What is a Cult?

The Left has appropriated the term 'cult' to demean and denigrate those on the Right who support DJT, even though it ain't a religion, they do not live in an unconventional manner, DJT is not particularly charismatic IMHO, and finally there is no system or community religious worship or rituals involved. Might seem to be that way due to the large crowds that show up for his appearances, but basically it's because he espouses their beliefs rather than the other way around. People do not support him because of what he wants, but because he's the guy that supports what they want. And IMHO that ain't exactly cult-like, he's merely the alternative to the disaster that is the democrats. IOW, MAGA is not a cult, it is a political faction or group, I think TRump didn't start it but he did kinda jump in front of the protest march.


You will never convince them of that-
It doesn't advance their narrative.
Their narrative is all that they have.
Both sides are wrong, but few Americans are yet coming to the understanding on 'why' they are wrong.

Dog knows I've tried many times to introduce the conversation on this board.

A hint: Escalation of petty issues into near the equvalent of a gun fight instead of facing the issue with socially reponsible reactions.

Again: Ask me on any specific issue.


Specifically, why do you think that anyone in the US gives a crap what some silly Canuck thinks?
A "cult" involves worship in a religious sense. Being a political supporter of someone does NOT make you a cult member.

True, but being unable to find any fault whatsoever in the politician in question and never questioning a single think they tell you....does make one a cult member
Complete detachment from reality is an attribute of cultists.

That means you're a cultist.

It's not a "detachment from reality" to believe that the left is involved in the indoctrination of children in school, and exposing them to such perversions as gay sex an transgenderism. Those are proven facts, which is why we on the right abhor those things being foisted on children by the deviant, perverted, and godless left.
So I've been studying the identification and behaviors of cults lately.

So it occurred to me that there are TWO Cults on the National Stage at the moment.

Christian Nationalists

Both of these groups have every single attributes of Cults and cult behaviors. Especially with the indoctrination of children. The hate/shaming cultural norms within that both groups promote is over the top lately.

Both wish to cancel culture the other side....both have affinities for those on the "inside".

Both sides seem to have extreme extremists with QAnon and child predators.

Why and how?
A cult in my book is placing any man or organization before God.

That includes churches who go the Jim Jones route, who interestingly was also a Marxist and a bisexual as well as a heretical pastor.
Both sides have some very cultists aspects to them.

There is the shaming of not accepting/believing in the "group think".

The cancel culture (isolation) of not even listening to opposing ideas or ideals. Or the shouting down of opposition.

The one thing that I'm not really seeing on either of the two sides I mentioned in the OP was encouraging, requesting, or demanding of some form of self sacrifice that often is a hallmark of Cults. So other than this one aspect....both sides got cult behaviors in spades.
No one even knows what a christian nationalist is. This is just another lib description trying to demean christians. But yeah, the lgbt alphabet people are not tolerant and reside in a death cult and then there is the glowarm and earth worship religious cult.
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Generally very weak minded and non directional people taken over by a charismatic and deceptive leader
It’s why conservatives can’t be in a cult-we are thinkers who have made much of our lives and don’t sit in a stew claiming others have taken life’s pleasures from us.
Both sides have some very cultists aspects to them.

There is the shaming of not accepting/believing in the "group think".

The cancel culture (isolation) of not even listening to opposing ideas or ideals. Or the shouting down of opposition.

The one thing that I'm not really seeing on either of the two sides I mentioned in the OP was encouraging, requesting, or demanding of some form of self sacrifice that often is a hallmark of Cults. So other than this one aspect....both sides got cult behaviors in spades.
You should not be encouraged.

The human race has a horrible track record in case you had not noticed.

To think that they will someday find some political salvation is absurd.
The term "Christian" is generally assumed to be a mainstream religion protected by the 1st Amendment since the Nation was created. Nationalists are people who honor and respect their own country. Only an anti-American member of an ignorant hate filled cult could classify Christion nationalists as cult members.
The term "Christian" is generally assumed to be a mainstream religion protected by the 1st Amendment since the Nation was created. Nationalists are people who honor and respect their own country. Only an anti-American member of an ignorant hate filled cult could classify Christion nationalists as cult members.
Are you a Christian?


Do you believe in a country with borders as sovereign with it's leaders representing its voters, thus putting that country first?


Then you be a Christian nationalist I reckon.

Lock up your daughters and await them to destroy democracy!!

So I've been studying the identification and behaviors of cults lately.

So it occurred to me that there are TWO Cults on the National Stage at the moment.

Christian Nationalists

Both of these groups have every single attributes of Cults and cult behaviors. Especially with the indoctrination of children. The hate/shaming cultural norms within that both groups promote is over the top lately.

Both wish to cancel culture the other side....both have affinities for those on the "inside".

Both sides seem to have extreme extremists with QAnon and child predators.

Why and how?
Perhaps you should have pursued an understanding of the characteristics of cults before starting this thread.

Cults share these traits
  • Authoritarian control: Cultism hinges on encouraging maximum dependency. ...
  • .....do you think Woke/LGBTQ/BLM are authortarian? PLEASE
  • Extremist beliefs: Cult members hold to very dogmatic and extreme beliefs. ...
  • ....What are the extremist beliefs of "woke" people?
  • Isolation from society: As soon as new members join a cult, other adherents work hard to isolate them from family members and friends.
  • ....Woke/LGBTQ/BLM people are trying to JOIN society.

Perhaps you should do further research.
The Left has appropriated the term 'cult' to demean and denigrate those on the Right who support DJT, even though it ain't a religion, they do not live in an unconventional manner, DJT is not particularly charismatic IMHO, and finally there is no system or community religious worship or rituals involved. Might seem to be that way due to the large crowds that show up for his appearances, but basically it's because he espouses their beliefs rather than the other way around. People do not support him because of what he wants, but because he's the guy that supports what they want. And IMHO that ain't exactly cult-like, he's merely the alternative to the disaster that is the democrats. IOW, MAGA is not a cult, it is a political faction or group, I think TRump didn't start it but he did kinda jump in front of the protest march.

Definitely not a cult.
True, but being unable to find any fault whatsoever in the politician in question and never questioning a single think they tell you....does make one a cult member
Nope. Lookup the definition of cult. Trump is apolitical candidate with supporters, nothing more.
Look at Biden supporters/ They support a guy who is old, senile, and probably won't live thru a 2nd term. That is a cult.

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