What impeachment is really about

How would you republicans feel if per say a democratic president in the future want to the chinese for help in taking down your republican political candidate? Would you be ok with them launching a massive investigation against your guy? If not then remind me again why this isn't wrong.

Funny you should use that example. It’s already happened. Clinton and Gore were caught, red handed, and fined the largest fine in FEC history for accepting money from both the Chinese Communist Party and the Red Army.

Over 300 administration officials and campaign workers ended up pleading the 5th or fleeing to communist China to avoid the consequences.

And you can see the results in the new Missiles that China put on display last week.......courtesy of the 1990s era corruption of the clintons.....

They probably would have gotten the tech anyways as their spies are in our labs and their students are taking over our science departments. The chinese people are cunning people.

Not true. After vacuuming up communist donations Clinton gave them misfile and space technology. When Clinton entered office the ChiComs were using 1950s missile technology. By the time Clinton left office they could hit the west coast. This is a known fact.

Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China
...and why it’s moving so slow.

There are two existential terrors Democrats face. First, their internal polling shows Trump winning again and secondly Ginsberg is dying.

“By almost all accounts, conservatives are one Justice short of the comfortable margin they’d need to reverse major Supreme Court precedents such as Roe v. Wade or the constitutional validation of the Affordable Care Act. It’s unlikely that today’s Court will remain unchanged until 2025, when a reelected Donald Trump would finally be forced to retire”
Supreme Court Vacancy in 2020 Would Change Everything

Now think to some of their past efforts to subvert our political processes. For instance using a fake Russia investigation, in which Trump was cleared after years of dragging it out, to try and make the claim no appointments should be made by a President under investigation by his opponents.
Here is an example from 2017 from <<<Schumer>>>.

View attachment 283115

And that’s still the game plan. An unwinnable, baseless, slow, never completely official “impeachment inquiry” so that when Ginsberg kicks they can moan “no president should appoint a justice while being investigated for impeachment”

It’s their last chance to save their ruling politburo. She must be very very sick...and those polls must be terrifying.

No worries. Trump will ignore their histrionics and appoint Ginsberg’s replacement. The Senate will approve it. And in his second term he will appoint Breyers replacement.
And after that Pence will get his shot.

No the Mueller investigation did not clear tramp or his people.
Its always a male who thinks that female can't take care of themselves or knows their mind. Why is that. No one wants your baby??
Pence is going to be impeached along with Tramp.

Why is a male so concerned with Roe v Wade. Do you want to take rights away from women?? do you want them to be barefoot and pregnant??
Charlie Tree

Ha theres a blast from the past...Charlie Trie. Did they ever get him? Remember Antonio Pan who worked along side him funneling money from Communists to the Democrats?

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