more crime. No more war. No more money. No more disease. No more death. No more hate. No more murder.
If evil didn't exist, then Adam and Eve would not have been deceived. If evil didn't exist, then nobody would do anything wrong. It would be peace, love and brotherhood. I wonder how many couldn't live in a world like that.

I wouldn't wake up, I'd be dead along with everybody else. Evil is inherent to our humanity.
No more greed. No more crime. No more war. No more money. No more disease. No more death. No more hate. No more murder.
If evil didn't exist, then Adam and Eve would not have been deceived. If evil didn't exist, then nobody would do anything wrong. It would be peace, love and brotherhood. I wonder how many couldn't live in a world like that.

You could replace all unforgiveness with forgiveness.
There would still be wrongs and injustice, but the focus would
be on correction, restitution and healing to prevent these in the future.

The possibility would always be there, but we'd be less likely
to make wrong turns or oversights in a world of forgiveness
and openness to correct mistakes in order to build a better future.
Except it doesn't mention evil being destroyed. In fact, it specifically says the devil and all his angels will be in a lake of fire and brimstone suffering forever and ever.

If evil ceased to exist, how could the devil exist? And if the devil doesn't exist how does he suffer forever and ever?
Revelations 21:4
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.

Before Lucifer embraced evil, there was no devil. He became Satan when he "chose" evil. You keep trying to convince either yourself or others, that God can't get rid of evil. Here's a clue, God can do anything, it's God's show. God makes the rules and can change them when ever God wants to. Not only will there not be any more evil, there will be a new heaven and a new earth with no more ocean, no more sun, no more night. Revelations 21 & 22.
Except it doesn't mention evil being destroyed. In fact, it specifically says the devil and all his angels will be in a lake of fire and brimstone suffering forever and ever.

If evil ceased to exist, how could the devil exist? And if the devil doesn't exist how does he suffer forever and ever?

The devil suffers because since Jesus died for our sins, there are no sinners and no one ever went or goes to hell, so the devil is lonely.
If I woke up one morning and evil no longer existed I'd know the Democrat Party no longer existed.
Except it doesn't mention evil being destroyed. In fact, it specifically says the devil and all his angels will be in a lake of fire and brimstone suffering forever and ever.

If evil ceased to exist, how could the devil exist? And if the devil doesn't exist how does he suffer forever and ever?

The devil suffers because since Jesus died for our sins, there are no sinners and no one ever went or goes to hell, so the devil is lonely.

If GIMYS and some of these other holier than thous get their way, it's heaven that will be pretty empty. They've already condemned 99.9% of the whole existence of humanity to hell. Don't believe the way they do, you're condemned.

If I woke up one morning and evil no longer existed I'd know the Democrat Party no longer existed.
When Jesus returns, you'll be one of the first to try to crucify him again. Cons worship greed, hate, money, and war. Guess who your god is.
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Evil is not inherent to humanity. It is an outside influence.
If it no longer existed, I would make my way to Jerusalem to thank the Messiah for restraining it.

That's not even scriptural.

But it is BD:

Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law.&#8230;

^ from that we know several things.
1. Sin entered into the world. It wasn't always here, or here automatically because man was here.

2. Before the group of Jews in the desert asked for laws for said group, sin was not imputed to/ blamed on us.

Jesus Christ fulfilled the law for us so that we could resume protection under God's pre-law practice of not holding us responsible for Satan's actions.
Grace/Law/Grace is the chronology of mankind's relationship with our Father, because He would rather love and forgive us than judge and condemn us.

1,000 years after Christ returns, He restrains Satan ( because Satan is spirit and spirits are eternal) to the Lake of Fire:

Revelation 20:10 - And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet [are], and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

A few other things that follow Satan to the Lake of fire:
Revelation 20:14 - And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.

Eternity with Christ is eternity here:

Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.

If there is no misery on this earth, it is because Jesus is back home. :eusa_clap:
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That's ok, BD. That you don't buy it, doesn't thwart it.
God would rather place blame where it belongs, and preserve His children. It is scriptural. That is a fact. I've shown you that.
That you don't buy it, has no effect on it. Thank God..... :)

That man is inherently evil is not scriptural. That is the opposite of what scripture tells us, about us and God's love for us.
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That's ok, BD. That you don't buy it, doesn't thwart it.
God would rather place blame where it belongs, and preserve His children. It is scriptural. That is a fact. I've shown you that.
That you don't buy it, has no effect on it. Thank God..... :)

That man is inherently evil is not scriptural. That is the opposite of what scripture tells us, about us and God's love for us.


I picture "Free Will" as a human moral taffy pull that becomes easier as the taffy warms up from use. So I see Good and Evil as mankind's moral dilemma regardless of the belief system.

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